(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

Janet, we have the same EDD of 20 Apr! Cool~

Wow, how could she still take up assignment up till 17 Apr when you have engaged her for 20 Apr? This is way too risky le.. I will be fuming if I were you. Glad that you made the right choice to drop her to have a piece of mind now...good for you!



yah loh...still want to argue that I will not deliver early, when I questioned her how can she cuts the 2 assignments so close...like she is the doctor...

Just hope that the PED confinement lady will be good.

lynn so we just scold loudly la next time we want them to stop their bungee dance inside? Keke

janet breast pads for what purpose?

Celyni think hormones started to act up le too hot u cannot sleep yet hot fan too strong on the body i feel like someone tivkle m with feater i cannot sleep too hiaz.

vic ma

the breast pads to ease engorgment. I remember #1 I used both warm towel and cold cabbage. But I thought the 'breast pad' may be a good buy...

dont know whether it is called breast pad or not

janet i just pump le. Or use cold towel at most.

Cabbage must be cautious of use as left on too long can supress supply. Pple usually leave cabbages oon many hrs to stop their breast milk

janet, i think u mean those cool gel compress issit? breast pad is to absorb leak ley.

vic ya lo. but 4am is my bb's happy hour, scold loudly wait my hubby think i mad.

am resting at hm today but its so hot. Just washed and steralised some more bottles.

Queen cow celyn i cannot fight u i hv only around 120 bottles.

vic ma,

I dont even know cabbage is to stop milk supply...ok, better dont use then. my SIL said to use to prevent engorge


so you know where to buy the gel compress?

had a busy morning.

rantingbaby, pls take care. hope things take a turn for the better soon.

celyn, i guess it happens. sometimes i dunno why i fume at small things too. like hubby not putting the bowl back to collect water from dripping tap (which cannot be fixed coz i'm preggy?!?!) ok, mine even more trivial - haha.

hope all the jaundiced bbs get better soon ya?! i was worried abt mine after delivery coz i had severe jaundice when i was born - had to do blood transfusion type. gynae said not genetic so hopefully my bb's will be normal or manageable.

janet, u mean PEM agency rite? good luck!

XLH, for me, i'll translate into dialect myself. If i prefer, i'll have it the same as the hanyu pinyin. Ng Siao Hoo, Ng Xiao Hu, Ng Siu Hoo - who cares?! :p

janet, i got mine from my sis. cant remember wat brand but i'm sure they are easily available at places like Kiddy Palace, and the kiddy sections at Robinsons, OG, John Little etc.

janet its to be used maybe 10 mins or so for engorgement purposes. And much longer for stopping milk. Hope it clarifies.

I hate pimples!

Agree.. it's extremely hot today...just came out from shower and I'm already perspiring like mad... arghh... can't imagine if I'm doing my confinement now..

cellow, enjoy your ginger+lemongrass bath!

TKS mummies on the name transalation thingy...arghhh ...more hands spoil the coup.

vic-ma..im going to withdraw 5 cents worth liao :p...so sickening

so freaking hot today!!!! ....pengz ...

cellow...enjyoy yr bath *-* ...certainly nothing beats a bath these days when doing confinement *-*

I came back from my bb doc, check on his jaundice n fast breathing.

Bb doc cleared his pi sai, now breathing more smooth.

Doc advised aircon 27 degree n no fur toys in room to avoid bb breathing difficulty.

I alrdy on 25 degree and onli nite time we enjoy aircon during our slp, as for day time i placed bb in living room.

I got myself 5 packs of anti wind bathing herbs from zheng zhong ping, 1 pack 3 bucks. Later im goin to boil n bath with it, so cao sng ever since i gave birth on 29 mar n home on 1st april til now.


i use the pigeon tube sucky thing. It will suck out wet pee sai while u can control suction power vs the squeezy kind. My friend uses her mouth to suck when she was desparate. She recommended me this tubey gadget not bad.

Pd also gave saline nasal drops but bbies hate these 2 things but no choice lor.

Do air yr room well too. Stale air recycling airborne germs is also very bad. If u didnt find out earlier it could get into the lungs and become worse.

yes, i air my room. N even repacked before i gave birth, scare got trap dust,

I got the pigeon thing n show doc, he say tat is for pi ti. we cn use cotton bud stick to clear for them but b very careful.

My bb put on ard 600 grams frm discharge.

Happy tat he absorbs even though poo poo is a lot.

Doc say another 3 wks he should b more then 4kg.

Very tired today and my lower back is very achy even when i'm resting in bed... tried moving around and stretching my back but no use. Been sleeping most of the day. Tomorrow must go back to work or else i will not be able to finish... as it is think tomorrow might have to do OT... sigh... maybe go in earlier if hubby can send me there.

Hope my bb does not come out early... we plan to take DIY pregnancy shots this saturday at a studio my hubby rented.

Finally got up to do some laundry and eat more durians (2nd packet tastes much better than last night's).

Some mommies in this thread using Tracy Hogg's methods? Does it work for you?

Was reading her book "The Baby Whisperer solves all your problems (by teaching you how to ask the right questions)" while feasting on durians... like the way she writes... makes me laugh.

Re: Coconuts.... why only one a week? Anyone knows? I have 4 in my fridge tempting me...

Hi Syzygy: I am planning to use Tracy Hogg's EASY method from 6 weeks onwards (fingers crossed). I think Lucida is using the system? (Lucida: Sorry if you are not the one, too many mummies here, can't keep track).

I have friends who tried the Gina Ford way (her routine is scarily rigid)and they almost went crazy trying to do so. One even told me that her books are "evil" and almoist drove her over the edge with her post natal blues and all. BUT, I also know people on the Gina Ford system and their babies thrive on it. So I guess it all depends on what you are comfortable with [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ming8110 & zz,

I went to the library to borrow books by Tracy Hogg, Gina Ford & Dr Miriam Stoppard to get a feel of their ideas... see which one I feel more comfortable with adopting. Haven't read Gina Ford's "evil" book yet ;p

JTS: Anyone looking for parenting books for babies at the library it is under section 649 and most libraries I think put them on a shelf at the children's section instead of non-fiction adult books section.

Syzygy: Tracy Hoggs' EASY system is found in her book titled "The Baby Whisperer". Her system sounds doable. I also found that she has similar ideas to Mrs Wong ( whose classes I attended).

ZZ: When did you start your daughter on her system?

Ming8110 - Another 3 more days i don't have to care abt my supervisor already cos i am officially on leave! Today he tried to be nice and came over to talk to me, tried to smile smile and giggle giggle. I heck care him. Anyway my boss knows what kind of person my supervisor is but he never says much cos they buddy buddy. Tsk.

Celyn - hm, it is a small quarrel lah, but of course i feel a lot of people (maybe including myself and hubby) will treat the first time super serious and with TLC but when it is number 2, everyone relac relac liao cos already went thru the first time.. dun angry over small things lah.. else got wrinkles liao!

Re: Coconut - haha, i just ate 1 yesterday at Bedok Interchange. But not cold one. and not sweet.. tsk tsk.


My bb gal born on 23 Mar, 2 weeks old now. She is still drinking 60ml per feed around 2 to 3 hrs. Is this normal? My elder son drank around 90ml when he was 2 weeks old. I know should not compare but just want to know if it's alrite. Thanks.

Xiao Lao Hu ......!!! (woofmeow)

my confinement lady intro avent manual to me to open the ducts and it is really super painful when she do it for me ( as i couldnt bear to do it myself) haha

I still prefer medela electric pump at least its not as painful as manual..

And for the baby jaundice, try going down to those traditional medical hall and grab the huang ji( u just tell them its for bb who has jaundice and they will know what to give it to u..)

i used that for the two days before baby's appt and it really helps) So good luck with that.

vic ma,

you also use milk bag right. i only use bottles.


yah yah. sometimes when think back, its really no big deal. hehehe.....

siew ping,

yah. #2 sure not as gan cheong as #1 when we everything also don't know and thus tend to be more careful.

blueblue: my baby also drinks about 60ml each feed for 2-3 hrs.. she only 1 week+.. i also think my baby had alot.. but she will cry when she don't have enough...

celia: think u asked me abt the maternity package.. the nurse told me to submit original receipt.. and the deduction is reflected in the final bill..

hi vic ma,

which medela manual pump do you have? Is it ok to stream sterilise it everyday after use? I am actually considering between avent and medela harmony.


jaundice is definitely not genetic.

if you are worried, latch latch latch... need to make sure bb poos out the excess bilirubin... so input (milk) and output (poo) very impt.

... psst. this is where the comparison of parents = zookeeper (shovel shit) comes in. haha.

i m happy today.

mummies who have delivered will know what a BIG event our own first poo after delivery is.

Syzygy: Thanks for posting the link to the BW forum. It seems like a great resource [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Am hoping to use the 1st month or so to observe the baby's routine and will try and implement small things like to try and refrain from putting to sleep right away after feeding. I will need to closely monitor my CL I think. I am planning to let her know that she should not rock the baby to sleep or I will be in so much difficulty when she leaves. And that naps should be taken in her cot. I have started telling my mum and MIL these things so that bad habits are not fostered inadvertently. Fingers crossed that they work out.

celyn i used both and will be doing the same this time.

Dreamic and re manual pump:

Manual pump to open milk ducts. Is a great thing butt! Its like pinching yrself- unless u are sadistic. Its better to clear clogged pores once a while and for shopping in my opinion.

I did try initially avent suction is really very good but painful. U can suspecd the lever and u can see yr milk just shooting out of yr milk duct really cool.

But after a while for all pumps ebm fats will coat the plastic parts making the suction weaker. Yr option might be to replace the parts or get a new manual pump again.

When i realised this. I decided to switch to the medela manual harmony pump instead. Both pumps are good. However avent is more famous. Medela is more well known for their electric pumps maybe that's y their harmony pump is more overshadowed.

I would buy the harmony again given a choice as the parts are more easily replaceable. And its slightly sleeker to pack and bring around. Avent comes with some extra values but i yet to see the parts on sale.

Hi mummies,



let me know after u get e drawer system freeZer. U can get more glass bottles from hospital. U deliver at? I managed to get some fr tmc. Hv already started to store ebm.


I hv 2 pumps at home. Avent manual n Pisa. Using avent manual now cos more convenient to move ard at home.

Btw u all on air con at home at nite? Was told not allowed on [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I oso scare bb feel cold.

Hi Mummies,

Here to post! Finally have popped at 1618pm today. It was a long process. Was admitted to hospital yesterday at 10am for prositin insert. From 10am till 3am, I'm still only 1.5cm dilated so my gynae says he will burst my water bag and put me on drip so at 4am. he rupture my water bag and I was put on drip but the drip was too strong and my baby's heartbeat slowed down. I don't know if this is quite common cause my sister had the same problem but cause the MW feels dont take risk so she took me off from drip and thus, my dilation progress was slowed down. At 7am, I was only 5cm dilated. I keep telling myself, never mind I'm half way there and so I endured...

MW seeing that baby's heartbeat is stabilized, she puts me back to drip so dilation went up to 7cm within 1hr but baby heartbeat slow down again so was off drip and put to dilate myself so this process took another half day and at ard 3+ near to 4pm, I was fully dilated and MW asked me to push till she can see the crown. I tell you that I was so wash out from the pushing and lucky a short while she can see the crown so went to get gynae and the pushing starts here.. push and push and push and my baby kwok arrives at 1618pm!

I was still thinking of going W/o epi but i highly estimated myself and i gave in.. The Epi is an instant potion to ease my pain I tell you.. after going on Epi I was able to sleep well so that I got enough energy to do the pushing.

Baby Kwok weigh 2.935kg at Week 39 which is 250g more than the scan. My gynae was laughing at me that I'm so small size why I always wanted a big baby.

Now having problem latching my baby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] My baby doesn't seems interested to latch. Nurse says maybe my nipples are too short at the moment so she suggest that I try to simulate my nipples by using my breastpump. Lucky my parents came over so they could help me bring my pump over. I'm hoping that baby will latch on me successfully later.

Congrats Orangey!

Wow! Long day for you! But I am sure the pride and joy you feel now is beyond words. Just remember that bb is also new to BFg, just as you may be. So take it easy and don't pressure yourself and bb too much over BFg, k? Rest well!


orangey get the nurses or if the lc comes around foc u can ask them to show u some latching positions and how bb mouth supposed to be positioned.

Squeezing nipple like siao also helps some open milks but again someone else might hv to do it for u.

If bb has a fast flowing teat they will also usually reject the breasts too. Make sure mom or mil doesnt get to the teats and make the holes bigger.

