(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

i was week 38 3 days when i saw her tues. she didnt check for dilation - just told me bb is v low and tat i should be delivering anytime. next visit is next tues. my bb's 2.8kg - i think tats quite ideal alr coz she keeps harping on me being small so bb ideally not big then can deliver naturally.

it's a short time to stay away from durians - u can do it! i hardly ate durians during the entire pregnancy - only 2 bowls of durian pengat when i went swissotel for buffet and recently 2 durian rolls from prima deli - yummy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] wun touch alr la...


Celyn: Yep, will arrange for photog to come over too. So nice, your no.1 can take some photos with your no. 2 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hmm.. I really hope I can have a smooth natural birth this time round. I find C-sect very painful during #1's time. Long recovery time too. I am now almost 2.5 years from my last c-sect. Any mommies had a successful natural birth after c-sect?


yah. actually i didn't take newborn photo for #1. if my maternity photoshoot didn't come with free newborn shoots, i won't take for #2 too.

Hi all,

I'm waiting at TMC preparing for c-sect delivery now... Morning CTG shows unnormal sinusoidal wave pattern as told by gynae. Could be anything fr cord compression or bb blood anemic, flow into mine or something. Dun understand la... Very disappointed lor. Wanna cry as I so long for a natural delivery... Well, given options to go for daily CTG and some detailed scan and blood tests at TMC but we also dun wanna add all these stress to ourselves and baby. Happy thing is I'll get to hold the little one in a few hours time!

orangey: thanks! seems like mdm Ida is really popular. I just left her a sms to call me back... hope she is available..

hi ladies

I am back from my gynae trip!

This is my week 36 check. It was supposed to be next week, but the blood test taken last week showed that I am showing signs of having pre-eclampsia. So gynae asked me to go in today for a thorough check.

Baby is developing well and now weighing about 2.7kg. She is still not engaged but I am already 2cm dilated. Again, blood pressure at gynae was horrible. It was slightly high. So Gynae's orders were to induce baby next week.

I have made the appointment to induce on 12 April, Mon. But gyane also instructed that I am to do a daily urine test. If the test strip shows that I have traces of protein in my urine, I will have to go straight to hospital to be induced.

So it's 12 April or earlier for me to pop.

Taro, take care! Yups, our consolation is that our baby is healthy and in our arms.

Just brought Baby Kwok to Polyclinic for Jaundice examination and he has it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Need to go back tomorrow again for review cause his jaundice is at borderline level so hopefully tomorrow it will be back to normal! Pray pray pray....

Taro..stay strong!!! ..impt thing is to have a healthy bb in yr arms in a few hrs time.

rantingbaby..do continue to monitor n take extra care .


The dr said 177 and I was like huh and ask whats the normal. She said 110 and below is normal while 210 must go hospital so Baby Kwok at the borderline portion. Pray hard that our babies jaundice will drop tomorrow!

my pump is working again, thanks to my dad.. he repaired for me.. hahaha.. save me the time ti find the recipt, cos i really don't know where I keep it..

my nipple starts to bleed everytime i tried to latch my baby.. does it means that i latch on wrongly?? but baby is drinking leh, just that very slow..

i just had my massage too.. really very shiok..

gd news to share, i jus visit gynae, before birth 86kg, today went follow up chk on my stitches, im 76 kg.. Whhaaa. 10kg frm the day i discharge on 1st apr.


haiyor. forget abt the wgt loss la.... in the end just a number. how is your lil boy doing?


bleeding might just be the nipple getting used to being 'assaulted' 8-10x a day....

good to hear that your pump is working again

orangey, xlh,

what system of counting is your PD using for measuring jaundice? i only know that mine said abv 16 must hospitalise... but your nos are in the hundreds?!

jiayou taro!

i m really lazy to pump. but massage lady said better pump, i m getting blockages in my left breast liao.

Orangey (jimbok)

go medical hall n get the herbs to sgower baby kwok-- must be those old medical hall-- i did tat for my bb gal the day before her 2nd review n went down..

hi mummies,

RE: Pumping

Im using avent duo pump. Bumping aft latch on. But then I only have abt 40ml at each 10min session. SO now i tried to do 2 session continuously after each feeding (latch on), my milk supply don see good in pumping.. but my breast very full, cannot seem to empty them at every pump leh... any advise? how frequent sld i pump? how long is each session?

RE: Latch on

My bb cld suckle very well now but he tends to be very eager at the beginning. He suckle as long as 1 hr initially and as the milk flow come, he suckle only at abt 10min then turn to sleep and wake up an hr later for feeding... any mummy can advise how to make bb suckle for longer so that can sleep a little longer for 2-hrly feeding so that I won get exshauted.. im very tired now..

RE: Jaundice

My bb is down with jaundice and was admited 2 days for photo theraphy. Very worry about him and gotta gdo blood test again tml. Any way to reduce the level. The level was 11.2 as at ytd's test report. What can i do to reduce the level...im very worried now...


Nt jus a no, i put on 26 kg for tis pregnancy, the weight makes my knee no energy. Gd tat im reducing.

My boy is doin fine, onli his pi sai. I dun dare to use cotton bud stick to remove. The pi sai makes him breathe hard n fast


bleeding nipples means sore nipple.

Ur blisters have burst that's why pain and bleed.

I tio sore nipples during latch on in hospital.

Now I'm happy for my nipples as to just pump away plus bb drinks at almost every 3H.

I get my rest, he gets his fill. Both happy


Talking abt pi sai.

My boy got mucus in his nostril but cannot see one.. can hear only.

Hear liao I damn uncomfy leh

Vicma, have transferred the money to you for the milk tea. Emailed u also the details.

Celia, good for you. I've lost 7 kg after 8 days delivery.

Wonderland, for my baby, the nurse secretly advised to stop BM and give FM until the levels drop and discharged then can start BF again. My dd level now 240...

Hi Mummies,

I hv 2 new big Nuk Premium bottles to let go at $8 each. Self collect at Sengkang.. Interested pls PM me.. Thank u..


Bb doc ever demonstrate to mi using the cotton bud stick to take out the pi sai. Doc use those slim stick, i dare nt use i scare i mishandle it n poke in bb when he move. U go n buy 1 tat is wif a round bottom. Guardian hav, i saw it tat day i went to my gynae.

I dare nt eat ginger if i eat i think cn lose more n if tbf cn lose even faster.

Hope cn get rid another 10kg within another wk.

By the way, any mummies cn advise me for csect when cn I do some simple excercise like using stepper ?


U also csect? Vaccum is fine bah. every nw n then there is so many light chores to do hw to avoid.As for carrying heavy things better not.

Im thinking to trim my fat leg using stepper. Nt sure when cn start use, i scare exert too much affect my wound.

Nw my wound no plaster, i seldom wear binder onli nite time slp as a support when waking up to make milk.

I had a look at my wound in mirror, the sewing craftwork very 'xi' nice workmanship.

celia confinement means rest. U hv the rest of yr life for physical stress. Its important u rest well for this one month. Least u risk yr health for the rest of yr life.

Max u can do is wear yr abdominal guard longer everyday.



ic. then jiayou on the wgt loss, so that your knee and back gets better.

for this one month, rest rest rest, lie down as much as possible! take care ok.


just bought bb to pd for review, his jaundice level is 200. Pd said it's mild jaundice.. No need to hospitAlized, the range for serious jaundice is 300 and above.. Issit true?

zz: agreed.. so now i pump more so that she can be fed and sleep more and I get to rest more too.. both happy too.. but i wanted to try latch on too.. will see how bah..

cellow: scary to see when i pump milk with blood.. but it's ok lar.. think she's used to it.. hahaha..

wonderland: my baby also same problem.. doesn't suckle well and sleep while latched on.. then wake up every half and hour to and hour to drink again.. very tired and siong leh.. so now i pump out milk lor.. then she can have more milk at one time and sleep for at least 2 hours, sometimes 3 hours.. both happy now..

juye yr bb got diff flavoured milk. Strawberry! I also gave #1 strawberry milk before. Was told its ok. After that i imaginer her like vampire sucking my breast keke. Int the funny sense la. I told my friends they said sound so scarey.

I feel very sian le so near yet so far.

Tomorrow my girl cc closed. I will wake early send my hb to work so that i can get the car to go out with my girl. Maybe polliwogs or what wonder if i cn tahan or not alone.

cellow, orangey..bb J level was 123 on 3/30...on 3/31..it shot up till 217 ...then went up further on next checkup...was told still within acceptable lvls ..but m stil worried...nw every morn, i bring bb out in the sun for 10-15mins ..supposed to help to bring dwn the j lvls.

cottagefry..m nt v sure on what is considered dangerous lvls for jaundice leh..maybe i will ask the pd 2molo.

Wonderland, cellow,

hw come the J lvls u mentioned are in the tens while mine & orangey's ( presume same measurement used since orangey & myself were discharged fm KKh )... m curious to knw more.

vic_ma: ya lor.. strawberry milk leh.. i didn't think that much lar.. so wasteful if throw away.. so i just give to my baby lor..

xlh: think TMC & KKH have differnt measurement levels.. mine also in tens.. last check @ 13, which pd said although it's high but not very high.. just sun bath my baby can already..

celia...u may wana hang on for a while more b4 u start any real exercise..impt thing is nt to exert n aggravate yr wound...i had a c-sec myself also...like you..no more dressing n stitches removed....hehe ..wound seems to be healing quite well on the surface but we cant see the inside mah so better nt exert too hard i feel...my gynae also mentioned no post natal massage until a mth later to play safe .

juye ...i see ..yeah maybe diff unit of measurements lah...sigh...as long as bb j lvls go dwn , we will all be more relieved *-*

Need advise on immunisation. For 6-in-1 package, we only go to the clinic on baby 2nd month is it? Does anyone know if polyclinic has 6-in-1 package??

If I go for the hep B jab on baby 1st month, subsequently i can only take the 5-in-1 is it?


lie later wound tighten n when wan to walk or move also cannt lei..

Massage.. See if i slim down then massage nd le.. Save money liao.take more ginger n let out wind.


6 in 1 might hav fever lei. I chked my bb doc from thomson, his private clinic charge 1000 plus for jabs til 19 mths, all in..

Im quite afraid of those jabs cos i asked bb wil hav fever

Hi cellow, sometimes i worried if i did my confinement correctly. I have been using cold water since the first day in hospital to wash my hands and wash under. My CL did say use hot water but it never occur to my mind that wash teeth and hand also must use hot water.. Today while talking to my friend than i realise everything must hot water.. Now than start not too late hor.. 12 days already :p

You mention to lie down more.. urmm.. on the 2nd day of giving birth the nurse say i should walk around more often.. so i did.. urmm.. so i should be lying down more often is it? :p

Last nite, 7 days after delivery notice my feet no longer tree trunk n legs look pre pregnancy from knee downwards. Haven't started massage yet cos Caesar.

celia my cuz no massage but she wear the guard very faithfully. Very very think she is smaller than size 6. tum flat flat too.

Vaccination. I didnt take 6 in 1. I took 5 in 1 from polyclinic $85+ per jab. Now prevenar aka penumocoal is available at polyclinic. Bb need not queue long at polyclinics and if i not wrong mmr later is free de. I go by polyclinic. Prevenar and roto i went by my gp who charged me no consultation.

Prevenar was 170 / jab need 4 if given under 6 mths old. Roto was $90 2 dose. Just drink w syringe.

I prefer polyclinic cos their nurses are swift with thier moves. No offence to my gp but my girl cried more at his clinic than at polyclinic. But to be fair prevenar is a more painful jab and nurses inject so many pple a day their experience is really good.

All i recall was mths 3-6 damn broke. 5 in 1 $85, prevenar 170, roto 90. Its was a 350 dent for 2 mths. Hope now govt approve prevenar it will be subsidized rate at polyclinic. Rotovirus i not sure if already available at polyclinic.


the tradnal CL will say use cooled boiled water for everything, including washing hands and brushing teeth. plus lie down to rest the back (assumed that was for natural delivery since my CL for C1 nagged me that way)

yours was csection? then the nurse makes more sense to tell you to walk around more.

maybe siewping (ws it you, sp?) whose grandma was a CL might be able to tell you more.... all these knowledge dunno if old wives' tales or got basis also...

Also am damn happy cos finally expressed 60ml of milk! Not sure how come also. Maybe cos I took papaya soup for lunch for the first time. However problem now is near pumping time my nei will start leaking. Quite inconvenient.

Ranting, pls take care.

fever is bo bian one some pple give deer horn water in sips to prevent fever.

It beats falling sick with what u are vaccinating against.

And infant care, childcare want to see this bb health booklet hor. If dont hv the necessary vaccinations they might not even take yr child in.

hi mummies,

havent been able to come in past 2 days... bb now home liao... but im up to my neck with feeding... i got supplemt with fm bcoz of fear of jaundice but now i scared my bb now like wanna take easy way out bcoz i think she needs more energy to latch than drinking from bottle...

now i can pump 30ml per session ... is this too low for a new mummy? i gave birth abt a week ago... my bb intake is abt 30ml per session too but she gets cranky towards the end of the latching... maybe she too tired liao or what...bcoz i think she will need abt an hour of latching to get enuff... bcoz i need an hr of power pumping (single pump) to get the 30ml... mummies how?


how u measure the jaundice lvl? my PD always refer to like 10, 12+.. etc... where got 100+ 200+??

Hey Maddie

Thank you very much... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Maddie: Well-done! Sounds like you are on the right track.

GBH: 30ml sounds ok too but I have no experience. Maybe try Vic Ma's power pump mtd?

Vic Ma: You are still driving? My parents freaked out and banned me from driving from week 36 onwards although I don't think it's such a big deal lah. Maybe you should take your helper with you when you go out. Just in case contractions come on she can help look out for your no. 1 while you try and get to hospital.

Celia: Based on my previous research on c-sects and from talking to friends who had c-sects, you are not advised to exercise for the first 8 weeks or so. No heavy lifting either for the first 6 weeks or so. Remember not to lift anything heavier than your baby during this time. The wound may look fine on the surface but it would not have healed below the surface. Take care!


I am also still driving once in a while (like when I have to go to gynae's and hubby not around).

I just drove around the whole morning today... From home to gynae, then to Depot Road, West Coast and evern Bukit Batok before going home. Was sending the items I put up for sale. Good thing that I decided to do it today, if not next week will be on confinement then, hubby won't be so kind to help me send them...


I think 30ml is alright but should be increasing by another week. U try to drink hot beverage before you pump. It helps. I also use warm towel to massage first...if you pump 3 hourly..should see improvement. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I also drive till around 35 weeks then kana ban from driving..cos tummy hitting the steering wheels..obstruction. hee....but I think if I drive, I can do more things than to wait for hb...

Newborn shots

Was just looking for the studio for newborn shots. Glad to hear about kelly.....will check her web.

30ml can store 2 pumps worth for 1 feed while u supplement fm next feed. U offer 2nd breast after she finishes 15mins at one breast.

Ming i still drive. If i hv contractions i will just call my hb come dowm or take a cab to kkh lor. I never bring my maid out de. She supposed to do house work. And is not entirely my own maid. And i hate going out with maids. My mum's previous one has a mind of her own. I hv to keep checking if she is following us what a big fat chore! She will push my girl in stroller here and there except follow us! Like looking after another kid! Kepp having to scream at her to follow us and keep up.

I am happier doing everything myself lor. more tiring but more satisfaction, freedom as well.


Hi mummies,

I dun latch bb anymore becos just went for his 1st review and PD said that his weight not back to his initial birth weight so I've to pump out and feed him. Each feeding I've to feed him with 70ml. Right now supply is getting low or just maintaining 70ml for each pump. My right breast can pump more than left breast. I know have to Latch bb in order to get the milk flow coming in but I'm scared to latch now becos I dunno how much he is drinking.

How to increase milk flow without latching bb? I'm pumping every 3hrly everyday and result not there... Just thinking am I doing less or did I miss out anything?

