(2010/04) April 2010 mtb


I asked my mum to help out cos she is more experienced and i know I will panick and Hubby will be more angry one. Sigh...

My gal use to sleep through when she was 2 months old but till she was aroung 7 months old, she will wake up once or twice a night and went back to sleep again without any milk feed.


Does it mean that we can buy probiotics from PD and give to baby daily?



from my understanding from another PD not my regular one, he said can lah but i never give one cause he is taking yoghurt also same i think haha


maybe you can up his last feed a bit to see if can last longer.


if you store in those chest freezer, it can last up to 6 months. normal fridge is freezer is 3 months.

Zz, ya.. Gaia.. For BbZ is the small bottle - droplets form. For TodZ, PD presribe the chewable tablets form. But TodZ hates it!! I have to add into his water and make him drink but he can taste it and will refuse. Didi easier to feed lo. -_-|||

Celyn, wow! so early?

Hahaha.. i got maid story to share again.

Story #1

My MIL told me, my maid asked her how much it cost to go to USS. She wanna go. She even asked my MIL if my MIL can allow her maid to go with her. Wow... Good life hor? haha

Story #2

She asked me last night, how to go to the agency. I asked her why. She said she wanna ask them if they go maid transfer. I asked her why cant she just make a call to ask, must go down personally. She cant answer me. Then i asked her, where you want to go? She say after her contract with me, she want to go London or Canada. O_O should i be happy or sad? My maid got career targets leh! She told me she want more $$ so she wanna go those countries.

Aisey... she's the... hhmm.. how to say.. most "hardworking" maid that i've ever came across.

bbdust: maybe not probiotics.. i didn't check also, got that from the PD just in case only.. my girl also takes yogurt daily..

sleeping pattern, my girl sleeps from 9.30pm - 6.30am.. hardly wakes up in the middle of the night, but will turn around and sleep upside down in the middle of the night.. got to turn her around one..

my girl on partial BM & FM.. FM only when i'm not around, else will be BM (direct latch).. i got no more ebm or fbm liao..


i would tell her. your right to stay in SG depends v much on me, your employer. i can cancel your work permit in 5mins online (if you really want to threaten her)

fulfil your contract and do your work properly, then you got the right to talk abt going to USS, or London or Canada. right now, your attitude leaves a lot to be desired... or if too chim for her... tell her your attitude makes you angry.

this maid of yours, sounds like my 1st maid.

ask for earth and sky, the work performance not up to earth-and-sky standard.

way too mouthy for her own good.

my first maid told me one day (when she thinks i will renew her contract), i want to work for US or Brit employers, they give their maids every sunday off and every public holiday off. and she has no days off wor.

wah biang.

Cellow, after the angbao episode, i chose to not say so much to her liaoz.. wow biang.. wait the more i say, the more she misunderstood me wor! lolz.. so she say hers... i listen.. occasionally laughing at her. haha... i got tell her, "be glad that you can even make it to HK."

Looks like it's a unspoken thing that i will not keep her after the contract and she will not stay huh... lolz. Oh! She even say, after she leave, can she recommend her cousin to work for me. Hahahha... guess how i respond??


i bet you just hahhahaha back at her, re recommending cousin to work for you.

hope your interview w the myanmese maid goes well and you can then change maid [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cellow, you're partly right. i did laugh... then i continue: "oh, no need! i don't intend to hire another maid because BbZ will go to childcare then." I LIED ~!! =X

Ya.. i'm now waiting for my friend to make arrangement, so that i can speak to her. Best if can meet up. *cross finger*

lolz~!! Zz, what kind of reason is that?!?!? lolz.. my pinoy maid also can eat pork leh. hahahahaha..

Juye, i dunno leh.. but i'm told they are more hardworking though will have communication problem lo. I try ah.. then let you know. =)

Byebye all`!! My turn to chao~!!

Dazz n juye

My colleague is heng in a way, initially her burmese maid cannot speak english so one duck one chix but she managed to learn how to speak hokkien loh after 1 year plus which is lagi better [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bbdust: yup when she know how to take from spoon I would spoonfeed her med, but if she sick n super cranky she will refuse also.

Dazz: change la, yr maid!

hi mummies,

how's everybody? i have been sick fro past few days, only now feel slightly better... gal also only starts to recover from runny nose but still have slight cough... sigh...

Re: kindermusik

Trial will be in may. I think we have more than 12 babies now, we shall spilt into 2 classes. Meanwhile more babies are welcome to join us.

I shall update again. Using iPhone, hard to trace back the name list.

Also, uncle just passed away. No time to come in


Slowly bah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Eh cake cutting is what time leh? Need to prepare anything?


My condolences to you. Update us when u are free, i will backtrack tomorrow n see the names lah so u wont need to search for it, someone remind me tmrow again tks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Piglet - Big Hugz to u! u r a great mommy! not ur fault at all..if we can predict n prevent such things frm happening to our precious, then pds would be redundant...beyond our ctrl one. Glad tat YH much better liaoz..she'll be chubby again in no time one! *pat pat*

Dazz - aiyoh...ur flu souds bad lei...drink more fluids. rest well! dun let ur maid affect ur recovery process...kekeke

Ming8110/BBdust - yeah, i read the reports of hw pple had to saw off their limb for a chance at survival realli very sad... BBdust - ur fren will be fine, no news means good news [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Orangey - hope bb orangey tum tum recovers soon so mommy has one less worry on her mind abt her little one!

Probiotics/live culture - wen can intro yakult ah? i fed the bb yogurt, let mum oppose n she so sim tia wen she see mimi squiring n shivering whilst eating it, like i ill-treat her...but tats coz its sour ma...then she attributed mimi's nite crying to tat too..win liaoz lor..she say neva make hot no wonder stomach ache...wah who's heard of warm yogurt?

Dazz - personally i would prefer a clean break, so tat new maid no history can train frm scratch UR WAY!

GBH - hope u n ur gal get well soon for the bash next week!

Charismama - sorry to hear tat.Must remember to take care of urself too...

Re: syringe-feeding

jus wanted to share that mommies who syringe feed their bbs, pls do not aim the nozzle directly straight into the throat, coz liquid might get into the wrong passge way n choke or worsestill, into the lungs. I learnt abt tis wen i was trying to forcefeed water to my dog during the later stage of its life (sorry abt the comparison but the logic shld be the same)..best is to squirt into side pocket of mouth for bb swallow. To ensure swallowing, gently put one finger n pull open one side pocket of mouth, squirt the fluid in n remove syringe whilst keeping finger in place, so wen bb tries to close mouth, will inevitably swallow the fluid too..i find tis mtd very effective ;p


I like the piano ap can let them play [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yup no news = good news [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: yoghurt/yakult

I read that for yoghurt/ yakult its best not to leave them until it becomes room temp as it will promote the growth of bad bacteria so its equate to feeding bb bad culture

There is another kind look like pig liver but not liver n not sure name... Something like' der Chong' in hokkien?. hv to go market n buy. Any idea?

morn mummies...fri liao *0*

Charismama..do take care of yourself okie.

Baby cheese

What brand / type can i get for baby from eg NTUC ? got such thing as baby cheese?

Dazz...i will opt for a clean break myself too if im in your shoes =) ...make it quick..chope chope n ah CHAR! ..rem to drink plenty of fluids too..hehe...wait bbdust come n check on yr fruits intake for today :p


Same thoughts as SG_SC ...last time i duno..i syringe direct into my boi's throat..see him gag on the milk v sim tia ...nw when he sees the syringe, he BITES it first for fun then let me release the syringe...oh well ..duh


no baby cheese, i just get normal cheese [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


dont think i forgot ah, have u eaten ur fruits today?


hmm why not leh? i let ah boy eat pork, chix when i intro porridge to him.

Woofy, hahaha... i drink tons of water!! So no worries on that.

Piglet, hhmm.. so far he has been eating fish only. Pork and chicken is used to cook stock only. But soon will be letting him eat. =)

bbdust! Opppssiiieee... haven't wor. Need to wait till lunch time then buy. hee... *pull ears*

Bbdust & Dazz,

I meant those pork meat already minced up by the butcher can ah?

If those used to cook stock liao then blend for YH to eat one, i ever let her try before cos the blended meat already taste like 'Bak Hu'.

Cos YH still got bit of phlegm so cannot let her eat too much fish yet. Thus am thinking of intro others to build up her health.


the pork and chix salty? no leh i find, the porride i told my MIL to cook is totally free from seasonings one. it only contain veg and meat with corn soup as base or other soup lah (the soup also no seasoning one).


i think my MIL buy and mince it herself, dont know what the butcher put inside their mince pork. yucks. eh YH got phlegm thot cannot eat chix and not fish?


Oh so gotta buy the pork and we chop chop chop ourselves till minced ah?

My mum & MIL said if got phlegm and cough gotta stop giving chicken and fish till recover. Esp fish will create more phlegm.

RE: Cheese

U give BB 'L' Kraft Cheese?


huh? my 1st time hear got phlegm cannot eat fish wor.. it has always been chix. Piglet, think at this point of time, better to mince it ourselves. Though we can see the aunty mince what kind of meat for us (for eg, i use mui yoke) but inside the machine will also have reminents of the meat previously minced ma. Unless you're ok with it. =)

and yes, wolfberries can be used to make porridge. It will sweeten it and improve eyesight. Red dates also can. But since you say YH phlegmy then red dates better not 1st. You can also use fresh huai san.

