(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

er.. gummibear, sounds to me.. u cold war with ur hubby hor, boh hua leh... u have to take the night duties.

i have a 3yo, just like u. just that, mine is boy boy la. My boy is those type where he "eat soft dun eat hard" de. So knowing his pattern, i'll always use the soft method on him. But my hubby say i'm spoiling him. So, occassionally, i'll let hubby use the hard method on him and guess what?? it backfires~!!!! corz the harder he is on my boy, the more the boy refuse to cooroperate~!!! lolz.. i'll use that chance to tell him.. "see... why not just tok to him nicely leh?". He tries, and it worked. So hor.. have to let him try to believe lo. then again, it's good that my hubby is so tough on him. Corz daddy is the discipline master lo. On occassions when my son "ki siao" and refuse everything even the soft methods, i'll just say "I'll tell daddy and he smacks you, i dunno ah!!".. usually that works. lolz.

When it comes to discipline kids.. really need to communicate with partner lo. Cannot you one pattern then he one pattern.. the kids will get very confused de. Even with ILs oso must synchronise.

Don't cold war liaoz la. Talk to your hubby. =)


jasda: me ~! me~! harbourfront very near my place! haha.

piglet08: ya lo.. reach liaoz. You look see look see what you want.. maybe have others who can join in. =)

vic vic: u ah ~! lolz... making me an addict too lo! i go c c liaoz then let u know hor. hee

Jasda, how much is the trial? I'm interested.

Re: hubby

I must say I'm thankful that my hubby's around to help me. He's very hands on with my boy. Must look at the good points about him.

Orangey, my hub also like ur hub, wants his own private time. But thankfully, he'll do his gaming after me and baby sleeps. The only thing I can't stand is him fiddling with his hp when I'm trying to talk to him.


I'm buying GAP and ON too.. heehee but I'm buying on my own not gg thru sprees.. for my girl and boy I oradi have 30+ pcs!

Hi dazz, if you still have the Avent pacifier, any size - 0-3 / 3-6M / 6-12, i can buy from you. Let me know how to collect. Yew Tee, Hougang, Boon Keng, Chinatown, Sengkang or Buangkok, all destination ok de. How much ah?

My gal is super pacifier queen. She LOVES the pacifier and her thumb zhu zhu... think her mouth next time will be big lo, coz she so greedy, having pacifier in her mouth, she can sneak in her thumb. Salute her lo. So, for safety, i will change her pacifier every 6 weeks lo, or something slightly more like 7/8 weeks. If anyone got good lobang for avent pacifer, let me know. I now buy from kiddy palace or tang if i go orchard, coz then Tangs card will have 10% rebate for every $10. BPA free is $14.90 for 1 pair lo.

But well, as long as she well behave, I surrender to it. Ever since she hospitalized twice, now I have to submit to the fate liaw that she is badly spoilt!

Good news is that I got the project back in my mum's place for 6 months, extendable if performance is good and customer continue to sign, so going to move back with 2 kids on 15 Sept. So, now busy packing. My dad will come over to help with the transporting things back. My dad is like bangladesh labor, helpful and very hands on, but eat a lot too. So, see? My hubby can off hand one lor, everythign no chap one. His Xbox is his life, and his 2 kids, dont know if his toy or not that can put aside one. I busy packing, he is like NONE OF HIS BUSINESS!!! Wah lao...

brandfans.. i know i have 0-3 & 3-6, but dun think have 6-12. I go back check with let u know k.

If you need more stocks, maybe u can check out the chinatown shop?? I know she sells the Avent teats much cheaper compared to KP.

are you gg for the 4th sep gathering? If so, i can pass to you then? if you want earlier, then can meet u chinatown. =)


Old navy - keen hhaaa.. But I onli cn browse through the web on wkend


Hw much / duration for the gymboree? Do u know?

Dazz, i not going for the 4 Sep gathering as my gal just recovered and just want to stay away in case infect other baby also. PD said best dont get flu next 2 months, so she is now "jailed" at home only. Then most likely the asthmatic cough and phlegm will go away. Coz once kena asthma i think is life long things lo, so took extra precaution on that.

Where you staying? I can arrange my friend/colleagues ard your area to pick up for me as i will go back office to do the paper work for the contract etc next week, so can pick up from them. Can PM me your addy? I can take all u have la, how much you letting go? Thanks ya.

Dear Mommies, I'm planning to organize for a playgym session or trial class at the Gymboree, Harborfront, some time in late Sept or early Oct. (should be on a weekend)

Do let me know if you're interested.


1. Pinkzee

2. Orangey

Vic Vic,

Can I say if after 30% discount is SGD23 plus eg. $5 shipment for a pc. The cost of a baby GAP dress is $28nett?

Pai seh. I have not purchase online before so not very sure. (Sua Ku right). hahaha.

Hi Lynn, wah... really good bargain ler. 1 pairs (2 inside) only about 10.40 if i get 5 packs ah (=10)? Think i will order that before i leave Singapore. Dazz, let me know, i will still get yours helping you to clear. Then i will get more from this site mentioned by Lynn. Aiyo, shld have asked earlier ah... i thought ppl only buy clothes and toys online, never know avent also ppl got lobang. sigh sigh sigh... spent too much ealier, but never too late to know.

hello helloo..

Thanks Jasda for helping me to put up the post.

finally can peep in here for a while.. *phew*

For the gymboree play gym session, it's $12/hr for members, and $20/hr for non-members. Their membership fee is $50 for 1yr.

I've called to check. On weekends, the playgym session will only be opened at 7pm .... kinda late huh? On weekdays, it's available earlier coz their classes schedules are lighter. FYI, play gym is OTOT, can go any time you prefer, may refer to their free play schedules on their website. www.gymboree.com.sg

As for their trial classes, can join-in existing classes. If wanna organize for pte trial class, they'll require the group to be a member and sign up for the class.


YAY that you got the project!

boh chap the HB la.... let him realise how empty the hse is when you finish packing.


i have a 2yo boy as well. also eat soft dun eat hard. i have to talk talk talk reason w him until the cows come home. if leave to Mr C, every time kena smacked bcz Mr C no patience.... not that i have a lot of patience also... but v sad for the child if both parents lose it.

what works w my elder son is that he loves attn. so i tell him while holding him in my lap 'mummy wont talk to you anymore until you stop x. nobody will talk to you. you can sit in the corner and whine until you have finished' then put him in the corner and ignore. Mr C must also ignore, plus grandparents too.

if C1 raises his hand to beat me, i hold his hand firmly, look him in the eye and tell him 'no, you cannot beat mummy or anyone else. i know you are angry or sad bcz of ..... here, you can beat this pillow instead. let me know when you have finished being angry or sad'

Toddlers WILL push your boundaries. But you cannot lose it, otherwise they win. Anyway, I want to raise my boys to know they can always rely on us, his parents, so I try not to whack too much.

Dear Mommies, I'm planning to organize for a playgym session or trial class at the Gymboree, Harborfront, some time in late Sept or early Oct. (should be on a weekend)

Do let me know if you're interested.


1. Pinkzee

2. Orangey

3. Dazz

vicma, 1pc 1 slot or 1 slot per person? i found 3pcs

dazz, yalar...my 3yr old gal eat soft dun eat hard. bt by giving in to her everything oso not the way mah rite?? and when she throw temper and scream, how to talk nicely or talk sense to her?? so i let her scream until she happy, wrong meh? v difficult lor..he not on my side, i oso dun see his view...dun wan to talk to him yet..

pinkzee: ooohhh... then ur kind of playgym is not what i expected wor.. i thought it's a class conducted by one of the staff.

cellow: sama sama lo. i'm the one always nag nag nag... so i tell my hubby, now that i became a "lor sor po" ah.. it's their fault. lolz.

cellow, u mean ur 2yr old will guai guai stay at the corner and whine and cry until he finish? mine wont...so i hv to keep bringing her back to the corner then she will cry louder.


actually he will usu finish whining in my lap. bcz he really really wants our attn, so NOT talking to him is like.... wahlau... he will quickly finish so that we talk to him again.

there ws once when he kept running out of the corner. i just provide him w a chair to sit there. seems to work better, and he quickly finished up his whine/cry too.

OLD Navy spree

my friend told me must give her by today -which is hopefully by 5pm so that i can email her & pay her as well.

cos of the 30% cannot wait alot of things will OOS.

thanks for understanding - she opening a BP le cos she cannot wait 1-2 days for us she just informed me.

I'm really sad.. my colleague who gave birth in June already back to her slim figure! I'm like still fat and flabby!! :'(

cellow, urs consider good boy leh...will sit on the chair and whine until finish....mine will keep getting away from the corner.

see? mood bad = spend $$ hahaha...

Hi ladies,

Busy morning. Had to go n pick my gal back from IFC cos she got fever so given her the paracetamol from injection time.

Looks like today is complain about hd day. Hugs to all, sayang sayang.

Jasda, got more info on the gymboree? I stay near harbourfront too!

gummi please provide me with your email address & home address & a name to attn the items to

I will take down your order here 1st - i might have some emails already so 1st come 1st served thanks.

[email protected]



my friend siad cannot wait cos others would have ordered already & the longer we wait the faster OOS then if she initially want to order say 50 items alot oos very problem also -means shipping could be $1-2 more /pc possible lor .


I'm interested for the gymbore

Painful seh can't paste the whole message wif the interested participants.. Cos I'm using phone.


Its ok, shall giv it a miss..


u want me to choose some for u or not?

say 2-3 shorts/pants & 2-3 tees say around US$5 each for tees give me budget & US$ 5 for shorts & US$10 for pants & pant jogging kind softer material can be US$8.

budget - not more than

u can indicate your preference blue or brown -i might jsut double my order for u

& size importantly - i buying 12-18mths &18-24mths one to keep.

4) http://oldnavy.gap.com/browse/product.do?cid=26638&vid=1&pid=733680

Logo Jersey Shorts for Baby

US$4.99 18-24 mths

Colour maritime

5) http://oldnavy.gap.com/browse/product.do?cid=26638&vid=1&pid=753974

Sea Creature Graphic Swim Trunks for Baby

Brown combo 18-24mths


if oos


Surf-Graphic Swim Trunks for Baby

Forest floor 18-24mths




Flat-Front Twill Shorts for Baby

Mole colour (brown) 12-18mths if oos 18-24mths




Jersey Active Pants for Baby

Pink brown, light blue stripe, Bear hug silver sash bear (any one will do one in each size best – bo bian can repeat)

Get 2 pcs 1 pc 6-12 mth, 1pc 12-18mth

US$7 *2



Jersey Cargo Active Pants for Baby

Blue gray stripe


12-18mths if oos 18-24mths

these are my choices for your reference

i only chose bottoms cos tees usually easier to buy from SG sprees


ordering liaoz!

I'm done with my GAP online shopping, bot something for everyone but my girl has the most items.. lol

Plus my sil orders as well..

waiting for package to come in 2 weeks time!

I was shopped online throwing everything into the basket then wait for the sales date to start and CHECKOUT!

save the time and trouble and like wat vicma say very fast oos

maddie, no prob.. my girl was sick last 2 weeks too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] how come so many kids sick?

Today seems like mummies complaining abt daddies...

I also very angry with my hubby sometimes coz when I really need his help,he went to sleep early or surf his net...I have to do the feeding & coaxing myself...

Now,he is down with chicken pox have to be away for my lil boy & I for abt 2 weeks, I starts to miss him...

haiz.. is it when they become daddy, they extremely tired and not AUTO at all?? when we get married, he still very AUTO in helping me doing household chores leh.. now... got to tell him directly then he will do.. haiz..

dazz: if cannot add on to ur order, nevermind.. actually it's not like must buy lar.. ok, pass me the pacifier on 4th sep lor.. u call me just now right?? i call u back later.. now my girl sitting with me watching me type this message.. hahaha..

lynn: after seeing ur post, i suddenly remember once my hubby took childcare leave to go play mahjong lor.. super angry with him lor.. took carechild leave not to stay at home to help me take of my girl but went out to play.. see how bad my hubby is.. hahaha..


piglet: my hubby also likes to say me very "Ma Fan" cos i always tell him to take this for me, take that for me, cannot take everything at one go.. but i really forgot what then i need coax my girl..

