(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

I'm a big sweet eater all my life, and pre-preg, my fav had been Lakerol (esp grapefruit flavour). But now can't stand the sugarfree sweets anymore...like got a bitter/metallic after taste.

Then my fren gave me some Fruitella. And I'm hooked! Got fruit juice, and sweet plus a bit of tangy. So makes my MS feel better and takes my mind off the discomfort for a while.

Give it a try, NTUC having offer, 3 packs for $1.15....haha ;-)


Joanne- Take care.. my other mc .. i said something about having piles.. but i think the reason of wisdom tooth sounds good too..

Jia you! Please do a mini confinement and nurse yr body back to tip top condition.

This is my 2nd try as well.

Hi puckie and wishuponstar

thks for the excuse but dun think pp go kk remove wisdom tooth right? Will pp go kk remove piles? Here i am upset but there i cant help not to think of a convincing excuse so that pp wont keep come to u asks wht happen.. Any more good excuse? Pls.. Sorry for the trouble and appreciate all ur support.. Very consoling..;'(

Hi joanne,

I am not sure whether piles can be remove in KK but I think removing of cyst that lynn suggested may be a good one also. it is a very common woman problem nowsaday too.

Joanne, sorry to hear that. Pls take care of yourself.

Don't worry so much abt how to answer others or what they will say. This has happened to many of my colleagues (got abt 90 female in my school) and we usually just go up to them to give them a pat on the shoulder, a hug or even chicken essence. If they are sensitive enough, they won't usually ask u a thing.

As for trying again, when u and dh are ready bah. No pt stressing yrself to try for one asap.


hugs hugs... pls don't give up faith and hope and try again... maybe u can say to remove fibroids as fibroids is very very common in woman nowadays.

Tell them that it is a small operation but doc asked u to rest.

yup, fibroids or cysts removal are very common ops in KKH. If your colleagues ask you more, just brush them away saying that you're tired and you wish to rest or catch up on work.

rest well ok?

Though Friday but still moody leh... Constipated + sleepy + No appetite [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hi joanne,

I did my dnc in June, and they gave me hospital leave which did not state any reasons. My doc gave me a medical report separately regarding my incident...I had around 14 days leave. and I told my colleagues I hospitalized due to cyst removal!

usually if they're sensitive, they wont ask much...

remember to "bu" more during confinement...


Please take care of yourself. You can tell your boss that you are going for Laparoscopy, don't think he will know much about this cause Laparoscopy seems to be quite complicated.

Hi ladies,

this morning I discovered one brown spot on my panties...

shd there be any cause of alarm?? as me and my hubby engaged in "u-know-wat" last night....

shd we not have done it???


Hi zbabe,

go and see your gynae immediately. I had that when I was 5-6 weeks. Dr said must eat hormones pills or/and hormones injection to stablise the baby and I was given 2 week MC on and off. Rest more, don't walk too much.

My friend said it is threatened abortion, so make me worried so much.

Take care.


Do you feel any contractions at your uterus area? If yes, go and see your gynae right away. It's okay to engage in "that" activity but you must make sure you are comfortable.


I would suggest going to see your doctor to ease off your mind. It's always good to check [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Your gynae will probably prescribed you with some duphastons to stop the spottings. Don't worry okay? If you are in KKH, can go down to 24hrs directly.

Hi zbabe

u mc in june and immediately u bfp again? Thats very lucky of u.. May i know wht bu did u take?

Hi orangey

cant say is larascopy as i did that few yrs back.. Dun think so fast got pp do again right?

Hi zbabe

better see ur gynea for some assurance to know bb is allright..

ya, seems like we all can be docs already. usu brown spotting docs will give you duphaston just in case. my doc did ask me if i had sex (tat was her first question) when i went to see her for my brown slimy discharge. but i didn't so i dunno wat would have been her advise if it was so. dun worry [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Thank u. Congrats to you too. Do u find the tummy bigger this time round? i find that mine is bigger. like 5mths preggy.


Do take care.

hi Joanne,

sorry to hear... I did my D&C at TMC. Given 2-wk hospitalisation leave. The leave slip only has my name/IC and dates. And of course the TMC name.

Rest well and give yourself time to recover physically and emotionally. Think I posted a thread on the m/c support group earlier on. U may want to visit if u've not done so cos the ladies there are v encouraging. Take care!

Zbabe u did XXX with your HB last nite i hope. if its that u best stop. if its not due to XXX then best see a doctor long weekend. ya 24 hrs woman clinic basement of KKH is a comfort to know.

zhabe ...erhmmm ...i did not BD but got spotting wich freaked me out in wk 8 ..i went immediately to kkh 24hrs...doc gave DUP together with the FA/multi vit that im aldy taking ...according to the doc, this is what they term "threatened abortion"..doc did a u/s scan on my tum which show the bb growing ok ( Thank God! ) ...i din want to take a chance myself ..so better to be safe than sorry.

hi ladies! so many things to catch up on.. =P

zhuzhu, ur tummy!!! i tot mine was big.. hi-5! itz about the same size.. hahaha.. my mum kept laughing at my bump. told her bo bian, there were still leftover flab from hving #1. so a little extra expansion and my tummy moves out.. haha! but i only gained 1kg so far..

joanne, hugs... hope u r feeling better. i know how hurt u must be feeling. i have been thru dat b4 i had my #1. but do pick urself up fast enough! and ttc again ya? dun give up!.. take care.. (as for ur mc, can consider removal of cysts cos itz reali very common nowadays..)

I also thought spotting is normal. Until 3 of my gal friends, keep saying it is dangerous, must see dr., must rest etc etc. That's why I kan cheong. Went to see Dr. I used to only take Duphaston pill 1 pill x3 times. Then increased to 2 pills x 3 times. Now more stablised back to 1 x 3 pills.

And Dr said no BD once have spotting. So till now we have not BD. May try after 1st trimester.

Yours maybe just cos of BD. But individual body are different. SO gynae would be the best person to say whether is it normal or not.

spotting if you read around can be 'normal' but most gynaes will err on the side of caution and prescribe you duphaston or sthg similar in case it is a case of threatened miscarriage, coz you dunno if it's normal or a sign of something bad.

Hi gals

thks for ur support and sorry to dampan ur mood.. Time will heal my wound but i will never give up on ttc definitely as i love kids.. And my son will be too lonely after we left the world.. Think when see my son tonite, will hug him tight tight.. He is my only support now..;'(

now am planning for a trip to relax myself.. My gynea say can try immediately after the first cycle of af over.. i will try again end of the yr dec.. Hope will hv a healthy pregnancy and bb very soon.. And hope still in time for a tiger bb.. I felt the reason for my this mc is due to not enough rest.. Hv been playing alot of facebk game until my parent scold me.. Learn my lesson and will rest well well for my next try.. Jus a note to u gals try to rest more too..

btw, Pls help me last time.. may i know how r cysts remove? In case pp asks and i dun know how to answer.. Thk u gals.. Sorry for the questions and disturbance..

Joanne, stop blaming yourself. read more about miscarriages. early term miscarriages are usually due to genetic factors. pls read up this link: http://www.pregnancyloss.info/causes.htm i seriously dun think you can get a miscarriage from playing too much games on the computer! if you physically exert yourself by doing extreme sports maybe. also read the section on myths.

you will go on to have your next kid as many others have done before. I hope you think more positively soon.

here's a link on cyst removal but it's also through laparoscopic surgery. http://ovariancystremoval.org/

Joanne!! I also keep playin FB game leh. I sometimes played till 1 plus 2.. mom also keep scolding me....

But now i v tired already 11 plus i KO liao.

joanne, dont blame yourself. but when you concieve, do rest more. wish you all the best for the next healthy pregnancy. take care.

Hi Joanne,

it is not your fault. Just rest well and try again. I have friends who had miscarriage and get pregnant within 6 months. No worries, you will have tiger baby too. IIRC, actually can try after 3rd AF.

Hug hug[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Sorry i can't answer ur cyst question. But no worries abt posting your questions here. U're not disturbing. We're all here to share and learn fr one another.

Pls do continue to post here if you feel like it. Even update us now and then on how you're doing. And yes, u can still make it for tiger bb! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi lynn

thk u so much for the link..

Hi to all my girlfriend

you gals are really supportive, helpful and sweet.. Am sure all of ur pregnancy will be a smooth and healthy one as u gals are sooooo fantastic pp.. After tok to u all today.. I feel so much better and will look ahead instead of bury myself in sadness.. U gals mus take gd care too k.. Hope the next time i can tell u all my gd news again very soon and u gals still can remember me.. Maybe u gals already going to labour very soon after few mths as time flies.. Pls take care.. All the best..

Hi ryne

thk u so much for still accepting me here.. It is so heartwarming..;'( how.. Really hate myself for not able to continue the journey with u gals... So sadz.....

JOanne ...its truly not a nice feeling to feel what u r feeling now..do take all the time to recover okie ...dun woryy abt posing qns here & chatting with the pple here cos we r here to support each other in our TTC journey ..jiayou!

Can I check if Redoxon Vita Immune safe to be taken? I just realised that it contains vit A after taken 2 tabs and I am waiting to call my gynae but cannot wait any longer to know if it is safe. Please advise.

.. stupid me being pointed to this product when asking for Redoxon Vit C by Guardian's sales person...

Pray for the best...

Vit A is fine so long as it's the vegetable (beta carotene form) - in fact, it is needed for a healthy pregnancy. Vit A in the animal form (retinol) is no good. This comes in the form of animal liver etc etc. I'm not sure about the form for Redoxon Vita Immune. Check if it says beta carotene. In any case, even if preggies take some liver, it's ok. So long as not in large quantities. If you are not sure, can stop taking. You've only taken 2 tabs. Should be fine. Check the source. Cheers!


thanks for your reply. I have stopped taking already. Later will ask my nurse when going for injection.

hoping for a safe and smooth pregnancy..Also, a cute and healthy baby!


thanks for your reply. I have stopped taking already. Later will ask my nurse when going for injection.

hoping for a safe and smooth pregnancy..Also, a cute and healthy baby!

Hi all,

I went to see my gynae immediately yesterday, she says is most likely due to sex, but ask me to take duphaston 2x a day just in case ..did a scan, bb is ok, grown to 5cm ...thanks for all ur advice!! was so panicky yesterday, din know what to do...

doc says due to weak cervix during pregnancy, maybe also due to me just doing my d/c in june...so thats why cervix weak after sex...

my brown discharge has stopped, but me and hubby will stop doing 'that' from now onwards...scared le...=( sigh, wanna intimate also scared...haha..

hi joanne, hope u're feeling better today...

yes I mc in june and conceived again after one cycle of menses. after d/c, ur womb will become very fertile, its very easy for u to get pregnant, so pls take precaution if necessary if u dun wanna be like me, pregnant after one cycle. best is wait 2-3 cycles before trying, so that ur lining can thicken. we din take precaution, thats why got pregnant again. but I also attributed to the fact I really "bu" a lot during confinement...

I drink chicken essence alternate days, drink DOM every night, bird nest alternate days, and those "bu xue" essence which u can buy from chinese medical hall. very good for ladies...

I was very guai, I ate confinement food everyday for 3 meals, remember MUST eat the meat!! not just drink the vinegar or soup.

ur confinement food must be cooked with ginger or chinese wine, and best is stir-fried...

I din drink plain water, just drink red date tea, and NO cold drinks during confinement.

I din allow fan to blow at me, and din shower and wash hair till 2 weeks later...

really very good gal...haha...

if u wanna conceive again, must make sure ur womb is "warm"...so must "bu"...and u know what, cos I was so "bu", my period came 3 weeks after my d/c le...usually pple take 30-40 days for first period....after my period clear, I drink "ba zhen" also...

remember, drink DOM every night! good luck and hope to hear good news from ya soon!! =)

Hi zbabe

Glad to know that you and your baby are fine.

And thank you soooooo much for your encouragement.. Actually feel like asking you more but worry will disturb the rest here... so try to PM you but you didn't allow the access..

Anyway, you are my idol now.. I hope that i can be as lucky as you too. Please teach me what should I do to bu my body strong strong..

Wht to eat and drink?

Who will not want to get pregnant fast fast after whathappen to me...I don't mind to try next cycle too since my gynea had given me the green light say that I can try again after the first regular menses... but of course I must make sure am strong enough to carry a baby to full term.

May I know what is the "bu xue" essence you mention about? As I don't have enough blood (anemic) so I guess i lost my baby... may I know what did you take to "bu xue" and where to buy? How frequent you drink? Please teach me soon since will be doing my dnc on next Wednesday..

You prepare your own confinement food or asksfor caterer? How long did you take? I intend to take only for one week,not sure whether enough? as intend to take a 10days hl to rest at home until end of next week so can't really take two full week of confinement food.

No fan?? No bath? Wah... you really strict on yourself... Thought that I will still bath but maybe use "Da feng cao" so you on aircon? Else very hot neh singapore weather...

Did you drink any bazhen after your dnc menses are clear? Oh ya, heard that when menses not clear, no point drink any tonic or bu as will result in more bleeding.. is it true? Can I start take chicken essence, DOM, ba zhen immediately after my DNC? I intend to drink Bazhen and shiquandabutang to bu myself too...but not sure when can start drink... and really happy for you that your period come so fast so that you can try so fast...is it a very heavy menses for your first period?

You are so nice to teach me what to do... hope you can answer to all my query above as i am so doubtful and lost on wht to do now... this is my 2nd mc but my 1st mc is natural menses come itself so abit different from this time... oh ya, may i know when can we start exercise? After two wks of dnc? So that womb already recover? Feel so fat now... must do more exercise to stay stronger and fitter...

Hope to hear from you soon...and wish you have a healthy preganncy with healthy baby for the rest of 7months...;-) Happy for you..

Sorry gals for side track the topic...sorry...

joanne go the marine parade TCM ba - each person's body is different whereas tonics are similar its still better to take things specific to your needs.

Hi Mums,

Sorry to interrupt. I have the the below items for selling. Email me at [email protected] if interested. Thanks

Pigeon Multi Function Sterilzer

Just bought on 17/9/09 at Isetan private sale. Unopened and new in box with warranty card unfilled. Intending to get for use as warmer but didn't know had an Avent warmer as gift. Hence selling off cheap at $110. (private sale price at $127, original price at $167)


Ameda dual pump

Bought on 17 May 09 (Warranty 1 year till 17 May 2010)

Used once as prefer to use manual pump

comes with the following items:

1 set of Ameda Lactaline Personal Breastpump

1 pair of Pumpin' Pal Super Shields (medium size)

1 set of Pumpin' Pal Original Handsfree Strap

Throw in 2 New valves

Total price: $388

Letting go: $200


zhabe ..glad to know bb is growing well :p ...hehe rest more n try not to move ard as much as u usually do .

elmoo ..u referring to the one taken at wk11-13?? ...im doing a bt s well.

vic..ok i go beo later.

