(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

lynn..same here...the doc gave me dup to eat twice daily for 2 weeks ...its now lil specks of brownish discharge ..hopefully this clears up real soon ..cant help but worry everytime i see this ...just wondering what might be causing this.

anyone has any theory / explanation?

pinky..yr chest feels heavy & u may find it uncomfy cos chest seems to be feeling v heavy ...for me, i take in long breaths & breathe out slowly..helps to provide some relief but does not eliminate tha stuffy feeling.

my hubby did ask for reasons. My gynae said another reason is threatened miscarriage. the brown specs are hints of blood. the reason why we're given duphaston is because duphaston acts like our pregnancy hormones to prevent further bleeding. it could be that our pregnancy hormones dipped (as with our usual menstrual cycle, then we start menstruating) and this could cause miscarriage. so the duphaston is taken as they up our pregnancy hormones by acting like pregnancy hormones, so the bleeding stops.

Don't worry too much. A lot of us here are on duphaston [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

oh another thing my gynae recommended was for me to up my intake of duphaston to 3 times a day if the spotting continues.

anyone lost weight like me?

seems everyone gained weight...

just wondering shd I check myself into hospital and put on drips for a night? have been puking and feeling weak...

good for you zz!

zbabe, you were put on drip before for your first pregnancy rite? have you tried drinking glucose water? I think you can buy a tin of glucose from ntuc, mix with water to drink. that will at least give you some energy. not sure if you can keep it down though.

my sis also had severe ms and had to be put on drip. either consult ur gynae or if you know you cant take it anymore, go hospital. take care ok!

zbabe, i also lost weight.

I lost 5kgs, think 1 day only can have 1 meal w/o puking. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

lynn, u have good memory!! ya, i was put on drip for first pregnancy..and I felt better after the drip, so wondering shd I do that for now...

glucose water can help? thanks for the suggestion...

elmoo, i lost 3 kg, and i think still dropping as I m puking still...feel weak and frustrated...

Hi all Mummies,

Hope im not too late here. My LMP was on 22 July. Was tested positive just few days back.Based on the pregnancy calculator, my edd would be 28 April 2010.Currently i've 1 coming to 17mths gal.Till now, have not gone to see the gynae yet.

Zbabe & Elmoo,

same here. I have lost 4 kgs so far. Going into my 11th week. On average only kept 1 - 2 small meals down. Am thinking what is the final straw to tells me to go hospital eh? My hands kept trembling & i was so fearful of getting dehydration that i didn't sleep well last night.

Hi, joyce

Heard from my friends said if even water cannot go down, your body start to breakdown then need to go hospital liao. But I'm not sure what she means body breakdown. Did you take any vomit pils? Realise the pils are not effective to me liao. Haizzz

Zbabe & Elmoo, I notice usually by the second puke of the day, my hands will tremble. I took the vomit pills a few times but it makes me keep gagging, like keep wanting to vomit but nothing comes out. Think i should resume taking them.

Did abit of reading up on dehydration during pregnancy just now, signs include dark yellow urine, strong odour in urine, infrequent urination, dizziness, headache, increasing thirst, dry mouth / nose / chapped lips, weakness & dry skin. Thought i list it here for everybody's reference. Sigh, i have like more than 50% of the signs.

aiyo, you girls, i feel so terrible for you coz i still remember the days i was puking non-stop. it's so absolutely horrible! do consider drinking glucose water for energy. at least with some energy you might feel a bit better. Or H20 coz it's an isotonic drink that can hydrate you. hang in there. my sis also had v bad ms but she said it'll all be over soon and then after that, everything will taste very good!

i'm quite sick of my apples but i still take coz it seems to be the best fruit to take. i've got allergies and i read that apples are good in lowering the chances of babies from getting allergies. i'm also avoiding peanuts.


That's nice of u


Take care

Drink 100+?

I enjoyed that few weeks back whenever I dun feel well plus it's good for dizziness.

How abt taking gummies like me? Take the natural confectionery. Low sugar and taste nice.. Ur sugar level will come jumping back

Lynn, thanks. u even go and find the link.

Zhuzhu, i tried drinking 100+ ytd den puke everything out. I took alot of mentos also, but recently, that has to coming out too. So weird.. Thanks so much for your concerns. Will keep intake & output in check.

If it doesn't improve by tmr morning, i will seriously consider going to KKH.

no prob ladies, i was very traumatised by the vomiting and i'm lucky to be better. my mom and sis both recommended glucose back when i was worse off, so recommend to you all too.

do consider going doc if it doesnt get better coz severe dehydration is bad.


for my 1st gal i puke til i lost weight for 1st few mths and need to go hospital for drip. during birth my weight gain is around 5kg. normally my face is quite oily but when i puke so badly tat i can't find oil in my face.

Pinky u know apple juice dulls appetite hor. but pregnancy is funny one whatever u can stomache during this period just eat lor. except sashimi la hahha!

lynn, thanks for the link, will ask hubby to get one tin for me...

joyce, if u're gg KKH, I might also seriously consider gg TMC for drip! I also got some dehydration, my urine is very dark esp in the morning, and I do have dry lips now...I took H2O, but vomited everything out..now i scared to take H2O. will try the glucose water..

I have been taking hot honey with some lemon though..is it useful? heard honey is liang? cannot take too much?

orange flavour in that Glucolin sucks big time Blackcurrent is so much nicer.

unchilled orange will taste really nasty even my girl rejected it.

Hi Everyone,

does anyone get really dry skin?

my face is really dry.. my butt also.. itchy!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Gynae- Dr Adrian Woodworth

EDD - 17 Apr 2010

this is my #1

Hospital - TMC

Pinky: The injection is progesterone injection and is oil based. This one of the hormone that needs to support pregnancy. You need to massage quite frequently that lumpy part in order to distribute the medication and let it absorb by your body. Otherwise it will just stay as a lump and take a very very long time to go off. Yes it is painful.

Hi, am back with my updates...

Last checkup was done on Sun, at 8weeks+

LMP: 17 July

EDD: 23 April

Baby: #2

Gynae and Hospital: Malaysia (will travel to JB for each checkup)

Am still having bad nausea (since week 5), usually vomit 3-4 times per day...

Cant eat normal meal and drink plain water... very low mood and sad...

Gynae was asking whether want to have drip... am still considering...

Few days ago, my mil cooked chinese herbal as drink for me. Thus i just drink that, no plain water for me... It does help for nausea and vomiting... Anyone who cant take plain water may try:

Boil below items and keep in warm:

1. Dang sheng

2. Hong zhao (seedless)

3. Gou ju zi

4. Dried long yan (for sweetening)

Hav been silently reading all the posts since my last post, found alot of ms encouragement here! Thks!!

me also on duphaston, 3 times a day. got brown discharge at first so gynae prescribed tt. after taking it for a week, still got discharge so got the injection twice a week. duphaston still continue till now. abt 3 weeks le. these few days got yellow discharge + thin blood streaks. aiyoh, so scared got to go for jab again. now i scared to go gynae to ask even. just keeping my fingers crossed.

morning ladies. rant time:

my stitches are still bothering me! 3rd day already [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] night time can feel it also [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

merlioned my kiwi fruit yesterday while attempting to brush teeth. in the end, i used mouth wash, very hard to brush teeth without gagggin ley. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i hope my ms doesnt worsen before my trip, these few nights getting quite unbearable. been sleeping at 9pm so that i can sleep the ms feeling away. but wake up twice a night to pee.

i'm getting zits on my chin, yet at the same time, the corner of my lips is dry and peeling. so i'm having dry AND oily skin?!

i'm not constipated, in fact, i go poo twice a day now. strange hor? but i really rather not get constipated coz i have piles.

looking forward to the weekend....

lynn: good luck to you! I also hope I can enjoy my HKG w/o nausea! Nowadays take train also stress, scared puke inside...

Me also not constipated (same as my 1st preg) but loose stools...gynae told me to try yakult if still v. loose stools...

Told to start on multivits n milk...no chips...coz twins, need more nutrients...i hate milk! so now can only guai guai drink soya milk..


Im also having itchy skin on my legs. Sometimes scratch till bleed. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Can u update my details for me?TIA! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


LMP: 22 July 09

NICK: Deby82

BB#: 2

GYNAE: Dr Wong Mun Tat


Pinky: Yes, must massage after each jab. Mine never becomes itchy or turn blue black. I always got lumps (normal) and have to massage and massage and can take days or weeks to go off depending on how much massage you do. Not sure if yours is infected. It's best you call your clinic to check what is the best action.

deby82 : I have the same problem, scratch until bleeding. Told my gynea during my last visit and he give me 2 creams. 1 to stop the itch and 1 to moisturize. After first applications, the itch is gone.. and by the 3rd applications, completely healed. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wow, ur baby muz be enjoying the big "swimming pool"

Thanx for sharing. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/kao_smile.gif]

SMH back!


Hi hi,

new MTB reporting.

I had some spotting at week 5-6. Dr A, gave me 2 hormones injections and 2 weeks MC, now still on duphaston. Now I see him every week, cos I had miscarriage at 12 week cos no heartbeat 2 years back. Now trying to be as positive as possible. It seems like things are more stable now. Counting down to 2nd trimester

Now having lower back pain, some morning sickness, very tired. My enjoyment now is to see my growing bumps (Quite big for 9 week). Glad to see jie meis here in their 1st trimester I can’t take bus to work cos have to walk 15 mins from bus-stop to office. Now Taxi is my best friend.

Now have craving for French fries (without salt), Potato chips, fish cracker and many kind of tibits. Hubby worried I will get high blood cos of high sodium contents on these food. Fav food now is porridge, bee hoon, fish soup, cannot take rice cos find it difficult to digest.

Hi Pinky,

I also experiences itchiness at the place that dr injects; still have 2 small holes, still visible after 2 weeks.

Hi Yiwen,

Please help to update my details. Thank you!

EDD: 19-April-2010

LMP: 07-July-2009

NICK: stefie2104

BB#: 1

GYNAE: Dr Adrian Woodworth


