(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

don't say old lah... If you guys want a #2, sure can one. If not, then just enjoy ur bundle of joy now. Cos if I have #2, later still have to lose weight again. Nowadays, wanna find time to go jogging also hard.


Vic ma, thanks for the websites, I will look at them when I go home. You really inspire me to do shopping, even though I got no time to go out.


wah, so many websites!

you can change your nick back to shopping diva liao, haha!


i stress and plus bf some more, sure lose wgt one. so even after 2, the wgt just melts off. m more concerned abt muscle tone than the number on the weighing scale. my chicken wings and thunder thighs means sleeveless tops and shorter skirts are out liao.

no la, i m not that tall, a little bit taller than the avg singaporean woman.


you can think more abt #2 after bbD turns one.... and when you finally get to sleep thro the night!


get well soon!

ah, so sayang, you let your ear holes close! earrings are such a cheap and fun way to dress up. but hor, i pierced only when i was in early 20s. then the stooooopid gal doing the piercing at Isabella (dunno if they are still around) botched up my right ear. like the hole doesnt align properly from the front to the back, so always gotta twist my own ear round n round to find the hole at the back, then swell some more. i dun care, still wear earrings!


I am also a plain dresser. OCcassionally GG5 but frequent G2000 alot. Only have few pcs of 'flowery' clothes. I only have a few pcs for working purposes only as got prob fitting into pre-preg clothes and now feel the pain of spending $$$ on clothing. My hubby say I old liao. Like auntie. ;(

Feel like buying new clothes too wor but find it ex as long as the blouse is like above $45.

Wanted to shop online but scare cannot fit cos I really very plump and short. U saw me too rt? i ENVY YOUR HEIGHT.

ya lo, when babyD hits 1YO then i consider again.

cellow, can still wear earrings? i stopped wearing all accessories except my wedding ring. like necklace bb will pull, and earrings if she hits her head against me will get injured. hoop earrings definitely no-no.

hey hey, i saw 3pcs of tops that i want from the fashiondolly website... ahahha..who wants to share share to split the courier cost? Must be S$200 above then free leh.. i stay central so can take from me during weekday evenings or i work west, can pass during lunch time at jurong point/imm.

let me know ya.


Not all HappyBellies contain Gluten and Wheat. I think their Brown Rice Cereal contains No Dairy, No Soy, No Gluten, No Wheat.

I think HappyBellies and Organix works about the same where some of their products contains Gluten and Wheat while some don't. I think we need to check carefully b4 making the purchase [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I know Organix's Seven Grain Cereal and Organic Wholegrain Banana & Raisin Oat Porridge contains Wheat and Gluten. The rest are free from Wheat and Gluten. As for HappyBellies, only Brown rice cereal is free from Gluten and Wheat.

Hopes this helps!

I like off-shoulder tops/dress but now cannot wear cause I've flabby arms! That stupid butterfly on my arms lor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

which cereal no gluten no wheat & also as little ingredients as possible - i dont wan the ingredients listing like my COSMETICS ingredients list!


if Mr C dares to open his mouth and say i m auntie liao... wah.. i will be v sad lor.

then get mad at him and retort, you are uncle too ah - hahaha. and we will have another fight.

BUT he doesnt say such insensitive things to me. he has told me the external appearance is just the packaging, what's more impt is the internal person. awwwww. heart heart!

(psst. i think tis just an excuse for him too, bcz he doesnt want me to nag him abt his wgt)


i put on necklace and earrings on the way to work, and take them off on the way back home. has been like this since C1's days. anyway i dun wear hoop earrings at work, only studs, maybe friday can go a little wilder with small dangles. no shoulder-duster earrings for me!


haiya *piak piak* now you make me want to go to the website too.

i.shall.resist. hahaha!

let's see how long i can hold out

orangey i have a one shoulder espirt tee but bf cannot wear lor - cos cannot pull down one side to bf- but can pull up hor - idea idea!

Thanks i will go order that later!!!


So nice that you have -2kg off your pre-preg wt!! I'm still stuck with like 6kg? Haiz.. CNY going back to Taipei, hopefully by then already shed off my 6kg or lagi better shed off 10kg! AHaha then I can shop till I drop in Taipei otherwise I think I no mood to shop.

Imagine prior to being pregnant.. the bottoms in Taipei already like small for me. Need to take L size lor and I'm considered slim then! Taiwan females are known to be skeletons [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hi all,

i do alot of online shopping too.. cos i find some shops over-priced their clothes liao.. but sometimes really come out the size different.. like i just bought 2 nursing wear.. saw the measurements liao but when i got the clothes, it's super big.. doubt i can wear them.. anyone want?? later i go find the pics..

need some advice on avent pacifier.. anyone using??? i saw there are different pacifier for different age group, does it really differ?? i'm still using the 0-3mths pacifier, but my girl doesn't like to suck on the pacifier, so i'm thinking is it that i need to change the pacifier to 3-6mths?? but my mum said all pacifier the same one what.. so i'm confused..

i use avent pacifiers. my girl still prefers her 0-3 months one but i've taken it away from her and using the 3-6 months one. the 3-6 months ones are bigger. but i think if ur girl dun like avent, then changing size wun help. unless u change brands like to NUK. tats my take la. some bbs just dun like pacifiers.

regarding southaven, they have a outlet at Heong Leong garden. It's actually their office but they do stock some past seasons and current season items there at very low price.ie. jackets is price at abt 30+ to 50+, pants and skirt at 20+ 30+, knit wear etc. think from 15+ (similar stuff liek what u see during their sale) Sometimes they have current season but probably sample pieces that are going at less than half the retail price.

But hor.. disclamier... I have not been there for ages so not sure what is it like now.. Cash terms only..


My hubby will jokingly say I 'auntie' and he wun dare to say too much too cos he is also plump and dun wanna me to nag him about his weight! He will say he wun slim down cos that is his 'ZHAO PAI'.

But frankly speaking I have put on alot ever since my customary wedding in 2008. Guess u all can see in my FB. Was like 56kg and now I am ???? sighhh...


I am really plump. feel demoralise whenever I see nice clothes but cant fit in. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


i m super discouraged by sizing also when i go to bangkok. thai females are all so small built! budden. i wear S or XS when shopping in australia... it really depends on the general population la.

net negative 2kg is good ar. but not healthy wgt for me. i cannot go down anymore, i will look really gaunt w sunken cheeks.

dashing off for 3rd pump of the day!

adak, i recently bought a few pieces from southhaven - they have this make-shift bargain place at wisma (somewhere near their own outlet but nearer the toilet). not sure if they are still there but the stuff are selling at the prices you mentioned.


Hmm I think the size makes a different. My baby J's first pacifier: Avent 0 mths then I switched to 3 mths one for him. Realised that he don't like his 3 mth pacifier compared to that 0 mth one. He can suck really long with that 0 mth while he hates taking the 3 mths? No idea why.. but I think could be because he realised his fingers taste better. LOL!

orangey: go back to taiwan?? Ur hubby taiwanese??

cellow: to me, u r considered tall leh. lolz. regarding the website, go look c look c la.. no harm. haha. =P

Juye, ya, Avent pacifiers got size de. If compare, 3-6 is "longer" than 0-3mths.

Any mummies wanna buy Avent pacifiers?? I got quite a few boxes brand new. Came as a set with the sterilizer and pump but i'm not giving bb#2 pacifier.


I also encounter nice clothes but cannot wear or when I see that pc of nice clothing then I just know right away that I cannot wear one.. not suitable for my figure

so much chatting on shopping today [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i hv not shopped for myself for a looong time. everytime go out, always end up buying things for the kids. haiz.

hmm, but the fashion dolly clothes are nice [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

eh eh, i "accidentally" browsed the website and i notice some familiar dresses in other online shops. wah, sell almost double the price! here all below $20, the other site was selling at $29. tsk tsk tsk.

Hi travel doodles sent out please read instructions

Dear mums

I have mailed your travel doodle boards today wed 25 Aug. thanks. below list registered tracking numbers for mums who have opted for registered mailing.

** Note to Vicma, plse note that the mailing of 6 doodle sets is in 1 envelope instead of 2. i managed to pack all into 1 envelope - CRAYON. **

NOTE : To start doodle-ing on your travel doodle board, you MUST use the pens provided :


1. remove the sponge rod from pen (you need to PULL OUT to open the bottom cap of the pen to remove the sponge rod)

2. run the sponge rod under running water from the tap (ensure your sponge is soaked with water)

3. put sponge rod back into pen (push / cap back the bottom cap)

4. you can start to doodle with this pen after 1 min (to ensure the pen tip has absorbed water from the sponge rod inside pen)


cellow, u very bad leh. ownself "dun want to see" but ask lovebbk to buy. lolz.

lynn: so, what's your order? wahahahahahha


Hub is Taiwanese converted to Singaporean. Heh~ Hub's family all in Taiwan except that he has 2 cousins here in Sg too. He came to sg since he was 11yo so actually he's more Singaporean than Taiwanese :p

That's also why I feel so kan kor during confinement cause of culture shock! MIL came to SG to do confinement and she wanted me to follow Tw style which is to eat seafood but Sg/m'sia style is NONO seafood so I kena stuck [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

orangey: huh?? so how? end up, did u eat seafood?? wow.. good leh.. that means u go taiwan, got accomodation lo. Which part? I love to go taipei. Been there twice, not enough. I still wanna go ~!!! lolz.

vic: correction, it's a nursing dress.. i can wear the nursing top.. but it's not XL leh.. the site put M, but think it's abt L.. below is the pics..



dazz: that's what i'm thinking whether the 3-6mths pacifier is "longer".. think i'm going to change the pacifier for her liao..

lynn: she used to like to suck the pacifier, only until recently (or last month), she doesn't like already..

dazz: i may want to get some clothes from fashiondolly too.. will let u know soon..

i want the pacifier leh, but is it the 3-6mths ones??

juye i can wear the nei fits just that - it wont be a dress it will be a BLOUSE!

how much ar if i get from u.

from teh description of the size hor -its more like a 2XL le!

actually those websites i got from FB nia - sometimes play games that time at the side got these adverts lor i just click & go in.

somethings like these i posted not too bad lor i feel.

*succumb to temptation*

argh, itchy hands..

dazz, i want to buy 1 skirt and 1 dress.. i PM you, k? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


No.. I strongly refused to eat cause everyone around me even my colleagues, neighbours, BFF's mum tell me NEVER to touch seafood during confinement so I told my MIL then she bo pian lor.

Dazz, I also wanna buy. I'm going to browse around. I'll pm you later tonight. Last time, pre preg, close my eyes, anything also can. Now... nice also cannot see, need to find sthg to hide my bulges.

Wa orangey, u will be my MIL dream come true. My philosophy is opposite. If ppl in Taiwan eat n have no problem then why cant I eat. So a lot of things my MIL say cannot eat I eat. Those she want me to eat like ginger n Dom, cannot eat cos BF. Lucky my hb support same idea n speak on my behalf. Haha!


Cannot eat seafood cause of the stitch lah. My malay friend ate alot of seafood cause malay don't have a set of confinement rules and she told me her stitch itch right after she ate those seafood and there's even pus!

Btw, is there any BP on Baby Cubes?

Want to buy a few cause will be introducing Purees to my Baby J in another 1.5mths time!

www.motherslove.com.sg is selling at $16 but I think BP is $12?


As of now, we have 40 people attending the gathering. 40 people including babies and spouses and helpers!

Those haven't confirm with me, must hurry! I think we probably have to dine outdoor liao cause their indoor only caters to 40 people!

