(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

vic: hmm.. tell u what.. i mail it to u 1st, u try 1st.. if can wear then pay me lor.. if cannot wear then send it back to me.. PM me ur address..

argh.. i'm addicted to online shopping again.. saw 2 clothes on fashiondolly.. another 2 from the other.. now vic gave another 2 more sites to go see.. oh no.. more damage to my pocket again.. hahaha...

dazz: i've PM u the 2 clothes I wanted.. let me know if u have enough orders for purchase then I will transfer the money to u.. thanks girl!!


keke mine since june before i went back to work so i very ma mu liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] now he half fairy can drink 70-100ml so i very happy le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


bellamy oops

zz u very fat mae?

i tot i am the only fat person here!!!

i usually use the measurements given -i dont go by m la L la or XL.

must give WAIST, HIPS, CHEST SHOULDER & LENGTH else i wont buy lor.

wow!!!! so much shopping talk today. i also buy online for myself but usually dress, so far about 40% don't fit well especially those free size one. i try not to get free size clothes. if doesn't fit well, i will sell off again at a bit discount. its better than having it sitting at home loh.

elo mummies!!! ..shopping always rockz!!!

Ming...i so love the work shirts that u bought also..too bad the designs v limited in SG..saw online some of the designs v nice esp the whites but bo hua to buy online aft the conversion n shipping.


Yeah i also have one myself now ..arghh..wobbly somemore..*faintz* ..nw when shopping i got the tendency to look for longer tops that end like below my tum tum to hide the fats ..bleah .

Juye ...the wonders of online shopping..im equally guilty of it :p ..oh well ..its therapeutic ..keke

Everyone in the shopping mood now! hehehe...

Ask you mummies, anyone experiencing any aches after giving birth? I'm having terrible aches above my right shoulder blade, under my neck. I'm right handed. Super painful, feel like going to break anytime. It's always coming back, everytime I'm at the comp or writing.

wendees ..isit due to long hrs at the pc?? i hv this ache on my left back..where the bra line is but this is all due to carrying my boi on my left shoulder though.

XLH, duno leh, could be, just 15mins I can feel the pain already. Pain comes also when I'm writing. Duno if it's my sitting position. Last time b4 giving birth, don't have anything like dat.

argh... super fed up with my hubby n i need to complain!!!

something happened to his parents recently (last Sat).. so i was told by him to guai guai stay at home.. so i follow lor.. i even cut short my family bbq gathering last Sat to rush home lor.. now his parents ok already.. so i told him i want to go back home tonight as my mum is not working tomorrow so she can help me take care of my girl.. he said better not lar.. ok, i understand, so i told him then i go back tomorrow morning and when he knock off then come n pick us up.. he still say no... what the f*?? (sorry really need to scold bad words).. nobody is at home tomorrow what, why i can't go back to my mum's place?? i need a break lor.. why he so unreasonable one?? super super fed up.. argh!!!!! :-(


hug hug

my hb also v arGh!!

Asked me when I gg to stop bfding. So long Liao

he's complaining cos he forgot to switch off the warmer!

Yest he left it ON on mode1 from 6am to 10pm. Can u imagine? I quite pissed lor.

I worked so hard and wat r u complaining abt when I'm giving the best food to bb?? Save on fm $$ also lor!

I cracked my brain how to Inc ss and here he is ranting nonsense


Hubs are all the same! My hub ah.. Everytime he will promise me that he'll help me to look after Baby J while I rest but end up, he will zzzz and when I wake him up cause I need to pump or do something, he will yell at me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Got fed up many times but bo pian I know he's tired also lah but I'm also tired what so haiz..


http://fashiondolly.com/19-1973-white-dress.html >> Sibei chio! Should I buy buy buy?

zz & orangey: now my stupid hubby went to lala land long long ago while I just finished pumping n washing.. my hubby rather spend more time on his computer than helping me lor. I know he's tired n want to relax, but can't he see that I still haven't bath but still need to coax my girl to sleep, can't he just take the initiative to help me coax her to sleep. Just super fed up lor. Told him many times that sometimes just help me out when he can, not only till I ask him then he do. Then sometimes still can complain when I tell him to do something. Wa lau..

One more thing to complain abt him. Just now at abt 8.45pm, I went to pump milk, so told my hubby to prepare the milk for my girl at 9pm, then I'll changed her once i'm done. Pump till half way, I heard my girl crying.. Maybe hungry n milk not ready yet.. Still crying, so at abt 9.15pm, I finished my pump, saw my girl crying while sitting inside her rattan chair. I asked my hubby why haven't feed her milk yet, he still dare to tell me: "oh she wants milk already, how I know." I nearly blowed out man.. Actually my girl always drink her last feed at 9pm, my hubby should know it what. Somemore i've already told him before I go pump milk, yet he can still say how he knows.. Even my mil knows that my girl drinks milk at 9pm lor, then this father doesn't seems to bother. How can I not angry with him?


Same lor.. My hub can tell me that he needs 1 hr of gaming time everyday. If cannot everyday at least 3-5 times a week. Imagine after work already so tired but then my mum says must ti liang him cause we're both still young and have become parents so must ti liang that he still wants abit of his freedom. I was debating with my mum that Im also young, I need my freedom too but I sacrifices for my boy then why cant he do so?

Conclusion: Men are never as hardworking and responsible as Women and women are better parents than men. All this applies to almsot 99% of the men population except my dad!

Sometimes I will tell my hub to learn from my dad cause my dad never fails to disappoint me and my siblings. Even when my mum's a housewife, my dad still helps with the housechores, feed/play/entertain/coax us so that my mum can rest but of course my dad is a "da nan ren" so he excepts alot from my mum too. Like for instance, he don't expect us to fall sick easily cause we're mostly at home and my mum not working so he expects that my mum takes very very good care of us but u know lah sometimes wanna fall sick really is cannot prevent one so my mum will kena scoldings. Maybe all dads are the same just that diff era?

Our hub prob belongs to the newer era ba? I always console myself with this excuse. Sometimes I also very fedup with hub that I cry to sleep and makes him guilty! HAHA..

hi mummies...

up to pump... kena sudden fever yday afternoon... on n off... now better but got popped 2 times x 2 panadols before, once after dinner n once after supper... din dare let gal latch... any mummy knows if panadol is BFing friendly? can i still give my gal my milk? im going to put in fridge n see if can give gal... if panadol is no no then i will throw away liao...


thanks! so normal ones can lah? i din take the panadol extra... but did ur doc say the safe dosage? i mean i took total of 4 tablets liao (2 x 2 times) since last night... i have a feeling i might need more later... feeling the fever coming on again... sian... i hate to go see doc + now with no help i dun wanna bring gal to clinic (bcoz scared she kena by others...) end up i think the doc will also give me panadols... bcoz i think most med not BF friendly...

tats nice zz [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

most hubs the same la, i cant imagine if they leave the last month of maternity to parental leave. i think the dads will take the leave to play golf or online games. =.=

orangey, buy buy! :p

Morning all, I hardly come in at this hour. Still super angry with my hubby n I can't sleep already. He still thinks that he's not at fault n somemore angry with me. Left for work today w/o saying good bye to me..

Orangey: I haven't start work yet, he already doesn't help out. I can't imagine when I start work, how the situation will be.. Think I can only hope my girl behave herself so I wouldn't have many many problems..

zz: good lor, at least he realised it's his fault.. My hubby ah, always think he's not at fault one, doesn't know how to coax me one..

aiyoh... sayang sayang juye. Men, haiz.

btw, ladies, er.. yesterday after i posted the msg hor.. i went back to the website and look c look c again. Then hor, as i look, i click, end up, i chalk up enough to get free shipping~!!!!

Anyway, i'll contact them and see if they can let me add order. Let u ladies know again.


cannot exceed 8 tablets a day. After childbirth, I was prescribed with panadols to relive the pain from the stitch. Has to take 2 per each meal and the instruction said not to exceed 8 tablets a day. As for painkiller, only can take 3 or 4 per day if Im not wrong. I'm a TBF mum so if the doc says its fine should be fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

upset upset upset w Mr C too.

some stoopid argument in the car over a sweet potato. i was telling him smthing abt my work issues, then he suddenly asked me to put the sweet potato we tapau fm home for brekkie under the aircon vent in the car. then i was slow in turning the aircon vent direction, and he blasted me. i was so angry that i clammed up. and cried.

after some silence he finally explained why he had to eat in the car. no one eats at desk in his new workplace, so he absolutely has to finish brekkie b4 turning into the carpark.

he said sorry for the nasty remark, but the damage already done.

super no mood now. he got stress, i also got stress mah, why he can tk it out on me but i cnnt scream back at him. sigh sigh sigh.

later my milk ss volume sure drop one.

so. must think happy thoughts rite now of my 2 boys.

need to dash off for 1st pump of the day. i m already late if i want to do 4x a day.

later then read and respond to postings.

Zz, Orangey & Juye,

My hub also the same like u gals la. Not 'AUTO' one. That's why I everyday also shagged and can fall asleep with my girl when I give her her last feed @ 9pm and then coax her to sleep. Sighhhh...

I know he very tired and still needs to drive in the morning t work so sometimes I endure and never bickle with him.

But @ times I realy forgot abt my girl pacifier or her bean bag and ash him to take he also say I 'Ma Fan', cannot get all things ready first before feeding and coaxing meh?

Then I get fed-up but never say him or quarrel with him cos I dun wanna let my girl hear or see it.

Bo Pian lor, from taking care of girl, I cover from head to toe with his help occassionally lor.

sgsc thanks later i check.


i am also mad w mine as he let my girl cry excessively yday till she puked 3 times in bed! His theory new dvd for her to watch in car not at hm crap. Then went off confrence call so long. Idiot. I was busy with bb and didnt want to reverse his decision mah


all posted out last nite considered today posted.

2nd batch yet to receive. Crayon's fish oil. &boy_boy's stuff

Juye & lovebbk: received your email. I've emailed fashiondolly. Now waiting for them to confirm if i can add order. Will let you ladies know as soon as they reply me ya? =)

Juye, ya, I believe i have 3-6mths pacifiers. I pass to you on 4th sep??


too much retail theraphy online will also kena nagging and scolding one. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

piglet08: ya lo ya lo.. especially when i dun have internet banking and have to ask him to transfer $$ to make payment. =X Lucky the biggest sum i spent yesterday was able to accept credit cards. lolz

oooh, i 'confessed' to my hubby this morning but i pitched it as a business. 1. very cheap 2. if cannot wear i mark up and sell online on ebay and earn money. =) no argument after tat....hohoho...anyway it's my money. my hubby seldom nags at me for my spending anyways :p

morning mummies..

I'm posting on behalf of pinkzee, pls respond if you're keen.

Dear Mommies, I'm planning to organize for a playgym session or trial class at the Gymboree, Harborfront, some time in late Sept or early Oct. (should be on a weekend)

Do let me know if you're interested.


1. Pinkzee


U have reached your quota of $200 for shopping liao? I am looking at a few but like Vicma says, I have to go take my measurement and see if this 'fat fat'm here can fit into the nice clothes or not. LOLx.

hi mummies

my friend who usually does on and gap sprees is organising a pte one.

30% off everything even sale items has 30% except everday steals.

Www.oldnavy.com gap also can

shippping $2-5 onwards a pc depending on shipment. bulkier items might cost more ie jeans

local postage i will collect from her and repost out.

$1-1.50/pc postage and handling.

put if oos choices esp sales items hor.

taking in additional 25 pcs pls email me




cutting :regular,tall or petite

usd amt shown


total in usd less 30% times 1.42 and prepare to transfer once i say ok

please take a slot then email me.

[email protected]













vic vic,

what is your account no? i always forget to bring IB token out. think will just walk to ATM downstairs and FT you the $30 for the 4 aqua doodle boards la.


Me too on cold wat with hb...he has different concept of discipline method as me. nvr stand on my side when i want to discipline my 3yr old. he gives in to whatever she wants, objective is just to get things done like get her to wear her pjs or go bath.

My discipline on my 3yr old is let her cry until she happy. she beat me when throw temper, i beat her back say cannt beat mummy! he see he heartpain then quarrel with me.

So angry, quarrel until my parents come and intervene. Dun care, today 4th day of cold war and yday his 3rd nite at the couch. 1st nite of quarrel i told him dun come in and sleep, so past 3 nites he auto take his pillows out, I oso keep quiet.

Fedup oso that since he is outside on the couch, means I have to do the 2x nitefeeds for baby. Anyway I oso find that he more concern with his gal than bb boy.

And yes! online shopping to vent!!

www.sgdress.com - free normal postage

