(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

Juye,my hubby also said that to me...He said that I am very bossy...kept asking him to do this & that...he can't have his own time...I was very angry when he made a comment like this...


hi mummies

so it's mass hubby complain session today [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i'm so tired after a long and hard day at work. feel like going on part-time. then can spend more time with my 2 kids.


I want! I want! Baymic also has order to tag.

I PM you my shopping cart.. opps I mean list tonight. Hope my wallet don't burst :S

Okie, I wun b logging into forum until tomorrow morning. Anybody else wanna join in fashion dolly spree pls PM me by tonite k. Thanks!


I have a lamaze mirror best for tummy time for sale at 30% off. BNIB, just that the box not in good cond( abit squeeze cos of packing) Retail 29.90. Will let go at $20. Perfect for tummy time. PM me if keen. Thanks


i think its a code emailed to regulars ba.

I try not to learn how to vpost or like alternatives. Cos need to rob bank 1st.

zz: ask u something re the GAP order that u purchased. what u put for the billing address??? i tried to put SG address, they don't allow leh.. in the end i got to get my cousin to help me..

who wants the code for the 30% discount for GAP/ON??? i got.. PM me, then I will forward u the mailer.. but i dunno how to go abt doing the payment online.. the other time i buy is using my cousin's US credit card..

HJ: replied back to u!! but as i said, i dunno how to go abt making payment yet.. i'm checking with zz on this..


I've also sent you an invite.


You can try putting your normal SG address, but change the state to US state. I've tried that last time and it worked.

I tried to check out, but can't find the "place order" button. Aragh...

now i know how to order from GAP/ON website directly cos they do international shipping now.. SG is included.. so just follow the instructions will do.. yippe!!

argh.. u girls really tempting me to buy things leh.. hehehe.. actually i'm sort of dropping the idea of shopping liao cos of the price, but now... i'm going to take a look again tomorrow. hahaha.. :p

just finished pumping, going to lala land lor. nite nite!

Just finished MOO MOO.. hm, realli is HB complain session leh..

Hubby sometimes temper bad but is because he is tired so i try to understand loh. Now i only got number 1 but when number 2 comes along, i think is a challenge for hubby and me cos sure veli difficult to handle one.

I miss my gal.. Nite number 3 @ nanny hse for this week.. Looking forward to bringing her back on Sat..

Re: Nanny - a bit stuck on this issue. Basically my nanny is my SIL's MIL.. she is veli nice lah, help me take care, charge me low rate plus cook dinner for me and hubby. Just now i was at her hse then she ask me want to let her take care of baby until how old cos it seems she got plans to take care of her till she primary sch.. i was like "wah, i never plan so long leh".. in fact, if my parents offer to take care for me in 2, 3 years time, i will let them cos they are baby's grandparents mah.. duno leh, veli stuck and awkward when we were discussing on this issue. My nanny said she will veli bu she de baby if i were to stop bringing her to nanny hse 1 day..

morning everyone

siew ping,

its very common for them to bu she de baby one. it just like us, they take care of baby daily and will too develop feelings and relationship with baby loh. you got to decide roughly how long you want her to take care. when you have #2, also let her take care or not?

for me, #1 is with babysitter till 18 months and i pull him out to cc cos #2 is coming soon and i want her to take over #2. if there is no #2, i might leave #1 with her for maybe 2 years before sending to cc.

another point for your consideration cos your baby stay there and not home daily with you. they will be much closer compare to you. though baby will still know you are her parent but will be closer to nanny cos she is the one she face most of the time and taking care of her needs and wants.

i have a friend who is working on shift thus no being able to bring baby back except weekends, pull his son out of babysitter and put to cc at 18 months too. i heard its cos her son don't want to go home and cry when leaving babysitter's place. so she pull him out and her hubby take care in the evening when she is working.

morning mummies,

happy shopping!! just went to GG5 to stock up on my wardrobe. I guess I have finally gave in to my new figure.. and yes, I am 1 to 2 size bigger than my pre-preggy size.

BB have his 2nd jab yesterday and is runinng a fever from yesterday night.. I think the pao sheng thing didn't really work ba .. or maybe, it could have been worst..

morning baymic and adak [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my friend told me to try pao shen too but i didnt cause her baby drink liao also have fever keke

Dear Mommies, I'm planning to organize for a playgym session or trial class at the Gymboree, Harborfront, some time in late Sept or early Oct. (should be on a weekend)

Do let me know if you're interested.


1. Pinkzee

2. Orangey

3. Dazz

4. Jingzjingz

morning mummies,

i received juye's,orangey's,baymic's and lovebbk's order. Anyone else i missed out?? I'll wait till lunchtime k... then i'll submit liaoz.

Fighting for a room to pump on next tue and wed..

bloody hr executive tells me to ask him on the day of the trg itself.. wth is wrong with pple vs bfding huh??????????????

HJ..im keen.

Dear Mommies, I'm planning to organize for a playgym session or trial class at the Gymboree, Harborfront, some time in late Sept or early Oct. (should be on a weekend)

Do let me know if you're interested.


1. Pinkzee

2. Orangey

3. Dazz

4. Jingzjingz

5. woofmeow

