(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

My right breast produce almost 3 times more milk than my left breast - do you all have this problem also? How to remedy??



it's a common problem. Don't worry! My right breast also produced about twice the amount of the left breast. Nothing much you can do to remedy it, just continue to latch / pump the left breast to ensure supply stays, if not you will only have your right breast to depend on for latching / pumping.

It's like our dominent right / left hand.

Vic ma,

Thanks! The nursery ward nurse say some babies may not know how to suckle onto the nipples so must be patience to keep trying. Just now tried another time and bb did suck on it but he not hungry lah, so he never wanted to continue but at least i feel him sucking.

Congrats Orangey =)

Saw your baby's pic and he is very handsome =p

Well try to pump or latch.. because i realised taht i didnt latch her much then now she gets reall impatient when i try to latch her- so i still stick to pump and i will be having prb bringing her out next time.. so jiayou and dun give up.

WEll done on the labour =) epidural=hapidural =)


how do u all label ur ebm on glass bottles? I use those stick on to label but keep drop out. Last time 1st pregnancy used to use milk bags, easier to label. Read tt some use marker?


hv to train n guide bb at least for awhile. No bottle feed. U can use spoon feed, cup feed or syringe feed. Cup feed can use medicine cup to feed. I m using syringe. After a mth, then introduce bottle.



Hi kite,

I used masking tape. I just write the tape and time on the tape using ballpoint pen ( ink pen will smudge), then stick it on the bottle.

So far survived being in fridge and freezer. And it is easy to remove. Plus cheap .

Hope it help

Kite ... I haven had time to look at the freezer yet ... Confinement and stuck at home ..

Any mummies know where I can get caps for the glass bottles? Thanks ...

morning mummies


you can get the caps from MT A pharmacy. i used to buy from there $7.60 for 10pcs.

there is a baby shop in heartland mall at 3rd floor also selling but its $0.90 for 1. heard that the chinatown baby store also have but not sure how much.


i used the old time embossing machine labels to label my ebm. very easy to remove and doesn't leave any sticker stain on the glass bottles. i just bought another 2 recently from popular. each is about $3+ with a roll of tape. the tape is 3 for $3+ too.

i don't really on air con for baby but i do have a fan blowing at baby.


there is nothing wrong with 1 breast having more supply then the other.



morn mummies!!


Celia..i also on the air-con at 25 degrees off n on ...

Lucida...iam facing the same as u..my left breast seems to hv more milk....yest see the milk being sprayed out was a darn good feeling man...certainly motivates one to continue latching / pumping for bb.

Ok mabbe go mt A to buy the caps soon. Is it better to store in glass bottles or plastics for EBM?

Also for mummies who pump, do u feed babies with freshly pumped milk or the froZen ones? I heard fresh is better than chilled and chilled is better than frozen and frozen ebm is better than formula. Is that right?

orangey, congrats! been waiiting for your updates, you did it! handsome boy and you must have been satisfied with bb kwok's weight. Rest well and updates us soon!

woof, how is your baby's jaundice?

dreamic, i have the medela pisa. the soft shield breast funnel that comes in the set CANNOT be steam sterilized. there was no mention of sterilizing any of the parts in the manual and i just went ahead and did it. after 3 days it warped and change colour. so now i have to go and buy the non-softshield. the manual recommend soaking in warm soapy water for 5-10 min. sianz.

orangey, congrats!!

Orangey: Congrats!

Maddie: Buy the personal fit breast funnels? They are made of harder plastic and my friends said they do fine in the steam steriliser.

congrats orangey! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I've also read the Tracy Hogg EASY method and will be trying to implement it - wish me luck. someone here said BB got so used to the routine it was impossible to break out of it right?

i got the 'anytime now' from my gynae yesterday. she said bb's head engaged and v low already.

i've so far put on 13 kg, and bb's 2.8kg.

Lynn: Almost there. Good luck! You only put on 13kg? Lucky girl! Think the recommended weight gain is 12 kg or something like that. I put on 16 kg already. Jialat!

Check out the baby whisperer link that Syzygy posted. Quite a good resource with sample EASY schedules for new borns, 4 week olds, 6 week olds etc.


Tks. I just tot want to increase her feed to 70ml but she seems to stop at 60ml... shall monitor again.

Congrats Orangey! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Cely is right, will not have the same amount for both breasts. I tried to massage both breasts before pumping. Then the one with lesser output, I press harder... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ming, maddie, everything ready - waiting for bb's signal. i hope her 'anytime now' doesnt extend to like 3 weeks later or sthg?! but last night was the first time i could literally feel movements even in the pelvic area. bb is really v low!

Thank you vic ma and maddie for sharing infor on the medela breast pumps.

Re weight gain

So far I have put on 10.5kg and gynae said that BB is 2.7kg last week (wk 37). She also mentioned that I am 1 cm dilated and BB is engaged so I am also waiting for BB's signal. Hope it will be soon :p

Thanks Janet. Hmm..I'm 39 already but he didnt check. just say come bk next wk if not choose a date to induce.


Anyone else had babies who only came after EDD date?

Dilation: I think to check for dilation, the gynae needs to do a VE which in some cases may actually trigger labour. That's why I think some gynaes only check for dilation after the baby is engaged and there are signs that labour is near.

Maddie...next checkup is tis fri..m hoing the lvls go down man...bit worried abt the jaundice..but i cant do much except pray hard bb condition is improving .

Orangey..update us when u got the chance...rest well!!

my gynae also said 'anytime' asked me to watch out for:


water breaking

strong contractions

then she said, "then u pack hospital bag, no need to call ambulance ah..." hahah...

Any mummies know whether need to have red eggs and ang ku kueh for baby gal's full month? I think boys' full month need to have red eggs rite?


its usual for 1st timers who dont walk alot and eat well for thier actual delivery date to go past 40 weeks.

Abit late to say this la but if u want bb to come out on time or before edd. Walk alot and dont eat so much will mk it less comfy for bb in there they will decide ok lets go!

Blueblue: I think red eggs are required for both boys and girls? Not sure about ang ku kuehs though.

EDD: Am planning to go for walks this weekend and to go swimming next week if baby is still not engaged by this Fri's checkup.

left the dogs for partner to walk cos I cant managed 45mins long walk at one go. But will consider breaking it up 2x a day then.

Even stair climbin with the dogs cant do 12 flights now 4 flights already dying. Super heavy. Thanks Vicma I will try and persist


most full month celebrations in SG will have both. So don't worry.

Only in China then they will differentiate. BB boy is red egg and BB girl is just sweets.

Congrats Orangey.. such a long labour! Post more pictures when everything is more settled orh!

Vicma, eating a lot will keep baby in tummy?


the ang ku kueh shape is diff for boys and girls.

boys are called ang tu, sharp sharp cone shaped one. girls are the flat types we usu get in the mkts. both need eggs

Just had my first postnatal massage. v shiok [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i need help....

the charger for my medela freestyle went missing. that's what happens when 3 pple pack stuff (FIL + MIL + maid). things dunno put where by whom.

*tear out hair* my milk is coming in liao and i really need to pump.

wat is the cheapest way to get a new charger?


i guess no cheapest way now but fastest way is to buy from medela direct. i'm not sure about their contact though.


things that contribute to making bb come out faster... all the below are no g'tee of a quick labour duration

- mummy needs to exercise so yes walking is one

- talk to bb

- pelvic floor exercises like kegels, sit on gym ball, pelvic tilts

positioning of bb is also impt. google 'optimum fetal positioning' and look for pixs of left occiput anterior position. supposedly the best position for birthing.

however, watever type of labour the mrs has, is a combination of divine will and what she does b4hand to prepare. not EVERYthing is controllable in birth and labour

thanks celyn.

i m thinking now amongst my group of bfeedg frens and colleagues... who used freestyle and wont mind lending me just the charger.

the bleep thing is in the house smwhere, just dunno where.

sleepless night yesterday [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

feed bb at 4am, pump till 5am, rest 1hr bb wake up liao.. feed again, 630am fuss (think not enuff ) so i breastfeed her. left, right keep feeding till morning 8am dan she sleep awhile...zzzzzzzzz

anyone know where can i go to repair the ameda breastpump??? my breastpump suddenly went dead, cannot suck out milk already... so sad..

cellow cheapest is to know the specifications & go down to sim lim tower /sq kind of shops get an adaptor for around $20.

my hb & FIL makes them for me with whatever that's lying around the house.

i also bought ameda but i didnt open up until recently and i threw away the receipt so i dunno if they'd accept my warranty card - eeps.


eat good comfy some more sure stay in longer lor.

its my friend's theory she always births well before EDD & cos of her work nature. she walks alot & usually has no time for proper meals.

Hello girls,I delivered this morning at TMC.Natural with epi.Baby officially 36 weeks today but good size - 3kg.Also dr gave me the jab to strengthen his lungs 2 weeks back when i had that scare after my mucuos plug fell out.So no need to go to NICU!Once epi wore off,the afterbirth contractions were so terrible.Took painkillers and it was all better.Tried to latch baby on.He took my nipple into his mouth and then proceeded to fall asleep.LOL!nurse said usually babies can be quite sleepy after birth and that they have reserves to last them 3 to 4 days.

