(2010/04) April 2010 mtb


do u grind? i m still giving him powdered brown rice. gg to grind white rice for him today. Ask u what brand white rice u give? normal that we eat, can or buy organic?


so cute. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ruru cat

ehh me also asked ming that question yesterday how to pay cause that time she mentioned charity


nope mine is the organix white rice cereal hee, i dont grind, then the brown rice is healthy times one


as per our msg, I will pass the $$$ to u next week at Ming's place ah. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

This afternoon so quiet??? Cos raining make mummies sleepy?

It raining!!

wonder y nwadays bb drink less milk.. use to drink 180ml.. nw 100ml to 150ml nia...

is it because we intro solid? nw i feed her twice, one lunch n one dinner

like that per day nv drink 500ml ok anot ah?

raining in the east, raining in the west. so heavy la. feel like sleeping but cannot sleep. the 2 days' MC on Mon/Tue means there is a whole truckload of work waiting for me now.

the medicine domperidone for nausea/stomach indigestion increases milk supply also!!! my nn are so painful w engorgement.... even C2 latching dunno-how-many-times last night does not help to clear..... ouch ouch ouch.

sos!! anyone knows of a good massage lady to clear breast engorgement? can PM or sms me pls.


yah domperidone suppose to increase milk ss, maybe i shld eat some to increase haha cause my ss is dipping [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

how many days u eat and how many tabs to see effect?

Juski: mine also don't drink much. My ss also dropped drastically dunno if cos she need less so I produce less.

Cellow: u got engorgement??? Wa!!


I cannot find their Si Shen brown rice over at their E-store leh. Was thinking of introducing to BB Orangey to boost his appetite!

GBH & bbdust: then think I better get it in sg, but hubby don't approve yet.. The other time I go try, so much difference bet the manduca & my current carrier.. So tempted..


Hmm.. Not sure abt the sishen rice bcoz i just rec an email abt their estore launch. Maybe wait a few days? Bcoz new so maybe not many items listed yet?


The manduca is good but when bb gets heavier also very siong on our legs to carry all that wt... But tt one bobian one... Unless we live on the moon! Nowadays if I can put her in stroller I will put her in stroller... Saves me the energy...


The domperidone hor gynae can prescribed, if u go guardian pharmacist must tell them it's for tummy n not increase ss if not they won't sell to u but I never try before my fren gynae told her one

The manduca carrier is good I like can walk around n dun feel much strain hee


hehee...just ytd u mentioned that your baby still boh gey so still using the gauze to clean the mouth...noW u can upgrade to using toothbush liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i've also started to borrow board bks from the library for my girl...greedy me borrow 6 bks at one go and end up i have achy shoulders from carrying the bks.

my girl is more interested in flipping the pages (or rather close the bk) and grabbing the book to bite than listening to me read to her :p


i read u are going for holi soon... so envious! hehe...my girl suaku...have not even been to sentosa...let alone having a passport.. but am targeting to bring her for a short trip next yr [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

anyway, u muz b excited abt your upcoming trip and busy packing your luggage... weather's cold in europe...pack more clothes!


my hubby says my girl is a 'bookworm' >_<"

she's also interested in our books and papers...she has ever swallowed parts of my 8days cover when i wasnt paying attn!

Hi Cellow,

I have PM-ed you the massage lady's contact.

Hi BBdust,

If it is not too much trouble, can you post the info on Ming's x'mas party on this thread again? Just to refresh my weary and absent-minded mind. Thank you so much.

Hi BBdust,

U see lah, my mind needs a major dose of holiday, retail therapy and spa massage to recover. Hee... I try to look for your e-mail, if don't have, I PM you. Thanks!

Bbdust: ok, I go guardian try to buy tomorrow.. I wanted to buy the manduca carrier after I tried on it.. My hubby don't approve.. Haiz.. Think I got to drag him down to try then he will be convinced..

Argh... Angry with my hubby again... He insisted that my girl to sleep with his parents tonight.. Usually when his mum not working the next day, we will let my girl sleep with them.. Tonight my MIL went out n only came back at 11pm.. So I told my hubby that my girl will sleep with me tonight since his mum not back yet n I wanted to feed my girl directly in the morning as I couldn't pump much milk out already so I wanted to latch my girl as much as possible.. At first before I go to the room he said ok, then when his mum came back, he quickly come to the room to tell me to carry my girl to my PIL's room to sleep with them.. But i've told my hubby that my girl sleeps with me tonight n he agreed, yet now wanted me to let my girl sleep with them.. My girl already sleeps soundly n tonight she sleeps extremely early, so I foresee that she will wakes up earlier too, but he insisted to carry my girl to their room.. I don't want to argue with him so I follow why he says, but he can tell that I'm showing black face to him.. When he approach to carry my girl, she wakes up n started crying loudly cos she wanted me.. But he still quickly bring her to his parents room, I got to go to his parents room to calm her down n make her sleep again..

My hubby is really driving me mad recently.. I often thinks that he takes it for granted that we stayed with his parents n his parents will take care of my girl so he doesn't need to do anything.. Angry angry angry...


Cool it... I can imagine if me I will also wanna punch hb.. Y he is so insistent to let gal slp with PIL? bcoz he dun wanna be disturbed by gal at night?

Morn Mommies!! FRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY DAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! YIPPEE!!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Mummies!

Its been raining in Melbourne so we are all just vegging out at my cousin's place at the moment. Hubby and baby are both sleeping so I can catch up on the forum posts.

Xmas Party: No need to pay me for the party but I thought it would be nice if we take the opportunity to raise funds for charity. So I will pass the hat around at the party for contributions. All contributions will be donated to the Children's Cancer Foundation. Pls google it for the fine work that the Foundation does.

See you all next Sat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Moring BBdust & sg_sc

Yeah, it's friday! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morn Elmoo! Lovely weather ;p

Ming8110 - That's realli kind of u..y dun we still pay u instead n u can then donate the sum of money on behalf of the April mommies? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


morning bbdust, sgsc and elmoo and ming all the way in melbourne too.

juye, maddie, bbdust,

dun envy the engorgement, tis NOT at all fun. any1 comes near my right boob only, i wanna punch them. tis that sensitive to touch. and can cry when latching C2.


i took 1 tablet 3x a day on Mon and Tue. Wed kena the blocked ducts already. Wed still tong and use strength to self massage but the blockages still persisted. dun take too much of these dear..... dangerous stuff wor.


you need to give HB the fatherhood is more than sperm depositing pep talk too. try wat dazz and i said to our respective HBs *grin*

Muarks and *wave* to Rurucat. Thanks for the massage lady contact.

*clap clap* for Kite's boy pulling himself to stand. welcome to backache time!!!~~~~


wah that explains why so power hee.. engorgement ah.. hmm somehow i missed it though yes its painful but once cleared wahh shiok all the meok come [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


HAHA! today i feel a lot better so yes i can identify w the shiok feeling.

mon/tue i was actually quite fed up w my body bcz i needed to rest/sleep the stomach flu off, but the silly boobs need to be cleared every 4-5 hours. that's as long as i dare to drag the pump freq during the day and the rock hard boobs woke me up!!! so fed up when i m sleeping.

i was briefly flirting w the idea of stopping. yes me the die hard advocate of breastfeeding.

Morning! Today happy mood cause sufficient sleep = pretty skin = can dress up = HAPPY!

My colleagues saw me and was like "wah, you puberty again ah?" --> Cause I dress up finally so I now looked more like my age rather than looking older!


I also agree with sgsc. Why don't we just pay you for the party which in turns, donate it to Charity? I know your idea as in you don't want to force people to donate but I'm pretty sure all our mommies here are all 'philanthropists' [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cellow: hope its better today... look at it as a sign there is still ss. not like the rest of us have to increase pump to 3-4 hourly just to almost meet demand. i have also briefly thought of quitting but just press on. one day at a time. don't change routine, shd be continue bf bah.

Juye: maybe find time to 'date' your hb and talk to him in a less heated time why he does the things he does. possible that he has a reason for being so 'irrational'. usually i bring up such issues when we are both relaxed and happy and then i tell him how i feel.

Pnut: my gal also just close book and put to mouth. i try to open back and let her see picture. sometimes read that time she tiam tiam pay attn. but usually its a mad dash for book to grab, close and eat.

Am a panda eye zombie today. My gal got fever last night so had to feed panadol n calm her down. then after she slept, i cannot sleep for 2.5 hours. after i fall asleep she wake up hourly til morning. Came in to work late today cos so tired n need to settle her before i go. Lucky my mom in town bb can skip school.

