(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

judy, i've seen mothercare selling maternity support bands...think abt $30+...i suppose kiddy palace will also have. you want for support rite? I think the belt might be better than the underwear? i dunno, i cant bear to wear maternity underwear - so huge and high-cut - will be popping up everywhere above my bottoms! i have new ones from my mom though :/ havent wear yet.

oh, i bought a nice maternity skirt from Spring Maternity with my $10 voucher - happy! feels like v long nv buy clothes already...haha...

thanks bbdust.. i thought the website isn't that baby kingdom that i wanted to go.. stupid me.. didn't read carefully.. later give them a call..

i got my maternity belt from mother world great world city -then only they carried it.

now i think alto of places also sell.

Dear all,

I have an Ameda lactaline dual breast pump to sell. I bought it in June 2009 at $388 (receipt available) and used it only a few times after I delivered in September 2009. I did not use the pump much as I decided to stop breastfeeding 1 month after my baby was born. The breast pump is in good condition and I am selling it at S$250. Please PM me if you are interested. Thanks

Thanks for all the well-wishes.


I am in week 24,and will turn week 25 next Monday.


My next appointment is on 12 Feb (Fri), 11am. Today's session was pretty good. I managed to gain on 2kg, and baby weighs 680g.


I got myself a support band when I was in KL in Dec 09. Was very good in providing back and waist support. It is elastic band type but it covers the entire belly.

hi ladies!

happy weekend! i just saw one of the mummies having her #4. kel, way to go!u r a power mummy.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

just scanned thru the thread. jasda, what a wonderful idea about buying a gift for #1 saying its from #2!I'm going to do it also. can understand ur situation and charismama's cos i'll be handling both kids with a 10 to 6 helper. mum and mil will jst come and help when they feel like it. mum is doing my confinement food though.

the main reason why i started #1 in playgroup in jan is cos i dun wan him to think he's there bcos of #2. finally, he has stopped crying to go to school and that's a stress relief [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] of cos everyday i tell him, "daddy go to office, mummy go market, you go to school and baby goes to baby school"...he's happier knowing everyone is going somewhere and not home playing.

lynn, vicma, rantingbaby, thanks for the tips! i'll go check the belt out =)

pinkzee, i heard coconut juice should be drank 1-2 weeks before delivery to cleanse the baby...

i started in my late 8th mth last preg. After 2 times withing a week my feet swell so badly i had to get teva sandals as i was flat footed as well.

Not a pleasant experience.

Maybe this time i will drink much much later or not at all. Since there is really not much reason to support drinking it.

wow rantingbaby, thanks for sharing the pics! its amazing to see each step of the delivery process, esp the one where Faith came out! trying not to imagine myself in that moment *stressed**

err... you must thank my hubby for taking that shot. He was also surprised that he could take that shot.

rantingbaby: yeap its well taken, even kinda artistic!

yasmin: why are u surprised? i tot hubbies are encouraged to bring camera/vidercamera into the delivery ward to capture the moments!

Hi, ladies!

Sorry to interupt. Anyone going for elective C-sect ma? Interested to get a good support binder? I'm letting go mine for $50. It's USA Bird & Cronin Inc. brand and in very good condition with its original box. Good for 30-45" Hip/Waist. Pls PM me, if interested. Thks.


hospitals usually encourage photo-taking for delivery. However, video-taking is very much dependent on the hospital policies. So better to check about video-taking policies with your gynae. Hospitals have no issues with photo-taking though.

cos I remember both TMC and Mt A telling us no video or photo taking during delivery. they are ok with before and after photos though. I guess diff hospitals hv diff guidelines

as for my #1, he was born 2 weeks after my father in law passed away, so naturally we were not exactly in a trigger happy mood. we took fotos of him at the ward though. we would have liked some newborn shots, at the warmer,etc. maybe this time round [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i'm actually quite shy/conservative so i won't really take during delivery fotos/video even if hospital allowed [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]...but that's just me la.


I gave birth to #1 at Raffles Hospital. ISS-CDCS is the caterer for the hospital. I am giving birth there again for #2.

Vic ma

don't worry, I think elective c-sect can still take pics bah. Just check with your gynae.


wooo really leh, your baby come out nice and clean hehe.. I remembered my boy also came out nice and clean too, so I reckon must be the effect of the coconut drink hehee... btw, your pics of your delivery so cool leh!

YasminB, same here I also remembered that Mt A dun allow photography or videography during the delivery, but can take pics of the baby at the delivery suite when born.

kk wont eveb let my hb into operating theatre. I really doubt picture taking will be possible.

I am happy enough if they just let my hb in to hold my hand.

morning mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


aiyah that means I also can't get to see u in RH cause my nxt appt is 25th Jan then followed by 17th Feb.

wah ur labour photos are amazing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I will ask DH to standby camera and take many shots and the food looked yummyolicious too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

the last time u deliver there, do they give you any samples of diapers etc etc cause my friend told me they gave free diaper bag, if they did then I don't need to buy already [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morn mummies!!! *-*

Rantingbaby..yr delivery pics are amazing ..n like what bbdust said..the food loks good too !!! ..what an experience it must have been .

Re: Delivery at KKH

Anyone has any idea what stuff kkH will geve upon delivery eg diapers etc etc ?

morning ladies..

went to my 7th month check up last friday and baby was 1.3kg.. dr said he's medium size but I've put on 3.8kg within 5 weeks..

Vic ma,

In KKH, it is up to the gynae if he/she allows your DH to follow you into the operating Theater. Think you can ask your gynae when you go for your next appt.


Yes, KKH will give you Pampers NB Diapers upon delivery. I saw this from another thread where the threader listed out the stuffs given by KKH.

In your delivery package :

2 packs Kotex maternity pads (adhesive - I was in private class, A1 ward)

1 pack NB pampers

1 box facial tissues

1 pack wipes

1 pack disposable panties (I think maybe there were 5 or 7 pcs)

1 pack incontinence sheets


This morning I realised that one of my nipples have this white color thing. Just a dot on the very center of my nipple lor. Don't know what's that..

Hi Mummies


I did receive a free diaper bag the last time. But it does not last long, so if #2 also get a free diaper bag, then I will take it and use it until it breaks again.

Other items were more of the opened packs of diapers and maternity pads that were used (and we have made payments for) as well as chlorohexidine for cleaning of the perineum. I stand by some diapers, and disposable panties and maternity pads this round again.

I think I will open the ones I buy cos the hospital ones are expensive. :p

thanks orangey!! ...

ZZ ...tum tum big big wor...n can see yr belly button shape [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ...mine stil nt sticking out yet.

zz, your tummy is big!

rantingbaby, nice pics! dont tink my hb dare to take such pics, he will faint if he see too much blood. gosh!

Morning mummies!

Nice pics ranting. Looking fwd to deliver at RH too. So you brought your own diapers and maternity pads to use there?

ZZ, you r big! Can see yr belly button also. Very cute.

faith is cute! got a tu-tu mouth - hehe...my hubby for sure wont take photos like tat, i think he prob wun be in the right frame of mind to do anything.

ZZ i'm wondering if my tum tum can match urs...and i'm week 26 - also got protruding belly button. all smoothed out already. I measured last week, my tummy circumference at its widest is 95cm.

btw, u have nice maternity clothes - haha =)

Today bb is bz esp from juz now till now.

Looks like he's shifting into a comfy position cos I keep seeing my tummy changing shape and his feet moving from left to right to and fro..


U notice my maternity clothes! kekeeke

It was from my previous pregnancy.

I've not measured my tum circumference so far.

I dun exactly know how much now but my mum says smaller than my #1.. heehee

I met up with my frens last sat and they commented only my tummy grew but I still look ok.. *vain mummy happy*


ur tum tum is really big big leh keke [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ranting baby,

ah okie so good i wont buy the diaper bag yet shall use the one RH give [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and I will standby the diapers and stuff cause i think that is part of the consumables they will be charging us.


Ur edd is abt the same time as me leh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] woohoo maybe we see each other in the delivery suite [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


zz, i'm 29th week but my tummy can't match urs.. my belly button also protruding and can see it not matter what clothes i wear..

