(2010/04) April 2010 mtb


silver fish, where do you buy those from?


just observe a while more for another day. bb orangey falls ill often at IFC?

my mum is also hopeless at taking care of my boys (and me)... dun know how to pacify them... 1st week of confinement ask me to eat bread (which contains yeast / baking soda as raising agents so can cause bloatedness).... a lot of things also forget liao.

wat to do. she is still my mum. luckily my MIL arrived after a week to save the day. quite WTH when you realise you have to defend your wrongdoing mum agst the HB's (rightful) rage.


huh? confinement cannot take bread? wow.. another "i don't know and i've done it" thing. opppsie! lolz.

Silver fish: I buy from Tiong Bahru market, one of the dry goods shop. Was told by the lady got 2 types. If i remember correctly, the one from Japan is sweeter and more suitable for making porridge for bbs. Can buy a pack and freeze it.. so can keep for sometime. =)

orangey..maybe bb not used to yr mum yet? change of environment??? ...hehe initially when my boi go his ah-ma's house, i also v kan cheong n yes i kena from my mum lor...she also 'complain' my boi dun wana drink milk etc...n yes i also sorta questioned my mum why like this why like that

my boi skipped the puree stage..for porridge i cook till v v soft n nua...i added shredded carrot / pumpkin / spinach n cook till soft with ngor fish.


Yes, he kept falling sick in IFC cause the ventilation is really bad over there. Previously the IFC is non-aircon based and BB orangey nv fall sick and ever since they did some minor reno and added air-con he tio HFMD and kept getting fever. He was quite bah bah when at home but ever since we sent him to IFC, he lost weight so I'm never going to send him to IFC anymore.

I will observe for a week and if things not going the way I suppose to be then I need to be frank with my mum. I dread doing this lah so I pray pray that its due to the transition not cause grandma don't know how to take care of BB orangey. She cooked porridge but maybe she used pork bones where my gugu uses ikan bilis so I think ikan bilis taste better? Hopefully though. I just hope my BB orangey guai guai drink his milk milk and eat his solid!


BB Orangey okay with porridge but my gugu cooks until really really soft.. almost like rice cereal texture and she uses Ikan bilis broth to cook so nicer taste also. He can gobble up 1 bowl (pigeon weaning bowl) per feed according to my gugu and my cousins.

hi mommies,

have u started your bbs on toothbrush or r u still using the sterile gauze to clean their mouths?

wanted to start brushing for my gal since her 1st pearlie has erupted...but i cant find the finger toothbush anywhere... the auntie at unity told me that the pdt has been discontinued.

in the end i bought a brush-baby from ntuc that looks more like a teether than a toothbush to me...wonder if it will b just as effective...

woofy and orangey

okie okie, then i think my MIL didnt cook it soft enough [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i scared my boy something wrong how come dont know how to chew and swallow porridge. u use slow cooker?


yah observe and see bah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


silver fish got few kinds i bot from Hock hua la the only one they have dried kind & soak long & change water many times cos scared salty.

but what i want is to buy the FRESH one -NTUC sells but its THAWED for our convenience need to finish witin 3 days lor & its a larger fish (maybe not yet dry so looks larger) - NTUC kind cannot refreeze lor & one tub too much - i think i will just buy NTUC one next time & dry the rest for my daughter to eat as french fries!!

no bread during confinment, cakes also .. cos they got the 'fa fen' 发粉


apologies for the delay, transfering to you soon.


which part of germany u going ?

My colleague jus showed me her hometown now with metres high of water and almost everywhere is in minus degree. South & North part is the worse

Packed more clothings for ur gal. did u buy warmers ( those u break n it wil keep u warm for hrs ) Its available in daiso and OG. I bought some when I have my holiday in Japan kind of useful.

By the way, diapers and bb stuff are not cheap in Germany.


not advanced la. C2 also same as bbD. only tried avocado, apple (a bit and uncooked, oopsie, another 'i dun know and i have done it' thing), licked a grape (once!), hates potato and tried carrot (once!). so also very slow.

okie doke, silver fish, here i come!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] cook you into porridge for my C2

eat bread during confinement

dunno la, tis the first time that i have heard of this too fm my MIL. Malaysians got a lot of rules which i never heard of till i married one. she bought me one whole tin of jacobs cream crackers to eat instead, which i absolutely detest during normal days bcz tis so dry. tastes like sand to me. then Mr C best, some more say Jacobs cream crackers super expensive and a luxury treat when they were growing up, so i better guai guai eat even though they taste like sawdust to me.

*getting rid of residual angst* say say only.... MIL really does take very good care of me and the boys.

Orangey, how come your gugu cannot look after baby orangey liaoz? Or you ask your mum to make the porridge using ikan bilis and see if he eats?

Cellow, huh? So for the whole month, you only ate Jacob's cream biscuits for your breakfast? Cannot be right? How come the confinement ladies i hired also from Malaysia and they don't have such rules? Being their profession, they should know better, isn't it? hmph!

another method i was told is to stir-fry the silver fish in wok till it's crispy then blend it into powder and add into porridge. This way, bb can get the calcium too.

bbdust...me take the lazy way out...early in the morn i use the thermos food jar n pour boiling water with rice grains..let it cook on its 2 hrs then i cook the fish n carrot over the stove with the porridge added in...usually if i use the thermos jar, the rice will be cooked till nice nice n turn out all FA come out..ehh u get wat i mean??..as in the grains all opened up so all i need is just 10-15mins on the stove cooking the rest of the ingredient together.


ha? your CL never tell you not to eat bread meh.

no la no la not jacobs biscuits for breakfast, that's for snacks.... MIL got up early early in the morning to cook pork liver mee sua for me everyday.... i m really v blessed.

/but like i said, tis one thing to have a super capable mum, tis another to have a super capable MIL. having a super capable MIL who can do ANYTHING around the hse means i always fall short of Mr C's yardstick. so i cannot quit and be SAHM, can only earn money as FTWM/

stir fry silver fish. okie doke also can.... i suppose i can always grind and sprinkle over C1's food, if C2 doesnt like the taste.


okie understand.. but hor the porridge texture is it like rice cereal like that like orangey one? i asked my MIL to put more water n cook longer to make it more nua but somehow she cannot get the texture right leh n i thot she is a nanny before?

it's been long since i stepped into the forum again. been so busy..

hope baby orangey will get better over the day .. i think new caretaker baby needs time to adapt.

now that baby is 8 months plus my porridge has gotten more and more fanciful. he only take lean pork/fish ngor hee porridge. everyday differnt vegetables. he has taken spinach, broccoli, carrots, sweet corn(for brewing only), pumpkin, sweet potato, tomato(for brewing only), cauliflower.

BBDust .. think ur boy gag cos the porridge might too thick or too rough. need to get the right consistency.

i started my boy on oatmeal and it's rougher and so now porridge can be rougher too.


but but hor he can take oats well wor but my maid does grate it lah hee though its a bit too thick.

i think its rough bah hmm think ask my MIl to cook again tmrow with fish and vegs n see, if still not right texture, i will get slow cooker

re: ikan bilis

my good friend actually told me its the worse fish to buy le - i was like HUH -she said cos of the way they dry it - not very hygenic - i think like that hor Silver fish dried type also jsut as bad right? but maybe slightly better?

i wanna find the jap kind le to buy keke!

or just give up la buy threadfin fresh & freeze

bbdust,,yes yes like the organiz rice cereal..the texture v smooth...as its v time consuming to cook this slowly n patiently over the stove, i use the thermos food jar lor..n make use of the 2 hr or so in btw to bath ah boi, wash clothes etc ..hehe all this usually done by say 9am...then 10am+ i cook the ingredient with the porridge lor ..just in time for ah boi to eat for lunch ard say 11am+ depending on his last feed.

bbdust, another way for you probably is, washed rice grains + abit of water then grained liaoz then cook lo. This way, the porridge sure nua de.

Otherwise, just use a slow cooker lo. But it does take a longer time to cook la.. So must prepare earlier.


ORH so that is the root loh like rice cereal... no wonder mine cannot eat cause its not like rice cereal thick n no water de ..

the thermos food jar can show me the picture? i think i buy one for my MIL if not she use stove to cook like cannot get it right leh


u mean grate it then cook?

not grate.. grain.. using blender... that's what i saw my helper did but i duno why she did it corz i got slow cooker at home. she told me can cook faster wor.

anyway, toking about this. Ask you mummies ah.. what kind of rice you use? I duno why but my MIL bought a pack of Japanese rice and told my helper to cook bb's porridge using that... i was like... huh?? eeee... very niam niam lo.. you know, jap rice more sticky lo.. so the porridge also thick thick de.. last time TodZ also nvr eat Jap rice lo.. it's just normal white rice + brown rice... hhmm... her new pattern again. =X

bbdust..this is the one im using..basically its those food jar that can help keep food warm..but cos i pour boiling water into it to cook the rice n close the cap immediately, the rice will be cooked till soft...bp off n on got pple organise spree for this...i bought it at the thermos sale some time back though.


bbdust...this one hor..also need to cook the rice on the stove thereafter cos u need to add ingredient like carrot, fish etc hor ..just that time spent standing at the stove is comparatively shorter nia.


woo i got a smilar one leh.. this one also can cook porridge ah steady leh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


acutaly my MIL bot NEW rice - she said its more suitable. think new rice different from the nromal rice we eat -more white & starchy after COOKing.

organic shop recommended me short grain more starchy too.



some pics for ur viewing.

They are having heavy floods & snow. When is your trip ?


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bbdust...u go hm experiment 1st then tell yr mil to try..i also v skeptical at the tot of the jar cooking porridge..but my mum tried herself n showed me the end result ...u see my f/b pic...my boi's 7th album i tink..got one pic is the porridge with the bb yoghurt thingy.


yah i think i will try on sat hee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but tmrow i will still ask her to cook fish porridge put some vegs see if he can eat

i dont really let him eat porridge cause his milk intake is low so feed cereal can put milk but porridge put milk a bit weird.


shivering in cold

bbdust, ok ;), shall ask my mum to intro soon.

i see u all having fun on introducing food to babies.. i miss out all the fun as my mum cooks my boy's meal most of the time..sob sob.. anyway, kudos to u all! Mummies are the best!

jasda....u can also have fun feeding yr boi n planning his meals...i only cook on weekends when i bring ah boi home leh..juz that i discuss freely with my mum on what to give to ah boi to try for his food lor.


rice grain can be soak in water for ard 1/2 hr easier to cook into nua nua porridge no need long hrs to slow boil it.


My gugu got 2 grandkids too but she is nice to help me out lah cause she see me so sad cause BB Orangey kept falling sick at IFC and she see me like so depressed so offered her help. I also hope she helps but I can tell she is really v tired lah cause need to look after 2 grandkids and 4 children + 1 husband lol!

n yes..threadfin v expensive ...hehe..was ranting to my mum on hw expensive fish can get these days...i went to the wet mkt buy..like kena chopped ..small pc of fish costs 18 bucks...pengz


ya lo.. threadfin super ex.. especially on days when they can't catch many, the price will zzzoooommm up! I usually buy at Tiong Bahru Market but on days when it's not nice, too ex etc, i'll call my aunt for help. hee.. My uncle sells fish la.. =X but i also paisey to trouble her often so only when i can't find or too ex then i go to her. Need to go all the way to her side there also far for me.

