(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

Hi BBdust,

Actually all men are visual creatures, so we just need to go and buy some sexy lingerie and see some sexy DVD, and voila, #2 or #3 is conceived???!!!??

Hi Chlosper,

Well, u better don't accept any drinks from your HB then, Hee....

hey.. actually what ruru suggested, not a bad idea o.. sexy lingerie.. lolz.. but then, if given it's my hubby, he will be too shocked to do anythinga ah.. corz the aunty me always wear ah ma pyjamas to sleep de. WHAHAHAHAH...

point no.2: sexy DVD... hey, now latest got the 3D de ma... *wink wink* but dunno out on DVD oredi anot.. whahha...

bbdust, have you watch "Guan Yun Chang" ah..?? In the show, Cao Cao's men actually duped him and he actually fantasized about the lady he like but lucky he was mentally strong and end up didn't "rape" the lady. After i watched the show, i was telling my hubby, "Wow.. in ancient times, the medicine more power than now leh.. he drink only ah... so HIGH"... lolz.. so ah, if only can get that, it will be so much easier for you and piglet. hahahaha...

oh, i think my ah lao told me that's call "chun yao".

Congrats to all second time mummmies. Lazy old me will try in 3rd quarter after a family holiday. Such a procrastinator hor? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies,

Congrats to maddie n ruru!!! Actually hor I also need to confess. I'm now sitting at gynae clinic waiting for mr turn. Planning to announce after 1st appt bcoz nothing is confirmed until I hear the heartbeat for myself so kinda nervous now.

bbdust, whahaha.. not really viagra leh.. viagra is to make the man "stand" longer right? For the one in the show, he actually "hallucinate" that the lady approach him and seduce him, etc etc.. so it's more like ecstasy... i guess. lolz.. not very sure how's it like to have taken ecstasy though. lolz...

Ming, enjoy your holidays and yeap, looking forward to your good news~~~!! =D


hahha urs we already know liao leh hee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] congrats to you too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wow wow wow... see see.. this is what i call "peer pressure". lolz..

ok .. come.. somemore..

*dazz takes out her pink diary and start taking notes*


=P =P =P

Ruru, Maddie & GBH,

Congratz once again!!!!!

BB & DAzz,

Quick! Mai Tu Liao, we go and rape our DH tonite!!!! Stress!!!! LOLz.


hahah i just wait for the day to come bah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] dont be stress cause it doesn't help with ovulation .. just breath and relag yah.


jia you yah hope the nxt one is U [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

piglet, sala leh!! not me not me!!! *shake head vigourously*

it's you and bbdust nia la...! lolz

BU YAO, BU YAO, BU YAO! (whahahha.. sounds familiar to you hor! =P)

hahahah.. seriously happy for all the preggie mummies. You ladies really do take good care ah.. while taking care of #1 also must rest, eat and sleep well ya.. Though taking care of #1 is still priority but must remember, you must take care of yourself too liaoz, to be fair to #2.. =) When need help, pls get help. Although i agree it's best to do it ourself, but hor, must learn how to "give up" and get help o.. jiayou jiayou!!

(i was too garang and nearly gave birth at week 33 so i scared liaoz lo... dun follow my footsteps) =X

no no no.. i'll just copy YH and keeps saying bu yao, bu yao to you. wahahahah..

yeah.. end of thurs.. TGIF tomoro!!!


Hahaha! I tot no one will know since I din confirm anything mah. Now confirmed liao. Seen gynae n heard heartbeat. Abt 8weeks. Edd 29 dec. I read somewhere someone edd also 29 dec. Izzit u maddie?


Wah, congrats! U mentioned you want 4 children right? So u are on your halfway mark liao. Yes, I also feel more stable when I hear my #2 heartbeat.

Hmm, so got 3 mommies giving birth in Dec? Me the only one in Nov?


Its u whose edd is 29 dec! My ms also started early this time round. A few days after 1st day of my missed period. That y i grew suspicious then bought kit to test. If not nvr cross mind tt will strikr since hardly trying diligently.But ms intensity this time not as strong as 1st preg. Totally different feel from 1st one. This time round much better n I can still eat. 1st preg I think my ms only started after 8weeks. Lasted till 4 mths plus in preg.

Bbdust, ruru,

Thanks! Thanks!


So tt time I saw u at peekaboo u alrdy preggie? I hope to give birth in Jan leh. A bit disappointed to hear 29 dec bcozi think yr end bb very lugi next time when they start sch bcoz those born in Jan same yr will be effectively 1 yr older n hence faster than those born yr end.


Congratz once again! Take good care, eat well and must tweak ur sleeping routine and have enought rest huh. Dun be an 'Owl' liao. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yah, tt time saw u preggie liao. That is why so scatterbrain until wear home shorts out to meet you lah. Ehh, I have reversed thinking from u, i thought year-end baby better becos in 1-2 months time, they turn 1? So those year-end children in pri 1 are smarter since they can absorb the same material but yet they are younger? hahahhaha....

Congrats ruru! Wow so fast! U the number one!

Gbh: congrats. How did bbdust know?? Yup better sleep properly. Tho when the next one born day n night no diff Liao. I'm going see gynae next wed. :)


i was in the living room reading today's papers. Helper came out from room, helped BbZ wear his shoes, carried him to the door and wanted to go out, i was like, ??? so i pretend to ask... "didi... where you going?"

No answer, no reply and she just left the house like that!!!!!! I know she's probably bringing the boy for a walk but i think i'm not transparent right?? Never even tell me a thing?

how will u mummies react ah?

Congrats to all the mummies that had striked with #2! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


No leh. Yr end lugi. My fren is a kindergarten teacher. She said very obvious learning ability gap btw yr end n Jan babies one. Yr end ones more blur n gong leh. Gap will close as they grow older but I scare will have psychological effects on the less confident child bcoz will get frustrated when others can while he/she can't. Then might lose interest in studies/school.

Wah speed reading! Congrats to RuRu, Maddie and GBH! Happy news indeed! Not my turn yet so no "confession" on my side. Dunno if we are ready to start #2. I secretly want and hope for bb girl haha!

Any tips for getting bb girl?

Dazz .. Ur maid need hearing test? Lol! I'll be angry if she bochap me. Prob tell her off when she return. But hor I quite psycho my maid dont have house keys and my door is electronic auto lock so she has to ask me for keys b4 she goes out!! Haha!

she heard me.... corz after she never reply my question, i went to to say, "you probably should not be walking him too much because he hasn't really learned how to stand..." but also no reply and next thing i know.. disappear from lift lobby.

angry... i walked to the study room and complain to my hubby and made him go downstairs. He questioned her why never tell me before she goes down and she answer i know she's coming down because i can even tell her dun let BbZ walk too much.


Wow.. come back hor... black face lo.. ping ping piang piang... i lun lun for 20mins.. bth liaoz.. so i told her off. i went like that, "you really didn't tell me where you're going. it was after you never answer my question then i tell you not to let him walk too much. I know you're capable and helped me alot but i think you need to reflect on your attitude. I appreciate your help and that's y you're still in this house, given other maids, you'll be back home already."

with that, i took the boys and went out for dinner. Just came back.. she's in the kitchen washing up, with red eyes. >.<



I want a boy instead! Any tips on getting boy?? Alamak stupid qn lah. I got no choice now.

Anyway this theory abt getting gal if bd before ovulation day n to get boy bd on ovulation day is not accurate one. I bd on ovulation day tt time n confirmed one bcoz I used the ovulation kit, also got gal.

i just reach home and bathe and busy reading through all the post. so happy to see so many happy news.



ruru cat,

congrats. i believe there are some truth that within a year after delivery, you are fertile. i know i was preggy with yu xi when yu ze was 1 year old.




i will be angry leh. not that she can bring him down but must say loh.

maddie, ruru cat, gbh, Congrats!

Wow so many preggie mummies! So exciting [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


That time I read about striking gender. The gynae says if your diet is light kind usually boy and if your diet is heavy kind says like spicy food usually girl.

I had absolutely not much appetite through out my pregnancy and only like soupy stuffs and soy milk. Apart from that I hated my fav tom yum/spicy stuffs and hated veggies which I used to love so much. Right after giving birth, I ate back veggies! My mil and mum says bbO dont like veggies thats why he dont let mummy eat veggies lol..

