(2010/04) April 2010 mtb


oh... u so near my room... 315... sorry... i saw ur post quite late also... been trying to keep in pace with the thread but alas... still cannot la... so many posts in a day... hardly got time to read thru... now im scanning thru the old posts to see if i miss anything...

dont worry, my BB weight also dropped from 2.5kg to 2.3+ kg too.. i know how it feels to have heartache see ur own BB lose weight like that n so small... but our BBs will be fine... i also can only pump 10ml in total each time even i got engorged breasts (supposed to have more milk if engorged right?)...



is ur BB ok now? free of jaundice n the infection?

re supplement bczo of jaundice... i also wanna do TBF but i think my BB was probably not getting enuff BM to poo/pee enuff to flush her system so her jaundice went up again... so in the end i told the hosp to supplement with hypoallergic FM if necessary so that she can drink more n can come home soon...


whats wrong with ur BB breathing? a bit fast ok one right? im up bcoz im sterilising my pump now.. going to pump in a while so that later morning my HB will bring my EBM to hosp for BB

Maddie: Must be tough to be separated from BB. Hang in there and BB is closer to coming home as each day passes.

Yas: Seems like you are one of the next in line. All the best!

Siew Ping: Your supervisor sounds nasty and is really just a bully. Can you say something to your boss? Or try and shame him by saying very calmly and firmly that you are pregnant and shouldn't be upset or you risk going into labour in office and of course he wouldn't want that to happen right?


I'm up pumping too.. I can't master the act of latching.. Sigh! Dunno y my bb keeps crying..

CongrAts to all who have popped! Think Yasmin u r next in line..

morning ladies

had a tiring night, couldn't sleep and kena stiff neck. haiz...

i'm looking forward to. hopefully, its real soon!


usually NB breathing fast, rapid breaths is quite normal. but given ur bb's birth story, i'm not sure.

morning mummies

yesterday, i had a 'fight' (struggle bah) with hubby. i on my fan to sleep as usual, then he ask me to lower it to 2 intsead of speed 3. but of course i not happy lah, so i wake up and off the fan and on the air con. then he buay song, ask me to off the air con and on back the fan for me. he say i don't love him anymore cos its not a hot day while i must on the fan to the highest speed. its making him uncomfortable cos the fan is blowing at him direct which he don't like. then i told him off and say he is the one who don't love anymore. when i was preggy with #1, i not only had fan on at the highest speed, i even had air con and then he never complain at all. i ask him to go sleep in another room, he don't want and insisted on sleeping in our room. the more i think, the more upset i get. so i wake up, take my pillow and walk to the other room, on air con and wanted to sleep. he saw and came over to stop me and try pulling me off the bed to go back to our room. i struggle with him for at least a good 30 mins or so with him and refuse to go back to our room though he keep saying sorry then and promised that he won't complain in future. in the end, he give up and came over to sleep with me in the other room and on the fan for me to the highest speed.

i don't know why i get so upset with such a small matter but i am really upset cos the treatment i get this pregnancy is really different loh. my daily intake of bird nest and milk is never consistent, no more bedtime story for #2, always nag and complaint that i on fan to the highest speed, never show concern on how i am doing. sigh.....


oh, i see. thanks for informing leh. though me 2nd time mummy hoh but still don't know what is contraction loh. hahahha.....


don't be too upset. i know how you feel. i do 7 times a day once a week and had been doing for 4 rounds liao. think of having a healthy baby in your arms soon and this small pain is nothing liao. we are doing it for the health of ourselves and baby. jiayou.


dont get upset. Maybe just move the fan in the room, so that it will not blow so much at your hubby but more at you.


how much is the charges at Mt A eh? Me also going there lei. Can PM me? thanks


you must teach me how to get really low readings... I just did my read for before b/f and it's already 4.4. Intend to just eat a cheese sandwich then go for a super long long walk with my dog or #1. (But don't think #1 and dog will want to walk that long.)

Vic_Ma .. The drawer freeZer seems to be a good idea .. I'm latching baby still now and supplement with once formula feed only at night. Baby has been feeding 2 hrly. Each pump combined from both breasts yield about 100ml

now. My freezer is quite full. So I am thinking of buying the drawer freezer to keep the frozen EBM esp when I return to work...

Are u saying Goh Ah Bee at hougang sells the drawer freezer? I've seen the chest freezer but personally prefer the drawer freezer like u said ... Seems more organized? Next is how to get so many bottles to store the milk ...


the fan is already blowing at me more liao.


you can start looking around from forum here. some mummies are giving away free bottles but you just need to go get the plastic caps loh.


i play cheat a bit by not taking sweet drinks at all. take plain water instead. for teabreak, only take milk or biscuit. if you read the health readings on the packet, see carbohydrate, must not be more than 15mg for teabreak. max to take is 15mg for snack and the balance come from milk.

hi mummies!!!! ..Tuesday aldy..time flies fast man...

Been worrying aby my bb's jaundice lvls ..sigh ...nw trying to get bb to drink bm as much as possible...but somehow still not v comfy with bb condition.

need advice ....hw do u get the dialect name translation for yr bb??? ....both dh n i got the chinese name but need to translate into dialect leh.

Vicma, i bought from kk first years shop. its the silicon and latex funnel.

rantingbaby, can understand how awful it must be.. hang in there. slowly count down to delivery date and continue praying lor...

gbh, she's clear from jaundice but still have 1 week of antibiotics to go so cannot bring her home so soon. in the meantime, i'm just concentrating on pumping enuf bm for her. i also prefer the football hold, that was the only way i could sucessfully latch on by myself. however, it just felt as if she was standing up to drink the milk

woof, we got the chinese name and no one could tell us how to translate to dialect so we just anyhow did it ourselves

janet, yes, am home and she's in hosp. i bring over what she needs and freeze the rest. when i'm not sure, i just freeze and so it is not wasted. at most if not enuf in hosp, they give her formula.

gd morning


np sharing in forum [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i kena kablut, the maternity package was for 2 nights, but my stay is counted as only 1 night in a single room. dunno how they count... maybe from time of delivery... since cross midnight, so the previous hour not counted *shrug

total hosp charge was 1800+ plus 200+ for neonatal bill fm PD plus gynae charge...

so theoritically i could have had one more day's rest in hosp


good to hear that your placenta has moved up!


that story really sounds like hormones. but part and parcel of living tog as a couple la. sayang ok.


a while more only... for the sake of both your health and bb's. smooth-labour dust to you!


wow you are up next!


Saying you too… hope dd can be discharged soon.


You talking abt the birth or bfeedg being easy? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] be calm, I give you guts.


Ya la, no time to feel pain. Just conc on NOT giving birth in car or at home took up all my effort liao – haha


End result of all the waking up to pee at night (little bb) will be in your arms soon. Hang in there dear!


Too drama for me. One thing I forgot to mention was involuntary muscle shakes all over my limbs after birth… I think tis the adrenalin rush after effect setting in. so when gyane was stitching my 1st degree natural tear, I got a chance to practice my relaxation breathing then LOL


bb also went home with you. Not too expensive lah..maybe after mediasave deduction, you only need to pay little bit


i like ming's advice!

bb lose wgt

normal to lose up to 10% of birth wgt in 1st to 2nd week.

but but... sigh... the elders sure will have smthing to say one abt milk supply and supplementing and so on.


usually will have time to shower for first births. i say usually la. each bb has his/her own pattern.

but hor, if got pooing sensation (pls dun keep asking the mrs qns during labour, just observe ok and ask the nurses if not sure, just dun ask her)... then cepat jalan to hosp liao.

Congrats to all mommies who have popped!

It has been a while since I last posted a message here. I have started my ML yesterday though my EDD is on 20 Apr, thought that I will pop early given my past history of popping at 35th week! Oh well, went for gynae check-up yesterday and did CTG. Looks like bb is still feeling comfortable in me at week 38... no contraction detected as yet... woohoo! Now just nua at home lor...:cool:

Celyn, I do notice that hubby's treatment is somehow different from during #1 time. He is less kancheong and more bochap this time round. But I guess I just couldn't care less lah, I have enough headache myself to attend to #1 as well as enduring the discomfort of carrying #2 now... just take it easy...

Lynn, have you done your CTG yet?

To mommies who are popping soon, jiayou!

hey ninger, how have u been? i did my CTG alr and nothing to be alarmed about. this afternoon another appt.

ML starting next mon, EDD 17 Apr. my HR just rejected my ML appn to go away for 4 months straight - gotta settle for 3 months [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


I just returned home from an hour's walk... *pant pant* Walked my mum to work, then walked over to Jurong Point with #1 to buy my newspaper and my top-up card. Then slowly walk back... But at least the reading was 5.8. *phew* And now drowning myself with H2O.

I was so tempted to buy Mr Bean's soymilk on the way home... :p #1 even reminded me to go in to get soymilk (so she could tax from me).


I got external help for #1's dialect name. Cos my ILs are all english-educated. They are really poor in Mandarin (I so thank God for my Chinese-speaking background) and written dialect.

It so happened that my mum's ex-supervisor is a Teochew and they still kept in touch. So my mum showed her the name and she translated it for us and even taught us how to spell it correctly.

So you have to see if your ILs has anyone who is fluent in the dialect and can help you translate. It would be better if translation is done by the great-grandparents (cos some of them still can read chinese charaters and they are very accurate in the pronunciation of the name in dialect). As for the English spelling of the dialect name, just go as close as you can by the pronunciation.

Huh? I didn't know that company can reject straight 4 months ML? You will be allowed to take the remaining 1 month within 1 year's period right? But then again, if one intend to resign say within 1 year from returning to work, will the outstanding ML be 'claimable' in such a case? I am just thinking about this too because I choose to take 3 months ML one shot and will slowly consume the remaining 1 month later...hmm..

Maddie...gd to knw yr lil princess has been cleared fm jaundice...*-*

Im still v worried over my boi's jaundice lvls now.

i believe the 1 month is still claimable if you resign coz it's an entitlement right? it's only if u resign during your maternity that you forfeit your maternity leave. i dunno, my company is a shithole, i will make sure i take everything first before leaving.


we just use hanyu pinyin for the name. didn't do any translation cos don't know how and don't want to anyhow translate.


yah yah, i believe is hormones acting up too. anyway, i'm ok liao. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i am also more chin cai with this pregnancy now, so i think its normal to be more relax and less gan cheong since we know what to expect now. don't know why i am so upset yesterday loh.


cannot take the soya milk from mr bean leh. cos it could be very sweet cos we don't know how much sugar is in it. if you really want, buy from 7/11 kind the nutrisoy, less sugar and hi calcium. but do read the labels on the carbo content and drink accordingly ok. i'm taking coconut water now. my 2nd coconut of this pregnancy.

Lynn: Sorry to hear about your HR. Best to take your remaining month of maternity leave before you tender. Wouldn't put it past your HR to try and treat your remaining month of ML as notice in lieu. Maybe you should take every Fri off or something after you return to work and use up your ML in that way.

hj re: drawer freezer.

Anywhere sells even if they dont haveit on display they will hv catelogue one. Esp small shops who cannot afford displays. Goh ah bee is just maybe cheaper for bigger more ex brands. But cheaper brannds under 200-300 maybe price diff from narvey norman or what not much diff. Only worth dropping by then if u live aroundd heartland mall.

Get playtex liners. The standard ones. Else washing bottles alone wll tire u out.

maddie that could be the soft funnels and reported will even change colour. If u want to can bring back show them maybe call 1st ask them what will they do.

I rather u buy back the normal hard funnels after than. Maybe cos i started with the normal ones i feel the soft one which i got with the medela manual pump. I felt the soft one too weak for me liao. I am a pisa user la.

Woof avent manual pump has alot of good reviews.

Personally i just use it for gai gai and to watch tv in the hall. Otherwise i prefer my pisa. But like all pump parts. After a while the fats from the ebm will coat the pump parts making the suction less 'strong' cos i found my avent manual used to be very strong but later like so weak le after few mths.

Same like my pisa after a while i found myself using max speed all the time.

Much later than i realised no matter how u wash this fat coating has already impaired the pump's ability. Then i bot the medela manual to try. Yes new much stronger but medela manual not famous. Just that now know tan leng leng and can reach spare parts. I personnally prefer medela le cos i can replace the values and bottles easily to givw he pump a revamp everytime suction dwindles.

Of course must also compare new avent if can get cheaply overseas spree maybe good idea to just replace whole system

if i am not wrong avent comes with at least one set spares for their values.

vic ma, I got two boxes of playtex liners to try out thanks to your recommendation. Hopefully my milk supply will be better this time round. I was only able to do partial bf for #1. Now looking for suitable container to hold those liners for storage in fridge...I definitely wouldn't want to spend most of my precious time doing bottle washing...LOL!

Lynn, agree with Ming. You better try to consume your 'entitlement' the soonest possible if you intend to leave. You'll never know since your HR has been so 'ngiau' all along..

for #2 i bot all new new pump parts except tubes which are still quite clean and didnt come into contact with ebm at all.

Lookingforward to a new pump experience again.

Congrates to all April 2010 moms-to-be!

Recommended to wear Lipo / Lana micro-massage undergarment / pant after your pregnancy. Undergarment series is also suitable to c-section mom too.

Flatten you Tummy, Reduce Cellulite, Trim-Tone Hip and Thigh. Can find more information at www.ITSI.com.sg


playtex liner and rubberbands. I need to go skp again cos the big pack rubberbands only has small sized ones so sian i bot a smalll pack $1 instead 1st.

My bb is tumping away arrgh!

yup ming and ninger, if i plan to leave, then i'll do the 4-day week thing to use up my ML before i announce departure - must strategise man this one. quite appalling.

vic, last night woke up at 4am to pee, then it's bb's favourite time to move around vigorously. I felt a sneeze coming and sneezed then bb went all quiet. haha. told my hubby and we both laughed abt it. bb must have gotten a shock.

celyn..maybe i shld get dh to do what u suggested...v fed up with this transalation thingy..my IL side..all wana add their 5 cents worth but dun hv any REAL contirbution fm them..sigh.

xlh, we did the same for #1's name as well, like what Celyn did. It's kind of convenient. Just follow the surname in dialect that's all. My ILs didn't comment much, so be it. :cool:


sometime ago saw somewhere selling breast pads. Did anyone of you buy that? Or all using warm towel, or cabbage?

Janet, are you the one who kena played out by confinement lady recently? Did you manage to find a replacement already? I encountered the same experience two weeks back. I tried calling my CL coz that time was pretty stressed at work and I was not feeling very good, thought that I was going to pop liao. To my horror she was not contactable for one whole week! Luckily I manage to find her after one week of panic calling, apparently she was on assignment in Singapore and that she has left her handphone at home (in M'sia). *whew*, I was this close to call up agency to book one already. It would be good if you have found a replacement. Otherwise, I have a contact that you may want to try. Cheers.



yes, that is me. I am meeting PED agency tonight.

finally managed to get someone from the nanny home after 4 days. she called back to me.

She also on assignment in singapore, to end on 17 Apr. But I thougth too near to my EDD (20 apr) already. what if i am early? Then she kept saying no lah no lah, I will not be early...as in she is the gynea. So decided to drop her.

somemore she told me that she has no assignment in mar before me, that is why I felt like she is cheating loh...

