(2010/04) April 2010 mtb


the diet thing is buay zun one. i eat spicy stuff when i was preggy with yu ze and no spicy stuff with yu xi loh. hahahah.....

yu ze is definitely not a junk food baby cos i cannot eat any tibits which i use to like. i feel super uncomfortable whenever i eat a bit of tibits. so i 'quit' tibits for that period. yu xi on the other hand loves junk food and crave for junk food. hahahah....



hahah really ah! I also hated junk food during pregnancy but.... bbO loves titbits I guess. I think he in general loves snacks but he is those who also want new flavors. Like gerber puffs.. eat 2 times he dont want must change flavors =.=


I am overwhelmed with emotions when i hear so many good news from the 2nd time mummies to be! When will it happen to me, when? But i noe i am not prepared lah. Gal already sucked out most of my energy and work commitment also quite jialat.. i gave up a lot of career advancement esp when i rush off around 6pm after work.. last time can work later now need to rush home to pei baby.

My milk supply starting to get lesser. 6 hrs can only 40 ml. OMG. but duno why, my menses till now not here yet. but stomach sometimes will pain pain. just now pee pee got a little spotting. hm.. anione whose menses not here yet?

Wo hoo.. Congrats to Ruru, Maddie, dawn n gbh!!! Such good news to brighten my moody day!!

After seeing so much of u wanted #2 liao, abit tempted too.. hut I can't convince myself to have another one now.. everyday I'm so so tired taking care of one, can't imagine having 2.. also my dh don't want too.. so most prob wouldn't hear good news from me so soon..

Celyn - hm, i dun think i am lah. just that these days super hungry. haha, attribute it to pumping and the post pregnancy gian. sianz leh, my tummy getting bigger... no lah no lah, i not preggie lah.. *gives a no no finger and suddenly thinks of my gal saying no no* lady, why are you not asleep har? so late liao.. i waiting for pumping time, soon!

Juye - i full understand what you mean.. i love kids too but i duno how i can multiply the time and commitment to take care of 2.. but i am sure our new mummies to be again can handle them.. i am just not confident of myself, thats all..

Sp: my first indication about the pregnancy is milk ss dropped to 40ml in 6 hours. Can be preg even tho no period. If u suspect better go n test.

Gbh: agree with u on year end babies. Am torn between wanting a jan bb vs not wanting to have to Cheong with all the dragon babies for everything else even after they catch up. Ah well. Like u said a bit too late to think about this now. Even if early jan I will prob have to csec two weeks earlier.

morning mummies

siew ping,

mind cannot rest so cannot sleep loh. hahaha.... anyway, i force myself to sleep shortly after i post.

Celyn, so Tao yan one... I envious of u leh, cos both kids sleep early then u gt the choice to sleep anytime. My sleep time is dependent on gal. If she sleeps late, I had to sleep late..

Maddie, last nite till now, stomach pain pain like wan to menses like that. Put pad le but just a bit sporting. Whole stomach like swollen.. Think Yao lAi le lah..

morning dazz [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

today smiley face haha. eh so ur maid how? today still black face or not?

*flips out little pink book*

RuruCat - Nov 2011

GBH - 29 Dec 2011

Dawn - 29 Dec 2011

Maddie - Jan'12?

SP - Pending

Piglet - Pending

Elmoo - Pending

Juye - Pending

HJ - Pending

bbdust - Pending

Heeheehee.. =P

wow.. so beginning next year, you mummies gonna be super busy lo.. confinement, then full month celebration, then followed by #1's 2nd bday celebration. WOW~~!! All the happy occassions!! Feel so happy for you all. Hee. =D

bbdust, black... with puffy eyes somemore. haiyoh.. i'm in the wrong meh? I think it's not my fault lo.. She never "put me" as her employer in her eyes de leh... over the weekend, i came home from lunch, she's sitting in the living room watching TV, i also never say her hor.. corz i know she finished her stuffs and so just let her watch for awhile. Is it i've been too nice to her so she can "climb to my head". Haiz.. i'm such a failure being "a boss". Can you mummies tell me what should i do for my next helper ah... sianz.

oh ya... i forgot about CNY~! WOW~! That means confinement will be extremely expensive! =S *gulp*

bbdust, hee.. paisey paisey.. i thot of it, but i scared wait i put liaoz, you say no.. ok ok.. i edit my post liaoz. wahhaha


wooo happy so what are u doing? u also put in pending list hee.


hmm maybe she thinks without her u wont be able to make it bah that is why got yaya papaya attitude. for my helper ah hmm i do reward her with ice cream, biscuits at time to let her know that i do appreciate her hard work taking care of bbl. but also her attitude is good in the 1st place. when she 1st came, i told her my MIL is a difficult person if she is unhappy, just keep quiet and dont argue back. when i reach home just tell me all her unhappiness. so every nite i reach home will ask her how is everything etc etc treat her like family member loh. i also told her her job scope and rules (like can only use hp at nite after she finish her work and before she sleep), she rarely watch tv also only when she is folding clothes.

when she 1st came, u got set rules and regulations or not?


I'm going to taiwan in june. It's going to b couple time, bb not going.

Orangey, could u give me some tips one where to go and where to stay? What's the name of the very big supermarket that u went? Where is it?


yes yes haha talked to DH abt it yesterday le. he said he is also worried that when he is old, his kids are young so he is a bit apprehensive abt having 2nd one. so i psycho him until he said okie to try again but at least its the 1st step le.

bbdust... YEAH~!!! that's really one step forward le!! jiayou!! hee..

re, maid: i never set the rules with her.. when she 1st came, my IL hired her. Then when i shift house, i wanted to hire a new one but my IL ask me to take her. So everything just continue from there lo. i only took over the payment of her salary. =(

oh~! there's another update again! haha

RuruCat - Nov 2011

GBH - 29 Dec 2011

Dawn - 29 Dec 2011

Maddie - Jan'12?

SP - Pending

Piglet - Pending

Elmoo - Pending

Juye - Pending

HJ - Pending

bbdust - Pending

Wendees - Pending

piglet, bbdust, jia you!!!

Doubt I'll b able to cope. With work, doing housework and taking care of one. My 24 hours a day is almost taken up.


Me also on pending list har? HAha okok also can but DH says he wanna try for 2nd one when he gets a new job etc.. cause 2nd child = more expenses = need to earn more milk powder $$. He's looking for jobs now so hopefully can get one asap so I can start my B計畫. LOL~~


You mean Taipei? The big big supermarket I went to is Costco but you need to have a membership to go in but my mil says sometimes can managed to "smuggle" in if there's alot of people. Mil has costco membership.

Where do you intend to "play" in taiwan? So far I've only been to Chia-yi, Taichung and Hualien. Chia-yi and Taichung we travelled with my hub's relatives while Hualien, we went for Wedding anniversary [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Jia you! Me too! With work, doing housework and taking care of one lil tod and DH, I am fully exhausted.

But I told myself before I hope and hope it will come true by giving YH a mei mei or di di to keep each other company.

Ur TW trip is just nice to get all these planned! ;p

piglet and dazz

yah i am so happy when he finally agree. i keep telling him its for the sake of his son. if we die, he will be very lonely blah blah blah. i also told him that we are blessed with bbl and if we drag it further i might have to go for IVF le or we may not even hve a #2 liao. so i think inside he also dont want me to go thru IVF. hee


nxt time when new maid come must set rules and tweak her expectations. tell her the worst thing so that she know what to expect and also tell her ur expectations. my helper knows my expectations of her and vice versa so we get along well. if she leave i will jialat big time.

Orangey, Ya, I'll be going to Taipei. It's going to free and easy. Mostly should b shopping and eating bah. I'm a typical Singaporean. "Play", hehehe erh, what do u mean? :p

wah, need membership to Costco.


partly the reason also cos my place only has 2 bedroom. My boy sleeps with us in the master bedroom, the 2nd room is like a study room cum store room. Hopefully soon lor, when I get my new place in 2014.

RuruCat - Nov 2011

GBH - 29 Dec 2011

Dawn - 29 Dec 2011

Maddie - Jan'12?

SP - Pending

Piglet - Pending

Elmoo - Pending

Juye - Pending

HJ - Pending

bbdust - Pending

Wendees - Pending

Orangey - Pending

Dawn, me? no no no.. not me! haha.. 2 is enough. =) (for the moment la..) probably till we earn more, or strike toto.. then we consider ah. lolz.

Wendees, piglet said it. your trip is best for planning IT~! heeheee...

bbdust, so happy for u la!! after crossing the 1st step, everything will be easier lo! just do it, do it, do it, and tell us the good news~!! whahahahahaha... =P

and yes, i'm waiting for 6 more months so that i can send her back. Decided, even if she wants to stay, i will not accept. Even though she looks after BbZ so well.. still no no. hmph!

dazz: sorry last night blur after i want try to sleep back then i think abt yr post. see middle of night also think of u. firstly i don't let my maid go out without my permission except to wash car and send stuff to recycle bin. secondly she is never with bbM alone unsupervised even at home. what more to bring her out for walk is total nono. i bring bbM myself also never ask her come along and still can't bring myself to trust her alone w her downstairs. i see all the other maids in the playground looking after the kids and gossiping. some even bring the kids swimming alone. (jaw drop) but think those ang moh kia la. my house rules: not allowed to use my home phone unless she asks first and only at night or sundays. no watching tv or using other electronic equipment. not allowed to help herself to any foodstuff unless i have indicated this is for her. so far ok.

aiya,even then she has become quite comfortable recently also. next pay day going to have to repeat the rules to her. yesterday only i had to 'talk' to her. first to tie her hair up at all times, despite several reminders so i 'offer' to let her cut if she cannot manage (which she hasn't cut her hair for the past 8 months she has been with us and refuses to). recently she bought herself a CD player (when we went giant). since then she had been helping herself to the CDs in my house and i had been wondering how to bring it up. yest i went home slightly earlier and her CD player was on. asked her not to leave it on when she's not in the room. then asked her what she was listening to. she think very long then tell me 'music'. fei hua!! i ask her where she get from then she eventually said from the cupboard. so i told her she has to ask everytime she wants to use any of my stuff. if she ask i would have said ok but its rude to take my things without asking. then i told her i don't take her stuff to use right. this time she was more apologetic than the baby oil incident. in the end all the talk abt treating maid like yr family i don't think works for me. there still has to be the employee-employer relationship, meaning "i say u do". i can be nice to you, not scold you, treat you with nice stuff once in a while. but i don't need another 'MIL' in the house doing whatever she wants and bo hue what i say and even put black face some more. please ah i don't owe u a living. u not happy here u can go home.


To me, 2 bedrooms also can. One happy family sleep together and enjoy family warmth! Plan now and by then when ur house is ready, all can move in liao! Woohoo!

haha ya BB twins then can close shop...

I remember my gynae when i went to check up, he says " see the white white one... ur baby... but only 1 only"

i told him 1 enough liao... can't imagine if its 2... i will go crazy!

bbdust: yeah! so can start trying now lo =D

dazz: u very clever make list hor, put everyone else name on it except yrs. mine not confirmed yet la.

maddie, wow.. sobzsobz.. so touched, at night still think of me.. but sorry ah.. i hope i din cause you to lose your sleep. hee.. haiz.. ya lo.. everything is too late to set it right liaoz la.. no point also. I'll just lun and lun.. for 6 more months!!

actually, when should i start looking for a new maid ah? now? or 2-3 months later? Her contract is ending mid Nov.

Morn mummies..tgif liao..woke up to a aching body n fever...bleah

dazz ..yr maid today got chu pattern mah...

MmmmMMmm...so many in 'pending' status...jiayou & good luck!!!

Maddie, i never put EVERYBODY's name in leh.. only those that has possibilities or has indicated possibilities lo... HEE. *_^



"Play" as in 你想到哪玩呢? Taipei is more for shopping but that means your hub and bbz will yawn hahaha.. There's this very 壯觀 restaurant in Taipei near 美麗華named 伍角船板. The food there is very nice and the interior very special as well. Near to this restaurant is 美麗華 where you can bring bbz to take ferris wheel. The ferris wheel is very cheap NT100 per person ard $5sgd!

If you want, you also can go to Daiso. There's so much stuffs to see in Taiwan compared to our Daiso. Ours like a fly lor lol~~ You can go to the one at 西門町 誠品116. I always go that branch cause can go shopping for clothes at 西門町 and can go see household or bento stuffs at Daiso.

