(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

Hi mummies, haven't pop in some time. Read posts 5 min then gtg no time to post.

Cellow: my mom also Malaysian but I can eat bread lei during confinement. Agree their confinemt rules n Singapore rules different. Thought I sure die cos must follow msian rules PLUS Singapore rules. But end up only follow if the rules were the same. If One say can one say cannot then I take the rule that I like. Haha.

Re: cooking fruits have given my gal papaya n mango raw, mashed. So far she was ok with it. She hates apple purée I tried two type of apple so I have given up on apple. She loves avocado n it is real easy to feed her that cos she can slurp up real fast. My helper cuts out a quarter n leaves the rest of 3/4 whole with seed n fridge in container can last quite long.

I have yet to cook porridge that my daughter will eat. Bought a slow cooker this week gonna cook with pork tomorrow. Cross fingers.

Gbh: all the best for yr trip. Hope the floods subside by then

Orangey: how come change from Gugu to mom? I must have missed that day post. Take time la. But is hardest to tell mom or MIl what to do. I tell IFC staff at least can look a bit unhappy no problem.


bb dust,

actually its my maid who teach me.. she is a young mum 26 yrs old with 2 boys 1 near 2 yrs old the other 4. she is experienced and I got to learn from her. hahaa.. she used newspaper to put under bb backside if the diapers is soiled so tat it wont dirty my mattress or swingbed.. smart her I didnt think of it before. Sometimes the poo can be so mega & messy, I think her way of cleaning is quite good.

For bb who have frequent fart, try not to use big bottles like 300ml, I suppose our bbs at current 200ml bottle is good enough. If bottle too big they r sucking air in. Dun tighten the bottle too tight bb wil hav hard time to suck milk no air circulation in bottle through the teat.. I loosen my bottle a bit and realise my bb lesser fart recently.

bbdust, xlh, yah hor, beside cooking, i can hv fun feeding him and planning meals also..

thanks mummies for reminding me of having fun in whatever thing i do with my babies.. **eyes big big now**

huh? put newspaper under bb?? dun mind me but... eee.. isn't that dirty? Newspaper, with all the ink and handling.. erm.. not very clean leh.. somemore on your mattress? Chips, i read wrongly or ?


Oh! My mum supposed to take care of BB Orangey but cause she's working and has to serve notice period so during her notice period, my gugu volunteered to help me take care of Justin. Thats why now he's back to my mum's hug.

Orangey: oh. Then need time to adjust. Read on website childcare arrangements shd be settled once bb 6 months old so they don't get confused n upset.

Which is why when my mom visits n want to take care of bb instead of send to IFC I feel a bit bad cos my gal will be unsettled first few days.

dazz (dazz)

oh is my swingbed, mattress seldom although alwys hav a changing mat but it can b dirty too. newspaper not tat dirty as last time and on my swingbed there is a water cushionpad, tis water cushionpad every now and then she wil clean it and sun it. its really much better with something underneath the soiled diaper when especially its so mega poo.

with a sheet of newspaper can do some trick. after clean all wrap and throw or she wil bring my boy to toilet to wash backside.. stil the diaper need some way to dispose and ensure wont dirty anywhere.

Lie down clean away the mess go toilet and wash.

acutally hor.. being #2.. is abit poor thing right? My #2 for eg... everything use kor kor's.. that day, took out the car seat that we kept aside from korkor's days.. so that can clean and didi can use.. but but.. when i remove the plastic, realised that the color faded because kept for sometime and it looked really old.... my hubby still say, ok la... still can use. I sim tia leh.. so that day went Parenthood fair... korkor went Sitex with hubby, didi follow me.. we went inside and recce for new car seat.. wahhahaha.. saw one not too ex and quite ok de... immediately sms hubby to come see.. he was abit grouchy intially because he hasn't really finished his "tour" at Sitex and i made him come over but i showed him the car seat and explained to him, didi very ke lian lo.. maybe can get him a new car seat? Lucky he agree lo!! heehee.. now didi got new car seat liaoz. yeah...


ya lei I find it better quality liao not tat bad.. intially I dun like the idea of it but when I clean on my own, my boy keep turning here n there and can accidentally dirty the changing mat or swingbed lor. it cause more work to go n wash here n there when its dirty.. so after which I agree her way of cleaning.

do you all find ur boys so cheeky when they grab their birdie.. hahaa... my boy when he grab it he is smiling so happy till cannot see his eyes open.

Does he know what is that ? I'm really curious why is he so happy ?

But instead of using newspaper can probably use a big plastic sheet or something? I know you mean use liaoz then throw la. But but, to me, newspaper very dirty leh.. not used to that idea. hahaha.. but anyway, we all have our methods to tackle the problems we face. Comfortable can liaoz!! =)

yes big sheet of something I cant think of.. mahjong paper / brown paper ? cant possibly purposely buy just to hold the shit hhaaa... so newspaper more practical and just the right size.. u know huh the size I cant say out here.. of cos not the big usual papers


i feed my girl mulitgrains (a mixture of grains in a pack). i cook it like normal porridge.


i give threadfin fish since she started porridge.

Actually my PD was telling me about one of the parents using newspaper as changing mat. The baby developed very bad rashes and this only came a few months later. PD said that newspaper ink are very toxic which is why if you notice those newspaper vendor, their hands are always dark.

So Chips, try not to use newspaper ba?

BBDust ... i get my maid to use a small pot to bring all the ingredients to a boil first. later on will transfer all the ingredients into a claypot container and put into the slow cooker to "double boil".

last time i use to really smoothen the porridge up. but now i guess i want him to get use to eating rougher food. so now it's more rough.

btw mummies how to give those oats that need to be cooked? my boy like flavoured food ... how to cook oats and what kind to buy? tks.


Orh okie okie [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] tks fir the tip too hee

For oats, my maid just cook it, after which will strain using strainer n put milk

bat bat

pork hor -must chose the meat -dont ever buy pre-minced meat -cos u dont know got what in there - cos chance organs or neck or head which is toxic lor.

usually i choose lean pork & mince myself or ask the wet market uncle to mince.

ai yo.. this thread moved so fast..

thinking of getting the manduca carrier.. is getting it in germany cheaper??

ok, i finally found the latest 1st birthday celebration list.

1st birthday bash


thank you for indicating your interest and confirming your attendance for the 1st birthday bash.

details as follows:

date: 5 march 2011, saturday

venue: sol playground

time: 3.30-5.30pm

payment: $30/adult, $10/child (above 2 years old)

1. celynlee (2a, 1t, 1b)

2. gbh (2a, 1b)

3. piglet08 (2a, 1b)

4. bb dust (2a, 1b)

5. cottagefry (2a, 1b, 1 toddler)

6. woofmeow (2a, 1b)

7. jasda (2a, 1t, 1b)

8. elmoo (2a, 1t, 1b)

9. joelle (2a, 1b)

10. Baymic (2a, 1b)

11. vicma (1a, 1t, 1b)[email protected]

12. rurucat (2a, 1b)

13. HJ(jingzjingz) (2a,1b)

14. SG_SC (2a, 1b)

15. Orangey (2a, 1b)

16. Wendees (2a, 1b)

17. Siew Ping (2a, 1b)

18. adak (2a, 1b)

19. KDD (2a, 1b)

20. Taro (2a, 1t, 1b)

21. Juski22 (2a, 1b)

22. Chips (1a, 1b)

23. hippo (2a, 1t, 1b)

24. Dreamic (2a,1b)

25. zz (2a, 1t, 1b)

26. syzygy6 (2a, 1b)

27. Chlosper (2a, 1b)

28. Dazz (2a, 1t, 1b)

29. Pearlytea (2a, 1t, 1b)

30. juye (2a, 1b)

total: 58a,9t, 30b

Payment details:


$20/tod above 2 yrs old

$0 for bb under 2 yrs old.

Please transfer to POSB savings 207 23280 7 then email to [email protected]

1)nick & real name

2) transfer reference

3) transfer for # pax


vic: i transferred the money to u later can?? got no income so no money yet.. waiting for my end-year bonus to come in 1st..

Chips, Maddie

I'm going Munich next week... It's snowing there but I dun think got flood right? Flooding was I think in Belgium few weeks ago? N heavy snow now in London?


I think threadfin is called Ngor He (fish in hokkien)... I learnt tt from cottagefry n rantingbb... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


The pics was shown to me tis morning n I tot of u hhaaa if u want perhaps u wan to share ur place of travel, n I check wif her... N also any other qns u hav in mind.

bat bat

i dunno le loin ar - some pple prefer to buy Bak TENG to cook porridge - think its the part with soft bones its just to get the soup sweet not to eat.

but for eating i usually get lean meat - i buy from NTUC most of the time so its just called lean meat hahah!

i also mince garlic & onion sometimes a green veg (like sweet peas) into my special mince meat blend.

Vic vic

Hw come zzz? U still working? Me at home Liao just pat ah boy to zz. So sad leh he wants to follow maid instead of me wor then he laugh n laugh when maid play with him but frown when I play the same game with him sobsss

bb dust he see u as want hugs or latchy mummy ar?

cos cranky lor - u make yr own special game with him la.

i no need pple pat i want to sleep liao!!!!!!!!!!

i use "bak tao" for cooking porridge. super lean no fats at all.

and yes threadfin is known as ngor hee.

wah ur boy super good can eat plain oats with milk! my boy spoilt rotten. one day banana cereal, one day apple cereal, one day oatmeal raisin banana cereal and sometimes with purees! i'm tired of formatting a menu for him. when it comes to porridge, after a while it become very boring too!

gbh .. dress baby up well. it's really very cold now! bring lots of moisturiser. if u can, go to hospital pharmacy and buy Physiogel AI Cream for baby. adults can use too. super moisturising. i used it for my zurich trip. recommended by PD. raffles hospital sells them.

Gbh: you may want to get a gro bag for baby for the cold nights in Munich. I bought one for my daughter in Melbourne and have been using it for her at night and I find that it does keep the little one pretty warm since it's like sleeping in a sleeping bag.

Porridge: have been having some difficulty getting my daughter to take porridge. Am wondering how to make the porridge more flavorful. I have been doing what my pd suggested and I cook the porridge with one meat / fish and one veg. I also double boil the porridge. But I find my daughter not keen on the porridge. At best she had two tablespoons worth. More often after a few attempts at feeding her porridge, she turns away, gets irritated etc and we end up having to give her milk [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] am not sure how else to improve the taste of the porridge to tempt her to eat more. Any suggestions?


Dun know leh My heart broke when I want to carry him n he turned away n dug his face in my maid's chest .. Then after that I try to play his favorite game with him he gave me a sian look [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Yah he can eat lah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


dont double boil/boil longer/change to starchy kind of grain - use a soup base - be it pork or chicken.

try ^& try & try! actually 2 tablespoons's worth is around 1 meal's portion le - not all bbies can eat alot esp initially.


my boy also when i want to carry him from my MIL he dont want -turn away CHEEKILY!!!!!!!!! awwww!!!!!!

so notti le - maybe your boy doing that to u just that u didnt see his embedded smile! haha!


i know liao la - to him u are the latchy cow - he wanna latch while u want to play - he of course angry lor - he whole day LONGING & WAITING for u - give that intimate latchy - zan mummy want to play hide & seek some more -sure upset lor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/4820332.gif]

Vic vic

U think so ah wah so mood de meh? Ai bit then hor he really will wait for me to come home then zz a few weeks bk I go dinner with overseas relatives reached hone 10 plus he still eyes big big the minute I carry him he closed his eyes n zzz awww

Hi Mummies, I have some baby weaning food to let go at low price!

1) Nestle Cerelac (Rice & Mixed Vegetables)

Expiry: May'11

Each: $4.00

Buy two at: $6

2) Nestle Cerelac (Brown Rice)

Expiry: Jul'11

Each: $5.00

Buy two at: $8

Further offer: Buy all 4 items above at just $10!!

Interested Please email me at [email protected]




heard from my ma ma that some cod fish is 'fake' so tried not to buy n cook for bb. seen cod fish n threadfin is abt the same price she advise buying threadfin

