(2010/04) April 2010 mtb


Im pumping every 2.5-3hrs, my MS also average abt 30ml per session. I hope to have more milk supply as my boy is drinking 70ml per feed. I have to supplement him with FM.


gbh..the lvl for Jaundice...that was indicated in my boi's health booklet during discharge at kkh n then later at polyclinic for the followup...2molo i will ask the doc to see what lvls r considered dangerous to go hosp for light.


don't wash hand in cold water. everything you use or touched must be boiled water including brush teeth. i will use a cup, fill up with hot water and mixed with tap water but still keep the temperature warm.


confinement time is to rest and not other things hoh. please rest as much as you can. the rest you have plenty of time to do after confinement. even for drinking water, i was told not to stand but sit down to drink. rest in bed at all times if you can. this is the time to bu your body back.


30ml for a new mummy is not too low lah. i can still remember my miserable 20ml loh.


My boy is 6days old. Born on 3April night. His last feed is 80ml, issit too much?

gbh..dun get discouraged...i rem last week when i 1st got hm n tried pumping..i got a miserable 20+ml aft pumping..i was so demoralised cos seeing the pathetic amt was a killer...it was aft a few days later that the bm ss slowly increased to like 70ml now for me... so dun give up..jiayou!!

gbh..i still supplement with FM when ss runs low...n i tell myself nt to give up even though ss might be low, i still try to pump to stimulate the milk ss.

cottagefry..nt v sure...i follow the similac instructions ie 60ml per feed based on 7-8 feeds per day for my bb who is turning 2 wks old in 2 day time...m nt sure if this is enuff frankly cos i scared bb will nt be full..


yes, i scared bb not enough too. My CL said my bb can drinks alot, hope she is not overfeeding my bb. My bb jaundice like quite bad.. Seems worsen! Sigh.

cottagefry..same here...my boi can really drink a lot but am trying to ctrl cos dun wana end up overweight ...hw yr bb jaundice lvl nw??

Re: Supervisor - he is on leave already! Yeah! and this means i am not gng to see him anymore cos he is leaving in July and i am returning end July~

Lucida / cellow - nope, not me, my granny is not a CL but then again, i rem she told me must have warm water when brush teeth or wash hands. For c sect, i dont recall must walk around leh. Isnt that gng to hurt?


c sect must try to walk once pee bag is released. Most pple i know who started to walk around day 2 usually recover faster.


My #1 was an overweight bb so i hope my #2 will not end up like my #1 - Overweight bb! Haha.. His jaundice level is 200. But seems to get worsen.. Sigh! Just hope that the level will go down soon.

cottagefry....everyday bring bb out to get some sun...will help to an extent.

vic ma ..yeah lor..being the impatient me...i kip asking the nurse when i can get that urine bag off me :p...though convenient but v uncomfy leh once my epi wore off ...only when the urine bag / catheter is removed then i feel more shiok n started walking / moving ard.

any recommendation for bb shower catering & full mth cakes??

M tinking of neo garden ( as usual ..i love the curry chicken ) as usual but like to see any nice options to consider.

hi all.in TMC at the moment and being discharged tomorrow with baby.Baby still sleepy and will latch only after a lot of coersion.But once latch,his suction is very strong and my nipples have started to get sore.I'm putting my Medela nipple cream after every latch.Been drinking lots of Milo and soup that comes with my meals but crossing my fingers that my supply will kick in asap.

I've started wearing my Belly Bandit abdominal binder.LOL!maybe it will help from now till Mon when i start my massgae with Mdm Ida's cousin - Mdm Mariam.

Bluedream - I've replied your PM about Kelly.

Hi mummies, sorry to interrupt.

I have 1 tin of Enfalac A+ HA (Special Infant Formula), 900g, selling at $25. Expiry date on 14 Jan 2011

Self collect in sengkang/hougang.

Interested pls PM me. Thanks!


The PD at polyclinic told me 210 must go hospital leh so weird like different measurements at different polyclinic. Baby Kwok measurement were 177 at 1.5 day birth which she says is acceptable but she tell me says cut off is 210. Anything above 210 need to refer to hospital. Baby need to go polyclinic the next day after discharge hor? Cause my mom says last time like no such procedures.

Siew Ping,

I'm also looking to order from yeh lai siang cause I've heard its cheap and good. Going to order cakes from pine garden also.

hi mummies,

thanks for all the advice and encouragement on low milk ss. btw i dun feel engorged anymore... does that mean that my milk ss dwindling or its normal after the initial engorgement...?


i think my gal starts to have a bigger appetite liao.. 30ml might not be enuff.. earlier i latched her on for at least 45 min and she still cranky so i fed her with my 30 ml stored EBM and she finished whole bottle! so she is drinking more than 30ml... also her feedings seem to be getting more freq... now its like 2-2.5 hrly compared to 3 hrly... n sometimes in btw feeds she will want to take abt 20ml of milk...

going by this rate, i have no idea how much she needs per feed now bcoz like appetite grew in a single day.. so i guess ur boy drinking 60ml for 6 day old shld be average too...

how do u know ur BB jaundice worsen? mine was discharged 2 days ago.. jaundice lvl at 9.6... borderline can go home... PD only allow home when below 10... tmr morning PD appt..see if better or worse


what did u do to increase ur ss to 70ml? prev i can only get 10ml each session when in hosp then i use vic_ma pp mtd n got results pretty instantly... went up to 30ml but just very time consuming n tiring la... bcoz gotta pump an hr...


ya.. mine single pump... i think i just hardworking a bit more.. i dun dare use other pple pumps.. that time in hosp is no choice... bczo i got congested breasts...


Forget it la, cold water, wind all cannt b avoidable. Very difficult to follow traditional way. By rite, hav to use warm water for brushing washing as long in contact wif our skin, but then as for washing our private area, i use tap water n feminine wash.

1 thing i wil like to recommend is the anti wind herbs from zheng zhong ping. 3 dollars a pack quite good i nt sure is it becos of the bath i had n reduce so much in weight. My 'wind' come out lei.. Heheee... Today went clinic the nurse asked n coincidentally she said is good every 2 days use once cn get rid of our wind, so tat means wind out nt so swell bah


my boy drinks every 2 - 3 hrs, now his feed has increase to 80ml. Hmmm, for jaundice I notice my boy is getting more yellowish lor. Sigh! Going to sunbath him every morning, if still no improvement by next week then I will bring him to pd again.

I still having constipation til now.. When I tried to poo yesterday, I accidentally hurt my stiches. Now v painful.


take the fybogel.. did doc give u these? they gave me this 2 times a day when i was in hosp.. but i din pooped until i get home bcoz i dun dare to try.. scared of tearing the stitches... the effect were seen like 2-3 days later when i was still in hosp... then my hard stool din come bk until i stopped taking it n started taking lotsa heaty confinement drinks n food.. i now take fybogel again... hopefully tmr can clear... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i just pumped again... still abt 30ml... a teeny tiny bit more at most... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] but i do find that the pumping does not hurt my nipples as much as prev n also the milk flows better... hopefully thats a good sign... by the way i have been using this pp mtd for like this is my 3rd day??? but not all times i get to pump la.. sometimes i missed a pumping time, sometimes din pumped bcoz latch BB direct.. so dunno if that will affect the end results? the nurse at TMC recomm i take this fenegreek pills that can be bought from parentcraft or GNC... might have to try that if really no improvement in next week...

Wah gbh, still not resting ah?

I woke at 3am cos of achey right leg until now. Feels. Like it's going to cramp but no cramps at all... Just aching...

You rest well yar?

hi mummies...nt tooo sure who might be still ard at tis hr ...just done with pumping bm for my boi.

Orangey...yeah next day discharge must go polyclinic check for jaundice..cos usually J will set in 3rd/4th day onwards ...for me though i c-sec on 28/3 night time ..i was discharged on 30/3 PM so next day goota go lor...freaking worried of cos like all the new mummies here whose bb r having jaundice but i cant do much except bring bb out to hv some sun daily.

gbh ..i tried vic ma 's power pump method...nw i try like 4 times daily over a 24 hr period..ss will slowly increase..in btw, i also let my boi latch...guess it helps for me...continue trying yeah..dun give up yet.


Try prune juice, its works so well for mi. Im a serious constipastor before n after giving birth if work for mi, it shld work for u too.

No diarrhoea, n when u got the feel of passing motion, surprisingly jus a cup of prune juice, it come out so smoothly.

mrg mummies

I also just up and done with pumping!

Overshot by 1H.. luckily nvr engorged.. but got needle pain on right nn during pumping..

Shld have cleared the duct with my PISA!

Today considered my 3rd week 3 days liaoz.

I only tried Vic's power pump once.. sore nips after 1H.. gave up.

My 3H session is yielding 100-120ml.

I saw someone.. think is Michelle yielding 180ml!! Sibeh peifu hor


Our little Princess has arrived on 8 Apr weighing 2.9kg. Both mummy and baby are doing well. It does feel horrible going thru csect with epi sensing the gynae cutting me up! However, being able to know what's going on and with DH beside me is better than my first delivery via GA. Din really succeed with BF yest. Attempted twice but princess a sleepy baby refusing to open mouth wide... Will try harder today! Ganbate!

morning mummies...

Massage: Mdm Ida & cousins are all fully booked. Anyone have other massage lady to recommend?

Been feeling quite tired, aching, "HOT" this couple of days ... shall see what doc says after visit tomorrow.

Congrats Taro!

Adak, my friend recommended me this ML, Zul (98804301). I have no prior experience with her, so cannot tell you how good she is. You may like to call her and check. She charges $45 per session.

morning mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

C2 woke from 1am din sleep till 430am feed.

C1 also decided to wake at 3am and sleep only at 5am (but Mr C and maid took care of C1) *pengsan*

dear boys, i dun need a reminder of how sleepless you can make me.

congrats Taro!!

at least you are conscious and aware this time around.

try unwrapping your princess and tickling her feet and/or chin gently to wake her up... taught to me by the MtA ward nurses.



Wow 180ml! Impressive. Your milk ss is v gd too. I hope i can be like u soon. I cant meet my bb demand. He is drinking more n more each day. My CL told me his last feed was 90ml.


Ok, will try prune juice, DR did prescribe medicine for me to soften my stool but not effective on me. Til now still cant poo.

Morning Mummies..

Today realised my breast is leaking so hurried up went to get my breastpump and pump out. Only managed to get 20ml [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hopefully my milk supply can increase tremendously.


Congrats! Yesterday gynae just checked me. Not dilated at all. Baby still very comfortable inside. maybe it will be like #1, exactly on EDD.


How frequent do you need to bring baby to check if have jaudice?


I got one contact from my malay friend but she charges slightly more expensive lah. $400 for 7 sessions. If u want I help u get the tel again.


I am thinking of just buying ice tray to store the initial Breast milk. Because cannot keep on adding for different batches of milk right? Since initial milk also not alot. What do you gals think?

cottagefry, dun be too stressed over ss. Cos the more stress you place on yourself, the more you cannot produce. Take heart that your body is also trying its best to keep up with ur bb's demands.

Morning all: Mummies who are using cloth diapers, how do you sterilise the cloth diapers when washing? Or do you treat them as regular washing? I am abit uncomfortable with the poo-soiled cloth diapers not going through any additional cleaning. Do share your tips. Thanks!


Morning mummies,

Am also having same worries over not enuf bm. After my hero 60ml pump, it went back down to 40-50ml. Will try one more power pump today n wait for mothers milk tea to arrive n see how. Heard the fenugreek is quite pungent in odor. Since I've decided not to ebm my dd until she is discharged ( so that her jaundice levels can come down), my freezer is getting quite full of frozen bottles n it is quite haphAZard Liao. Will have to come up with some kind of system soon. Sigh. Hopefully she can come home by this weekend. Also stressed that I can't cope with her feeding. At least now I got some stock for hb to bottle feed at night if I need to rest.

