(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

Good thanks i was about to google on it cos my last round my sonographer didnt advise cos they work with lengths only & my gynae didnt want to rescan & check too.

i put on 7kg le! its like only 10% went to bb. ok la maybe another 300-500gm for the placenta haha!


I bought a small bottle of pigeon bottle wash and just leave it in the office. Everytime I finish pumping, wash my equipment with the bottle wash, and then soak my equipments in hot water until next use.

Pineapple tarts: Hmmm can we take this CNY goodies? I love them but I thought some older folks said preggy ladies not supposed to take pineapples? That day my mum was cutting a fresh pineapple and I was drooling... :eek:(

Baijin: Recently my colleague's grandfather and I contributed baijin but my mother told me dont need to take the sweets. I guess to take ot not is up to individual's belief?

Photoshoot: I will be doing a photoshoot near the end of Feb and I am looking forward. Ladies, if you are keen should really try to convince your husbands to go for it especially if you know this will be your last pregnancy. Like my sister in law, she tried very hard to talk to my brother to go for it but he just refused saying that it was a waste of money. So in the end my SIL resorted to crying and my brother eventually gave in :p And you know what? My bro actually enjoyed the whole thing and it was easy to get him to go for another session when my nephew was 2 mth old.

In addition I've read the following from a blog not too long ago: "http://www.seanlau.com/

UP: $238

10 babies sign up @ $208 ($30 off our Classic Baby Package)

20 babies sign up @ $188 ($50 off our Classic Baby Package)

30 babies sign up @ $178 ($60 off our Classic Baby Package)

Classic Baby Package www.seanlau.com

- 02 Hours Session for your baby with Sean Lau

- 05 Pictures of 5" x 7" (High Resolution)

- 01 Reprint on 8" x 12" with Framing (Table Top)

- DVD of selected images in High Resolution

*Additional Pax can join in the session for $25/pax instead of $35.

If both parents join in for a family portrait, we will throw in an additional picture worth $30.

* Recommended age: Below 1 year"

Clothes for baby: Ladies care to share with me if you know where I can get nice set of baby clothes (comes with matching mitten, booties, cap and bib) which is not too expensive for baby shower? Thanks

Helo mummies. over the weekend i got spotting leh. I am 28 weeks now. I so worried i called the gynae. she ask me to monitor. if worsen go A&E. so scary lo. lucky it juz "disappear" so i guess shd be fine.. whew..

pinky: maybe it's piles?? sometimes i got bleeding, but it's from my piles.. but as what as ur gynae said, as long it doesn't worsen, you should be fine.. take care leh!!

dreamic: sean lau's package very ex leh.. u taking with him??

think the pineapple tarts have bad reputation cos calorie laden. each tart has abt 80 cals which is equivalent to 1 egg. so if you eat 5 tarts is like eating 5 eggs liao. not only for preg woman but for everyone.

thanks lynn. was so panic when the cramps came. so pain then cannot think.

take care pinky. if it happens again, better go and see doctor.

nowadays pain all over. going to try prenatal massage liao.

yawn. lucky wed already.

Hi Everyone.

Anyone went to JL yesterday? Seems like a good deal and am planning to check it out after out.

Wilbb: You are a Yu Hsin bride too! We really liked him from our pre-wed and actual day photography so we got in touch with him again. He can do pregnancy shoots although I don't think he does them often. Get in touch with him if you are keen [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my boss very scared that can't find any replacement for me before i go maternity leave.. hoepfully he don't stress me out now.. i go stress my HR now..

Juye: No I am doing it with lightedpixels. I just put up Sean Lau for sharing just in case anyone of you like his photography style. :D

Lynn: http://www.seanlau.com/maternitygallery/maternitygallery.html


dreamic: which much u paid to take with lightedpixels?

no wonder why i can't see the gallery, my office blocked all flash..

We will be getting Kelvin Koh to take our photos and it is $500 with 6 prints. It is quite pricey compared to other photographers but both my husband and I like his work a lot so we decided to still go ahead with it. We kind of regreted not using him for our pre-wedding shoot...

hi dreamic, alwin from lightedpixels is my bro's fren and we initially wanted to use him for our wedding day as well, but in the end, we chose a more affordable photographer...=) (also my bro's frens..)

i quite sean lau's pic..is it considered pricey? I tot 248 is quite ok...

wow, that's really quite pricey.. i doubt my hubby will let me spend the money.. anyway i really quite like studio loft and the photographer is female, so i will be more comfortable to take more intimate photos..

sheesh... think I'm gonna get the flu bug, quite a few pple in my office are down with flu, can hear they coughing and sniffing *blah...*

oh is it?? what does this means ah: 1 x S8R & 5 x 5R?? thought this is the prints.. hehehe..

one thing is that studio loft don't do is makeup.. have to do own makeup before going.. but i'm fine with that..

yo lynn & sg_sc, looking forward to meet u ladies this sat at the BMSG workshop [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dreamic, very ex ley!

I think for sean's quality of work, the price tag is ok. havent seen studio loft's tho - cant get to the website.

pinkzee, take care! see u sat! r u on fb? i cant rmb who's who :p i guess if ur pic is in fb, i'd be able to recognise.

Last night I had this horrible nightmare. I dreamt that I gave birth to my baby and my baby is premature, tiny and bloody... still attached to the umbilical cord and placenta..all a bloody mess!!

must be due to the late supper I had...cos got craving for Boon Lay Nasi Lemak and hubby have to drive us all the way there at midnight...

can I ask, any mummies staying in Sembawang?

me and my hubby planning to buy a flat there. Hows the environment?

Zbabe: Actually I like Alwin's work too so may get him to do another photoshoot after delivery (hmmm provided my husband is ok with the idea :p )

Ya Lynn, its expensive..

Oh I just found out my SIL used studio loft and the photos are nice [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hmmm strange when I tried to google studio loft, it comes out as dangerous website....

BMSG workshop: *wave wave* I am going too this sat!

pinkzee is ur main pic of your face? if so then i can recognise. haha...mine is a pic of me n my hubby...he'll be there tat day too so should be recognisable. just look out for a short preggy with large tum tum. haha...

zbabe, nightmares are quite common - prob reveals some subconscious fears - wah, envy u still can take supper! i nv had a supper habit tho...i dun stay sembawang but i know a lot of young couples there and got large shopping mall with Daiso! haha...

Hi mummies,

I'm into my 28week this week, duno why i juz feel that my tummy is v tight & tense ( the feelin is fm inside, not on the surface<skin>)... anyone felt the same?

Dreamic, i think it shd be nice to take with baby after delivery as well...maybe I go ask Alwin to give us discount...ha ha...

lynn, is the mall u talking about Sun plaza? which area u staying currently?

We are thinking of buying a resale, sembawang is one of our choice la...

no choice, last night little baby really wanna eat nasi lemak...ha ha

I wanna ask, any mummies went job interviews when preggy?? cos I thinking of switiching jobs after giving birth. I'm in my job for 6 years already, prob forgotten how to write a resume!! but I'm just thinking is it wierd to go interviews with a big tummy...

dreamic, see ya there too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lynn, yeah my profile pic is a pic of myself [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] k.. i'll try to figure out which is u hehehe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

zbabe: i also had similar nightmare before.. dreamt abt my bb born pre-mature.. i even dreamt my bb is a boy not a girl.. hahaha.. but afterall it's just a dream..

i saw one preggy lady during my interview previously.. really looks abit weird.. and she wasn't selected.. think now company wouldn't employ us.. so i will only start finding jobs next year..

new: i had the same feelings for weeks liao.. they says it's the braxton hicks..

i might go to sean after delivery for pics, rather take with baby in tow though i might still be out of shape then - sigh...see how it goes.

oh yes, sun plaza, i stay east side la, nowhere near but when i was looking for a flat i've been there to take a look too. haha i also use baby as an excuse to eat, then my hubby will accuse me of blaming baby for everything :p

I think ming here changed jobs mid-pregnancy but not sure if she's showing yet during her interview. i'm contemplating changing jobs too...and yes, definitely feels weird going to interviews with big tummy. i think most employers wun want to hire u now coz of the 4 month maternity leave unless they can hold the position for you till after you finish ur maternity leave which is unlikely. also quite common for companies to have the policy whereby you need to be with them for at least 3 months to be entitled to maternity leave so might not be worth it to leave now. it's all abt timing!

New, I also in week 28...I can feel very tight and tense too..My bb's movement can feel more impact...sometimes during the nite, I slept in the wrong position that my bb don't like or uncomfortable,he will move,then the movement will shock me to wake me up..

There will be a Fun in the Sun Bazaar this weekend Jan 16 - 17, 2010 at East Coast Park Big Splash area. There will be over 70 stalls ranging from baby/ kid items to face painting. There will be new and preloved items for sale. The bazaar starts at 10 am until sunseton both days !

hi juye..

wow.. chim.. wat's braxton hicks? i googled it and said to be a "fake contraction"? so fast got contraction signs? will lead to premature birth not huh?

hi bay..

yes, my bb is movin alot whenever she dun like the position i am in, i dun sleep well anymore. i keep wakin up in the nite .. aigh...

Re: dreams

Guess many of us have 'weird' dreams these days...i once dreamt bb was born ard 20+ wk n i freaked out when i woke up cos it was so real..even felt my tum tum to make sure bb bump is still there..keke

Re: studioloft

try www.thestudioloft.com.sg instead.

Had frens who had their shots taken here but seems like we need to pay extra for the soft copy???

New, I think we r in the same stage now... Dr Ang asked me to think of the pain...So painful as possible to prepare myself for the labour... I kept thinking n thinking until now...I am very scared...initially I was not...

Re: branxton hicks contraction

not too sure if i felt it aldy but its like tum tum suddenly hardens n stays that way for a min or two ...aft that tum tum slowly relaxs..machiam like training for labour pain / contractions when its time to deliver.

Re: Anti-bb positions

i like to lean forward at my work desk when im working on my laptop...sometimes aft a while, i will feel the bb movements..as if bb is protesting that its not comfy ...hehe ..also a reminder for me to take some time out n walk a bit, shift posiiton so that i dun get stiff all over...do u all also feel this at times?

yeah, the tightening are called Braxton Hicks contractions - practice contractions by your uterus to prepare itself for actual labour contractions! i've been having them as well. It's common starting from 2nd tri so no, doesnt mean premature birth.

woofey, sometimes i feel so normal or i'm so busy/distracted at work that i have to check if my bump is there too! but these days seldom la...too big liao...today tummy feels tight from skin stretching tat sort of feeling...sigh...


i just changed roles too within the coy and Monday got a shock when replacement just said no, he cannot take the job anymore, then my ex boss also dunno how. my current boss is def not letting me go back. see how this saga pans out....


who is who in FB, is smthing i have yet to figure out. i know who is zz and juye and lynn and of course celyn, then the rest is blur liao... mine is very easy, as i put only my smh nick in the describe yourself column


standard answer to buying bb stuff - go thro the WTS thread! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] lots of bargains there.


it depends really on the person and company you are interviewing with... hey i changed roles 2x already when preg, once when preggie with C1 at 10weeks, then the most recent one was just 1 Jan this year at 24 weeks. so there is hope, but also need to be realistic tt bosses here are generally unenlightened.


you can check out the rates at this website: http://www.thestudioloft.com.sg/

click on "Rates" to check out the prices. yup. gotta pay for softcopies and extra prints other than those included in the package. but their works are wonderful! my thumbs up for them! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

personal opinion: i prefer studioloft to sean lau (for kids' pics) cos i have been to both. studioloft is very clean cut.. focus is on the kid..


i also dreamt the baby is a gal, opposite sex of what I am having in real life...


what jobs u gonna change into? for me, cos i've been in my job for so long, just wanna work under a diff managment...

New, I experiencing braxton hicks sometimes also. shd be painless and wont lead to premture. but if its painful and regular, do visit the gynae...

Baymic, my gynae didnt ask me to imagine the pain but i really cant imagine :p i pray for strength!

woofey, my bb also dun like it when i lean forward, will protest too!

cellow, u changed roles within company rite? i want to move out! i like my role, dun like the way it is in this company. my only concern is how pro-family/bf-ing the new company will be. so may have to tolerate another year in same company after popping. but i think i'll start looking while on maternity, dunno how feasible tat is...

lynn..^5 ...hehe ..the only reason i can tink of is that when i lean fwd for too long, it sorta compresses the space for bb to move ard ...another action is crossing my legs....bb dun like me to cross leg.,,,tolerance lvl even lower...sometimes i forget n i cross my legs..bb's protest comes out strong n rapid..keke..like throw tantrums wor.

I just added "SMH nickname" as cellow mention. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I dreamt a old man bring a boy to me & request to take gd care of this boy when in ww14.


hi bay..

huh, now tt dr ang ask u tink of labour pain liao ahh.. scary lei.. i know we are left wif 3mths.. but i try not to tink.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hi xlh..

yesyes, sometimes u feel the "hardenin" and it go off shortly.. so fast the body is gog to train us for labor liao ahh.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hi zbabe.

yes, it's painless, but i have it like 2-4x a day, is it a frequency i need to worry?

