(2010/04) April 2010 mtb


i find its better to buy and mince than to ask butcher to mince wor.. like very dirty leh.

i give kraft cheese


it is salty wor so i dont give a lot, little bit nia



by right u shld skip the fish since YH has phlegm now.

U can buy the good pork and mince urself mah or choose liao ask the butch mince for u TWICE.. so it's finer. Tristan tasted pork and fish liao. I always blend the pork for him if not wasted


oh so fish does cause phlegm ah i always thot its chix [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] learnt something new today.


ya. Got phlegm cannot give fish and chicken. Zz also said that.

So wolfberries & fresh huai san can be added into the stock and boil together? ;)

BBdust & Zz,

If i buy the pork and mince it myself, which part should i buy and to add into the porridge for her to eat ah? & if mince it myself, what texture should i blend too?

Cos normally i buy 'Yao Rou' to boil into stock then use handheld blender to blend the meat till like 'Bak Hu' texture then mix into porridge for her to it.


dazz is right. I use mui-yoke too. It's the most exp cut of the pig. If u ask the butcher to mince u will lugi $$ cos they charge u before they mince.

U got blender right? Then blend urself lor.

Tristan have taken wolfberries liao, my nanny fed him


u know why fish? cos we steam it and too much steamed fish is very liang. In return it was cause the phlegm to choke there lor.


haha good question, this one i really no idea liao cause its my MIL who bought it but i guess it will be the ex one. I always asked her to mince until its very fine so that when she cook it, it will cook nicely and disintegrate if not my boy cannot swallow lah

zz and piglet,

wah thanks for educating us [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I got blender. So we gotta blend first before we add into the porridge ya? As for wolfberries, any idea if we should blend it first before adding into porridge? Or let it boil with the stock till soften and feeb together with the porridge?


Ur MIl minced first then cook?

Sorry to ask so much mummies. Cos I am very eager to nurse her back to good health so want to try and change some of the ingredients.

piglet, for wolfberries and huai san, it's added to the porridge, not stock. After it's cooked in the slow cooker for sometime, both are soft enough to be mixed into the porridge and feed. One stripe of "Mui Yoke" (in chinese is Mei Rou) can cost approx. S$10.

HHhmmm... if steam fish is very liang, then if eat everyday, jialad lo??


Ya lor. I read from somewhere we should try to give fish on alternate days and not daily cos of this.

Wah the Mui Yoke so EX!!!

DAzz, but i dun have slow cooker wor. I always use normal pot to slow cook the stock for around 1 hr then I add rice and cook for another 45 mins then I serve. In this case, how should i go about adding wolfberries and huai shan ah?

after thinking, ok, i think you add the wolfberries and huai san into the stock to cook 1st then add rice. By the time the rice is cooked, both should be soft enough liaoz. If still not ok, then use fork to mash it. =)


that's why no need to feed fish everyday.

Anyway will backfire feeding too much fish cos my coll's girl also fed fish daily until when she grew up she reject cos phobia liaoz..


I do almost same way as u. I cook the meat with the porridge. Later then take out and blend and put back.. cos hor last time during tricia time I used to blend and cook. some of the meat like stick tgt in a big pc. So now I cook then blend.

1kg of yao rou aka mui-yoke cost $20-22 depending on your wet market. Per porr cut shld cost u erm.. $1.25 bah


huh!!!! i cook fish daily leh for the whole family loh. and its usually steam fish leh. since young, i eat fish daily one leh.


yesh. even my mum also tell me cannot eat steam food everyday. It's very liang for the body.

My nanny also tells me the same thing.

Piglet: I give minced beef in porridge twice a week. The rest of the time, E's porridge is cooked with pork stock and she eats it with steamed fish (threadfin or codfish) or tofu (sometimes both). I am going to try blending the pork that we use to cook the stock into her porridge and feed that to her next week. Am not intending to give chicken until she is older / if I can get free-range organic chicken.


actually since yest lah. My mgr come and piss me off.

Now both him and another asshole want me be the 黑脸 send out this email to a group of shift..


The cost of Mui Yoke at my wet mkt cost around this much too for 5 days consumption.


YH's porridge is also cook with pork stock & with ikan bilis or white silver fish, those sweet type & with carrot & threadfin.

So now I am thinking of introducing others to her. Can eat Tofu now?


Cool down......


pass u liang teh, breath in and out... no angry yah will increase wrinkles.


can eat tofu de. no worries [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i already give quite sometime back [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Stupid manager went to forward my email to another engineer... now I'm even more mad..

U all still got time make stock leh. I just dump everything into one pot and boil tgt then put in magic cooker and wait to eat


me too. i also throw everything in to cook one. i just finish her pack of multigrain rice and now hubby say just let her eat with us. don't cook separately liao since our food is also no seasonings one.


from the price, it should be 125 or 260ml one bah. 330ml cost about 20+ each bottle liao leh. don't think they will sell it at $25 for 3 even in sale.

i going to intro DOU MIAO a different type of Bai Chai this weekend.

Just bot from organic shop nice nice!

hate my stupid kenwood blender -so small put veg in until my eyes cross cross -SO SLOW!

new chopper chops - old one which is for grinding coffee - PUREES instead - actually both also good. The old one at least can put alot in at one time so saves more time hiaz!!!

soon we dont have to puree any more hahahhhah!!! waiting for that day to come!

I am starting to give normal rice we eat at times

CHEWING is good for brain development but i leave it to myself 1st incase choking hazard since mine is maid main caregiver. After 1 yr old more teeth then let her intro more coarse ingredients.

any mummies got G2000 card and is their birthday month in march? i want to buy a dress but cost $99. cheapo mummy looking for lobang. :p

Aftn mommies!

BBdust - huh? i tend to leave yogurt on table for abt 10-15 mins to "cool" off abit b4 feed. so like tat also bad? anyway had a hard time finishing off the yoplait yogurt though onlt 6 portions..tink wun buy oredi

I also din noe phlegm cannot eat fish, besides chix

Kite - my gal eat chix, fish, pork, beef any meat la, if at home, i'll grind n feed her in porridge. If at mum's house, she'll put in porridge cook for the taste n nutrients then the piece of meat will be for my dog to add to his menu ;p

Zhuzhu - Fish cannot feed daily? my mum will get helper put silver fish, pork n fish meat into porridge EVERYDAY!!! hw ah, sometimes i tatse the porridge like abit salty n fishy...but they say they wash thousand times liao...sigh..wat to do...cant ctrl wen not ard, close both eyes loh

My stock store in freezer for nearly 3 mths liaoz, always neva used coz only boil porridge for mimi over weekends...hw ah? can keep hw long?

Dazz - i can recommend u my bridal MUA. i find her very good, very popular in bridal forum too...u interested...but not sure hw much she charging...


the warmer it is, the more bacteria it will cultivate. i think 10-15 mins is okie lah at least still a bit cold not like warm room temp [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i will eat up the unfinished ones when its nearer to expiry date [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I don't put silver fish i think quite salty hehe

BBdust - yalor. hw ah? hide the silver fish ah? best part is they put in freezer, then everyday will take out defrost alittle, then put rest in fridge. This continues daily...till i saw few days back n i niam at them...dunno hw much bacteria my mimi's been digesting for the past few mths man... ;(

too salty kidney spoil, somemore their kidney stil so small n developing. tink i go n wash n soak for them later, else ask them change menu such tat fish on alternate days


Please tell ur mum and maid to pack food in portions if they wanna freeze it. cannot defrost then put back again. Very bad and will encourage bacteria growth


Take it that mimi is developing her system. Eh maybe ask them to give silverfish like one week one time or if they insist put little little bit. Say pd says not good for kidneys if too salty

If they say wait porridge not nice, say bb dun hve concept of nice nor taste, its we adults who think its not nice. But we say behind our backs they will still do i think

Zhuzhu-wah! so angry?!! growl at him n ask him to piss off!

BBdust - ya said liaoz, but her reasoning is jus, v v nutritious n mimi luvs it a lot...u noe, i can say until mouth dry, but her way is her way...coz she brought us up this way too...hmm..prob i shld use 'PD excuse' wen i bring mimi for her jab soon...say dr say.....hehehhe


yah say doc say [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i always tell my MIL doc say haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

there are many other things that are nutrition but less salty for mimi too, eh maybe see if can find her alternative to replace the silver fish? i think can eat lah but not overeat then shld be fine bah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

when i 1st start giving ah boy solids, i have my ground rules so as to minimise more conflicts hah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so i just tell her no salt, no sugar, no seasonings, want to feed him anything must seek my approval and everyday follow my menu on what to give and how many days to eat the same thing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so far so good [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


BBdust - u very dedicated mother...hahaha...i jus tell them no seasonings...must wash many many times n i leave it to them soince both r mother if 3! If they tell mi yah got follow, then i will close my eyes till i see n taste for myself!!

yayaya, she will replace the silver fish at times wif ikan bilis! *faintz*...lolz

