(2010/04) April 2010 mtb


Talking about buying bb stuffs. Havent buy and wash yet. Since no. 1 is a girl, guess i hv to buy boy clothings. Those no. 1 is a girl, do u let no. 2 boy wear? i dun think wil let him wear pink, maybe neutral like white n yellow colour clothings. kekeke.

i checked my babysafe mattress abit dirty. thinking of buying a one. hmm

Red date drink,

anyone taking this daily? cos my hemoglobin is on e low side, heard able to replenish n nourish blood circulation...also makes bb rosy cheeks....


BBdust, that's why I need to input the reference source also.

kite, boys look cute in the occasional pink. Gives them a rosy complexion too.

kite, i haven't even bought a single piece for #2 yet! i dunno wat to buy for a boy.. hahaha.. after the crazy shopping for #1 even when she was a beanie in the tummy, i am lost right now.. hiaks..


Not sure leh~ LOL!

Sometimes I can get paranoid about my tummy size and my DH will give me that =.=" look.

My tummy looks more broader. I took a pic!

Taken at Week 28 3 Days


kite, my c1 also a girl so a lot of pink clothes too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i'm going to let c2 (boy) to wear some pink clothes as the baby clothes can easily outgrown.

ooh orangey, ur tum looks big too =) i've got the linea nigra thing going too...right up above the belly button too! urs is still an innie - so good!

week 28/27 is 3rd tri already rite? i feel so slow poke...haha...

Btw mummies,

I found a shop at Chinatown near Hong Lim Hawker.

They are selling the traditional kind of Cloth Diapers. 12 for $8.90 for S size and 12 for $14.90 for L size. My colleague told me she gotten all her cloth diapers from this shop and her daughter and son is now like 18 and 14 respectively!

I think it's quite cheap compared to Pigeon brand. Pigeon cost $26 for 10 pieces. Also bought Anaku Nappy Liner from Carrefour at 150pcs for $8.50.


Yuppie, just into my 3rd trimester. Don't worry, your turn is coming! Another 1.5 weeks for you!

My tum looks big front view only. Side view I think it doesn't look big. My friend said cause my tummy is broad shape thats why. Not sure either.

hmm, mine i also feel is broadshaped - haha! but pp comment that my tummy is pointy (hence the 'is it a boy?' guesses). my front view also similar, round round one...


wah ur tum tum also looks big.. mine shld be the smallest here kekek [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

if u are going to the shop opp kuan yin can check out the price of the cloth diapers there also. I cannot remember the price.


Front view looks big but side view wise.. not as big as Lynn de. Kekeke..


No leh, your tummy looks pointed! Actually there are alot of sayings.. some people says pointed = boys.. some says pointed = girls. I think it depends on the size of our uterus as well as position of baby. My Mum's when carrying me had a really pointed stomach but end up I'm a girl and my sis too.. She was carrying my niece with such a pointed tummy.


i got someone pointing at my tum tum yest and said Oh my ur tum tum is really small cannot even see u preggie .... now speaking abt small hahah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wow, lynn n orangey, yr tum tum quite big leh compared to mine. but i gain 10kg liao! how much you all gain so far?

lynn, nice to hear old lady give up seat for u. last time, the posts all abt ppl dowan to give up seat one.

re baby mattress, is one enough? someone said shd buy two cos if mattress get soiled, then got spare while washing the dirty one.


yeah Mrs Wong did recommend pigeon brand cloth diapers. Maybe will just get that one.

Thanks for all the advise on spine issue. Will see what my orthopaedic consultant says on Monday before I decide. Been to see one at SGH actually but he was absolutely useless in giving me information and was rushing thru the consultation.

Lynn, orangey,

your tummies way bigger than mine leh. Mine very small.

wah u all make me wanna take a tum picture too tonight!

blushwax is here a reason why she recommended pigeon? more reliable?

I am wondering if i need to rewash all my girl's cloth diapers - should hor? my maid will scream! I think i give her abit more ang pao during CNY $10-20 more so taht she wont scream so much in march haha!

orangey, i guess so bah, so many pp say pointed but i cant tell myself, neither can my hubby. eh orangey, time to show a side view la. haha...

charismama, prob going with tat but may still change =)

maddie, i gained 6 kg at last gynae visit...and i do get seats most of the time. once i didnt get n this lady kept urging me to stand in front of the guy sitting at the priority n make him embarrassed but i feel no point la, no obligation for him to do so. after tat when someone got off from the other end of the cabin, and nobody else dared to take up tat seat and i was practically ushered over by those standing to take up the seat. very drama! most pp cant ignore a tummy my size.

vic, take la, those with small tum tums pls take also for comparison - haha! i look like i'm due this month and i want to know wat is 'normal' size!

last Tues i was taking more public tpt i got alot of pple offer me seat - gosh its like i look so big liao ar! even this guy at BK let me order before him!

mine's not very small also but my bb is only 700gm la last tues.

seems like alot of you no. 1 is girl and no. 2 is a boy. so u all dont mind let no. 2 wear pink ah? hee....any place where i can get cheaper cotton clothings for newborn? yup think they wil change 5 to 6 tops per day.


i have 2 mattress, 1 is babysafe mattress placed on top and the other one is normal mattress. However, in the beginning, will place baby on bassinet as mine is a playpen. After tat will place it on mattress.

anyone of u write in to your company to request for a nursing room and succeed? If yes, how do u write? I wanted to try again cos rejected previously. 1st pregnancy i pump at the ladies changing room inside toilet for 2 years.


i gain so far 12kg at e moment. 1st pregnancy gain total 15kg.

vic ma,

1st pregnancy, i experienced nice ppl out there and they let me go 1st when top up transitlink card as well as toilet queue.


Pigeon one really good? Cause I'm planning to just let my baby wear cloth diapers for 3 months and I'll be placing him at IFC cause will be returning back to work. Not intending to take my 4 mths of ML all at one time. Will have 1 month left to slowly utilize cause you know need to bring baby for vaccinations too. Plus, me going to bring my baby back to Taiwan to visit relatives so cannot take too much Annual leave lor..


think I saw u last sat during the BMSG workshop. If I'm not wrong, u were sitting right infront of me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Think your baby bump looks pretty fine and proportionate for your built [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ohh... ermm I'm the last one who entered the room if u remember *lol*


try the shop opposite kuan yin temple loh. not much variety, colours and no patterns but its cheap loh, 1/2 doz for 10 bucks .. since they outgrow fast will rather not spend much on infant clothes.


Here's my side view!

My stretchmarks are not out yet, those that you see are my old stretchmarks. Used to be plump during sec sch and slowly drop from 62kg till 48kg and you know lah, got a better figure but gain so much stretchmarks. Even my boobs got those stretchmarks!



even though #1 is a boy and i got no reason to buy pink. i still buy like those cheapo pink shorts for him to wear leh. he also got peach colour sleeveless top too. there is once i dress him in peach top and pink shorts and tell hubby that we got a girl. hahaha... but cos my boy got obvious boy look so he definitely don't look like girl. :p


you can have mattress protector then you don't need to buy 2 mattress.


thanks. Will check it out.

Braxton Hicks,

Just read that Dehydration is one of the causes of BH. Perhaps those experiencing it shld try to keep yourself hydrated by drinking more fluid. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

orangey, ya, now i realise mine more pointy and protrude out more. imagine, i only put on 6kg so far + am at week 26 + 4 days only already look like tat. no wonder my gynae keep saying dun put on too much...i think i might topple over soon if i put on too much.

hmm, other than public transport, no one let me first for anything else =.=

pinkzee, i saw u coz u late - haah! u were with a fren? i saw u wave to someone...wonder which is sgsc...who else is there? i got startled when they showed milk squirting out from the nipple :p newbie MTB...

lynn, hahaa was super late that day... yeah was with a fren. heehee... the fountain of milk is amazing rite hehehe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] it's ultimate joy to have fountain of milk leh hehee... which means ss is good and always surplus for the baby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


by right, co. shld be able to allow. MC is staff's entitlement.

the thing is i try to get MC from e nurse, not directly from gynae, nurse told me MC not for antenatal checkup? maybe i shld ask gynae for MC personally, by right able to rite?


i take MC for my antenatal checkups cause our leave is very miserable [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]. my gynae will always remind me to take MC haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Everytime I go for my Antenatal checkup, my gynae will ask if I need any Medical Cert but usually I took leave already so I told him no need. Cause I don't want to use up too many of the Medical entitlement as it will affect my performance bonus lah.. so for now I try to go see Gynae on Sat.. Save up annual leave too.

pinkzee, looking fwd to this sat's with a doc. actually, u prob didnt miss out much coz they started v late too - had technical probs.

i usu go gynae on sats so tat hubby can go with me. if i go weekdays, the nurse always urges me to get mc from doc. company didnt reject gynae mc. i was planning on taking mc prior to my maternity leave but i saw that my company will count tat as maternity leave :/ there's goes my plan.

sam, i saw ur bake stuff in fb, so yummy looking ley.

mummies, i've created a group at FB and sent invitation to those in my fb list. those that hv not received invitation pls send me ur fb account so that i can send invitation..

lynn, yeah. it actually taste better than it look. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but crust abit over cook.

jasda, yay i saw our grp finally up in fb.

my virgin cheesecake [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hi Hi I'm new to motherhood..

EDD: 07 April 2010

Gynae: Dr. A.L LIM (TMC)

Gender: Girl

Hope to make more friends & get more imformation about motherhood from tis forum [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Huh? Company counts that as ML? Omg, I'm thinking of doing that too. Like ask Gynae to give me MC for week prior to my EDD so that I can rest at home but if they really deduct as ML then I can forget about that. Maybe will just endure..

hi all!!

i had very bad n painful leg cramp since last night.. poor hubby got to wake up and massage and put lots of pillow for me.. but morning woke up seems worst, doesn't seems to be able to walk well, leg very numb n painful, so took half day to rest at home.. now back in office, but leg still painful.. tomorrow going to see my gynae liao, going to tell her this..

lynn & orange: ur tum tum photo nice leh..



ohh good to hear that, tot I'd have missed quite a bit ... yeah hope it's gonna be a good session this sat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] overall I find it pretty informative and good recap for me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


omg! your blueberry cheesecake look so delish!!!!!! care to share the recipe *wink*


saw the FB group and joined! hehe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

