(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

Orangey and Tinybubu: congrats!

Tinybubu: You are using Kelly Soon for baby photography? We are planning on using her too. Let us know how the session goes. Can't you arrange a session for this weekend or next weekend? I think she will require a top-up for weekend shoots though.


Vic Ma,

you still have stock of the tea? I am thinking of getting 1 to try out.

Wahh.. a lot of mommies given birth liao. So good. Congrats to all of you! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I am still waiting for my C2 to give me signal. Recently he seems quite comfortable inside. No signs of wanting to come out at all.

Re: Ameda breastpump

How come another case of ameda breastpump's motor kaput again? Make me so worried of my old one now.


You mentioned you got it from last Robinson sales? It is this year? Maybe you can call Ameda office to check on the warranty?


We hav the same EDD and i hav been avoiding walking ard too much juz like u... cos i scared walking will trigger early labour and hubby is not coming back to Spore till next weekend [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

But i juz had my 1st coconut drink today... hopefully it will not contribute towards bb's early arrival...

Oh another mommy popped - Congrats Wonderland! i remmeber 3 mtds of burping bb. One is to put bb head over ur shoulder, the other's the normal bb sit upright position whilst u cup ur fist softly over bb back's n the last's to lie bb flat on ur laps n swing left to right to left...something like tat. eh..dunno correct anot.

Celynlee, u sure walk alot! wow...me sure no such stamina..getting too fat n lazy to move. My mum n aunts keep asking mi to do more walking n climbing stairs so tat bb be out soon. Remmebered wen young got tis neighbour preg n she keeps climbing the stairs in our block few times a day, then suddenly mum said she give birth liao soon aft. Now her kid also 20+ oredi..but i tink it esp helps wen bb engaged in later stage.

Pnut, hehe..sama sama lei..dunno y...as edd approaches, i get more nervous n more unprepared kinda feeling! U v brave, allow HB to travel during tis critical time..hehe...i put HB under house arrest frm Apr onwards coz i kiasi alone at home. Hope our kids dun come out so soon, at least on EDD or aft k!! Pray Hard!! :D Coconut take not more than once a week ahld be ok. I'll start next week.


i not brave lah... jus that we hav no choice (cos hubby was posted o'seas all these while... i myself only came back to Spore early this yr...his co only managed to find replacement recently so he can only come back after handover next wk)

Yup, let us both pray hard hard...hehe cross fingers and toes that our bbs stay in our tummy till due date [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


We were told during the hospital tour that photo/video taking is only allowed after the birth... not during delivery.


good to know it reached u.

Cellow ya too tired i scared if i cont to work i will pop eariler cos my bb only 2.3kg 1 week back i feel too small. Hope its 2.7 now. And 1 more week 3kg hopes hopes. Cos i not trying natural big is better la. V breathless liao everyday.

Wonderland i update for u tomorrow.

Milk tea updates all spares taken up

posted out next 2 days

ynby & friend




pending addy

silent reader


hi ladies

i'm still waiting very sianz....cos body has been feeling weird the past 2days. i'm like 40% and its really tiring. feeling faint,hot,tired, lethargic, diarrheoa and so on. false alarms are not helping either. its like i'm neither here nor there...i need my body to look after my #1, its not as if i have the luxury to just lie down...yest, my feeling faint was really bad so when my mum came over to see my son, i sent him with her. they brought him back in the evening.

almost tempted to take my gynae's offer of getting induced but would def prefer nature to take its course as bb has no complications. haiz...this waiting is getting to me..

My baby suck really hard on my breasts, now my nipples have those tingling sensations, like when you use breastpump via the strongest mode but even higher. I think now he knows how to latch.. he sucks very hard. LOL~ I hope my milk comes in early with full blast. Don't feel like supplementing baby with BM. Lacation consultant said I've got a bit of clog and when she squeeze she was alarmed I've got pretty much colostrum but hor I see like so little leh. Don't know lah.. she was telling me my milk should be coming fast. Hopefully! Now stomaache but cannot poo.. I think I too scared to squeeze due to the stitches!

April mummies,

Had given birth to my baby girl on Mon, 5Apr 940am after 24hrs of labour. Sounds long right?!

I am very tired and painful at the vaginal area till date. Just came home today and very tired.

Shall share more another day soon...


i actually asked my gynae for something to make the stools soft cos i was scared of the stitches. she gave some kind of syrup which softens the stools. maybe u can ask the nurses if you're still warded or u can get from gp if you're at home already. really helps until ur stitch is a bit healed.


Yup, I was given that in the hospital and upon discharge. Think took 2 portions in hospital but havent had any since discharge. Will take it later. Hopefully I can clear my poo my tomorrow. Mum asked me to take the black dates which she says is a very good ingredients to clear constipate stools!

RE: Weight loss after pregnancy

I've only lost 3" off from my waist! Haiz.. I think losing 10kg is impossible liao!

xj rest well 1st.

Orangey dont worry if u hv massage the water retention will go off sooner or later. Remember to wear yr abdominal guard aroud 3 hrs a day. 7-10kg or around half of yr wt gain should go within 1st mth. The rest even faster if u bf i feel.

Vic ma,

Hope so! Maybe tomorrow will ask my DH to go back KKH to get the OSIM Magnetic Slimming belt for me! Got Pharmacy vouchers to use!

orangey u also under fast scheme? I am wondering what to buy! Maybe a can of milk and some therapeutic skincare maybe.

My previous massage lady hor dunoo like magic le. Wrap this heating pad on me for 10+ mins on tum while she massage other place thenshe cameback twist tum abit i felt alot of water flow to the sides. She says its the water retention lor. I hope she not spilling water on me and bluff me.

Vic ma,

LOL! Maybe your Massage lady skills good lar. My malay friend told me that a good massage lady can help a post natal mum lose lots of weight right after the sessions provided, it is not the mom who feast herself with food.

Hi Vic ma, Can you give me contact of your massage lady? How much she charge btw? I tried mine today and not too impress.. she charge $60 which i think is quite expensive..

can we eat canned fruits during confinement? Like just sugar ladened and no nutritional value hor? Was thinking cos most fruits we buy also chilled before. Only canned ones probable heated up before.

Orangey lucida

i dont recommend her she is 700 for 10 sessions and its upfront payment. And for some issues. My friends who recommended her dont use her anymore. They used to hv her for house calls normal massage. She's too famous now lor. Rushing thru jobs and keep changing my friend's appointments until they got fedup.

I am using another one this time. same one as woofy. Our common friend from jan 2010 used her before la. I cannot comment till i have my massage le though and she's nearly fully booked liao. U want i can pm u her number ?

Who are u using ar Lucida? Sounds expensive.


I'm engaging Mdm Ida cause my friend had her massage done by her for her daughter which she find good just that she feels she is a tad talkative. Yiwen also using Ida but she is very popular lah and so have expanded her business.

Think East and North side is by her cousin? She told me that I will be massaged by her cousin cause I'm staying at the east side but she gave me guarantee that her cousin skill is as good as her cause she trained all of them from scratch. I just delivered on Tuesday and have called her yesterday to arrange for my massage session. Will wait for her call today and when I try let u know if its really very good.

Vic_ma, can update for me? I have delivered baby Gregory on 6 April. Natural w/o epi, he weigh 2.6kg. Thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morn mummies..!!

Yasmin...have a smooth delivery!!!

Congrats XJ..do have plenty of rest ..update us when u r more settled *-*

Vic-ma ..yest called up the massage lady..im starting mine on 1st may ...since c-sec, JT advised wait for 1 mth 1st to play safe .

Good morning!!!

Wow! More and more people popping!

Congrats Charismama! You must rest well and update us later.

I am heading out to my gynae's in like 10mins. I have been monitoring blood sugar for the past 2 days for all meals. Thank God for 5 fingers! If only have 1 finger, I sure burst out crying and risk frightening #1!

Anyway, blood sugar showed that everything is normal (cos I walk a lot after food).

Hope it will help to convince the gynae. I am also hoping it's not pre-eclampsia or eclampsia. Hopefully baby is not too big or I will have to csect!


how much are you paying for the masage lady? can share with me her contact if you find her good? Haven't booked anyone yet [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Congrats Wonderland, xj & Charismama!

Yasmin, all the best!


Hope your hubby recovers soon so that both of you have no flu symptoms [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Celyn & Cellow,

Made it through the night. After thinking about it I think I would rather not have the photoshoot and have her born healthy without having to induce. Nevertheless, still kept talking to her, telling her Bb just stay comfy inside me for 3 more

days ok?

Siew Ping,

thanks for the idea. Will get hubby to put bag in the car. Your supervisor suffering from male equivalent of PMS? Or at home kena bullied by his wife so come to work & take it out on those reporting to him?

wow, more mummies popped, congrats all! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

good luck rantingbaby!


yes yes, of course its more important to have her healthy then the photoshoot. you can always take again when you have the next baby. i only took maternity shoots for this baby. didn't take during #1 time too. tell her to be guai guai and stay inside, anyway just 3 more days to go.


Per session is $50, complimentary baby oil for 5 sessions and above. The massage also comes with free baby massage. I think she is fully booked till Aug liao cause my friend due in July called her up recently but could'nt get into the slot. Maybe u try calling: Mdm Idah 94249829


Better to vent here than gek inside.


Natural induction – lovemaking! oh just read... you are in the delivery ward liao.. smooth labour to you... may bb slide out like wilbb's hard boiled egg!

Xj and wonderland and charismama, congrats!


Take dragonfruit and prunes. Worked for me.


You just answered your own qn abt canned fruit.

During confinement, my mum boils pears and apples for me.


Hope for your good news after your gynae visit later!

all is quiet on the home front. ate bfast, latched C2, now waiting for my bath water to cool down, then 2nd round of post natal massage... ystday massage lady and i both kena kabut, the binders that she left for me last time are too small for my post delivery figure (wat figure? round and bloated la - haha) so we din bind ystday. today she will bring bigger ones. *happy*

the binding helps with keeping my posture straight.

CongrAts to all who have popped..


all the best to u.. Hope u will have a fast and smooth delivery..

Milk supply: my ms is v low.. Per pump only 20ml.. Today is day 6 since I delivered.. Sigh!

Re: my massage lady oso not v gd.. I'm changing to another lady tmr..

Congrats to all the latest mummies who popped!

Dreamic: I called Mdm Ida on Monday and she is fully booked although she did say she will try and slot me in with her cousin. See if you can get onto her waitlist. Sometimes her other bookings pop earlier or later than expected so maybe she can rearrange. I am so last-minute 'cos I was supposed to be a planned c-sect and was just told over the weekend that I can try for natural delivery.

ming : i used kelly for my c1.she's reallt patient.worth every cent.if you go to her blog and search for sophie in her archives,you will see my c1's pictures.

orangey : i am also using mdm mariam ($50/session) as i am staying in east coast.starting my sessions on monday morning as i am being discharged on friday.not sure how many sessions to take this time round.i gave birth yesterday but i look 5 months preggers today.dammit.hahah.

woohoo....mummies!!! ...does the post0natal massage really help in losing the water retention??....

tinybubu ..hehe..same here...i definitely look like a chunky tree trunk nw..machiam like 5-6 mths preggers..sigh.

I using Msg lady Mdm Ida & left 2 session. She really gd & me clear my blockage on my 4th day that the massage session only start on 7th day but she do foc for me. Like her pressure very much & she very helpful giving me a lot advice on taking care of bb.

Thank you orangey and ming. I am also staying in the east and since so last min I will try my luck to calling the

massage ladies. Can you please kindly share with me mdm Ida's number? Thank you! :D

Hi Dreamic: Mdm Ida's no. is 9424 9829.

Tinybubu: Will go check out Kelly's blog then. Did you take Sophie's pictures before the umbillical cord dropped off? I am abit uncomfortable with doing the shoot before that but Kelly strongly recommends doing the shoot within the first 2 weeks of baby's arrival as they are more accomodating and "curly" then. After that, they apparently look quite different...


i think most photographer will want to take newborn while they are still young loh. my maternity photoshoot package comes with photoshoot for newborn also say must take newborn before 2 weeks. so will arrange for her to take at my place instead of going to her place.


Wow.. more great popping news! Congrats!

Re: Massage lady

I have engaged Mdm Ida as well, but was told that most likely her cousin Mdm Mariam will be doing for me coz I stay in the east.

Tiny_bubu, do let me know if she's good ya..

Yasmin, hope you have a smooth delivery!

Lynn, did Dr. Heng check your dilation during your last visit? She said that she'll only check during my next Monday's visit. Was told do stay away from durian (*sob sob*)coz my bb already weighs 3.0kg at end week 37, and I'm trying to go natural this time. Dr. Heng is afraid that if bb too big may affect my c-sect wound..

Glad to hear that you are now 'Ready'...so counting down liao...

