(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

haha yes, from ur photos, looks like u have nice stuff. today i'm wearing a loose knit top i've had from pre-pregnancy and it's rather clingy now - my colleague commented that it's making me look huge. o well, all the better to get mrt seats with. hah.

most pp also say only my tummy grew but i know for sure my arms, thighs and butt grew too, but i suppose because my tummy is now so much bigger, my arms etc dun look big in comparison.



That maternity top I'm wearing is juz hanging off my tummy biggest circumference.

Below now abit cooling cos my pants is low.

I'm running out of pants to wear liaoz.. jialut

I also sure my butt grew cos some pants r now tight!

I still wear some of my pre-preg knit tops.. but 2 pcs lah.

Hi Mummies,

Im selling following items. Pls PM or email me if you're interested. I can email you all photos!

email: [email protected]

1. Maxi-Cosi car seat - new born upto 9kg (around 9 mths) original price $358, selling price $180

2. Fisher price bouncer with original packaging - used for 3 months. original price $89. selling at $40.

3. IKEA bed (120 x 60) - only used for 7 months. very good condition. I let go at $99

4. Babysafe Latex mattress (122x61x7.5cm) - only used for 7 months & covered with waterproof protector. I bought it at mother's work at $175 but I let go $95. FOC with waterproof fittedsheets.

5. Grobag sleeping bags (for baby girl, new born upto 6 months) $15 each I have three.

6. TinyLove hanging mobile. original $129, selling at $60.

ZZ hah, i know wat u mean, i've got tops like that - usu those pre-preg ones which i'm still trying to wear coz running out of clothes and dun wana buy too many preg clothes. I suppose i'll do so when i have no choice.


Tell u

Some of my #1 maternity stuff I cannot wear cos now my bust size is diff from before.

I dun hv alot of pre-preg clothes I can wear.. Mostly surviving abit here and there plus some blouses I ordered from GAP maternity.

hi ladies


nice tummy shape[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my tummy circumference is about 38 inches. much bigger than my #1. i feel so stretched! feeling quite down and tired since the weekend.body is very painful. guess bb going thru some growth changes.

morning all!!

rantingbaby: very detailed photos.. ur baby really come out clean leh.. my sister just gave birth last Sat, baby not as clean as yours.. hehehe..

zz: ur tummy big wor.. but it's a good thing.. people has been commenting that my tummy very small for 28 weeks.. makes me feel so sad.. but recently i've not been eating well too lar..

yesterday was discussing with my hubby on the delivery stuff.. he said he very scared to go into the labour ward with me.. he very scared of blood.. hahaha.. his friend scolded him saying that at that moment, we need the most support is from our hubby, so he must die die go into the labour ward with me.. hahaha.. but i really scared he will faint leh..


tell him to just stay by your head side. he doesn't hv to see what's going on down there.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks mummies for the positive comments. Hubby only took photos during delivery. Post-delivery pics are all taken by me.


I only brough disposable undies during birth of #1. Thinking of bringing the maternity pads and diapers that I have stored up for #2 to the hospital this round. But better to check with my hubby.

Hahaha, my hubby is ex-commando... so it's not very nice if he really fainted at sight of blood. His face value will drop, you know? Hahaha...

I am now in week 25. Still waiting for the GTT results. If hear nothing from the doc today by 3pm, then I will have to call in and get the nurses to help me check.

zz, my bust size nv change much so still can wear pre-preg stuff until they get too snug around the tummy or too short to cover my belly coz i prefer to wear my bottoms under-belly. i cannot stand it when they cover my tummy, sometimes causes my skin to itch.

eh Yasmin, my circum is abt the same as yours. but since i'm shorter than most, it looks bigger on me - hah!

juye, ignore those too big too small comments la. it used to bother me but now i dun care anymore. if i feel sad for every person tat tells me she thinks i'm abt to go into labour, then i'll be depressed most of the time.

probably after seeing the photos of my sister's delivery, my hubby more scared to go into the delivery ward.. hahaha.. anyway will build up his confidence slowly..

can i check whether anyone have a list of things to prepare for the newborn bb?? also what to prepare for the hospital bag?? my mum keep asking me to start my preparation..


I like to wear those cover my tummy one but problem is I dun hv alot of pants like that.

I only have one pair like that and that's my fav

lynn: ya, i should practice to ignore people's comments.. my hubby also worried bb is not growing.. will see how my bb's growth this wed when i visit my gynae..

thanks zz for the list.. but my company bans all downloads, got to go home then can see..

juye, ur baby is fine, u cant judge by size of tummy. my tummy so big but baby is only 626g at 24 weeks. everyone carries their babies differently so dun worry. just trust ur gynae =)

haiz...ppl act as if they hv xray eyes...dun bother abt big tummy small tummy comments. also be prepared to ignore big bb and small bb comments once the little one is born too.

just to add on to zz list, might wanna get some good disposable panties. personally, i preferred my watson ones to the ones TMC gave.more comfy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

well said lynn. my #1 was heavier at this time but my tummy was way smaller than now.i used to get comments like they can't believe i'm due next mth cos i look 5mths for my #1. their face some more worried, disgusted and so on. i just laugh and shrug it off.


yeah exciting hor.. counting down soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] woohoo [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bb dust i went to buy the dermoglo exfoliation cloth so that its non chemical exfoliation.

around $33 a pc man but giving it a try + alot of pimple cream still at the meantime.

muhahaha.. i will also laugh n shrug it off next time when people comments again.. the worst is that the person giving lots of comments is my MIL herself.. she super scared her grandchild doesn't have enough food.. hahaha.. i was like eyes rolling lor.. i stared at my hubby when she talks abt my tummy..

i also have very bad outbreak on my face.. have been doing my daily cleaning and weekly exfoliating.. but i don't really bother lar.. i know it's part n parcel of pregnancy too..

Re: tum size

who cares as long as bb is growing well??? ..some pple like to give their five cents worth of opinion n start comparing ..let's not be bothered by such comments ourselves too much..take it with a pinch of salt n SMILE *-* .. ( oh my SIL also kapo n comment as if she is the super gynae with radar eyes ).

Tummy size:

My boss has been the only one commenting that my tummy is small and his wife who is 22 weeks preggy has a tummy as big as mine. I was like come on lah this is my first pregnancy and everything is stretching for the first time and I am a lot smaller built than his wife of course my tummy wont be as big! He just doesnt get it @_@ In fact last week my gynae did the measurements and my baby is on the 50-75th percentile. So ladies please dont be too affected by what others say.


yeah starting to pop out again.. think it went from my face to vic then back to mine again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yeah receiving blanket to use when u bring bb home and can use to swaddle him bah when he sleeps i think [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i never use acne cream just let it be then it will be gone [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


my tum tum is also very small ahahha but bb is growing well all within the percentile. I think my tum tum can take the stretch very well cause of the tight muscles save on stretch marks cream keke [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mummies bo chup all the comments and be happy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

woof u might need to hydrate more.

ya receiving blanket - i just bot 1 from Quierda BP. $9 purple elephant one.

my girl came home in my OLD ugly scratchy Gym Towel!

my zits come and go, just let them be - thank goodness for concealer! and i've got flaky skin on some parts too - there's a permanent dry spot on the side of my mouth on the left.

nowadays, my baby likes to move even when i'm walking...i can suddenly feel her do a somersault or sthg mid-stride - can be slightly painful sometimes when maybe her fist is in the way...


wow... quite bad hor but nvm 3 more mths nia okie [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] lun lun then will have mei mei skin again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

the bladder part is funny, i have it often and every 1/2 hr i will tell my DH I need to pee but nothing will come out.

bb dust i told my hb who looked a little sad on hearing this. cos he bot most of my pregnancy wear from US & KL.

I am going to rid all my pregnancy clothes after #2 Pops. cos i feel so sick looking at them even! (all the nausea memories might make me not even want #3.

then i said but I will keep some la (his long face became short again) those i think worth keeping.

its the storage that irks me lor -so many toyogo boxes of clothes i will never wear again.

I threw/gave more than 50% of my pre-preg clothes as well -those that i didnt touch for more than 6 mths & those i know i never want to see again.

the nesting mothering hormones perhaps of resoluting to shape up my wardrobe.


dun kill me ah ladies. actually, my boys clear my acne.when preg with my #1, my face cleared and was spotless. now with #2, same case also. muahaha!my boys are my #1 facial


my girl gave me horrid pimples -this time its under control but still on the oily side.

I cannot use all my anti aging skincare as i hoped to. just abit pimples all will come out liao.


I still get the occasion pimple thingy but my frens commented I had the pregnancy glow for #2!

One of my auntie who din see me for long say I look prettier.. make my day.. hhahha

honestly today bb is moving alot like as if trying to shift his position to a comfy one


same for me... my boys really clear up the acne on my face [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

but all came back with a vengenance after C1 was born. when i complained to my sis abt it, she konked her head one side and looked at me - jie, will u rather be constantly pregnant or have bad skin.... well put like that......


Think previously u missed my post, can kindly help me to update? Thanks.

EDD: 21 April 2010

Gynae: Dr. Yvonne Chan (TMC)

Gender: Boy

Braxton Hicks,

Since like a few of u have this symptoms.

since i recovered from stomach flu a week ago, i started to have tummy tightening/hardening. Not sure issit BH. did u all ask ur gynae abt it?


same here. i feel like gg toilet often but when sit down, nothing comes out. Guess its our babies pressing on our bladder.


nowadays really cute to feel our little ones having hiccups inside us. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I also have flaky skin on my face!! very dry esp around the mouth area....

oh my, and I tot I was not normal..hee

thinking of applying moisturizer, shd be ok right?

i also have many pimples since conceive. sigh.

bbdust, same. nowadays conversation with my hb something like this

me: i need to go toilet

hb: again?? u just went!

me: yeah i know.


yupz think its baby pressing on our bladder. I always tell my boy go play somewhere try not to step on mummy's bladder.


SAME response as my DH LOL LOL [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and its pretty irritating when I wanna use the toilet and the queue is very long, went up and down the shopping mall to find toilet with no queue ended up i will always use handicap de.

hehe...the going to toilet often thingy is so inconvenient. nowadays, when i get ready to go out, i am dressed top first and bottoms are just b4 i go out. hubby always has a good luff seeing me with makeup and top but with my towel wrapped around my hips.

hehe..zhabe..its normal ..i flake ard my mouth area ..where the skin is the thinnest ...gets me real pissed cos v ugly ..hehe ..slap on the moistue man.

Re: Go to toilet

Last time its Dh who always pia toilet ..now its me ...i ever pee every hr non stop...every time go sure got urine but a bit nia...sometimes when i sit dwn, i cna feel the urge to pee...bb having a ball of a time pressing on the bladder *-*


its why i am h20 & 100+ing for my headache. cos i explained to my hb - either i drink alot of water or just some H20.

if its alot of water - already freq peeing - GOSH i have to live on the toilet bowl wait!

