(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

haha i'll have to eat my words when my daughter wants to play with them...sigh...but seriously v messy, i've seen my niece play with them... =.=


lynn, haha! very true lor. datz y even though #1 has 2 sets as pressies, i dun let her play. i can't stand the icky bits stuck in her fingernails!! she likes puzzles, her leapfrog, her laptop and those boy toys though.. haha! like dinosaurs and animal figurines!

i have this folder on my comp "flashcards" i put into my personal folders.

always open to see once a while & surprise -its not children's flash cards - but my memory cards from my PDA long long ago!

Hi Everyone,

I went to the JL sale during lunch time today and got a set of baby pooh crib bedding for our baby girl. Original price was $99 but they had 20% off for members plus an additional 5% credit card rebate and another $8 voucher redeemable at next visit. I think it is pretty good value as it is a 7 pcs set, comes with fitted sheet, bumper, pillow, bolster and all that.

Very pleased now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

The lucky baby promo (3 items for $238) was pretty good too but we didn't have 3 items to buy so shelved the idea.

so many post to catch.


i'm sending #1 to cc after cny year. giving him more time to adjust to cc's life before #2 comes. also don't want him to feel that we don't want him.

jasda & vic ma,

i'm also going to buy a present for #1 saying that its from #2 loh. but still don't know what to buy.

belly button paim

i know what some of u are talking abt now. The tum is now so big its trying to 'unfold' my belly button hole! Super painful as i just sneezed a few times.

I didnt experiene this for c1

i think i will ask my visitors to bring my girl to kk' mac for ice cream as well saying that di di buy her ice cream hahah

morning mommies!

celynlee, jasda & vicma,

me too will be getting a gift for #1 upon arrival of #2. My hub was suggesting to get him a donut *lol* (coz it's one of his favourite) at least he can eat it, as compared to toys, since he already got so many toys around the house. And I thought that's a pretty good idea anway *lol*

re Belly Button - Mine getting cramped out, like no hollow space but stillnot protruding yet lei. Tink not all mommies belly button would protrude? Does it depend on bb's gender? Noticed tat most bb boy will get mommie's belly button protruded.

Yday aft work went JL sale too (Thanks Serene for the attachment). Tot Raffles City got JL, then in the end, gotta rush down to Somerset one. Din buy anything coz the playpen only 1 design n no changing pan and side basket, though the stroller n carseat looks ok to us...decided to hold and wait for more bb sales prob Taka fair or post CNY sales...hehehhe

Morning Mummies!


Not so true about protruding belly button = boys. Kekek.. I'm having a boy but my belly button is those hollow kind lah.. My sister and a friend #1 both girls also had protruding belly buttons. I think have to see the belly button itself. Keke..

morng mummies! TGIF!

after all the sia-ing on yakult/vitagen, took 4 bottles of vitagen since ystday morning. and now the stools are super loose, but not to the extent of lao sai la. i should stop taking vitagen NOW....

Morning mummies!

How's everyone?

I went to see my gynae yesterday evening for my 29th week checkup. Baby's weight is about 1.4kg. Sounds heavy to me, but gynae said it's alright.

Hi mummies

I'm now at Raffles Hospital waiting to see my gynae. Today's my dreaded glucose test. I have been pacing the hospital in an effort to bring down my blood sugar to normal range, so won't be diagnosed with GD. Hopefully I'll pass. I had ala carte buffet & a little durian last night. :p

Re: Toys for #1

play doh seems a good idea. Maybe shall get play doh. Another way of minimizing cleaning of play doh machine is to use cling wrap on the machine, and remove ater use. Cling wrap should be cut to size with a little bit of edges to ease removal from machine.

XLH, me me...im going down aft work check it out..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Orangey..hehe...coz everytime i see the pple ard mi wif those v protruded belly button then is bb boy. But yala, depends on indiv too..

Cellow, y u drink so many bottles? aiyoh...got laxative effect lei. I jus take once a day n eat more fruits n vegs too...

Rantingbaby, jiayou and good luck for your test!

Kite, i started experiencing tat into my 2nd tri...at first prob once a week then nowadays more freq liao...once a day thing. Tat time i saw my tummy lop-sided whilst resting on sofa. v hard too..Interesting sight. BUt worry means will have pre-term labour if continue like tat...

Ranting..good luck for yr test !!!

Re: Protruding belly button

I dun hv that nw though im expectinga boi..maybe depends on individual?

zhuzhu,can colour meh? i wana perm my hair, my stylist tell me not to. chemicals not gd for bb!

so my advise is, if can endure, don do anything to your hair.

only thing im doing for cny is pedi&medi.

Rantingbaby, gd luck!

ZZ, XLH, better dun colour la. Already come so far..dun take any chances!

PPle say can colour so long as dun touch the scalp. But How??!! Like tat means not covered from roots woh...

SG_SC..yeah will lun ..hehe...probably i juz go trim my hair a bit [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ..so true...come so far liao not ex..better dun risk anything ..

btw..today is start of wk 28 for me..yippee!!!! 3rd tri .

hehe..XLH, i oredi feel like i am in 3rd tri long ago..back ache, leg pain, tired, giddiness...breathlessness..n im only in week 25. sighhhh

sometimes i wish my maternity leave start faster. can stay at home whole day..

hehehe..zz, tats a happy worry. For now i rather my kid come disturb mi than bosses or colleagues loh. They're more irritating..neverending shitwork..

Hi, im from the May Thread mum, currently looking for another mum to join me for a discount scheme to sign up with Cordlife.

If you like to join me, please PM for the proposal offered by my Cordlife agent. I already got the proposal sometimes ago. Just for info, I am no way related to this agent, only signed up with her for my no. 1 last year. So no commission for recommendation. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hi mummies

Finished my test at about 12pm. So hungry cos got to fast from 12midnight. Headed straight for my Beef Noodles at Bugis Foodcourt. Now waiting for my mum to call & arrange for meet up. But I am v sleepy now. Been up since 7am. Even my #1 also cannot tahan, already snoring in her pram.

Blood test result for GD will be out today or next Monday. Praying very hard.

Hiyo Sorry to interrupt, im an oct mum, trying to sell off some unused items as my bb had outgrown[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

1)Huggies S-size diaper

2)BRAND NEW PHILIP AVENT Newborn Starter Set (which contains 2 feeding bottles (260ml/9oz) with newborn teats(No2) ; 2 feeding bottles (125ml/4oz) with newborn teats(No1); 2 newborn teats(No1); 1 Newborn soother and 1 Bottle brush (altogether 8 pcs) to let go @ $30 (original price @ $45.90).

Collection can be arranged once confirmed.PM me if interested.Thank you

my belly button is completely unfolded already so it just pops out. so many pp think i'm carrying a boy + my belly is pointed. i've already been accosted by many aunties whether it's the lady selling food or my hair dresser who will ask if i'm carrying a boy.

THEN, yesterday night i was watching my baby moving and kicking inside my tummy - she kept kicking and stretching her legs out at my belly button! maybe i can blame her for the state of my belly button now!

cellow, y u take so many bottles?! i take once a day, and still need prune juice to help me go.

rantingbaby, good luck with ur test!

hi mummies -

sorry to interrupt, i have an avent food warmer used only once willing to let go at a lower price do PM me if interested.


Hi All,

I am new to this thread. Am also a April mom-to-be.

My gynae is Dr. A.L.Lim located at TMC, EDD is 06 Apr 2010 and am expecting a baby girl!!! ;)

ranting baby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] jia you and good luck.

when is ur nxt gynae appt in RH? maybe can see u?

hi mummies, been busy playing with my iphone haha. tgif and we're knocking off soon! my bb is super active, kicking and stretching inside my belly. my belly button havent pop out yet but its super stretched liao. baby growing very well, i'm now 60kg le! all the weight giving me backache... me thinking of getting a maternity belt or maternity underwear with the waist bands for support. any comments or recommendations?


hi all!!

it has been a crazy day today.. was feeling some stomach cramp yesterday so stayed at home to rest.. today come back office, tons of work for me to do.. even helping my boss solve some IT problems.. crazy.. like i know what's wrong with the system..

too many posts to read liao.. anyway need to ask all one question, do you all know the operating hours of baby kingdom @ kaki bukit?? i'm thinking of going down later.. need to start buying bb stuff liao..

