(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

i also like to lean forward to work, sometimes bb will protest too.. then i got to lean back and relax.. rub my tummy to tell her she will be fine.. hahaha..

think if lesser space for bb, they will protest..

cellow: i also just leave it to my boss n HR to sort out.. i just don't care.. now i just concentrate in clearing all back-logs..


zbabe, i used to stay there. It used to be very quiet, now I dont know.

I am also thinking of switching job after my ML, so now I am saving my AL to offset the 1 mth notice when I quit. like Lynn, my only concern is BF-ing in the new company... Again, by the time we return to work, it is already aug, left 4mth to bonus time, duno should tolerate anot...

new, as long as its not more than 10 times a day its fine..

my gynae ask me to do the fetal kick counts...she says if less than 10 kicks in 12 hours, have to see her...but sometimes i lazy to count...

new: when u having the tightness, try take a deep breathe and walk around for a while.. this is what i normally do.. then rub my tummy to comfort my bb.. think 2-4x a day should be fine.. mine abt there too..

since yest I felt my tummy very tight and it looks bigger now.. I wonder will they be anymore elasticity left for expansion?

Yes Lynn is right. I changed jobs earlier on in my pregnancy. Tendered at 6 weeks, served 3 months notice and started with the new firm at 20 weeks. I found out about the baby after the offer was made and told my new employers. They decided to keep the offer open so I took it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

On a separate note, I just found out that I can't really squat anymore. Too painful!

wow, so many post to catch up.


i still can't figure out who is who yet. :p

pump in office:

i pump twice in office and will rinse with hot water.

cny goodies:

i like pineapple tarts especially glory one. yum yum. but by then i would have already gone for my OGTT and can't take much liao.

mummies..i always hv the feeling bb is coming out soon.. so i keep telling my bb that pls stay inside till the time has come.. anybody has same feeling as me ah? i really scare of premature delivery..

pinkzee.. is it bcos our babies eager to come out to the world and play? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I always tell my baby guai guai stay inside hor whenever i have the feeling..

zbabe, next time you got craving for BL NL, call me... I got insomia at night and always hungry. But I don't get to go out in the night cos 1. hubby not home and 2. hubby don't allow and 3. I scared the foreign workers follow me cos easy victm.

I also went for 2 job interviews when I was preggy with my #1. that was 2 years back. And I got the job at one of the companies. The other was deemed not so suitable for a lady with young infant. I have since left the company, cos I wanted more time with my family, especially my aging parents.

With regards to the fetal kicks, it's actually quite important. Cos a baby who's not kicking much may mean that it's not well-developed.

Cure for Braxton Hicks is always to change position. Like from sitting to standing, etc.


you see the 'a singapore motherhood portal for the singapore parents' link at the top of the page? click on it, and the want to sell 'wts' thread is in the last category of that page...

you only come into this thread on smh ah?

when i first started in smh, it was by browsing the WTS thread a lot for bargains [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jasda: that kind of feeling is scary.. i don't have that yet.. just feeling very heavy n bb pressing very hard on my bladder.. i also pray bb don't come out so early.. my company haven't found any replacement for me.. hahaha..

ming: that so nice of ur new company.. i doubt now any other company will do that for us.. unless u are like super high flyer.. hehehe..

oh ya, i suddenly remember my bridal shop can allow us to go back to take anniversary photo each year.. i didn't go back last year, dunno whether they allow us to take now instead.. then i can request to take maternity photoshoot instead.. hahhaa.. good leh.. i shall call them later...

morning mummies

my little babe not moving much since last night...must disturb her a bit...only feel her moving her feet sometimes but no vigorous kicking...so unlike her.

i feel a flu coming on, sigh.

it's thursday!!!

morning mummies..

pinkzee, juye, that kind of feeling is not bcos of physical changes, it's just like telepathy.. seems like baby telling me a msg and i just get to know it.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] anyway, i keep telling him bk that pls wait for the time before coming out.. stay inside guai guai..

Morn morn...stil so tired. i also feel myself falling sick...yday work till so stressed..scared bb affected. sigh..damn sianz of work.

Pinky, do take care n dun carry heavy things...rest more.

Lynn, u too...dun fall sick during weekends..bo hua..hehe.

Pinkzee, yeah yeah, its this sat ah? so fast. luckily u said. nearly forgot.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Tink Jan like a whole mth of courses to attend till i blur liaoz...

sgsc, take care too.

did someone mention abt tummy getting so big dunno whether can expand anymore? i also feel the same way!

many pp who see me think that i'm due soon. now my belly shape is like a profile of a pear - very rounded at the bottom. so baby is like protruding out suspended in mid-air! har har, i think i'll lose my balance if it protrudes out further ley. and my tummy is also protruding out right below my breasts so when i slouch, my boobs are resting on my tummy - the whole tummy feels tight too. i wonder how much bigger i'd grow... =.=

lynn, u sound huge lei..hehe...can rest boobs on tummy liao. power...but my tummy is rounded below too...tink tats y they say bb gals r rounded whilst bb boys pointed?


maybe you can try to monitor the movement of though its a bit early now.

when i was near 32 weeks with #1, there is one day he is not as active. usually, i will consider him move non-stop but that day i can really tell that he is more quiet. by night time, we decide to go kk to check cos its already 11pm+. i was strap to ctg machine to monitor and was told i'm having contractions every 3 mins though i can't tell. i'm actually having contraction and was hospitalise to monitor and given medication to stop it. so if you don't feel right, better to check.

sgsc, most pp think i'm carrying a boy though - say my tummy is pointy and that my belly button is protruding...but side view the bottom portion v rounded...dunno la...tummy looks round to me...

celyn, ya will monitor, i do feel contractions quite often - like 3-4 times this morning already. some slight movement from baby just now...like moving legs around that sort...not the usual vigorous movements. damn, hungry again...

ZZ, usu my left foot more swollen too...slight puffiness, keep ur feet up or wriggle them to improve circulation.

hey mummies

do grab a copy of Young Parents (Jan 10 issue). I remember coming across one article in it that is really beneficial to 1st time mummies. Of course, Nth times mummies will still get to benefit from the read as well.


maternal instinct huh.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] yeah, keep telling baby to stay snuggly in there till full term.


yeah it's this Sat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] am looking forward to it.. need too refresh my memory on how to pump effectively *lol*


My belly is very round too and my belly button is so much visible now. and my tummy is also protruding out right below my breasts, my boobs are resting on my tummy - the whole tummy feels tight too.mayb tats y i experience the pain more below my breasts?

My gynae told me my stomach circumference is much bigger n higher than normal mummies.

Normal is 24", mine is 26".

i been wanting to subscribe to a motherhood mag but there are so many. I been contemplating since dunno when my C1 pregnancy time ba (procrastinating)

anyone knows which one is better? maybe for N th time mothers?

I prefer articles like on dealing with tantrums, toddler health issues etc. so much so i actually felt maybe specific Books were better (cos no adverts to tempt u as well to buy buy buy haha)

jasda, it's about surviving the confinement month. It has a couple of Q&A segments & a section on what to eat for perk-me-ups. The article is found under the YP Baby (inside the YP mag).

Under the YP section, there's also a section on home-school vs CC / enrichment centres.


yes jasda, i keep wondering if my bb come out now will she be able to survive. and damn scared that she comes out early.

also want her to stay inside long long cos am scared of labour and confinement.

but also want to see her in real life and just not feel thru skin of tummy.

my belly button is still not protruding yet leh. are the rest of you outies already?

when my legs feel swollen, find it harder to bend at the knees. macam got more resistance.

orangey, i was thinking of measuring too. will do so if i remember tonight.

serene, i dun experience pain below my breast tho *fingers crossed* gynae didnt tell me that my belly is bigger but i had to ask her, and she said 'you short mah' - sigh. hahah, so long as i've got that confirmed! was worried abt a too large baby but baby's small. my sis and SIL also short though but their bellies arent as big as mine. i've read that sometimes it's also due to the way your baby is positioned.

oh, the kicking came back just now. hehe, miss it so much =)


I read a lot of different parenting mag. Bascially I think Mother & Baby (by Mediacorp) and Young Parents (YP) are the better ones. Motherhood may not be as good now.

YP used to have 2 separate mags - one for baby and the older for children 3 yo & above. Now they combine the 2 mags into just 1 mag. Save time from searching & money from buying 2 different mags. So this definitely has my vote if you intend to subscribe.

Another mag which is good is Simply Her. It helps to regain our confidence as women, but also touches a little on parenting, family outing (i.e. where to bring junior out for weekends / school hols).

If you want me to cast vote, Simply Her and YP gets mine.

Re: belly button protrudng

Mine not yet leh..usually hw many weeks then will protrude? mine still like v in ..2molo start of wk 28 for me .

Re: Swelling

Realised my left leg is bigger now..esp when i walk ard in my office in my casual shoeware..

somehow i tink my left bum where the ligaments areseem to have swelled too..when walking feel the ache..if get worse wil need to really walk slowly man.

Ranting....YP got online reads?? any idea???

rantingbaby, i agree that simply her is one of the better mags around. didnt bother to get any parenting mag or any mags anymore for that matter. always makes me want to buy things!


my belly button has been protruding since I dun know when..

Now it's just a smooth shiny little thing

Re: Tummy

Mine also starts below breasts area.. boobs rest on them and esp when u dun wear bra feels so sweaty

re belly button, mine protruded since 1st trim. i guess each ppl different bah..

re tummy, when i sit down only my boobs rest on tummy.. when standing not yet leh..

ZZ, ya, my belly button is also this strange looking smooth shiny little thing now. very weird looking - i try to scare my hubby with it.

and same, when i dun wear a bra at home and sit down, boobs will rest on tummy...


I dun get to scare pple with my belly button..

dd and dh has tried to touch it and disturb me say I got no belly button


ranting I like SImply her too -used to ber women's weekly that is similar but now Simply her has caught up.

but i still need my mthly dose of Her World keke.

let me buy a few issues of YP 1st to preview.

