(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

dazz and cellow

harloh, he said he is tired from work i can understand wor, how come look after kid tired when I am the one doing everything ..

haha i like the way u say they have to be threatened w taking away of a treat LOL LOL



I think most men are the same lor. My hub sometimes also get on my nerves. He sleep thru out the night cause I scared he will be tired since he is doing freelance and having a full time job so quite time and energy consuming. Being a good wife (<-- HAHAH) I let him sleep thru out the night even on weekends but then I expect that he helps me out on weekends since he has his sufficient sleep but he will like "huh" sometimes and I will get so erupted!

ok la, dun talk abt the men already. smtimes the more i talk, the more qi sha i get.

on a brighter note,

C2 has now got 4 teeth. his teething seems to have stopped for now.

he is waking up only 2x a night compared to 4-5x when he had a cold.

and best, he is healthy although his face rash recurred w a vengeance after i celebrated my bday last week and ate dishes w eggs. Mr C says tis my right to eat eggs wor, and told C2 to give mummy a break. sigh sigh sigh.


bring your son along. you never know whether he ll behave anot until you try.

ya wear a white blouse then carry him while HB takes the photo for passport. easier that way now.

^5 Dazz on the "men MUST be threatned" mantra..i LIKE!!

^5 cellow on the sperm donation thingy...keke ..i tell that to my dh too when i get real pissed when it comes to matters concerning our bb.

wahahha.. i dunno la.. for my ah lao.. he learn things the HARD way so occasionally must give colors then will "upgrade" de lo.. hahaha.. but i'm surprised that Cellow also used the same tactic of "no more addition to his dynasty"... so i'm not alone. heehee...

Alright, let's not talk about our ah laos anymore. sianz.

Woofy~!!! how's your LWE?? Shop till you drop? heehee.. bought anything at parenthood?


Do you encounter situation where you baby start to cry, fuss or scream if you take away the things on their hand, or carry her away when she crawl and touch dirty or dangerous items?

My girl.. recently start to kick a fuss and cry loudly whenever this happen. I wonder it is normal or just my baby more naughty or too pamper?

batbat ....yeah at times for my boi...he will fuss lor...make some noise but for a while nia...his way of protesting i guess.


C2 does the same thing. and i dun think he is more noti than C1, or that anyone pampers him.

fret not, tis just their way of saying that 'I DUN LIKE IT!' although more loudly and more chang qi.

C2 will kick up a fuss when i take away the bowl after he has finished eating, take away the door stopper after he has got hold of it for the umpteenth time. and smtimes even when i go out of his sight.


^5! the only way is to laugh it off la... water off a duck's back. ignore ignore ignore their nonsense.


It is normal la...My boy also likes that...he will scream or cry aloud if I carry him away...he even gives me "What's up" look to me...


normal [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] mine does it everyday all the time protest protest loh.. his favourite is my iphone keep sliding it as if he knows how to use it LOL [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


discipline can start now. you tell her, no cannot, and no loud noises fm you either, young lady. they might not fully understand the words, but they surely understand the tone.

discipline is abt molding them to be responsible, socially acceptable citizens of the world that we as their parents can be proud to say 'yes, this is my child and my contribution to the world'. i liken it to bonsai gardening work. fertilise w love, and prune the wayward branches. love love love... there is no better thing for our children.

anyway, to me, until they learn to express their needs properly, err on the side of love and gentleness.


the fact that you are here on this forum means you care abt her development. so jiayou mummy. do the best you can, and leave the rest to a higher power.


Yes, we start to say no no to her and "beat" her hand lightly if she still insist.

However, my maid very pamper her, only say "no" gently n nicely. That is why I scare baby will prefer her much more than me. Imagine now already my girl see my maid was so super happy as compare to see me back from home after work. Sometime didn't even bother to look at me.



i do tell my boy no shouting pls, its very rude, regardless he understand or not to let him know that its not accepetable. its my mil who dont do it

Vic ma,

I just called DBS, I will most likely reced my token by this week so will transfer to you. DBS v slow~ I called them last Wed lor!

yday i had BITE MUMMY day.

& with 3 razor teeth - my girl was whiney & refused to sleep & didi was excited to play with Jie Jie so he kept biting me while latching out of excitment. (he always loves to play with his Jie Jie la)

wah Pain sia - scolded my girl made her sleep few times & eventually my hb resolved - with sweets!!!!!!!!

but super effective sia 2pcs sweets go brush teeth & she diam diam liao - soon KOed -actually sleepy lor therefore cranky & whiney.

if my hb not around i dunno how.

BBdust- *patz patz* whack ur HB for U!! bb cry so noisy also can continue sleep....

Orangey - ya, local banks process things esp slow one (no offence to mommies wrking in local banks ah)...coz they got lotsa protocol to adhere to.

Vicma - didi is dracula lar, except tat this dracula sucks milk, not blood!! whahahha


zhuzhu recommended mashed with apple or/and pear puree.

of course the apple & pear needs to be cooked hor only avacado & banana can give raw for the moment.

& her son loves - my boy also LOVES -good also cos plays down the sweetness of apple or pear lor. on its own like eating WAX mah.


oh ya just cut half vertically - the seed will be very big & hard cannot cut thru de- so go around the seed -once parted - u can remove the skin easily from the flesh.

& remove the seed - my maid packed just the flesh in the tupperwear & chill in fridge 1 medium sized one can eat around 3 feeds with 1 cub of apple /pear puree.

agar agar.

my boy Roots for more! - my girl lasttime i gave on its own - she hated it

pengz..apple must cook ah??? i merely grated the apple n feed my boi ..no cooking leh..its not a lot though..try for fun nia.

huh???? oppssiee.. he has been eating freshly scrapped apple with avocado and he's ok so i'll just leave it as it is~! whahaha..

woofy and dazz

by right all fruits xcept banana and avocado need to be cooked [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i didnt know that until i go read only when they get older then no need to cook.


Why do you have recipes to cook fruit? Can I give my baby raw fruits?

Many pediatric sources recommend cooking fruits until baby is about 8 months old. Bananas and avocado are an exception. For infants who start solids prior to 6 months old, cooking fruits is recommended. Cooking fruits breaks them down thus enabling easier digestion in an immature tummy.

An older baby will be better able to handle the fibers and sugars of raw fruits than will the baby who is younger and just starting on solids.

The "skins” of the fruits should always be peeled, especially prior to 8 months old. Infants who are fed fruits that have been pureed raw, with skin/peel on, may not have any issues with digesting those fruits. There are no immediate life threatening health risk to a baby fed raw fruits however, you may find baby has some digestion and tummy troubles. This should pass once the fruit itself has been passed.

Depending on the doctor to whom you are speaking, this recommendation may vary with age. Some doctors may say cooking fruits is not necessary at all.

hintNOTE: Peeled raw & ripe fruits are perfectly fine in a baby safe feeder. Why? The amount of fruit that your baby will actually manage to eat from the Baby Safe Feeder is very small. There is a difference between spoon feeding a baby fruit and allowing a baby to suck on fruit from the Feeder.

Thx mummies!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

No wonder She eat Afew mouth than reject it. I hvent try pear yet..

The pear are those green colour like hour glass de right?

i actually skin & decore the apple & slice into slices then steam -then puree.

steaming will help preserve more nutrients in the fruit or food

hihi ladies! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

RE pureeing - anyone tried carrots yet? i didnt manage to find organic ones so bought the normal ones. going to try to mix carrot with avocado - poor babyD hasnt tried very much yet except avocado, spinach and pumpkin.


for apples, I think have to buy royal gala then not so sour...

if sour, can also try to mix rice cereal or milk to make it less sour

I think my mum angry with me =X Cause I asked her how is my boy doing cause today his 1st day officially taken care by my mum. My mum end up tell me that my boy not drinking milk and only ate 2 mouths of porridge! I was like OMGGGGGGGGGGGGG... why like that! From 7+ till 2pm! Think I over-reacted and she was annoyed thinking I'm adding stress to her.

But but but.. my boy usually not like that. If he reject milk he will take his solids. I've never see him rejecting milk and solid at the same time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] My fault again? Sometimes I feel that my mum lack of the patience but I also bo pian right. Sending back to IFC is a no and looking like my mum not very exp with taking care of kids (cause long long long nv take care young kids) I think I will observe for a while and see how. If the situation still the same, think I have to quit and be a SAHM. Even though financially may not be able to cope but bo pian also...


i also didnt buy organic for carrots as its so cheap $2 plastic bag of say 6 med sized carrots from NTUC.

my boy been taking it alone- but i will incorporate with Silver fish, brocolli & rice - (i already intro these 3 le) together let him get used to porridge & fish & veg together.



maybe bb orangey not used to ur mummy take care? cause 1st is IFC then after that ur yi po now ur mum so he a bit luan? give him some days to change the environment?

RE: porridge

mummies who have given their babies porridge, does ur baby gag ah, that day i tried giving my boy porridge, he gagged leh and then puke out the bits of rice, or is it cause my MIL didnt cook it soft enough with water? she not using slow cooker just normal pot.

