(2010/04) April 2010 mtb


Problem is not weight. My weight gain only 1kg so far..

#1 time oradi like tat but this time faster

Dun wear high heels la

I wearing flats.. cos scared dizzy

Hi Zhuzhu,

Thanks!! My belly also quite big already, I look like 4-5 months pregnant also. Now I am wearing maternity pants and just ordered maternity panties, cos my old one not comfortable anymore. Btw I love your belly. Very nice. Mine belly seems quite hairy now, Ha!!! Ha!!! All thanks to hormones[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Choco,

better wear flats cos once pregnant, your scents of balance gone liao. Now I am wearing Birkenstock cos more comfortable, better grip and even my feet expand also no worries.

Hi Zhu Zhu,

Ya, really quite big. I am going to have #2 too. My tummy is very small during #1. Thot no scientific proof but I believe that's the reason why my gal still have a lot of "blue black" marks on her back till now abt 3yo.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/kao_sad.gif]

Thus feel a bit guilty abt it.


Does those stretchmark cream/lotion really helps in the itching? I dun think my legs itch due to 'expanding' leh,more to dryness bah.


Good to see u here. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Wat the name of the cream ur gynae gave?


Wow,ur tummy really shows quite fast huh..Guess ours all no. 2 that y much faster than the 1st one.

Am on MC today. Think MS coming occasionally cause these few days, felt disgusted with the sight of any food except bread. Had pelvic pain yesterday and went down to KK24hrs. Was abit worried cause the pelvic pain is consistent for a day unlike the usual occasional kinds. Lucky Dr says pelvic pain is normal throughout pregnancy. Dr did a scan and scan shows baby doing very well. I think I see my baby's little fingers too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


The Dr told me that constipation can cause pelvic pain to be more so you must take note okay. Also hor, she says vaginal pulling is normal cause our baby is growing bigger so our uterus is expanding [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Btw, wow your tummy is showing!


ur tummy big!!!! mine is much smaller...

only bit bigger after eating thats all...

has it got to do with my weight loss of 3 kg??

anyway, I also having alot of hair on my belly...normal right?

doing my OSCAR next tues le...

Hi ladies,

how many of you here take the train to work? do people give up seats for you? I know my tummy is not obvious yet but I very annoyed at people (especially men) who pretend to sleep when I am giddy, pale and burping.

I always fantasize about spraying vomit on them! too bad..I don't vomit...

deby82 - think it helps. when my belly starting to itch i apply the message oil (using Clarins Tonic Oil). Thereafter, no feeling of itchiness.

Dun scratch ya!

kuehdahdah - eh.. me currently in week 12 - already experience people giving up seats to me, not sure it is because of my dressing or they really think i am preggy! haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi deby82 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

The cream i was prescribed are

1. Balneum intersiv cream - moisturizing (main ingred is urea , ceramide)

2. Temprosone cream - treatment of itch (main ingred is betamethasone)

Orh... btw, *Congrates* !!!! hee hee.. i am in feb10 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] just here to congrates Yvonne.. ha ha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

went out whole day today...and NOBODY gave me seat yet both at mrt or bus. I guess my tummy is still not showing at all..haizz..

zhuzhu..you looks soo beautiful with your tummy like this. My hubby said he want to take my picture every month of my pregnancy..so can see the difference in my tummy..and stick the picture together with baby scan so next time can tell story to baby when he/she grow older..hahaha.

good idea.

ya, ZZ, your tummy shape very nice. i dun wear heels now, dressing become v mumsy... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] everything with flats. need to get more flats to wear. anyway, heels will throw u off balance + if u alr having backache, will worsen it.

ms tinkle, blue black marks on your girl coz ur tummy too small? these marks seem quite common ley. both my nieces have them.

kueh dah dah, anmaria, if they can't tell they wun give you seats la. even if slightly bigger, i'd imagine they'd be unsure whether you are pregnant or not, and STILL dun give up their seats. So i just tolerate lor on my evening ride home. mornings i take backwards to ensure a seat, then i nap all the way to work [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i only fantasize abt puking on the smrt personnel if they catch me sucking on a mint. hahahaha....

i've been puking these 2 evenings. I realise maybe i shouldn't try to hold back so hard and just puke before dinner, so that i feel better. else i whole evening feel terrible.

mrg mummies

Yah my tummy shows. My mum is not shocked this time cos I had the same thing for #1.

I do get seats becos of my tummy but most pple dun reli care.. what to do?

Not all Singaporeans are gracious and needless to say are those teens..

Rem next time we teach our kids to be more gracious okie?

My tummy dun show, so i dun get seats. and i even got push here and there cos too crowded and some pple juz practically push there way in... some push there way out! v angry. but there is nothing i can do too..

My tummy dun show, so i dun get seats. and i even got push here and there cos too crowded and some pple juz practically push there way in... some push there way out! v angry. but there is nothing i can do too..

My belly is big, also no one let me have their seat. Even I tried sayang my belly, hit my back. The students all either sleeping, playing their game console or pretend I am transparent. Now I take cab to work everyday and my hubby fetch me from office in the evening. Have to wait for him till 7pm cos he works in Jurong and I work in Loyang.

Tomorrow going to see Dr Woody, yah!!! Can see my baby!!!!

Hi puckie

so touch.. U still remembering me..;'( really cant bear to leave u gals..;( will be seeing my gynea later for the final verdict.. Try to get myself mental prepare but not easy.. Hv been a silent reader but jus dun want get myself too involve else will be sad if time for me to leave here..;(

yesterday my malay neighbour who elder child same age as my son already got three kids and she keep asks me when is my turn for 2nd one.. As she is carrying no 4 bb already.. So i asks her when due and she keep asks me when is my turn until i so upset.. Then she told me her bb due next yr April too.. And she is 10wk pregnant.. How i wish to be able to tell her my bb also due on april but yet jus cant say since all still not confirm.. That day saw my collegue bb gal, she is so cute and i really envious her.. Same age as me and she already three kids mummy.. Anyway, i really hope there is miracle for me but mus hv mental prepare too.. Sadz... Gals, do enjoy ur pregnancy for this nine mths k.. Its a luxury to me..sigh..

joanne, good luck! Blessings to you and your child [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] be strong ok?

Joanne, i know that it is easier said then done but you have to be strong for your family. Some people dont even have a kid of their own and you are blessed with one already. i pray for miracle for this 2nd one. also hope that you can stay with us for the rest of the months ahead. No matter what, we will be with you. really must take good care of yourself.

Zhuzhu/Anmaria /Pinky

My tummy not showing that much also.. Maybe cause I wear baby doll dresses. I do agree that Singaporeans are really very self-centered. Sometimes can't help it lor.. For me quite lucky cause I stay in Sengkang, so I usually take the train down to Punggol and I get to sit down most of the time. My belly hair is so obvious! Ytd showed my DH and he was like saying " your hair more than me" Hmpf!

Hi Joanne,

Don't worry, things may not be as bad as you think. Be positive okay. Good luck.

Be strong. Your baby is trying hard, so don't give up okay. Jia You together[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Take care[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wah, today I got shocked. Read online and saw that we cannot take ham during pregnancy. If want to take must preheat before consumption. So worried cause I've been taking ham (no preheat) sandwiches for my meals these few days. That means I actually ate alot and I'm so scared. Sent an email to my gynae and he replied that it is fine, not so serious cause ham already processed so it's cooked and usually there's no problem. So relieved!

subway they toast it no? I still take. but i'm concerned abt the sauce they use so havent been taking. too large for my appetite nowadays anyway.

you can still take deli meats, but still better to reheat so that any germs/bacteria can be killed.

Hi orangey,

my hubby also laughing at my belly hair...yes, around the naval...very obvious!! disgusting lei..haha...

please try to eat less deli meats , eq ham, hotdogs, luncheon meat..if eat, must be very hot temperature...I refrained from eating them le, though I love ham , luncheon meat alot...I even avoided "lup cheong" , though I love it too...

joanne, hope everything's going well and fine for u today...good luck ya!

dear all, can drink sugar cane drinks or not? is it too liang?

went to gynae this morning, and baby is healthy, already 6 cm. Gynae also said i am very healthy from my blood test result and blood pressure.

So happy and thank God that first trisemester is almost over. I don't need to take duphaston and folic acid anymore..yeah!!!

but now..take fish oil.

wah 6cm! so big...congrats anmaria! hope your ms goes away soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] the same for the rest of us! must graduate from puking school soon!


Subway they only toast if you request, otherwise they usually nv toast de.. Some ang mohs dont like toasted bread :S


yah lor, DH also laughing leh.. He kept "stroking" it! Even took a pic but hor hair too fine lah.... cant see on pic. LOL!

I didn't know about Ham until I read something online.. so bo pian.. eat le but my gynae says its ok no problem. Heng!!!


Wow, congrats! How many weeks le? 11?

thank you woofy, Lynn, pinky and orangey

I am on week 12 now.

yeah..i look too excited I think. I keep starring at the baby scan picture when i am outside and even at home. Just feel so amazed to see the baby.

Lynn, I am still very nausea, but no more puking. I hope it goes away very very soon now.

Pinky, you will be very excited to see your baby tomorrow too. Just now, before I went in, i was quite worry..but soo relief when doctor said the baby heartbeat is healthy and he show me the baby head, leg and hand. They really look so baby now hor.

it's not too good to take sugar cane drinks because sometimes the handling of the sugarcane is not very clean and can cause some diarrhea or food poisoning. it happen to one of my friends before.

12 weeks.. that means tomolo i might see my baby look like a baby too!!! I am 11 weeks now.

Cant wait! When will we know the gender ar? ehhehee.. very anxious + excited now.

haha, lynn I am sure if you tell them you are pregnant the smrt people won't catch you lar..

I have been trying to look for some healthy sweets, anyone has any idea? I want to eat mentos very much but worried it's not healthy..the organic sweets have carrot juice/syrup in them..how?

Last thing, hope all is fine at Joanne's end

Hi ladies

will be leaving this thread shortly as my bb has no more heartbeat after the scan yesterday..

;'( now had plan to go to kkh to do my dnc next wk.. But dun know how to tell my boss?? I dun wish to tell anyone abt my miscarriage.. Can anyone who did ur dnc advise me will the hospital leave slip wrote the cause of this leave or wun write anything except our name on it? As i worry here i lie but the slip chuan bang me.. Anyone Here can advise me..;'( thk u..

Another headache to me is how to explain to my collegues if they asks? I more concern is some female collegue will asks wht happen and yet dun know how to answer them wht women problem.. How? Sigh.. anyone here know whts the best white lie i can use? Thk u for u gals support else i really will go crazy..

Any gd recommendation on any confinement caterer? As i heard newbaby caterer food got hair in it.. Sigh.. Not sure who to take now?

Cant be with u gals for the next seven mth is my biggest regret.. Anyway, will pray that all of u gals will hv a smooth pregnancy and delivery..

Hi yiwen

do remove my name fr ur list.

Hi givebbdust

all the best and happy for u.. Me will hv to start ttc all over again.. Sigh..

Still hope to hear fr u gals on my above headache questions.. Sorry to pour cold water early morning.

Bye gals...;'( take care..

Hi Joanne,

Sorry to hear about your miscarriage. I had miscarriage 2 years back when baby has no heatbeat at 12th week.

I did a mini confinement. My hubby cooked black vineger pork legs, do not drink plain water, boil the black beans+red dates+ tang shen +ginger drink as water. This helped me to slim down faster cos plain water will cause water retention. Bathe with these herbs from chinese medicine shop.

More recipes from this link. http://www.momsinmind.com.sg/confinementrecipes.html

Normally doc will give you 10 rest, so opt for Hospitalisation leave. The slip will only write the no. of days of Hospitalisation leave, nothing else. Just don't answer anyone if you are not comfortable, they should be sensitive enough to know what has happened.

Rest more. Take care. Be strong. Do cry if you need to, it will help greatly. I do cry for 1 year on and off, especially during baby d& c date, when I know my friends are pregnant and friends who just give birth. This is healing process. It actually took me 1 year again to try for baby. SO you are not alone.

Do take care.

sorry to hear abt this joanne. I had high hopes for your baby, but if the pregnancy is not healthy, a natural miscarriage happens. So good luck the next time, we wish you well.

I suppose you can say you remove cyst or something? Possible? anyway, most MCs dun state reason.

i'm still having my stitches! ugh...yesterday my hubby told my baby not to tekan me. baby must be thinking "not my fault wor!"

Pinky, gender i think is week 20. might be able to tell earlier but maybe cannot confirm so early.

i'm taking sweets from the natural confectionary and florida's natural. got real fruits juices but seriously, where got healthy sweets one? heheh...i thot those are the best lor.


Joanne, really sorry to hear that. i think you may have medicial leave for a week. maybe you lie that you remove wisdom tooth. dun be bother by what to tell others. most imptly. you have to build up your body so that you can concieve soon again with healthy bb. do take care and let us know when you succeed.

