(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

ming as long well rinsed no poop or soap residue will do. Unless bb skin sensitive. I wont even bother abt bb detergent brnads lor.

I tried pureen powder my maid complain even wash immed cannot get poop out. End up used the family fab or uic.



U will not get the same amt of ebm each time u pump.

It varies over the day and for u now prob varying btw 40-60ml.

Why jaundice cannot feed ebm one meh?

I tot so long they drink enuf and poop pee out the bilirubin is ok?

Mine also varies over the day of 105-120ml

It's not a definite thing


word of caution with feenugrfeek. If u start take once only and make sure u pump religiously and monitor.

My kkh lc said no to feenugreek 1st 2 mths to play safe. She didnt even say when should start. If yr milk ducts not fully all opened around 25 pores per nipple hor. Feenugreek will cause engorgement which can lead to further problems like fever and mastitis which can result end of bfing career for most mothers cos of the physical stress of being sick and caring for little one esp when cl leaves most mothers feel over whelmed.

btw just to let some of the 1st time mums know..

Your BM is miracle water.. better than SKII hor.

If bb got dry scaly skin or red spots, try expressing bm on a cotton ball and wipe.

Do that a couple of times, they will go away..


ice cube tray is lechey cos u dunno how many ml u need to take out to thaw for bb.

But if u really want to get those with covers. Once frozen tip out into ziplocks and label.

The probllem is these ziplocks for sandwiches usually might not be pre-steralised like specific milk bags or self steralised glass bottles. Alot of transferring to be done quite lechey and higher chance of contamination. Should u hv more milk not possible to keep in so many ice trays too wo causing a space issue in freezer.

Note on freezer sharing w family.

If u share freezer with meats as well. Must take care ebm on top. No meat juice must drip onto ebm storage at all cos we warm at 70 degrees 80 max will not kill meat bacteria. And its like trying to feed bb meat suace too early risks allergies to their weak undeveloped kidneys/ organs too.

thanks janet.

JL sale hmm. i know where to go le.

Zz some under flaps still producing milk but not in sprays also exist.

I been digging around my nips too.its like alot of collected skin, debris residue. Blackhead cocks to the milk ducts. Hmm better not dig so much wait i start to contract and go into labour haha.


try also boiled fruits like pears or apples, on top of prune and prune juice. jiayou ok... the feeling of gek sai is aaargh.

EBM and pumping qty

(esp for 1st time mummies) pls pls pls do not compare and stress yourself over the numbers posted. all you have to do is your best, enuf for bb can already.

enuf water, food, rest - i know some are going hahahhahahaaa over the rest part, but we do and can survive on 4 hours sleep over a 24hour period (extreme case ok) - keep on sipping water/soups/tonics! keep at it!!!

chant for the day

*i have a lot of milk esp during moo time!*


before birth i also dig around and there is a LOT of debris and residue around the nips [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I started cleaning at at 3rd trim..

Really can clean alot of stuff out!

I nvr dig, just use the bath sponge and rub to and fro few times will come out liaoz

It's amazing how some of the girls here can produce 180ml

I produce just nice for my bb consumption

Want extra to freeze also dun have!

I did buy the playtex liners though. heehee

I echo cellow!

Pls don't compare pump qty! You will just give yourself unnecessary stress! You really don't have to be like the other mummy who can pump 200ml or more per session.

Just know that your body and your baby are working with each other to get the optimum amount!

Demand = Supply = Demand

I remember one conversation I had with an ex-colleague about a year back. She is also a TBF mum.

We both agree that having rest and water will boost the ss. This works the best compared to other alternative methods. Rest when bb sleeps. Drown yourself with red date tea whenever you can.


during confinement, other than rice, we can eat mee hoon, noddles, kuayteow, mee sua, right? As long as got ginger and no cooling ingredients is ok?

How about milk, I had a craving for milk!

I also agreed not to compare. Think we will have just nice for our baby's consumption. Morning n afternoon i'll try to pump every 3 hourly, evening n night, i'll pump 5 hourly. So i'll have enough rest during the night. Seems getting better. I don't latch on now, cos nipple still bled.


i wear long sleeves and pants pyjamas. I on air-con 24/7 and bath everyday with herbs, and i shampoo my hair twice liao.

hi mummies,

Congrats to all those who had popped. Can I join this discussion? Actually a Mar 10 mummy like some of ur here =)

I remembered when I had my first child, my milk supply only stabilized after 6 weeks. Can pump out around 900 - 1000ml each day if exclusive pumping. So not to worry about too little milk now. I realised that as the baby grows, though will drink more each time, but the frequency also reduces, so the total amount that he drank each day did not increase so much. Anybody had the same experience?


Til nw i bathe once wif herbs, later nd to bath else housefly attacking me soon. Smell like salted fish liao.

I under aircon, use fan but nt direct blow.

Hw to tahan w/o aircon fan n bathing.

By the way i washed hair w/o shampoo cos some shampoo is cooling type. Mine belongs to cooling so since hav chance to bath no shampoo also nvm liao.

I secretly bought hello panda biscuits put in room n eat haaaa dare nt let my mother sees it.

Blueblue: I catered from YLS for CNY. Not exceptional but portions are generous. I think Neo Garden / Orange Clove are probably better.

I am thinking of using Smiling Orchid eventually. Any feedback?

Vic Ma: Thanks for the response on laundry. Will see how jialat the diapers are.


I dun bother to wear long pants or refrain from bathing...weather is so hot, esp after eating all the heaty confinement food. Buay tahan. Very irritating to be sticky and smelly esp when you are breast feeding. The sour milk smell sticks with you. I still take short warm shower everyday. But must make sure you dry yourself thoroughly and blow dry your hair. I don't on the aircon but then again, din we sleep in air-con rooms during the hospital stay??

I still bath everyday with the herbs lor, but only today I can't bath bcos of the massage. I've already washed my hair once. I don't bother abt wearing long sleeves, but I wear long pants. I switch on air con everyday. We stayed at hospital already got air con, why now we cannot? Heck care leh. Even my gynae told me to keep myself clean everyday cos we do breastfeeding.

The past few days, I wear long batik dress and sock if i feel "cold" at my feet. So far only on air-con at night when sleeping. Other than that, no air-con, fan blow upwards, and I closed the window at my room if I am taking a nap. I sweat a lot and only bath in hot shower once a day, wash hair every altnerative day.

Lastly, I not really keen in breast feeding. So damn painful while I still need to endure my pain down there (doesn't seen to heal??!!

). So I really give my thumbs up to the mummies whom perserve on!

hey ladies, these couple of days have been really hot. those doing confinement AND sticking to traditional methods - kudos to you. i've already given up before the fight even begins by buying the postpartum products from Little Dreamers. As it is now, i'm already bathing like 4 times a day if i'm at home during the hot weather. i really cant stand the sticky feeling. trying to get used to wipe downs but dun think i can tahan not washing hair.

i see all your breastfeeding experiences - wow, quite stressful hor. i kinda have this hazy image in my mind on wat to do. maybe it's time to start thinking thoroughly through. am starting maternity leave next mon. 1.5 hours more before i'm officially off!

congrats taro!!!

bbdust!!!!! ,,hw r u doing?

Re: bathing

Hw not to bath in this kinda HOT weather?? so sticky :p. ...i do bath with hers though n wash hair n use hairdryer lor.

Re: Jaundice lvl

today brought my boi back for checkup...lvl went dwn a bit so next wk gotta go back again for review...i wana cry whn the nurse poked my boi's heel for the blood test...heartache

how not to bathe. can feel got 'gao kweh' lei.

actually now we r force by hot weather circumstances but then when old any health problem no choice no regret.

even just now raining also not much use..

I rarely got chance to go out only upon visiting gynae. regret nv stock up more snacks in my room. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

by the way breast milk is sour ? mine is sweet.

Is it becos of tat other then breastmilk and formula, my boi dun like to drink plain water, sometimes I stil have to squeeze a bit in his mouth. How can no drink plain water huh...

Its had been few day I didi't come in, nowadays hardly have time to surf the net le...

Congrats to those mummies who had popped : cellow, dreambaby, orangey, juye, teng_family, tiny bubu, xj, charismana, taro... What a long list...

vic_ma, thanks for helping in updating... Did you receive my email regarding my mailing add for the mother's milk tea?

Lucida, I also realised my left breast produce more milk than right... My HB commented that maybe due to me being left-handed...LOL...

Maddie, gbh, cottagefry and those worried about low EBM... I also managed to get only 10mls per pump initially, then 20-30mls per pump, then 40-60mls per pump and now I get about 70-80mls per pump. Im using Avent Electric Single Pump but I switch to manual mode as I realised I get more thru manual pumping...Latching and pumping 2-3hourly for 30-45mins per session and at least 8 sessions per day... Ladies : Ignore negative comments from concerned family members and relatives. Persist & Persevere!!!

Re : Jaundice

My baby doc discharged my gal gal saying her jaundice is mild... then on wed during reviewed never mentioned jaundice so does it mean my gal gal ok? Wish jaundice babies get well soon...


Maybe I will go for Neo too..cos I got Neo for my son's full month 3 yrs back..and the food was good. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hey ladies..we hv to ignore what others said...I remember my CL mentioned before so little milk..I cried and was v down. After that, I ignored her comments and persevere... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] succeeded BF for my first child. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ang Ku Kueh...

For Ang Ku Kueh, I asked Choz and they said for boys or gals, they dun have difference..they are all sharp AKK.

My MIL strike again. This time round is abt the massage. She insist that I take the massage for 14 days where i've already told the massage lady that I only wanted for 7 days. I told my MIL that i'll see how after 7 days, but she still insist that I take 14 days. The massage lady is recommended by her, so she called the massage lady to tell her to give me 14 days of massage. That means I can't say no lar. What is this man? Haiz..

Thanks ashleybb for the encouragment. My ss r very slowly building up I guess, now ave output 50ml.

I can't seem to latch dd on left breast. And for right side only can do football hold. She can suck for 50 min until nipple almost nuah. I've been pumping after feeds.

yuye i also 2nd that. Ask her pay lor why not another 7 sessions can slim down more or shoik more.


yrs is batch 3 just sent out. Look out for it hor thanks!


yes breastmilk is sweet dear. i know bcz i tasted.... TBF bbs dun need plain water one de...

jaundice level at 16.7

C2's jaundice level is at 16.7... PD asked me how, wat do i wanna do now. actually before that, she asked me if i wanted to heel prick him or just rent the bilibed home. i was thinking better to hv an informed decision, so had him heel pricked... sigh.... heartache, but my valiant boy just eh once aft the prick then i latched him and he is ok liao (another benefit of latching!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif])


use the antiseptic spray that gynae provided...


i have been guai so far, but.. the weather is not cooperating la. see how far i can tahan

helo mummies, i stuble upon this thread and find very useful all your exp for a 1st time mum like me.. hee my edd is end this month so quite anxious dunno can breast feed or not... see most of you here like quite expert already.. is there any thing i can do to make sure my breastmilk is enough when bb comes????


My boy's jaundice level increased so the PD says advisable to go hospital for phototheraphy although his level still not required to admit but quite close [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Admitted him to KKH nursery today. Cried in the hospital but Dr assured me that he is actually low risk. Haiz.. hope he can come back tomorrow as per what the Dr says.

Vic_ma, thanks...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Maddie, dun worry too much abt your ss, relax and it will increase soon... Being stress up also affect ss... As long as you latch and pump, flow will comes in... LC all say supply = demand but take time k...

How to know whether BB got jaundice or not? As I mentioned earlier, the PD say mild n can discharge on Sun, then during follow up on Wed never mention anything...

My CL boil the da feng cao for me to bath but its hot water... How I wish I can bath in cooler water... Can bath but cannot wash hair, wa piang buay tahan...

BTW, my mum operation over le, still in ICU resting but condition stable... Now Im in better mood and condition to take care of my gal gal... Mum will be very happy to see her after my confinement... Thanks again for all the well wishes earlier on...

orangey..dun worry too much abt it yeah...yr boi;s jaundice will drop slowly...*hugz* ..i went for my boi;s f/up checkup 2day at polyclinic...am worried ..though lvl is slightly lower as compared to last week, im still v nervous abt it...

Just come back from seeing Gynae.

Gynae say bb is bet 2.8-3kg.

If bb doesn't come out next week, then need to induce on EDD, 17 Apr 10.

Wife will be on ML from 12 Apr onwards

Mummies I need help!

I am having engorgement now, I tried pumping but it don't help, now my breast is hard like a rock.. What went wrong? Anyone can help?


Mrs wong say if engorgement really bad, apply cold cabbage over it... But must be careful not to overdo it... I apply cold cabbage for an hour and it helps... After that massage with hot face towel then I pump and it feel all better... Dun know what I do correct or not but it works on me...

Celynlee, my bb dun like to latch, he more like sucking for comfort..

I am using freestyle, surprisingly I still have engorgement.. Maybe this pump dun work well on me..

Ashleybb, thanks. I will try,


Ashley: Glad to hear your mum's op went well. Take care.

Went to the gynae today and bb is still not fully engaged at 38.5 weeks. Also not dilated at all so gynae thinks it "won't be so soon". Just as well since gynae is away for one night tmw.

Massage: I asked my gynae whether she had any recommendations for post-natal massage and she gave me the contact of this Malay lady that she used. The massage lady is Malay but apparently has Australian and Indonesian qualifications. Will contact the lady tmw for rates and availability. Let me know if anyone else needs the contact.

