(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

pregnancy photoshoot:

i want to do cos this should be my last pregnancy liao but not sure if hubby wants or not. i already want to do during #1's time but hubby say don't want. must find a good package then convince him to take. :p


celynlee => try pyscho him to take because this is the only time we can be really fat and beautiful =)

Good morning mommies! Hello Celynlee, we are the early ones today... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jasda, yalor! coz i've been putting on weight quite repidly aft 1st tri...then she at first pointed out i shouldnt put on weight too quickly each mth. My gain was like 2.5kg 1st, then next mth was 2kg i tink, then now 4.5kg! So total i oredi put on 10kg till date...but each time aft she suan finish she will say, ok la, is xmas season, can excuse. ;p

but next mth is CNY woh...kekekekke

Celynlee, ur working hrs v early...so does tat mean u get to leave work early too? really those 8-5 kind?

My HB got reservist tis 2.5 wks, but tis week can come home so need leave house early wif him. so tired now.


my official working hours is from 8.30 - 6.15pm. cos i bring #1 to babysitter's place and come straight, so usually reach office at 730am then eat breakfast. i will be up in the office (in marine parade) before 8am loh.

if i go to another office (in serangoon) then i will reach by 730am after having breakfast. but all these doesn't mean that i can go home early loh. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

when #1 goes to childcare after cny, then i will request to change my working hours and down time. then i will be home early to cook for him.

ic, adjustments for the bb...sigh, next time got kid liao also sure must wake up early, cannot be like now oredi, wake up, wash up, eat abit breakfast then out we go. Chop chop all in 20 mins. Wif bb, sure delay for another half hr...

heheh..wif childcare for #1, then comes #2 liao...heheheh n the cycle repeats....

morning mummies!

wow, then what time do you have to wake up, celyn?

today i join panda eyes club. after peeing 3rd time, cannot sleep again. then got leg cramp some more. this one very painful. ow.


depends on my 'alarm clock' (#1) loh. usually by 6 or 6.15am loh. chop chop and get ready by 630am to leave house. just clean up and change then go out.

when i'm still bfing then i wake up at 530 to pump, sterilise the pump before going out.

Hi, anyone here already bought or intend to buy tommee tippee milk bottle? any comments/advices?

I was thinking to buy this brand for my #2.

morning mummies!

I'm feeling better today, had a sounder sleep. I think partly the disturbed sleep is due to the vivid dreams that 'plague' pregnant women. I had leg cramp the other night too but momentary only and I quickly flexed my legs...swollen legs were no more too yesterday after making an effort to walk around the office more and taking more sips of water...

celyn, i read abt yr schedule i tired already.

am damn scared abt the confinement n 2-3 hourly feeds.

lynn, to cure cramps we shd walk around more? not less?

Morning mummies! my fever subsided, but still very tired.

SG_SC, i think the JL sale should be at in house stores, not expo sale.

Robinsons also having members sale from 14-17Jan.

Those interested in the JL PDF promotion file, send me your emails, i email to you all.

Mummies, my cols all went for Studioloft for maternity shoots, i saw the website, not bad.


I intend to sign up with them too but my frend wana take for me, so save the $.

morning all!!

early morning open e-mail got a shock.. my replacement not coming in next Monday.. sian.. need to find again..

i like what wibb says, the only time we can be fat and beautiful at the same time.. yesterday told to my hubby abt the photoshoot, as what i thought of, he don't agree.. but i will try to find a cheap and nice one to convince him again.. the most i take myself lor without him, if he is shy.. hahaha..

i don't have a good sleep yesterday, bb seems very active yesterday..

btw mummies, have anyone experience pains below their breasts? My pain is at the underwired that area, only one side. so painful. wonder wats wrong, been having the pain for quite some time already even if im not wearing bra.

hi serene, shd rest as much as possible

i also have pains below breast on and off but think its more of rib cage stretching pain. can be quite sharp n achey at times. also no relation to whether wearing bra or not.

morn mummies...*yawns* ...yest manage to zzz ..but still feeling the insomia effects of the day b4 ...oh well..things will get better!!

Re: CNY goodies!!!

Tinking of bak kwa, love letters etc etc is making me drool....just that pineapple tarts is a no-no i tink ..*-*

oh dear Lynn, is tat water retention? yah, heard drink more water helps, but my doc say last tri dun walk too much or legs will swell..abit abit then rest still ok

Toking abt sleep - yeah...most nites cant sleep well either coz of nite pees, wake up to adjust bb position (Coz always end up sleeping on tummy, then bb reisist! heheh), nitemares or fear of hearing alarm clock ring for work...sigh..stressful sleep.

Serene, take care woh..drink more water!

Neva tot of taking studio pics lei...prob jus tok wedding pics last yr only, so stil abit phobia of the posing...heheh. Good also, can save $$

XLH, yalor yalor..very excited abt the goodies. Cuttlefish, spring rolls..yum yum..making mi salivate liaoz. But y cant take pineapple tarts? tat time i pass by that Peace Centre confectionaery shop then bought a bottle of their famous golf balls tarts...abt to finish one kong oredi...;p

Hi Maddie, glad to hear im not the only one experiencing such pain. Shall check with my gynae on next visit. I have the pain almost everyday. sianz...

Xiao Lao Hu,

Im also thinking of bak kwa n pineapple tarts but i need to control diet as what gynae told me. Hope i did not gain alot of weight this mth. My visit on 29Jan, still so long.


same here... been thinking about bak kwa since I saw te Ivy Lee's BCH ad. But we seldom buy CNY goodies cos we make a point to only visit people's place and try not to open up our place. Unless people want to come & play cards lor.


I also had pain from Tue afternoon all the way to yest morning. But my pain was concentrated near the centre of the rib cage, between my breasts. Like someone using a pen and exert pressure on a particular spot. I have MVP, so I am not sure if it's from my heart prob or it's part of the pregnancy.

morning ladies!

all the talk abt yakult makes me feeling like grabbing one now.. haha..

re: photoshoot

i had mine with studioloft when i was preggers with #1. turned out very nice and i like it for the personal rememberance sake.. haha.. my mum has been asking me to go take again for #2 but i tink my tummy will still look the same ma! hahaha.. i will strongly recommend u gals to go for it! how many chances do we have to have a BIG FAT tummy and yet FLAUNT it?? kekeke

talking abt pain.. recently developed a very sore pain in my right leg's inner thigh.. very painful whenever i stand up and try to walk. will take me at least 10 mins of walking to loosen the pain/ joint. can't climb stairs and move much. getting out of bed is a problem too! argh.. doesnt help dat i need the toilet more frequently now.. sob..

read abt this online. just extracted one part of the article. grrrr.. and there is no cure wor. maybe physio can help abit nia.. so i ren ren ren!

The two halves of your pelvis are connected at the front by a stiff joint called the symphysis pubis. This joint is strengthened by a dense network of tough, flexible tissues, called ligaments. To help your baby pass through your pelvis as easily as possible, your body produces a hormone called relaxin, which softens the ligaments.

As a result, these joints move more during and just after pregnancy ,causing inflammation and pain, known as symphysis pubis dysfunction or SPD.

A related condition is diastasis symphysis pubis (DSP), in which the gap in the pubic joint widens too far. The average gap between the bones in a non-pregnant woman is between 4mm and 5mm, and during pregnancy it's normal for this gap to widen by 2mm or 3mm. If the gap is 10mm or more, DSP is diagnosed. It's rare, and can only be identified by X-ray

Maddie, the walking around is more for water retention in my feet, not cramps. helps with circulation coz my job very deskbound, keep sitting in front of computer whole day. then once a while i will wriggle my feet or make trips to toilet. for cramps you need to extend ur leg and flex inwards as much as you know it'll hurt! =) should go away after a while.

sgsc, ya, now still can walk la, later on prob slow down a little.

i think pineapple tarts can take la, 'cooked' version mah. i suppose moderation again, dun take too much. i'm not a major fan so a few pieces will satisfy me.

xlh: makes me think of cny goodies too.. i love pineapple tarts.. cannot eat mah?? last year i baked the cny cookies myself.. dunno this year got the energy to do so anot.. maybe just bake a few will do..

hippo: makes me really want to go for the photoshoot.. going to convince my hubby tonight again.. hahaha.. i've checked the rates with studioloft, around $180, which i think pretty ok..

serene...regarding the pain u having...i had the same..seems like the ligaments in our rib cages start to loosen slowly as we progress...n with the uterus expaning upwards for bb n tum tum ...her coms the ache...try not to eg stand up suddenly or sneeze too hard ...will aggravate the ache..( feels like i have muscele ache after a long run kinda feeling )..i just try to do some mild stretching ..n zzzzz it off...took me a few days to get over it when the ache came.

Re: pineapple tarts

Tink can take a bit lah ..just that like what lynn says..MODERATIOn is the key ..keke..will keep this in mind cos i love the tarts so muchie :p

Re: Photoshoot

Anyone has the rates for studioloft or other studios?? M still tinking if i shld go myself..but gotta convince dh also *-*

Lynn, hmm...Prob watch out for the high sugar content in the pineapple tarts..not to mention fattening as well..but its a once a yr food, so...heeeeeeeee

Hippo, can call up our doc, see wat she says..realli no cure? Sounds painful lei...*patz patz*

Serene, i wan! but u dun accept PM lei...

I also have the pain & after scan found is my bb place his both legs on my right side below the breast. When sit down must b 90°, if not very painful.

XLH, tat's my doc's fav preach. hehehe..Moderationnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn...but sometimes wen preggy appetite comes, dunno hw.

btw, ask u ladies one qn: my colleague's dad passed away recently and we gave the baijin (token amt)then he return us the sweets/chocs. Qn is, can i eat or shld i jus give away? Was tinking of reg eggs n 1 mth cake also they say dun eat...but in tis case, noone quite sure lei.

sgsc, yes la, i also under weight-watch group so will resist!! i love loveletters though :p

but i suppose my intake will be restricted coz my family not celebrating CNY as hubby's grandfather just passed away.

my colleague's MIL passed away some time back also - i gave baijin and took the sweets :p cannot take meh? no encounter with red eggs and 1 month cake but i guess will be soon coz my SIL giving birth anytime. see wat my MIL says then. i suppose just observe ur own family's practice will do rite?

sg_sc, apparently u can take the sweets wor. cos the sweets serve the purpose of warding off any bad luck to those who have given the baijin.. i tink la.. keke

morning ladies..

i hv a qs ah.. if we want to pump a few times in office, how to sterilize the pump equipment after first pumping ah? Usually pump how many times in office ah?

hi jasda

I usually soak in a tupperware using boiling hot water to sterilise the equipment. How many pumps in the office would depend on your baby's feed routine. If your bb feeds every 3 hourly, and you want to maintain your ss, then you have to keep to the 3 hourly as well.

So sorry to hear that Lynn. (somehow noticed tat Jan lotsa births and deaths i heard...my fren jus gave birth yday.)

Both sides of our parents forbade me to take those red eggs and cake, so yummy but i have to swallow my saliva and walk away...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

But yah, makes sense too coz its for good luck in return, okie, like tat prob i'll take abit and give away the rest (share the calories) hehe...

Tks Lynn and Hippo!

Jasda, i read soemwhere tat recommended we continue to pump ard 3 times per day in office, morn, aftn n b4 go home to keep supply upz upz upz...

jasda, yes. that's why you also need to find out about your company's stand about mummies pumping in office.

Like do they require you to stay in longer to make up for the time you spent on pumping, etc. Cos each time you pump, it takes about 30mins - 1 hour.

My previous company was not openly clear about wanting me to make up for the time spent on pumping in the beginning, so in the end they even requested me to stop pumping in the office.

In the beginning, I just pumped 3hours from my daughter's last latch-on at home. It was about 3 times each day. As they grow older, the timing between each feed/pump will gradually spread longer and you need not pump so often.


click on profile at the top of the page and you can change the setting option for PM.


for my c1, I pumped 3x in the office, 10am, 1.30pm, 5pm.. but too much thing to do, i change to 2x in the office, 11am and 5pm.. i use the sterilization tablets, but will rinse with hot water again cos the tablet has a strong smell..

i heard that you can't take the red eggs n cakes for the 1st mth even can't attend any bb's full mth celebration.. ppl said not lucky.. but for me, i simply heck care..

alot of ppl wonder why i don't take as much as other pregnant lady.. i still eat back what i normally eat before pregnant.. although will snack now and then, but not as much too.. sometimes i don't even feel hungry for lunch or dinner, so i just take fruits.. hopefully my bb can still take the sufficient nutrients from me..

xlh: for studioloft, the rate is $180. i didn't check others, cos i dunno what other studios are good..

ranting, sg_sc, charismama, ok will try to be "hard-working" in pumping.. hopefully by the time i go bk to work still have milk supply to pump la ;) Any easier way to sterilize the pump after pumping? Can I just rinse with hot water?

Juye, tats good woh..then u wont gain so much weight, n yes, as long as bb growing well i tink is win-win situation for both mother n bb.

Jasda, my SIL jus use hot water to rinse the parts b4 and aft use, then let it air-dry. Tink shld be ok one. I would be doing tat too next time. Easier...hehehe


pump & office

Its exactly why you need a good electric dual pump - cos if u dont - you will be inviting alot of unhappiness of u disappearing for so long. (asking to be sacked too lor for some office environment when they are not bf friendly at all)

i usually pump 2-3 times at work 15 mins each (lunch pump i try to pump longer cos its lunch time mah -they cannot fault me for how i spend my 1 hr - so i lunch it most of the time lor)

