(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

haha, i showed my hubby and he backed away...

vic, i was reading Her World Jan at my salon yesterday - haha, reading the survey on single women and i'm surprised they managed to get so many single women in their late 30s and 40s still looking for love. my line a lot of single career ladies, still have single frens so still v keen on this topic. heh.


Think cause your tummy v big le so it got flatten! Keke...


I feel Young Parents has more info compared to Motherhood and its so much thicker when they are the same pricing. I prefer Young parents since they cover both babies and toddlers.

nth times mummies, when c1 is together during confinement, will we have enough rest?

i was thinking to send my c1 in june after giving birth. thus she will be with me during confinement. I worry i couldn't get enough rest as she's sticking to me a lot.


single hood now is very predominant.

if i didnt meet my hb i think i would still be single now at 35 (36 this yr)

I had that quite given up hope - I think i can have a better life alone than to risk a shitty marriage at one point in time.

my mum told me i can stay beside her as long as I want - or forever if i wanted - we were just too peeved with the men i had in my life previously.

At times now - i do wish i am still single. So restricted now with living with inlaws (gosh my parents aren't even as restrictive in certain ways!) & tied down w the pregnancy & the kids.

But i understand its the path i choose - I just walk it the way best deem fit while i am in it.

i think marriage/motherhood has made me grown in a certain way (besides physically bigger haha!)

but i think if one cannot find a suitable companion for life -its better still to remain single.

I have unmarried aunts myself & how irritating they are in certain ways or nice they are in others. I think its all very individual. My gay friends -have no choice but to be unmarried anyway - actually have more pains - cos there is no marriage to bind their relationship -they not happy just breakup & leave lor. Quite sad (but i am not siding legalization of gay marriages in SG la -the issues on this are beyond me) I am just feeling the pain they have to go thru.

while we are married + with kids. We just die die make the marriage work lor. - got good & for the bad.

jasda I am sending my C1 to CC 2 mths before i pop.

this is to ensure she dont feel that i dont want her just because of C2 - so that she can

1) accept school better

2) accept C2 better as well both are very important

i cannot rest well even now with my C1 around. cannot imagine confinement with her! at least if she climbs on me during confinement my C2 is already out i dont have to worry about squashing C2 in the tum la!

when my C1 comes back from CC in the evenings - My maid also indicated before during C1 time -she wont sleep with newborn. C1 & 2 are thrown back at me inevitably.

vic_ma, do you find difficult taking care of C1 at nite now with big tummy? I was wondering if I send C1 in Feb, can I take care of her well at nite with big tummy and I don have maid? Besides, if she falls sick how? just got too many consideration.


i am bad mummy now. my girl gets her dvd dora at night before we sleep. while i unwind from work.

(cos my hb & i knock off pretty late & dinner around 9-10pm by the time we are in bed after we shower its around 10-10.30pm. my girl's been dosing off slightly earlier.

i wish to get my hb to read to her in her room so he can attend to her - she still sleeps only with me if she doesnt dose off on her own 1st la.

it will be very challenging surely cos bfing #2 some more le. i scared C1 will get the jealousy thing started.

vic_ma, agree with u it's challenging to bfing c2 with c1.. i also not sure how to cope with it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I once got an idea of buying a toy baby for c1 to pretend giving the toy baby milk while I'm bfing. Is the idea good? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jasda, I hope that C1 will behave herself during my confinement, cos my mum is doing my confinement and looking after C1 and C2 at the same time..

I can picture myself spending time with her rather than resting on the bed..

charismama, then your situation could be like mine, having my mother around to do confinement and looking after c1 and c2 at the same time. I can imagine when I'm lying down to rest and c1 comes to kacau me :S


ya singlehood still v predominent, i still have lotsa single frens at 31 (32 this year).

I also dun mind staying single if i didnt meet the right person, my mom will be supportive too.

there are pros to singlehood - money is one! i see my single colleagues freely spending on themselves - i was once like tat too. now i'm a penny-pinching aunty =.= the older single ladies are even richer! quite envy them sometimes but good and bad la.

my single frens still actively looking so maybe i should get them to buy the Her World Jan issue for ideas!

hippo, haha i got the idea of buying a toy baby for c1.. then she can feed/change diaper/do anything with the toy baby..


I got it liao

Ordered the bandy for my girl

She v vain one

Sometimes coax her put med or ointment must pretend to put bandage

lynn, u may buy a few bibs from a start, then add on when you think you need. I usually put a bib around my c1's neck when she drools a lot and we're outside...carter's bibs are nice.


newborns dun drool so much (well at least mine din), so probably 5 to stand by is enuf.

my 18mo is drooling a lot, so he goes thro 7-8 per day. thin cloth ones la, not those with plastic backing as he detests them.

ok ok thanks, i've only got 2 for now, bio-ing the carter ones but not sure how many i'll need - heh. i'm sooo in a buying mood lor :p

how many is too many?? i have no idea ley...i asked coz not sure if they are useful or not. i seldom see my SIL and sis use bibs...

jasda, she got the Baby Alive with the accessories for x'mas from my aunt liao leh.. but hor my girl very chor lor! hahah.. she was torturing the "baby"! quite scary.. haha..

lynn, i never use bibs on #1 until she learnt how to self-feed outside and bibs are solely for outside use only. keke.. i have 4 pcs.. with milk, we use hankies on her neck nia..

hmm ok, i wun buy too many, just a few and see if i use or not - heh.

these 2 days my tummy feels so tight - and it's permanent, not BHC. prob grew bigger and skin is tightening too...itchy! and to think i'm going alt days with stretchmark creams - dun like the sticky feeling ley though i know with my tummy size, i really should be more diligent with the cream no matter wat they say abt it being in the genes.

hippo, oh is Baby Alive fun to play with? can change diaper, feed the baby or not?

Another idea i have is play dough.. can give them lots of hours of fun?

lynn depends how often u do your laundry haha!

carter are nice but u have to beware the velcro. there are 2 types - one type very gentle -the BB Yank! & its off liao -i really hate those!

let wait for some nice mag subscription gift before we subscribe to the mags haha!--

aunty counting $$ again!

that time motherhood was giving away bumbo seat! we were all so gian! but then there was an offer so i bot the seat instead.

vic_ma, i also gian yp magazine.. but hor may consider chinese magazine like ma ma bao bei as my mum can read too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] u sound really busy hor.. take care..

i haven't bought play doh fr my girl yet .. so i can consider baby alive or play doh hehe..


chinese mag i dunno how to read man!

i am just scared of the adverts seriously. parents spending $ very easy to target lor. -dont u agree!

jasda, i got the playdoh too but hvnt let her play yet.

baby alive can feed! somemore can pee & poop!! hahaha.. very interesting for them to learn.. and can change diapers..


my dd has a collection of playdoh.

Her latest faze is the ice-cream collection.

Pls make sure u r watching her when she/he plays.

I bot for my dd when she was abt 2yo

zz i wonder if my girl will paste the doh everywhere & my inlaws will faint haha!

then i will make my hb clean up - end up he will not let me buy any more for her - hmm

i better watch her.


if u allow ur girl to do play-doh, please try to sit down and play with her.

I usually do it at my dd's table and make her wear a kids apron then we play together abt an hr.

After that clean up

i dun like playdoh - isnt it very messy? i wun buy for my kid if i can help it.

my best buy toy for my nephew is lego, i bought when he's 2 and till now he's still playing with it - and he's 6 this year! of coz he's much better at creating things with them now - i like to see how imaginative/creative he gets with them.

re: carter bibs, order already. see how lor. lousy then use napkins/hankies next time.

no magazines for me. ads are always so tempting!


u r right

playdoh is messy

but kids love it.

It helps to train fine motor skills and their imagination.

Abt blocks: We bot MegaBlocks for my dd and she enjoys that as well

lynn, zz, yah my dd loves lego and megablocks.. i think can't help with the messiness of play doh but i think it's fun for the kids..



True lah

Playdoh is messy

Have to clean the table and floor and wash their hands too

U have to clean their playdoh machines too

