(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

hey pinky... my gown is the tie behind one.. i think u shud let ur bridal know that u are preggy and let them make arrangement ard any possible weight gain and stuff... thats what i did.. thats why i had to give up my mermaid cut WG n took princess cut with tying at the back of dress.

my wedding is coming soon le.. 3rd oct... i asked my doc whether need to take precaution ard it. she said no need. just don get too tired


hi joyce,

thanks for ur encouragement...at least I take comfort that some of u are also like me...its very lonely sometimes, to be puking..

and when my hubby takes me out, I always need to go toilet puke, feels terrible, sometimes just wanna hug the toilet bowl and cry...

i know all i can do now is to look forward to first tri being over...hopefully ms stops...

i also dun like the anti-nausea pills but if dun take, then food can't stay inside...

u must jia you too ya!

naivesg, hopefully your check-up went well. Will keep you and your baby in prayers. Do update soon.

Pinky & OLO, must take very good care on your wedding day. Is customary & banquet all together on the same day? I rem i was soooo tired on my wedding day, i was actually running a slight fever. And it was only after the banquet ended then it occurred to me my entire body was aching. So you both must take it easy on tat day. Try to rest in between if possible.

Zbabe, while my case is not as severe as urs,i can understand to some degree what you are going through. I had phobia now of going out cos never know when i gotta puke. And i especially dread taking bus. So let's jiayou jiayou together & pray hard that MS will cease once we are past 1st tri.

zbabe, you are not alone..I think a lot of us had quite a bad MS too. I puke in hawker centre, food court and some other public place before..so embarassing. Recently not puke much anymore..but the feeling of nausea and wanted to puke but can not puke is also as terrible.

Stay strong ok? we are going to pass our 1st trisemester soon..yeah!!!!

u know there was one day..i was soo frustrated, can't walk too much, can not go out much, can not apply new job anymore, can not do much housework, can not cook cos smell of cooking make me puke, etc..

i just cry and cry for few hours..my poor hb has to take all my complaint. But now..i sort of get over it..and try to embrace the joy of our little one.

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Anmaria, you are spot-on to what i'm feeling now! While frequency of vomiting seems to have reduce, but i still feel nauseous, as if want to puke but nothing to puke. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] This forum has help so much, allowing me to rant (paiseh ar) and to support one another who are going through similar phase.

Hello Gals,

Gynae did a scan and found a irregualar shape sac........He say most likely is not viable....so like waiting for me to bleed.......Yesterday a little more...fill a little of panty liner.

and my bleeding start again this evening (sun).....getting painful with cramps and the bleed is like 1st day.........

Hb say he pin chang xin.....

I seems to be in a denial stage and doesn't believe that my baby cannot make it.....and I wasn't having much feeling yesterday.....like immune like that.

Especially yest when I did the hpt it was still positive..........and my boobs is still sore....

Anyway yest my stomach start to cramp more painfully, and after sometime at nite. Eventually I cried. Cried terribly........

Today, now, start to have more cramps and bleed....anyway Up till now I dunno wat to think or feel...and feel a little bit sian.....my hb today cannot stand my unreasonable moodiness and start to quarrel with me.........

Yesterday he see me cried until like that, he suggest to me if we want to go back SG early.

Really set me into thinking.

Now I am quite easily aggitated and any words of care or concern I might not be too happy to hear also....

Although I was having hope yest that the gynae was like rubbish, talking nonsense....but the fact that I start having bleeding like 1st day AF and the irregular shape sac seems to be proving me wrong......................

Gals, thanks for ur concern and encouragment, but I guess I am easily aggitated or upset I would say with any kind of words...........even concerns..........

Hi naivesg

my heart goes out to you.. Can understand the disappointment and frustration u r going thru dearly.. Think on the positive side that at least your body is automatically discharging the sac naturally w/o the need to go thru the pain and touture of dnc.. Though is naturally but is better that you still do a mini confinement of at least seven days.. Lets cry together and let time heal us.. I will know my verdict on thursday.. Still praying for a miracle but also got to mental prepare for the worst.. Sadz..

Take care and lets try hard for a healthy tiger bb again (still in time) after two to three mth rest.. Take this chance to tiao ur body strong strong k..

Hi gals,

gd morning to all.. Sorry to pour cold water here.. But desperately need ur help here..

anyone had ever choose ur preferred doc to do a dnc at kk? As i think it will be so much cheaper than do it at private hospital.. But wonder how much is the difference if we choose the gynea than walk in? As worry if walk in will get training gynea to do it.. Need advise now.. Thk u..


From what i know, if you specify a doctor in a gov hospital, they will still charge you private rate, which is almost the same as private hospital. i think

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naivesg:I have the experience before of irregular shape sac and finally had to do a d&c to remove it as hearbeat cannot be detected by about week 8. We will quite sad too. This is due to unknown reasons and after that I realised this happen quite common to other people too. I got 2 friends who also had this experience.

Do not worry or think too much. You can still try again.

gals...i went for scan on saturday, my 1st gynae appt, found out am having twins! Now 8 weeks, one is 2mm smaller than the other...totally not prepared for this..

er, the 2 mommies who had twins and then lost one, when did it happen huh? Now i scared ganna the "vanishing twins syndrome"... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Thanks xiaolaohu!

But really caught unprepared leh! We got no family history of twins...neither were we on any kind of fertility pills...au de natural...dunno how come strike twins! hahahaha....

Double blessings, double sickness too...

No wonder this time round I so fast feel v. breathless, backache n constantly hungry...now I know why!

wow juliet, congrats! do take care. symptoms may double with twins [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ya, i'm so sleepy even though i slept so much. and there's the permanent strange feeling in the stomach..sigh..dunno hungry or wat...

juliet, you can follow this website. they do mention multiple pregnancies week by week: http://www.pregnancyguideonline.com/wk8.htm

i pity you all la, those still puking. i'm lucky i seldom puke now. but there's always the sick feeling - nausea, backache, no appetite, fatigue. already i find it quite unbearable - very sian already. girls hang in there, come here to rant ok? we share weal and woes [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi ladies

I should be about 8 weeks or so now, had 1st scan at 6 weeks. next appointment is next week...

Haha, anybody like me, keep wondering how it the baby doing? Cos cannot see and cannot feel anything (apart from nausea and sleepiness) at this stage...wish i have ultrasonic eyes! haha =P

hang in there juliet! if it doesnt get any better, go see your gynae, maybe she can get you mc so that you can rest at home. quite terrible to be pukey and at work.

some of the ladies here also mentioned that their doc said must make sure you take in fluids even if you dun eat. i read H20 is good. Or you can buy glucose, mix into water to drink.

tinospora, yeah, i bet all the mommies here want to have ultrasonic eyes to see our babies all the time! 1 more week before i see bb again and fly off!

lynn: my gynae at TMC leh, i dun even want to get out of my chair now, much less travel so far! si beh xinku, keep sipping water, but quite useless...i can feel another toilet-hugging episode coming up! :S

Juliet, congrats on your twins! Take good care. Be careful not to be dehydrated. Check your fluid intake vs amt of fluid that comes out cos when we throw up, a lot of fluid comes out as well.

Ytd evening, i had one of those preggy melodrama. Was sobbing to husband that i feel so helpless. Envious those of you who can feel hungry. I think i forgot what it is like to feel hungry liao. My signal these days for needing food is trembling hands & "cold" stomach. Still, i know i got to hang in there. So sobbing is a release of pent-up frustrations. Let's continue to jiayou! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi everyone

i went to my 1st gynae check up last sat.

i am 7wks now. 2nd baby. edd is 29-apr.

next check up will be 1 mth later.

feeling very miserable now. keep having the feeling to puke but yet nothing.

have been eating sour plum to ease the nausae feelings.

no appeite and food turns me off now.

Thanks Joyce. Yea, been trying to drink more water lor..

Yiwen: my edd is apr 21, but doc says earliest wk 36 will pop liao, so i may end up a march 2010 mummy!

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woofy, avoid caffeine if u can...maybe minimal is ok but try not to take the risk.

ya i hate the taste in my mouth. it's futile trying to munch things to keep the taste away, i just end up eating more but the taste returns right after i stop [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

yes, the weird taste is there at every waking moment when no food is in my mouth. drives me nuts.

XiaoLaoHu, go for decaff if you really crave for coffee. High caffeine content in normal coffee.

i jus had half cup 3-in-1 nescafe cos i cannot tahan the sleepiness in office..bu thats my 1st half cup in like 2.5mths...guess its ok ..*cross my fingers*

woofy you cant do the nap in toilet thing ah? hehe...not too pleasant but sometimes no choice...

half cup should be ok bah. dun make it a habit if you can! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

do u gals start to get hungry almost every hour..

it drives me crazy now. If i don't eat..i will feel like puking...but if I eat..well..

i think I am gonna be a big mama soon.


me... i eat every 1-2 hrs.. cause i am very hungry... at week 8, i already gained 2 1/2 kg. the last weight check at week 9 i gained anther 1/2 kg.

i've had heartburn twice since...very terrible...someone said eating ice cream can help, but i was way too full to stuff another ice cream in. just sit there until the feeling passes.

i suddenly lost appetite end of last week. can eat 'normally' now. earlier, i was snacking non-stop to get rid of the ms feeling. now ms more mild, so i can eat normally...not so bloated.

i think i'm having a girl, i love ice cream so much...i also dreamt i was holding this happy cute baby girl [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] heheh...


Hi everyone

Been MIA for awhile. So tired and sleep at 9plus daily. Anyone still nauseous at wk 10. I am into the worst period...tot shd be over soon. I see food but no appetite to eat at all. Eat the most simple food and yet vomit gastric juice. Miserable....I miss my appetite. Even the nicest and favourite durian turned me off.

very sad....

