(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

morning all,

enjoy your weekend.. I'm having an earlier weekend as usual and bringing my boy for his rotavirus later.

Morning mommies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


lol on our gals closing the book and put to mouth..

Hope your gal has recovered fr last nite's fever alr.


during ML, i got 3x breast infection. This malay massage lady very good, using hot stone to clear block ducts. but her charges quite ex. $70 come to your house. she is very popular in this forum. I used to engage her for my 1st post natal massage but now she never do post natal, only breast services as she now open their own massage centre.

Mdm Rokiah (tel: 92716091).

Take care. Meanwhile, take Lecithin daily to prevent block ducts and also use your fingers to massage the block ducts at the meantime. i dun use any hot towel, find make it even worse, i use fingers to massage instead.


my boy has rashes just above his buttocks. wondering is that rashes due to solid food (heaty brown rice) or eczema? or PD said its eczema but to us n my mum its not. its like those heat rashes. PD asked me apply steriod but i dun want cos steriod is bad. any advise.

White rice:

what brand white rice u all using for your kid?

Morning mummies!

Sigh... Gal has got nappy rash... I think bcoz I'm not as hard working as last time to do the clean butt routine bcoz now she moves around when changing so I just quickly anyhow change her... Feels guilty bcoz all along since birth gal hardly got nappy rash though i nvr apply any cream on her routinely one... Gal just woke up from slp so brought her to the sink to wash her butt... Realized she too big n tall to 勉强 wash her in the sink...


Not too sure how to treat heat rash too but I tot if heat rash, I think will go away by itself after a while? Try wiping ur boy with a cool damp hanky from time to time at the rash area to see if got improvements? Rem to just wipe gently n not rub the skin when doing so, if not might further irritate the skin. Also rem to pat dry after wiping with cool damp hanky.

Seek a sec doc opinion if u not convinced with the 1st doc. Sometimes it's better to trust motherly instinct. Alt, u can try applying the calendula cream... It's just some moisturizing cream but with healing properties so might help with rash n even eczema...


i m not too sure whether its heaty rash. but its very rough n a few on buttocks (like pimple). i tried to apply using aloe vera n desitini cream n see how. or i guess due to heatiness brown rice.

have you all started porridge or still into cereal?

mine still eating 2 meals at 8mths 3 days. is 2 meals too little? when can start porridge? scare too coarse for my boy.


there is no correct timing as to when to start porridge de its actually up to u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mine also eating 2 meals a day [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i have started porridge but cause i want him to drink more milk so porridge is maybe once/twice every week with the rest of the feeds cereal [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mine started porridge this week but hor dunno why leh. The porridge that my gugu cook for my boy, he can eat up 2 full bowl but the porridge that my mum and me cook, he takes a few mouth dont want! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I ask my gugu how she cooks she tell me she use the soup that she cooks for the family (before adding any seasoning) and cook the rice till porridge stage. I think thats the main reason cause the soup though w/o seasoning is tasteless but inside got pork bones or chicken or fish bones with vegetables like potatoes/celery/onions or sometimes got lotus root too. All those sweet tasting veggies no wonder lah! Aiyooooooooo.. why my boy taste bud so li hai!!!! So means I have to prepare a pot of nice broth to cook his porridge now!


i m giving rice powder (1 mean) and fruit puree (1 meal). not sure too little? must give 2x rice meal?

yesterday brought him to PD cos sick. his weight is 9kg, 66cm.


i think shld be fine bah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hmm there is no hard and fixed rule as to how many rice meals u must give to him.. its really up to individual wor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

his weight is a good weight leh.. my boy still hovering at 8kg no increase at all [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


wah didi orangey taste bud so power ah

wow.. orangey.. ahhaah.. baby orangey got good taste lo~!! now mummy got to work hard to make nice nice porridge for him liaoz. hee..

I was expecting my boy to be ard 9kg too but weigh on monday.. only 8.7kg.. abit disappointed. hahaha.. but PD say as long as they triple their birth weight when they reach 1, is ok liaoz.. so we're like 1kg away. Hopefuly within the span of 4 mths, he can put on that 1kg lo... =)


Yah lah! You know ah.. sometimes I lazy so I just make rice cereal with water for him he don't want to eat. I have to make another bowl mix with milk then he eat. Aiyoooooooooo... But then, the soup broth is just me and mum assumption lah but I hope is not really the case but just that we fed him when he's not hungry thats why he eat a few mouth nia. Please I pray to god that he grant didi orangey with big big appetite! His weight also not much increase leh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


stock soup are delicious n nutritious , no wonder your boy loves it. not sure hv time to prepare the stock n put porridge into it. Want to learn how to prepare.


when cook porridge, did u prepare stock or just plain porridge with added vegs? u intro fish liao?

my boy since last mth still at 9kg, no increase too.


what is his length? my boy already triple his weight. their weight tend to slow down cos they are more active crawling now.

kite, er.. never take height. corz we're not there for injection. Was there for consultation so i think only take weight for medicine dosage. =)


Hahah.. yes delicious and nutritious but then that means I have to be doubly hardworking to prepare the broth cause I'm a FTWM . Most probably I will do a big pot and freeze so when I need to cook porridge for him on weekends, just bring out to thaw and cook.


hahah didi is a foodie [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


no leh. my MIL just cook as per normal no broth or anything de, i put threadfin and spinach inside [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yes like Mummy! Ahahahah.. those who know me and hub will know that we travel ard to eat =.= We can travel from East to West just to eat certain food :S

yah, i also need to ask i was thinking of introducing porridge soon but also stay w rice cereal. i wan to maintain only 1 non-milk feed each dae cos gal stil... overweight. like that rite can alternate days porridge n other dae cereal? will baby get confusion?

i mean.. like monday afternoon eat porridge, tues afternoon eat cereal, wednesday afternoon is porridge... rest of the daes is milk. ke yi mah?

i duno if rice cereal n porridge provide the same level of satisfaction.. as in, will bb be fuller w porridge than cereal.. give porridge will further increase her appetite then next time must give more cereal etc?


i didnt freeze cause he will finish the nxt day i just put inside fridge, as for the brown spots hor i dont know is it spoil or not i didnt give it to him n makan [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

On leave yesterday and today. Hubby went overseas this morning so alone with baby. Can't wait till he gets back on Monday afternoon. Sigh Monday got to take taxi send bb to mom's house then go to work [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Damn tired and in pain. Anyone had a milk blister experience? Did you prick it with a needle or left it alone? Appeared this afternoon. Super pain! Especially when bb latch. I think more painful than my breast abcess prob previously. Arghhhhh!!!!


Don't have it before but my fren had it b4. I think she pricked it if not she said painful n no milk come out when pump then engorged n engorged, after she pricked, the milk spray but maybe go find lc to help prick better scared infection

anyone cn help? Jus bk from clinic for rotavirus.My boy 73cm 10.5kg born 29 mar. Hw to read the percentile, I still can't figure out.


i not pro marmite.

its very salty - will spoil baby's pallet. not to mention kidneys.

avacado not really suitable for freezing chiller will do finish within 3-4 days - turning brown is normal.


my GP told me roto cannot give now le can u check with the doctor again.

cos he said over 6 mths old - it causes other complications

Thanks Bbdust & Vic Ma.

Hard to get LC now or weekend. Am also afraid to prick cos it would be an open wound and increase the chance of infection. For now the milk flows out from other points. Wondering if it would heal on its own if I tahan the pain and continue to latch?


if u feel pain just pump.

but i think if u can lunz can just latch.

but i understand some pple trashhold for pain low -then better let it dry up slowly dont prick - & just pump lor

hello mummies

reporting in japan. yu xi is the most excited person when we leave for airport. both of them sleep almost for half the flight to tokyo. so no problem with the air pressure except when landing, yu ze complain about ear pain but still ok. just about 30 mins before we arrived at narita airport, yu ze say he don't want sit air plane. hhahaha... so i got to tell him to wait for air plane to stop then we can go. its nice cool weather. we are only in our usual clothes instead of winter clothings. so those winter jackets that we brought, only wear like 10 mins or less for walking back from train to hotel in the evening/night. hopefully, the weather will stay like this throughout.

Chips oh 2nd dose then I dunno le. Cos I asked when didi was 6 mths old as we went to poly to do Prevenar . Last time roto always w Prevenar lor n poky don't gv roto one.

