(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

Congrats tinybubu

Your EDD is one day after mine, but you gave birth earlier. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] rest well before hordes of people start dropping by!


Hi cellow,

do you mind sharing with me who you got to do the post natal massage for you? I am still looking for one :S (wondering if it is too late to book one?) Thanks!

I see...I hv to go book for Ang Ku Kueh le...my friends just reminded me not to order the pointed AKK...that's for boys..haha.

Hello Mummies,

Back to update [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Baby Kwok is doing fine and is latching on me! So happy! Think he is just purely tired yesterday that's why he rather wants his sleep than his milk. This morning, he was crying and nurse carried him t me and we suspect he is hungry so I tried to latch and he sucked so hard! LOL! After that tried a few latching and he sucks non-stop too! Hurray! Hopefully my breast feeding journey will be smooth and successful all the way.

Stitches is getting a little painful but still able to endure. I was on urine bag yesterday cause I had problem peeing on my own. Can't seems to control my bladder and was so uncomfortable cause my bladder is so full yet I can't pee so requested to be on Urine bag. What a relief... I pee like think almost 2L of water!!!!

Now able to pee as per normal Phew~~


Yup, they will put a tube that connects to your bladder and to the bag. A bit discomfort but.. better than not peeing and having a blasted bladder feeling..

woofey, i dun have any backup pumps at all but i suppose i can borrow my SIL's if it really fails me coz she stopped bf-ing alr.

orangey, things are looking good! happy for u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

congrats, tinybubu!


*blink* mine is fully booked till aug/sep liao. she told me so this morning.

i booked her way back n sep once i knew i was pregnant w C2. good massage ladies are like good CLs, quickly snatched up....


very good that you are so calm. i will be super upset and start scolding everyone who touch and pack my pump loh. :p

if yours is avent duo then i do have a spare adapter.

freestyle can't be converted to manual pump?



cellow, proud of u for being so positive. jiayou with the hand expression...

vicma, my baby born 31.3.10 at 3.3kg, e caesar with epi

re urine bag, i had it cos had epi. was quite happy with it cos no need to get up to toilet during labour and also after the caesar, it was so shiok to not need to pee, esp after peeing every 2 hours when she was inside me.

i also just bought the ameda pump, during the last robinsons sales lor.. i also throw away the recipt.. is there a warranty card inside?? i can't find leh..

luckily i got a manual pump from my cousin, using that 1st lor.. then my hubby will go find where to repair it..

yeah, it wasn't very painful either putting in and taking out the tube. for me i had no prob peeing after it was taken out. now am amazed at how much my bladder can actually hold.

sigh!just removed my urine bag.asked nurse if she could leave it on longer but she said dr woodworth mentioned to remove at a specific timing.having a cathater is very unglam but oh so convenient.LOL!nurse brought baby in for a second time today to latch.she squeezed out a little colustrum and baby latched for 9 minutes before proceeding to fall asleep for the next 20 mins.grrr!should i even think about pumping now?


I am going to book ang ku kueh from Choz. theirs r nt bad.

There is a nice store at toa payoh too.. Lorong 1 i think.


i was happy no need to get up go toilet but yes it gao wei lor. & pple cleaning me up like i was a baby even though nurse lady i also was not comfortable with that lor!

YAY! the charger is found. FIL remembered it and reminded HB that it _might_ be with all the hp chargers (bcz it sure looks like one) in our tv cabinet. opened the drawer and there it was.


if it were C1's time, i would be very upset and start scolding everyone too. budden somehow calmer this time around.... ohhhhhhhmmmmm.....



btw is your DD back at home yet?


thanks! i had some1 actually demo before at a bfeedg talk i attended... but 1 1/2 years ago already. so only sorta remember.

but of cz that was just theoritical knowledge. i din actually squeeze my own breasts then! :p


rest first la. think abt pumping later.

tis day 5 for me now, and only now i _think_ (not even act) abt pumping.

MIlk tea

Next batch pending receipt from Iherb.com




I do have spares as batch 3 was not full & one mummy still have to come forward to make payment or contacted me.

$6.50/box (shops selling $9.90) before local postage to individuals.

local postage & envelop. (will flatten to post to save postage $7/unit)

1 unit postage $0.50

2 units postage $0.80

3 units postage $1.00

5 boxes to spare.

ugh.just smsed kelly and her earliest appointment for a photoshoot is on 18 april.baby will be 12 days old by then.

also smsed mdm ida to tell her i've delivered early and she said she will check with her sis mdm miriam who is in charge of east side customers and get back to me.

wonder if i should start drinking longan red date tea now to encourage blood circulation and have my lochia discharge finish faster.

i recd the goody bags from tmc and its not really that interesting.just samples of diapers,a few baby magazines (eg motherhood),a few samples of baby toiletries and lots of promotional brochures.threw away half of the contents.LOL!

trying to keep my fluid intake up now.remember after i delivered C1, my constipation + stiches made me have nightmares about going to the toilet....

hubby kept telling everybody who has called that i'm in a lot of pain and to visit tomorrow so we can sleep in peace today and i can successfully latch baby on.

Cellow, my dd is still in hospital. Earliest she can be discharged is this Sunday. Lucky didn't get CL else she'll be damn happy there is nothing to do. I'm also quite free now. Only pump evey 2-3 hrs. And break confinement every day to go n see her lor. Take pic n come back n see when I want since i can't see her just like that. When she comes home safe n healthy I am so not going to complain each time I have a chance to hear her cry or dig myself out of bed to change her diaper.

Vicma, can I get 3 boxes of the tea fr u? Let me know how much to transfer to u. Prob do by IB if ok with u.

orangey...u r coping well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ..thats good....keke..the urine bag hor ...v convenient...i had it too during my c-sec ...hehe ...just that after my epi effect wore off, i sorta was patient to get it removed cos i wana move ard :p ...


good positive attitude!

as for not complaining each time you hear her cry or dig yourself out of bed to change diaper [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif], well it doesnt take an illness to be grateful for our little ones' health.


you start your ML tomorrow?

oh today, i was reminded by maid on another use of BM. noticed that C2 has been producing some eye shit in his left eye since birth... maid asked me to try squeezing a drop of my milk into his eye. hey it worked! *happy*

Hi cellow, Your maid is very good. You have her for quite sometime already?? I'm also thinking of maid now that i have 2 children but am very skeptical of those news report about maids.. Also not sure about the expenses - how much do you need to fork out every month for having the maid?

Just back from gynae's clinic. Baby's now 2.85kg so no more worries about her weight. Her head is down low so he did a VE and says my cervix's open about 1cm. So it could be anytime! Worse still, he says the amount of amniotic fluid is borderline low so if labour doesn't start naturally soon or if bb's movements are less than 10 in 12 hours he wants us to choose a date next week to induce.

AHHHH... so not ready [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] We want to take pictures this Saturday... already planned to get my nails and hair done... okie... sorry for going on... just need to get this out. Feeling excited, worried, nervous at the same time. Not keen on getting induced... want it all to happen when it is meant to happen [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] But bb's health most important and got to keep telling myself that some things are just beyond our control.

Better check my hospital bag. Luckily signed all the forms for cord blood donation today. With my achy lower back since yesterday I've had a gut feeling that bb will be out early.

And to top it all off... my iphone just died on me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] can't get it to turn on.

Tinybubu, congrats to u too!

almost half of apr mommies delivered liao.

SYZ, if this is the case just take it as how it should be bah..u know, induce not bad what, u won't be caught off guard. heh heh

I am feeling flu-ish...but hubby say he's also having sorethroat so I am really sick..hope so!


Yes... looking on the bright side of things at least won't get caught off guard ;p


No chance to bring forward the photo taking... tomorrow and Friday have to settle work issues so I am just hoping that bb chooses to come out on her own after Saturday's photo taking.

Good news... phone regained consciousness with hubby's help.


my maid is very good ah... no la, her attitude is bad. but she is very good in childcare... that's why i m still keeping her on and sending her home onli after her 2 years are up this oct. i have my aunt to watch over her thankfully, so she doesnt have chance to do anything funny w C1.

if you are thinking abt leaving maid alone at home w 2 young ones... i wouldnt take that risk. i would rather xinku and send them to infantcare.


hope your bb waits till after the photography shoot, then come out!


you want bb out earlier... walk walk walk, or climb stairs.

Orangey, Tinybubu - Gong Xi Gong Xi!! Good to hear bbs are latching on well! Way to go! Rest well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

vicma, has received the nursing tea. Tks!

Weight Gain - have gained 20kg officially judging by my home's weighing scale. AM hoping tis fri's checkup shows otherwise...sigh...dunoo y y y keep gaining weight. Prob is bb gaining tis time round?hehhee

Heard walk lots will aid early labour. So i purposely dun walk unless really necessary like go toilet or take things eat. No wonder bb still high up n no signs yet of coming out. Coconut also dun dare drink yet. So bad, like caging my gal in there for as long as i can!

Adriel boy is now besides me! He is an April Fool Babby, born at 3.23kg! Down with juandice & just discharge tday.. Mummy is worrid n facing pb to burp him aftr latch on...any help?

SYZ -i am so excited for you! better prepare your hospital bag.. mine packed liao but husband havent put in car. However, we brought a towel and big garbage bag into the car already, in case my waterbag burst then i wet his cotton car seat..

Re: EDD - tahaning another 14 days.. these daes having more and more freq BHCs. Sometimes in the midst of the nite, i got wakened up by the BHC.. at most frequent times is once every 5 mins. Sometimes 5 mins can have twice.. Last nite wake up at 5am because diahorrea..

Re: Supervisor - i am sick of myself complaining but he made me cry again today. I was very very busy cos everyone is trying to squeeze me for last min stuff before i go leave next monday. So i gave him a relatively substandard ppt, he scolded me maximum in the office. Just short of scolding vulgar language. Sianz. Luckily he is gng overseas tomorrow then quitting 2 weeks later. This means i will not see him after i return to office. This means good news to me.



walking will help in delivery but not sure if it help in bringing labour early. when i had #1, i had to walk 15 mins to have lunch including climbing long stairs uphill. another 15 mins back then climb 2 storey to my office. i deliver 4 days before edd.

now i also need to climb 3 storey daily twice to my office, going to work and back from lunch. walk my son to wait for school bus in the morning, then walk to take bus to work, then walk to have breakfast and walk back to office.

