(2010/04) April 2010 mtb


receiving blanket can be used to swaddle the baby. Cos some of the bb clothes are thin in material and Singapore has a lot of air-conditioned places, so receiving blankets can help to keep them warm. It also can be used as blankets when you bring them out in the pram.

RE: Pimples

Please use gentle cleanser. I used a acne one during my last pregnancy and it made the pimples worse. Do just do basic 3-step cleansing. Exofoliation just keep it to once weekly.

RE: Glucose-Torlerance Test

Yeah! Positive news from my gynae! No GD this round!


keke ..dun drink liquids also got pee..drink also got pee ...duh..just drink lah n flash out ..LUN for a few mths more *-*

i bot the purple elephant one - i think the pink lady bird one is pretty too - most of them are pretty!

after that can use for going polyclinic injection, shopping.dinners -cover them in their strollers.

i am not sure if they swaddle well - (wrap tightly for sleeping at night) if its not big enough for this purpose please do not use them for sleeping - incase of suffocation.

there should be nothing loose, blankets scatter pillows, soft toys, etc on the bed as far as possible to prevent suffocation.

I find carter FULL zip or button rompers great later on - or sleeping bags (like a pinafold sleeping bag) - no kicking of blanket to worry about. - if no aircon room involved during sleeping long sleeve tee & long pants will do.


it depends on what else u use for skincare. a gentle cleanser is not enough for me -it will leave too much oil & dirt behind & that will develop more pimples. those using makeup as well - if u can change makeup remover to a water based one then double cleanse with a foaming cleanser it would be better than an facial cleansing oil then foaming cleanser for removing makeup. (a tip i got from a friend who went to visit Joyce Lim)

i bot some acne pdts before & agree with u some are not that fantastic - i bot a bar soap before It had this oily residue -gosh - how to reduce acne?!!!!

i like the simple range actually bar soap. cleanser really simple & nice for the oil!

i just bought a set of 3 short-sleeve rompers from mothercare over the weekend for my baby - on sale! very happy. $18/3 = $6 each.

i also bought a set of 2 mothercare nightgowns which were on 50% off. $31 only which works out to be $15.50 each - super worth it! no cartoons!

robinsons sale was on so i bought more pigeon disposable breast pads + baby nail clipper which was almost free since i had the $5 voucher + medela beansprout pillow which were on 20% off.


its very sian comes & goes.

I am also using sea salt + honey to scrub my face & body once a week since its natural.

Bought short sleeve shirt, long pants, hankies, mittens & bottee sets from the store opposite kuan yin temple. Its pretty cheap [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Happy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

vic ma,

thanks for the link. Shall take alook. i also hv the carter full zip sleeping bags for no. 1 previously. its great.

hmm u might want to try kose skincare. kose is real good, been using it for 10 yrs.

braxton hicks,

how many times do u experience in a day? i told gynae, was given medicine to relax my muscle cos i was like panic as i didnt experience this during my 1st pregnancy.

kite...i dun experience it daily..maybe like 1-2 times every 2 days or so...but when BHC comes, it hits me strong...rem to relax, do some deep breathing n do some simple stretching


yessss i went cause went to see doc that day mah so popped by haha Happy as a bird cause its cheap [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but i didnt buy much lah just 6 pcs each for pants and shirts nia ~ [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] then the bootee and mitten just take 1 pkt. if not enuff then go buy again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

oh, i use loofah to scrub, i love scrubs =) continuing to use beautain's sea salt scrub also. my facial scrub is organic, shampoo from sukin which is organic, and shokubutsu body wash which is plant-based. no change from pre-preg la.

bbdust..same here..i took 6 pc per item ..good enuff i guess ..hehe...nw i stopp buying bb clothes liao...scared wait buy too much n end up bb growing too fast to fit them ..

woofey, ended liao, it was for CNY, ended on sunday. but robinsons' been having non-stop sale since x'mas. my colleague told me so i knew and quickly chiong down on fri!

got this from an email i subscribe to.

To keep it simple, here ARE some general rules about food "safety" and eating healthy during pregnancy.

Rule # 1: Keep it HOT!

The FIRST and most important rule is to make sure you cook your food REALLY well and avoid eating leftovers (especially those that are more than 24 hours old!).

If you do have to eat leftovers, make sure you heat them well to get rid of any bacteria that may have formed.

Rule # 2: Stay away from GERMS!

AVOID any foods that can carry Listeria (a bacterial infection that can be harmful to your growing baby).

Some examples are:

1. Soft cheeses (like brie);

2. Raw fish (including sushi);

3. Uncooked meats;

4. Cold rice; and

5. Unpasteurized honey.

If Brie or Sushi are your favorites, just remember that you've only got a little bit longer to go. Once your baby arrives you can go back to those foods that you've missed!

Rule # 3: Something's FISHY!

Stay away from fish that contain high levels of mercury - i.e. shark, swordfish, kink mackerel, fresh tuna, sea bass, and tilefish.

The American Pregnancy Association has indicated that canned tuna is safe to eat but only in moderation (i.e. no more than 12 oz. per week).

Rule#4: Keep it COOKED!

Stay away from any raw eggs - including Caesar dressing, unpasteurized eggnog, mayonnaise, homemade ice cream or custards that contain raw eggs in them.

Raw or undercooked eggs don't reach high enough temperatures to get rid of the harmful salmonella bacteria.

Rule #5: Herbal is not always Harmless!

If you're into herbs and essential oils, it's important to avoid things like peppermint, basil and oregano oil because they're known to cause uterine contractions - exactly what you DON'T want!

So, before you add, what you might think are "harmless herbs" to your food, make sure you're educated on which herbs you CAN or CANNOT have and which one's you need to eat in moderation!

The Bottom Line...

Now that you're pregnant it's IMPORTANT to be mindful of what you put in your mouth - so do your best to focus on high quality, highly nutritious foods.


i am super unfaithful when it comes to skincare. I like to try new things as well ! but kose is good -i went for their facial last week gd!

& their sekkeisei line's pretty good !

its written for ang mos ba.

those with sensitive tummys maybe should try to eat hot as much as possible.

I get LSy when i take too cold food - like sometimes dinners, even though rice & soup is warm/hot - i can still get a tummy ache from teh cold veg or meats. when i go home for dinner too late.

vicma, XLH,

in fact i caught stomach flu last wk n keep diarrhoea til tummy pain. now tummy quite uncomfortable and sore, dunno issit due to diarrhoea or BH. but i think its BH cos hardening in the middle. Quite worried abt it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Kose is good. i m a fan of them n hv a full range of sekkeisei products. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i m using the sekisho cleansing powder, cleaning oil and its really good.


hardening bb

i got that last week -as if my tum was having some muscular cramping - i tot my bb was in distress or i slept on the right too long & cut off oxygen supply to him!

Hi mummies,

haven't been in here for a while. Tried to catch up today with the many many posts but so many topics!

Want to ask for opinions from mummies here. I've been presented with a dilemma and I really dunno what choice to make. I have a back condition, scoliosis, which required me to have a surgery to correct my spine many years back. More than 10 years ago. A rod was inserted in my back to straighten and fuse it. So far, my back hasn't given me any major problems or pains unless I strain myself and overdo certain things.

I've been told by my gynae that an epidural is definitely a no go for me as it won't have much effect and they would have a tough time inserting the needle into my spine cos of teh rods and all. Which is fine by me cos I wish to have a natural birth without epi. But my obgyn has been pushing for me to go for elective c sect as she's worried that the bearing down and strains of childbirth might affect my spine and the rods. I've been insisting for a natural birth but also worried that I would have to go for emergency c sect in the end.

Have any of you heard of anyone with a similar condition and successfully given birth naturally? Should I just go for elective c sect?

colouring of hair : I did colour my hair leh. In the 2nd trimester.

maternity shots : Getting mine done by my wedding photog. He offered to do it for free cos we've been recommending a lot of clients to him. Yeay!

Belly button : not popping out. Just looks super stretched and more oval than round now. Maybe cos my tummy is not so big.

Weight gain : Last appt was at 61.3kg. Today I weighed myself and I'm 63.3kg. 2kg in month is ok right? I won't have to go for the glucose tolerance test do I?

Preps for baby stuff : still so much to get and do. Somehow I feel li ke I'm running out of time.Haha.

Cloth diapers : what brand to get? pigeon? tollyjoy? pureen? Are cloth diapers really cheaper in JB? I plan to get a mix of prefolds and the traditional types.

brazton hicks : been getting that too especially at night. Quite scary...feels as if tummy gonna explode...no pain though.


i think your gynae is concerned with the baby going down the birth canal & worsening your current spine situation.

already pregnancy has put a strain on the spine & your gynae doesnt wish to make it worse by having you have natural birth.

the problem here is natural birth can create spine/back problems even for pple with no pre-existing back problems.

EPI no no is just a secondary no -physically poking something into your spine - I think would need not just gynae & asthestician but maybe also your spine surgeon/specialist to be around incase of complications. even if your Spine specialist is agreeable - I think your gynae will make u sign ALOT of indemnity forms to put himself out of any complications should u still go for Epi. getting the OK from the spine specialist will cost. having him present will cost even more & the costs ( tangible & intangible ) of complications during surgery & post surgery implications all need to be considered as well.

GA's only complication is that you should not have any loose teeth - so sounds the safest of all your options.

zz - yes. C sect under GA.

Vic ma - Yeap. The epidural thing isn't my main concern. Right now my upper spine is basically immobile. The only area that's highly vulnerable would be my lower back and pelvis area where the spine is not fused. Obgyn did mention that if I still insist on going natural, it'd largely depend on how far my pelvis stretches. I've been thinking over and over again about this.

Cost is also a factor to think about. Like you said, having my orthopaedic surgeon ard would increase costs. Sigh. I guess I would have to weigh the pros and cons and decide soon. I'm seeing the orthopaedic consultant next week. Hopefully he'll be able to explain in detail the effects natural childbirth might have on my spine and decide from there.

Ranting - nice pics!!! I think my husband won't be level headed enuff to take such pics. Haha.

Re tummy size :

I get the "ur tummy so small ah" a lot too. But I've learnt to brush it off cos I know I have been eating well for baby.

Re : Pimples

I had the worst bout during the first trimester but now not a pimple in site. I am super lucky I guess. Hope it stays this way til the end.


I love Robinsons sales leh. Haha. I received $350 vouchers and spent it all on baby stuff. Very fun.


That shop near the temple really very worth it. I also got baby clothes from there. Super cheap.

Morning mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yah 6 is enuff for now cause my SIL told me some babies outgrown their clothes by 1st mth so I only bought 6 and with a few hand me downs I think shld suffice for now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] sg small small so easier to buy things if need be [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yah loh cheap until haha I really happy leh when I got a good bargain [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Regarding cloth diaper, I was told by my friend that Mrs Wong recommends Pigeon cloth diaper. Hmm I have not attended her class yet but well I guess for me blur blur 1st time mummy will just follow bah.

morning mummies

cloth diaper:

i got the anuku brand for my babysitter for #1. to me, no big difference bah.


how fast baby outgrow their clothes depends on individual bah. for me, i won't buy 0-3 months. usually get above 3 months one.

my 17 months old boy can still fit into 3-6 months tops loh. hahahah....


maybe you want to find out more and decide. better not strain your spine too much. take care.

blushwax, seek all the medical advise now i suppose so that you can make an informed decision. Not so straightforward - i've not come across this sort of case in the stuff i've read.

oh oh, i had to take a pic of my tummy after seeing ZZ's yesterday. so here it is at week 26 + 4 days.


BB Dust: Where is the shop near the Kuanyin temple? I am interested in checking it out to buy mittens and stuff. Oh and are you starting Mrs Wong's class this Sun too? I will see you there if you are [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lynn: Is the Robinsons sale still on?



Yeahh i am attending mrs wong class this sun :p my class is 12.30pm.. urs leh?

the shop near is opposite kuan yin temple (where the HDB flats are - no need to cross road de). Its the 1st shop on the left (beside the small road) .. the mittens and bootees set (4 sets) costs $9 bucks cheaper than kiddy palace and mothercare [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ur tum tum is also very big [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ming, robinsons CNY sale over on sunday. not sure if they are continuing with another one coz they've had non-stop sale since xmas.

serene, here's my blog. http://kaelynlynnfrancis.blogspot.com/

BBdust, i'll go check out the shop too - sounds interesting =)

ya my tum tum is very big - short so baby gotta grow outwards. u know yesterday, an old lady with many shopping bags + WALKING CANE wanted to give up her seat to me on the mrt. goodness, i had to profusely refuse. sometimes i think the size of my tummy scares pp into giving up their seats for me.

Hi mummies

BBdust, though newborns will outgrow their clothes by the 1st month, 6 sets/pieces is not enough, cos sometimes they go through 5-8 sets in just one day due to burps (bring up some milk), poo, etc.

You need about 2 dozens.


I have a freidn from 2008 thread who had a slipped disc in her spine in the past. She also went for elective c-sect.

The key issue is not just about the birth process or cost, but if natural birth has an impact on your spine for the long run.

If impact is minimal, then go for natural. but if the impact is huge, then take the doc's advise - go for c-sect. My view is that you would be the main caregiver that you spouse and even others would expect for your baby.

If your spine is affected in a big way or will degenerate in a huge way over the years, then who will take care of your baby?

Lynn, nice pic of tum-tum


I have 2 blogs - http://jamesnivy.multiply.com (about weddings, marriage and my life, even updates on #2) and the other is http://journeyofababy.multiply.com (about my #1)


Your tummy is really big at 26 weeks! I just measured my tummy last night and it's about 39.8" but then, it doesn't looked as big as yours!

Hi Mummies

I got the from the weekly email that I subcribe from BabyCentre. Good knowledge for those who intend to do natural birth without epi.

What is Entonox?

Entonox, or gas and air, is a colourless and odourless gas made up of half oxygen and half nitrous oxide, or laughing gas, as it is commonly known. It has a calming effect and takes the edge off labour pain, rather than blocking it out completely.

Gas and air should be available wherever you choose to give birth, including in birth centres and at home (NCCWCH 2007). Most hospitals pump gas and air to the labour wards from a central supply, so it's always available when you want it.

If you're in a smaller hospital or a birth centre without a central supply, or if you're having a home birth, your midwife can bring gas and air to you in portable cylinders.

When and how should I use it?

You can have gas and air whenever you want in labour. You breathe it in through a mask or mouthpiece:

1. Simply bring the mask up to your face or put the mouthpiece between your lips or teeth.

2. Keep it there as you breathe deeply and evenly. The mask or mouthpiece has a two-way valve that releases the gas and air for you to breathe in and takes away the carbon dioxide you breathe out.

3. Continue to breathe deeply until you start to feel a little light-headed. Take the mask or mouthpiece away from your face.

4. Within a few seconds, you will feel perfectly normal again.

You'll need a bit of practice to get the timing right. It takes at least 30 seconds of breathing for the gas to build up in your bloodstream to give you some benefit (Millns and Eagland nd). You may not get the full benefit until you've been breathing it deeply for about a minute (MIDIRS 2008).

Start breathing the gas and air the very second you feel a contraction beginning. If you wait until the contraction really hurts, and then start breathing, it will take effect between contractions.

What are the advantages of gas and air?

- It is flexible and quick-acting.

- It is easy to use.

- It is under your control.

- It doesn't stay in your system. As soon as you stop breathing it in, the gas and air in your system is cleared by your lungs and any side effects will stop too (MIDIRS 2008, Millns and Eagland nd).

- It takes the edge off contractions.

- It's safe for your baby (NCCWCH 2007, Millns and Eagland nd).

- Your baby doesn't require extra monitoring while you're using it.

- If you want to labour in a birth pool or in the bath, you can use it while you're in the water.

What are the disadvantages of gas and air?

- It is only a mild painkiller.

- It may make you feel light-headed or sick (NCCWCH 2007).

- It dries out your mouth if you use it for long periods (Millns and Eagland nd).

- Keeping hold of the mask or mouthpiece may stop you from moving around and getting into a comfortable position (MIDIRS 2008).

- It may take a while to get the timing right so that it's effective at the peak of your contractions (MIDIRS 2008).

- If used with painkilling drug pethidine, it may make you feel even more drowsy (Millns and Eagland nd).

Gas and air is perfectly safe for you to use during labour. However, there have been concerns about the safety of people who are exposed to a lot of nitrous oxide in their work (Henderson et al 2003). In large quantities, nitrous oxide can interfere with the body's levels of B vitamins and with cell development (Robertson 2006). If you work as a midwife, you need to be aware of how long you are exposed to nitrous oxide, particularly if you are planning to get pregnant yourself.

Questions for your midwife

It's best to ask your midwife these questions before you go into labour! Or you could make sure your partner is briefed with them in advance.

Ask whether the mouthpiece or mask and breathing tube are new or have been properly cleaned before you use it. Check whether the hospital uses filters to protect against infections. The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland recommends that disposable fittings are used, so that each person gets a new set, or that reusable equipment is cleaned thoroughly to reduce the spread of infection (AAGBI 2008).

If you're having a home birth, ask your midwife when she arrives to check that the mouthpiece, valve section and breathing tube are all in working order and that she has enough canisters for your labour (Home Birth Reference Site 2002).

Useful tips

You'll probably be given gas and air through a mouthpiece. However, if you're offered a rubber facemask, and the rubber makes you feel queasy, ask to swap to a mouthpiece. It's quick and easy to do.

Have lots of sips of water in between contractions to keep your mouth moist.

When you're pushing your baby out in the second stage of labour, you may find it easier to concentrate without using gas and air. Or you could have a little gas and air at the beginning of each contraction, but then put the mouthpiece to one side, and PUSH!

Don't feel bad if gas and air isn't enough to help you cope with contractions. Try something else. Using gas and air doesn't prevent you from having any other drugs for pain relief.


charismama, sure.

orangey, i think as a matter of proportion, altho my measurement slightly smaller, i will still look bigger haha...i'm gaining fat all over tho, can see some fats on my back...hate those on my arms...with a tummy this size, it's only a matter of time before the stretchmarks appear...



i still got lots of hands me down lah shld be enuff for now. if not i just ask DH to go buy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ur info very comprehensive leh.


yuppie go check it out [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] must save money ah so many things to buy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

