(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

me too having craving for ice cream.

sex of bb

i ask my 17mth old gal she wan didi or mei mei. she tell me didi. ask her many times and the ans is always didi.


hi lynn,

i also like ice cream alot!! been eating loads of ice cream since pregnant...ya, somehow can ease bit of ms...

blue blue, me also 10 weeks 5 days, at week 11, but ms still as bad...i'm really hoping will get better...

joyce, i'm very familiar with those sobbing episodes with hubby...haha...i'm like that too sometimes...my hubby really gotta tahan my mood swings...sometimes, he also dunno what to do...why men have it so much easier!! sigh...

my hubby can only say, it'll get better, it'll get better lor...

I am also craving ice cream all the time actually, but dun dare to indulge too much for now..so settle with fruit juice to satisfy my craving. zbabe, I am also 10 weeks going to 11 weeks already. My hubby got immune with my complaint as I am always hungry late night and early morning.

joyce, zbabe..haha..

i though i am the only one who cry and cry in front of hubby sometime. But have decided to stay up and positive for now!!! I have to have positive pregnancy experience..so gotta change my thinking...

Got a qn.....

Can we take cinnamon? My colleague gave me cinnamon powder.. sae v nice... but i dun dare take leh. she sae put in coffee nice..

Weight remain the same but have been taking a lot of unhealthy salty snack.....Hope don put on a lot of weight this time round....

Gain 8kg during #1...Think going to break record. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/embarrassed.gif]

Anmaria & Zbabe,

i keep telling myself to stay positive also. But i guess some times need to let off some accumulated steam also. If by staying positive as a result, I bottle up my unhappy feelings & ignore it, i think maybe not good also. So i guess maybe i will still have future crying sessions. Heh.. so long its not too frequent, think my husband also rather destress abit. heh..

Pinky, i think cinnamon is no prob leh. I asked my mom and she said its fine. I read somewhere that it helps to reduce blood pressure or something also. So it shd be good. Anyway, i have cravings for it here and there.

joyce..sometimes its a hormones thing...one can juz flare up or break dwn n get bit emo ..it happened to me but dh was quite understanding.

Lynn ...hehe no leh orpit toilet nt so convenient cos 3 cubics nia..sometimes whn pple poo n send sms, we can hera the person next dr pressing the hp :p

feel so miserable...always nausea, tired and not feeling too gd in general. see/smell/think abt food, feel like puking but not puking. haiz. horrible to get that feeling.

cant remember much for other 2 kids. think mummies always like tt, 'suffer' like siow during pregnancy and birth, then forget all about it and carry on with 2nd, or even 3rd. lol.

other kids wondering why mummy is always unwell or feeling so sian. also duno how to explain after explaining so many times. didi (3yrs) get v clingy and stick to me a lot these days. the older folks say it's natural as they feel jealous and will want mummy a lot.

oh btw, my edd is 15 apr, so now is about 9 weeks. tummy v bloated at times, so look about 6 mths, haha.

Jade, thanks. this is my 2nd MC and I hope, wish, think, WANT it to be the last.

The first one was last yr, and seems like the shape was normal.

Maybe it is better this way since it is irregular shape.

thks juliet, zhuzhu and lynn for ur wishes.. This thursday will be my apptment again.. Very worried again.. Sigh..

Hi gals

like to check with u that if my collegue jus give birth yestrday, do u think is ok for me to go visit her? Hopefully to get some bb luck fr her.. Is it ok? Also, can i check with u gals whether u hv any little yellow discharge? Me occasionally get bit of wate Discharge But yesterday saw abit yellowish, is it normal or wht it means? Sigh..Thk u..


Yellow dc is normal

It's ok for u to visit her but please dun carry her baby. It's an old wives' tale but I was informed not to carry the newborn.

good luck joanne, update us ok?

not sure abt the visiting but i dun see why not.

I've been having yellow discharge for a very long time already. Sometimes it's very yellow. I may have UTI just that it doesn't itch or burn. My gynae is aware and i've been doing urine test each time i visit her and she hasn't said anything yet. I read that whitish discharge is normal. Let your gynae know la, if anything at all, it could just be UTI which can easily be cured by antibiotics.

i saw someone eating a cornetto last night now i want one too! if only i can eat ice cream for breakfast, lunch and dinner and still remain healthy!

i only truly enjoy ice cream ley, the rest of the food i eat for the sake of eating only. i was craving for sushi and then i finally eat, also like tat only, it's only when i ate my ice cream that i truly enjoy what i'm eating. ooooh my sushi tei taiyaki ice cream...yum yum...

erm, 3 times a week ice cream treat is it considered once a while? at least not 3 times a day lah! heheheh...

yep, preggies cannot carry/touch newborn...it's just pantang la...think coz if so, the newborn will be difficult to handle..or something along that line..

it's v. up to individual de...

Joanne & Lynn,

yellow/white is normal... the reason why it turns yellow is because it became oxidised when it touched out panty/panty liner.

I asked my gynae so she told me no worries about it. perfectly normal [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

If it turns green, gets itchy that means u are having an infection so quickly go see a doc [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Like wat the other mummies always say, eat healthy

I think it's ok to give in to your indulgence once a while but 3x ice-cream in a week abit too much leh

alot of preggers let go and forget abt nutritious food..

Don't forget in between u are also eating other sugared stuff too.. e.g. durians, cakes, etc etc

Think sugar as in not only sweet stuff but food with high carbo and high sugar levels.

U might make ur baby grow too big too

U do not wanna pile those extra weight and have problem shedding right?

guilty as charged. i also eat sweets. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] and chicken rice - argh!

sigh, i'll put cornetto on hold. dun let me see another person eating cornetto pls!


dun feel bad

I eat 3 gummies from THE CONFECTIONARY every mrg..

Just to boost my sugar level up cos I take 1H to reach office to have my breakfast.

MRT cannot eat sweet mah so I eat gummies.. haha

I scared I low sugar then faint

hi yiwen,

my edd is 12th of april. thanks for updating.

I was on MC yest cos was down with flu. today feel so sleepy. too bad got too many work to do if not i will get 2 day MC cos my gynea ask whether i want 2 days and i say no, one day enough. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


yellow okay...cause its oxdised from the white colour... if u kena green not okay. but then again if ur yellow is causing u to itch badly not okay also.

ZZ, sour bears from the natural confectionary? i take more than 3 gummies :p ok i seriously need to audit my intake of unhealthy snacks....

ok, if i start to itch, will tell gynae.

puckie, flu one day not enough one. seriously. if you dun rest enough, you cant work properly anyway.


I take the sweet one cos I buay tahan the sour ones.

I also can share with dd if she likes them

there was 1x I felt like fainting I think I ate like 5-6 at one go cos they are HUGE!

Almost immd, my sugar level came up

Qns time...im now in wk 10 day 4 ..i had brownish discharge( mild ) last friday ..is this normal??

I went to do u/s & bb is doing ok but im worried.

oh i take coz of ms and to rid the weird taste in my mouth. i try to tolerate lor. used to take a lot of mentos, now almost completely stop already.

there was a period i always feel faint in the afternoons. now i'm ok.

been having stitches since yesterday afternoon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

woofy, i went to see my gynae coz of a light brown slimy discharge. the first thing she asked was whether the discharge could be from piles instead.

anyways, she said to be kaisu, she gave me duphaston, which i'm still taking twice daily. no more brown slimy discharge since.

Hi gals

thks for ur advise.. Very worry anything happen to my bb already when see yellow discharge as first time encounter this really Scare me.. So u gals also hv.. Now feel better.. For the first time, i hv giddy spell since sat to yesterday, when lie down, like the whole hse is turning.. Wonder is that normal? Sometime when walking.. Like want to faint.. Sigh.. I really hope after scan this thursday, i can continue chat with u gals abt bb and pregnancy.. ;'( start feeling stresss again when the day draw near.. Till now i still cant eat much at nite and mouth also taste bland.. Keep want to take sweet or sour thing to give my mouth some taste too..

I got qn too...

Some time back i mentioned i got an injection. The oil base one and is super duper painful. Took this due to having discharge.

Well.. Now hor. i realise the injection part turn itchy and it is so big and swollen and hard and look abit blue black.

I very scared leh.. Initially i tot is mozi bite cos it is v itchy. NOw become like that i scared lo. Anyone experiencing this b4? I going to ask gynae this coming fri when i go check up.

Lynn, i never take any sweet yet leh..even feel so ms. but..but.i am craving sweet all the time..so no choice..i eat more fruits and fruit juice than usual. I also take similac mum milk..which i hate so much cos i hate milk. So sometime..i freeze the milk..and it makes it look like ice cream..i can eat better like this.

i also boil sweet corn, to satisfy my sweet craving. Take nuts too..it helps.

usu my snack in the PM is an apple. Hard to prepare a lot of fruits when i'm at work. but i'm eating fewer sweets now that my ms is more bearable. i oso turned off by milk so i dun take at all - rely on my calcium pills. i dun mind nuts! i have some nuts at work for munching...havent been eating those :p


its normal to feel giddy, i often have giddy spells... there are a few reasons why preggie woman have giddy spells. it could be

1) low sugar level

2) low red blood count - anemic

3) blood vessels expansion to carry more blood to your bb, so the blood that flows to the bb will leave u with lesser blood flowing back to the brain. drink more water then u feel better.


I also kanna stitches leh since yest night..

my vagina also feels like it's been stretched or wat.. damn uncomfy leh


I also have that stretched feeling down there plus alittle pelvic discomfort. My friend who's now in her 2nd trimester told me its normal because our uterus are expanding. I am now having constipation [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

my stitches came after lunch yesterday, i dunno why. so sian, now at least it comes at longer intervals. yesterday quite bad.

aiyoo, i very scared of heartburn, very hard to bear...make sure u eat small meals to prevent heartburn...

and i've been a burping machine. eat anything also burp and burp. sigh.

Lynn..is your gynae giving u calcium pill? mine never gave me leh..only multivit.

but i took my milk already..so i think should be okay. In the book said..if u crave for ice cream..usually it's becos ur body need more calcium.

maybe just buy some easy to eat fruits and put into office like pear, oranges, banana, etc. so can munch anytime when hungry

lynn..i've been having heartburn since yesterday...v. pek cek...can't eat big meals lor, coz v. uncomfy...

now me nausea, breathless, heartburn, heart palpitations...my boss keep telling me to "breath!"


yup, my gynae gave me calcium pills. nothing else though. But i'm taking my own Blackmore preg multi-vitamins + folic acid alt days.

the heart palpitations is prob our own preg heartbeat so quite normal bah. i was showing my hubby how my tummy is moving along with my heartbeat coz i wanted to show him how hard my heart is beating now. haha.

