(2010/04) April 2010 mtb


1st i kiasu lah cause i know my MIL will anyhow feed de and I dont want to cause him to have any allergy or anything and that time she already have thoughts of putting in scallop etc so i just tell her no no no.

huh replace silver fish with ikan bilis same what alamak



I tot silver fish is a bit sweet one? Those Japanese one.

I always wash thoroughly and test first before giving to YH. In fact I feel it is still a bit bland. Thus I always put in with pork meat, carrot and spinach for more taste. of course, NO SEASONING allowed!

BBdust - sometimes i wonder hw we all grow up one...realli is "chin chai eat chin chai grow" mah? or jus tat we have not reached tat age b4 the effects set in...

Piglet - silver fish also got salt content i believe coz i tasted the porridge n ewww...got the salty aftertaste..not sweet one lei..u mean raw one u jus taste like tat ah?


there are 2 types. One i think is from Indonesia (Salty) and there other one from Japan (Sweet) one. Japan one is more ex. About $3.80-$4.00 per 100grams. I tasted. it is not salty and not very sweet either. Just have a bot of tastse in the porridge.

Sometimes I wonder if I'm someone who is very hard to work with or I'm just plain unlucky to work with people who are weird?

My TL is an old bird in the industry. She jump from the competitor to my current company so she knows a lot more than me. My Manager knows that I'm new to this industry but she does nto mind because she said this team is a new setup team so it is fine that everyone learn from scratch.

Problem #1: My colleague trained both of us on the process and stuffs cause he is leaving company (He is supposed to be the TL but resigned so they employed the current TL). My current TL sort of know the process but she wanted to revamp a few process so she did a powerpoint.

Problem #2: She keeps the powerpoint to herself and expect that I KNOW EVERYTHING? Actually I wanted to tell her, all the information are with her. With my notes I believe its not sufficient. As a TL, I think she ought to give me further training when she knows Im a newbie in this industry? And AND AND.. I dont even know which process she revamped cause she kept telling me the process is slightly diff! HUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was so fed up with the way she's asking me to do things that I asked if she can upload her powerpoint which she said "for our team" into the common drive. VERY PEK CEK!


hmm i guess she is scared that u take over bah, some people are very protective one. hmm how abt u ask again for it again? if she dont then tell ur boss. LOL i very evil leh everything also escalate up

Piglet - ooh..i jus went to recce, n guess wat i saw at the side - a plate of white ikan bilis n red date which helper said was for porridge! so tats wat's causing the giamness... wasnt the silverfish...so nw need go find out if silver fish mum bought is salty or sweet one...

Orangey - Usually new boss on board will wanna revamp existing processes one to "advertise" themselves abit. but y she so selfish one, tink u can read her mind ah? ya, better set things straight wif her, tell her ur expectations as well since u stil newbie, can question, question. No need scared is silly qn coz once she noe u good to "bully", she'll disregard u liaoz...Tis was the one who interviewed u n played games on her hp one?


haha yes i think we really is anyhow eat anyhow grow up de [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] we are strong lah thats why we survived mah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] LOL or maybe just heng loh


hehe dont know leh i always think silverfish is salty cause MIL cooks them [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but i guess everything eat in moderation is okie [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


will be up for the birthday bash - please come with your babies prettily & handsomely dressed.


haha we wont fan jiu zhang de lah so old liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i dont think its weird leh if u have it at 2 timing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yeah lor.. I felt like escalating but then only 2 weesk in the company I give her face abit. Actually she's only 1 week earlier than me?!?!


No leh.. the one that interviewed me is my manager based in HK. She is actually very nice! My colleagues told me she is a very friendly and fun boss. I hope really lah but from the emails she sent out, can tell she pretty nice and easy going. I think she was in relax mode when she interviewed me cause she's on biz trip to Sg just for this interview :p

I also think this TL wanna act "clever" lah and and.. she's not very IT savvy so I think she felt abit "threatened" and.. most of my colleagues are around my age so.. maybe she's abit "old"????


High 5!~!! Can kick her ass anot! I feel like so!


please don't attempt to cut cake twice hor.

If you like, please buy 2 giant ang ku kueh for your child on the day he/she celebrate her 1st birthday. Let him/her wear shoes and step on it. This is to signify them growing up liao. Becoming of a toddler

Bbdust/XLH - not 2 separate days..no time to plan so many...heheh..jus one day but i like sesame st n mimi likes minnie mouse..so was tinking of i shld have her cake & balloons in minnie mouse but surroundings decorated in sesame st.

ZZ - no la, wun cut cake 2x...mom wun allow too...step on Ang gu kueh ah...hahah so cute but prob not la, my family dun follow tis custom. They rather buy to eat themselves

Orangey - oh..wat a waste, else tat good good honkie boss can zhao u all...tis TL so new, somemore not IT savvy, no wonder got reservations i tink...but luckily u got ur colleagues to gang up against her if needed. hahah..or prob she see so young crowd she jus feels "left out"? kekekek...forget abt her la...time to knock off liaoz!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

No cutting of cake twice but can we sing the birthday song more than once? We are looking at 3 separate celebrations and am just wondering how to handle the birthday cake aspect. Any ideas?


will be up for the birthday bash - please come with your babies prettily & handsomely dressed.

There will be 2 winners

Best Dressed BOY & Best Dressed GIRL


my MIL also even said cake must be just 1 & it must be ROUND!

i suppose you can still buy a cake for the most important one for actual cake cutting & the rest CUPCAKES could be a good option - just MUNCH no cutting required.

if pple want to poke a candle gentily say NO need & cannot my inlaws said cannot so dont HAI me, at your side & at your inlaws side say my parents side say cannot.

convenient devil borrowed. its out of respect for elders anyway so - i suppose it will be tolerated.

Here goes: no cake cutting more than once. I guess sing song ok. If u celebrate her lunar birthday which will come first then can let her wear proper shoes then step on the Ang ku kueh to signify growing up.


my house has been invaded ~!!!!!!!


got chance then log in to tell you all more. KAOZ !!!

photoshoot with dphotofolio,

• $300 for 1 hour session

• all soft copies return

• 4 X 5R print

• strictly for parent + kids + grandparents, no solo/individual shots for adults

• other family member will be $15 per person

• photoshoot must be completed before 30 Jun 11


1. celynlee

2. sylvia

3. dazz

4. lovebbk

any other mummies who is interested, please pm me.

mummies who had confirm the shoot, please make a 50% ($150) deposit to my account, POSB SAVING 054-30682-2 by 25 FEB 2010 and pm me the details and also give me an email for dphotofolio to send you the recepit for the deposit.

Celyn:sorry, I keep forgetting. Will do it later then SMS u the ref no.

My inlaws.... Invite a bunch of people from msia, just come my place like that, set up table, then the person start "tiao dang ki" and start giving comments abt my house Feng shui, this and that. TMD! Never consult me nevermind! Never even inform me?!?! They wanna choose to believe in this duno come from where man is their business! Why must I follow!!! Argh!!! Super piss now. No chance to talk to hubby but I wonder he knows abt it or he's equally caught by surprise. If he knows about it and never inform me.....!!! I'm gonna kill him~!!

A group of them, 5-6, come into my place, I got no chance to react, not to say keep the playmats. Then they come in, never wash feet, went on to step on the playmats! Aaaaahhhhhhhhh....! I'm so gonna disinfect my place later. And guess what, now they smoking!!!!

Hi Dazz,

Wah, power lor!!!! Hmm, you just ren3 1st, wait until you hear what your hb have to say 1st.

Hi ladies,

WAH!!! Cake cannot cut twice???? Gosh, I have 2 separate celebration and intend to get 2 cakes one. Oh dear!!!! Hmm.... somemore the actual day celebration is with my Hb's family. Abit strange not to have cake leh. Cupcake is not appropriate as there are no children on my hb's side, all adults. Now what should i do???


I will get something like round butter cake to pray god n also 床母。 so shld b ok if its for praying rite.. Pray n no sing song, no blowing candles n no cutting cake.

Significant of stepping ang ku kueh - 快高长大。 wear new shoe n step on it.. As 1 of the mummy previously suggest wrap shoe wif cling wrap so tat shoe won't b dirty n ang ku kueh stil cn eat.

1 giant ang ku kueh appro $3.

talk abt mee sua when I saw ming post, I have been thinkin usually birthday will eat mee sua with egg so I hav not direct feed egg to my boy yet n will nt do tat soon.

Wat do u all suggest to cook with mee suan?


U must be damn angry now... Cool down

Hubby know inlaws r bringing "someone" to see FengShui but he didn't know it will be like that. Not his fault. But still, I'm angry. I found 10 ciggy butts in my kitchen, my whole place stinks and I'm so irritated~! Im only having my dinner now and it's instant noodles! Damn!

Sickening still,my hubby wanna follow that fellow's instruction. He say the fish tank cannot put there and my dumb hubby just pull the plug off like that! Common la! No oxygen the poor fishes will die and won't he be doing more harm?? Argh! Brainless!


Ur mil power sia. I sure ki siao and don't give face


I'm the one la. Put cling wrap over the Ang ku kueh then shoes will remain clean. And yes after that can wear shoes Liao.

hey girls, miss u guys. hows everyone. be seeing some of you at the BD bash soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Son backsidEs got red patches. Suspect maid never wash his poo on time was the cause. Yesterday maid told me boy seems to have stomach upset that's y backsides red again. Then I asked her son poo how many TimEs. She said 2 times. Then I told her poo 2 times normal what. Y stomach upset can cause backsides red. Have your bb backsides become red before? Is it due to poo never wash in time?

Morning. Gal slept thru! Woke her up at 5am to nurse n pumping now. Ow. End up I kept waking up hourly see why she never wake up yet. Worried la cos she still had fever.

1sttimepapa: may not be maid fault. My gal sometime get red backside when she shit n I change within 5 min. Maybe to do with solids the shit more hiong.

Dazz: you must be boiling! Make me wanna sing 'i'm a little teapot' for u!

Hi 1sttimepapa,

Yah, it is normal to get diaper rashes after the age of 8mths. My gal gets it once in a while even though like Maddie I also clean up within 5mins from poo-time. Nowsadays I see abit red red, I will apply a thin layer of Desitin cream 1st to prevent.

Morning mummies. Hhmm... Not sure if it's my nose or I thot I still smell smoke in my house. Argh.

Gave hubby the warning, no more next time! Haiz


i always wana ask this but forget

when i carry my baby or sometime move her arms or legs i will hear this 'crack crack' sound... is it normal?

like us adult we always make those 'crack' sound on our fingers..



Dig out ur pi sai, ur pi sai may hav trapped the smoke last nite.


Yes my boy also.. especially the shoulder part

