(2010/04) April 2010 mtb


Cod is 2nd fish think cos maybe bigger fish has higher mercury contamination issues. I will check email thanks.

I personally dislike threadfin lor but well it's gd forBb


SG_SC - losing my voice was an annual affair. Sometimes it happens twice a year. I just literally lose the voice. then talk like crow. Gal listen to me sing last night tot she listening to ah gua. hehz. and yes, no shopping at airport road. tsk tsk, horrible place.

Vicma - i transfer to you at around 8pm on wed amt 60 bucks. You check check?

Re: Brown rice cereal - my gal dun like it leh. my nanny cook over low heat on its own then gal gives the "eeeks, whats that?" look. nanny say powdery powdery one. think i want to mash pumpkin and add into brown rice. I dont eat pumpkin.. can ask if pumpkin is sweet har? if it is sweet then i will add the pumpkin into the brown rice cereal on saturday.. hope she likes it. i run out of organix liao.. but i think i beta get some ready mixed cereal just in case..

Re: complain abt my nanny - i think it is horrible but i need to complain a little. my nanny hor, ask me that day if my gal grow up will like her place so much then dun wan to go home or not. then i shocked, say "no lah, else why i bring her to and fro home?" she say "but she will sure like my place more than your place one, cos here got jie jie to play with her. she stay at home, face you 2 adults, so boring, so she sure will keep crying to come back here when she go home next time.." kao, wan to erupt then loh.. tsk tsk. today i told her i bringing baby to xmas bash and first year bash. she say i EXTRA, do this for what. say veli act show like that, she "dont believe in it".. i tell her want to expose her to other kids mah, make more frens.. then she diam diam. tsk tsk.

Re: baby crawling - at 7.5 months, gal still dun wan to crawl. she can sit liao, heng har. anyone like me?


Chk with who? Ur colleague? Me going Munich... I roughly know the weather n temp there.. So it's ok. Thanks anyway!

Hj, ming,

Hmmm... Ok I go recce grobag for my gal...


I was abt to ask u on fb why annual biz abt losing voice? U eat something wrong yearly ah? So weird tt lose voice can be yearly event???


Ur nanny is very close to u ah? Or she is ur relative? How can she say tt ur gal will like her place more than own home? Tt part abt saying u EXTRA is rude lor! What do u mean extra??!!!! U mean mummy cannot bring bb to parties meh? U Shld tell her (under your breath lah... Unless u dun want her bbsit liao! LOL!) she is the one EXTRA lor... Bcoz she says too much rubbish liao!

I feel so Lao kor kor... Just now I think I "sprained" my butt when squatting down... Now I cant walk properly if happen to "nudge" e sprained part... Lower Backache is back... I suspect my bed is too soft...


Tt time one mummy told me not any cheaper to get manduca from Germany. Can't rem who told me liao... Only few $ diff... If I see the carrier there I let u know the price. Wait really very much cheaper I sure bang wall!


What kind of oats do u give ur boy? The Quaker brand one? Or those plain ones in transparent packaging?


Re using newspapers as changing mat

Won't the papers stain ur bedsheets with the ink? I think I won't use tt to change gal too bcoz will make gal's butt, my hands, bed dirty with the ink... N yes, Being germaphobic mummy, Im paranoid abt the germs on the papers... The vendors always put newspapers on the floor n anywhere when doing delivery... Not to mention it has passed many hands b4 reaches our doorstep...

As for toxicity... Not sure abt tt but I heard stories of dog kena poisoned in the long run bcoz owner put his bowl on the newspapers on the floor... But my hb claimed nowadays the ink is soy-based liao... Anyway bottom line is I won't use newspapers n won't recomm anyone to do tt too.. I rather change my rubber mat n wash it if really stained...


It's baby oats can buy in NTUC brand is origins i think

Me lah my fren asked her germany fren to Check the carrier hw much in Germany n realised not much difference so she bought in SG loh

GBH - hehz, cos i have a heaty body.. so i fall sick due to cough, sore throat and flu easily. Periodically the no voice thingy comes.. last time i had to communicate with my hb using paper.. so bad until the customers at swensens thought i cant speak! aiyah, my nanny is my SIL's MIL lah. cannot de zui one, cos she also nice in a way she noes my family cant afford to pay well for a babysitter, she only take 500 bucks from me monthly. i just bring baby out loh, gal is mine and her remarks make me wanna put in more effort to engage my gal and bring her out to meet more babies..

Vicma - not the instant cereal leh. is the one i bought from Agape think called four leaf or sth. if not, i have to sell or give away. My tian ah~


how come?????


drink honey honey honey [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


YEAHHH my boy 1st tooth came out liao but hor only one leh... so weird one tooth wonder...but my DH told me he can feel the sharp edges of the other one hmm so maybe will come out soon.

Mummies, can I buy nasal spray off shelf or I need to bring my boy to see pd? Pd gave medicine for his runny nose but I think spray work better

Morning mommies...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Siew Ping - lolz on ah gua singing song!! whahahhaa...but y annual affair n u noe wat issit caused by? coz my colleague has asthma n she uses some inhalant but side effect is sore throat n recently she also jus lost her voice, but bobian lor.

Wah y ur nanny like so possessive? No matter wat is stil yr dd lor. Is she super close to u guys coz the way she speaks is macham someone u've known decades ago...yah, jus ignore ur comments n do wat u feel is right n best for ur bb!

Mimi stil duuno hw to crawl. Cant even sit upright properly, will tend to slouch forward...dun stress me lei...@_@

OH siewping, only saw ur replies aft i posted. yala, if cannot offend then jus ignore ignore ignore!!

Gbh ah if u stil dun sleep then ur gal gonna wakie soon liaoz!! ;p


gd nite u should b slping now.

I didnt know abt the soy based ink, something new to me.

Actually the mattress is not the 1 I slp is the 1 I placed in living room for bb to lie for his afternoon nap. This mattress every afternoon will be out under the sun and newspaper is on top of changing mat n not newspaper act as changing mat. My boy skin nv directly contact with the papers so I'm fine with it.

As for all the passing ard, hhaa I got think of that but then dun think so much not so bad lor.

did u all buy any hardcover books for ur little ones to 'read' or u read to them ?

I bought some with music eg animal sound or fire engine sound on book. My boy dosent seem interested in it is it too early to intro books to them ?

hehe ..tink i lim too fast...n yes the kopi is gao gao one...arghhh...nw my keyboard kopi flavor :p

gbh..to bed to bed!!!!

chips..where u bought yr books??

BBdust (bb_dust_to_all)

I dare not borrow lei I scare the books jus like newspaper being 'passed' ard many hands and also I scare bb bite the books. Such books must have lots of hands on it from babies and maids and anybody. So since bb likely to bite buy new 1 better.

Xiao Lao hu,

Popular book stores.

And also I got a big piano with lots of animals sounds, A-Z, musical instruments sounds etc.. He also show no interest so in the end take out battery keep in storeroom.


hee i find it okie lah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] eventually he will still be exposed to the germs so i just let him be loh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but i did tell him cannot bite lah cause its not my books leh wait bite, dirty n spoil not good for other library users. me socially responsible citizen hee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

BB dust

Is our child eligible to b NLB members ? I heard got some welcome freebies for new members.

When my boy older I will bring him to library and pick his books.


yes our child all can be library members now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hmm not welcome freebies lah but we are entitled to win a library full of books for the youngest baby enrolled but our babies not very young liao so i think cannot win lah hee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

BB dust,

My sis enrol and got a bag of duno what goodies in it. Maybe change pattern liao.

When bb 3 mths I tot of enrol but I use the online system cant get through after 4 attempts so I didnt bother abt it anymore.


is it? maybe change le bah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] u must go to the notice boards to see if they got any freebies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Siew ping: my gal can sit and sometimes pull to stand but can't crawl and can't sit up on her own. re nanny: she sounds so possessive and jealous. i guess got pros and cons ask her look after hor. but yeah, you anytime got leave etc can don't send, can bring home at night and weekends. ultimately they still know who is mummy.

BBdust: i very selfish mummy, purposely dowan let maid or MIL take care cos don't want this situation. so i send IFC at least the teachers are not always the same.

Shappie: i joined library member for my gal. got a free carrier bag tho quite cheapo type. borrowed the board books for her. find it very good cos got so many to choose from and can change anytime. i let her play and flip the books but stop her from putting in mouth. after she finish playing will wash her hands.. can actually wipe the books before give to bb to play as extra precaution. now school holidays can borrow double some more!

shappie, very funny!

but really there is so many books just for babies. toddler etc got another section. if you join you also get double. but i only borrow one. then the rest for me to read. whahahaha


You got time to read books ? or u need books to put u to slp ?

I cant read a book will fall aslp w/o finishing the 1st sentence.


Just last week i was posting that my boy was crawling backwards. However, this week, suddenly, he can crawl forward, push himself up to sit and push himself on the sofa n stand by himself. they sure give u alot of surprises [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Solid food:

My boy just turned 8 mths 2 days ago. Can i introduce fish, broccoli, oats to him already? what else? cos always eating e same.

ur child still on mashy food? when to intro less mashy food?


do u give solely brown rice? or mixed w white rice? cos Doctor did mention ask me mix to avoid heatiness. Brown rice alone is heaty rite?


I borrowed alot of books from library for no. 1 and 2. I borrowed board boards, Peekaboo kind of books for my boy. he loves it. oh ya he loves mirror too. hee those textured books are also great! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


can intro fish, broccoli and oats ah.. i dont give solely brown rice.. i mix brown and white rice cereal together cause i scared heaty hee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


talk abt peekaboo

Nowdays my boy can play peekaboo with me.. he hide himself behind my comforter and peekaboo at me..

