(2010/04) April 2010 mtb


oops not u see dr lee, its another mummy who also went RH in this thread paiseh paiseh. eh i saw dr thong that day leh at 3.30pm shopping in bugis baby section. wah hee.

eh eh just curious she herself got any kids?

Maddie: edd 29 dec.... tot u so lucky no ms.... my ms started vvery early... can say around 4 weeks ba... then my hubby says so li hai ar... 4 weeks have ms liao.. real or not... haizzz


i wonder whether the rates hve increased or not since they are going to do a renovation.

that day i took a cab, the wife of the cab driver is one of the pinoy working on the nursery floor and i actually know her. told the cab driver eh ur wife took care of my son last year leh so qiao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hmm hmm. C1 pui my boob out at 1st. then a few days later, wanted to latch again. i din even know myself then that i was pregnant... at night i know he suck for fun only. Mr C played his part by sleeping in a separate room w C1, got maid to wake up and feed C1 FM then eventually water.

C1 quite guai la. i whispered to him during the dunno-how-many-seconds-b4-sleep-while-bb-is-supposed-to-be-in-semi-sleep-mode-but-can-still-hear-you... that mama needs to sleep, you sleep thro the night w papa now darling boy. keep repeating. within a week of water feeds in the night, he was sleeping thro the night already. PHEW for Mr C and me. dunno till now if tis the whispers or the water feeds or having Mr C w him that he slept thro. at that stage, desparate already, try all methods and ways.

so that was the sleeping thro.

C1 already took bottles during the day from the time i returned to work after first maternity leave. so np there. he was/still is quite a rubbish bin when it comes to eating. open mouth, insert food, close mouth, chew, repeat. C2 is the same pattern as C1.

hide away while mr maddie bottle feeds bbM?

in theory, the breastfeeding books say the first tri is the toughest if intend to tandem feed. 2nd tri, the colostrum will start coming in and milk supply increases again. but... i din wanna torture myself... i still had a home, maid, HB, C1 plus a FT job to manage. breastfeeding was the one thing i gave up after discussing w Mr C. sigh sigh.

bbdust: dunno think she does have kids quite big already... u know from RH or other contact?? wow i won't be able to recog any of the nursery nurses lo, much less their hbs. think dr lee is rantingbb.

dawn: yup, my MS quite early one so i suspect am 5-6w now. my catch phrase now is 'i want to vomit'.


both of them are playmates although occasionally I have to keep an eye on them fighting.

Their all-time fav is the Ikea Kitchen now.

Talk about that, my mil came on Sunday and commented that we waste $$ buying the kitchen set.. it's not even a table.. blah x3

cellow: even tho i don't want to stop bf i know that i must sometime during this preg lo. cannot wait until bbM2 born then bbM jealous don't let me latch. esp since my last preg complications many many. good idea, think will start bottle dreamfeed FM first feed then water if she wakes. mrM is quite willing to do it. just me. aiyo. no wonder my ss dropped. now pumping 40ml only.

psst dawn,

i m one of the super lucky ones who has absolutely no nausea during my pregnancies. genetics bah. some pple say tis bcz mine are boys but i dun think so... seems to be the luck of the genetic draw. my mum had no nausea too for me and my 3 sisters.

haiyoor, your HB at this point still say feng liang hua. you tell him the only thing he needs to do during your MS bout is tk care of #1, hold your hand, make soothing sounds and nothing else is permitted to come out of his mouth [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


my mum told me she heard it on radio abt RH renovation.

hee i recog everyone of them cause i always go disturb them leh LOL especially helen the lactation consultant hahha. the midwives i also remember cause they are super good and i sent a cake to them during bbl 1st month [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yes rantingbb i was trying to recall her nick. hers i think is dr lee if not its lovebbk.

maddie haha same same... i some times sit here quiet quiet then my hubby "oei what u thinking" i replied "thinking of vomitting, dun talk to me now" haha

alamak... for a moment, i thought bbdust and maddie is saying, rantingbb IS doc lee.. and i was like, wow.. we got a gynae in this thread and the super blur me dunno abt it? -_-||| i think i need to sleep during lunch time le. lolz.


haha i super KPO lah and its damn sian to be inside the room whole day loh so i just walk around hee. u know hor after we got dischraged, they actually got free upgrading of room to a suite leh and also give candlelight dinner wah pek chek leh. i overheard it at the payment counter loh when the business consultant was talking to the soon to be mum.

cellow: my hubby seem not so understanding this pregnancy.... dun know why... 1st pregnancy he very kan jiong...

this time, ask him look after #1 a while, he say tired from work etc... then ask him put clothes into washing machine, delay delay...

when #1 he would talk to baby, " dun disturb mummy" and talk to me tell me endure etc.... this time.... ask him "sayang" me or "sayang" baby... he say "still so small, can't understand lah"

haizz useless! hope he will be more understanding when my tummy gets bigger

Maddie: We have been dreamfeeding Baby E all along. She has her dinner at 6 plus 7 and we usually give her a bottle at close to midnight when we are about to go to sleep ourselves. She will then be fed again when she waks at 5 plus or 6 before she goes back to sleep for another hour.

bbdust, got sleep ah.. but never enough leh!! Every morning need to drag my a** to work in a semi awake mode and by lunch time, sleepy liaoz. So now decide to skip lunch and sleep. One stone kill 2 birds. Can diet and rest at the same time. wahahahha...

when puasa period come, i will have another 2 colleagues to accompany to sleep during lunch time. heehee!


*pats in understanding* LOL on dun talk to me now, i wanna vomit! classic la.

guess the novelty of a baby wore off for him liao. occasionally need to gently remind him that you still need sayang and for him to do more around the house. not that you want to be weak and nauseous all the time also... duh, who wants that? jiayou jiayou.


yep yep wean off now... easier than when your tummy starts getting bigger. plus gynae did advise you to wean ya.

#1's jealousy will not stop one la. even up to now, if i m reading to C1, C2 will walk over and attempt to push his kor kor out of my lap. if C2 is in my lap, C1 will plonk his backside onto my knee (ouch ouch). then the fighting will start.


YES! same. so cute when they can play tog. but not so cute when they start to pushing and shoving and complaining to either me or Mr C.

Cath Kidson. wow so flowery. *blink. i will go and look see. thanks for the tip!

mummies with older todds

air force open house at paya lebar 28/29 may


can ride on the chinooks!!!! pity i am in Mr C's hometown that weekend. sigh.

(bumped into a young fren who is still in NS and he told me abt the open house, so i googled and found the above URL)

bbdust, heehee.. i go catch rat la.. lolz. Boh la.. sometimes watch drama till midnight then sleep. If not, even i sleep ard 10+, next morning will still be zombie. I'm the kind where if it's not 8-9 hours of quality sleep, i'll be tired kind.. damn weak la... so everyday oso sleepy lo. lolz.

you make me laugh la, maddie!

"i hate it when my hb is right" - ditto

sometimes during arguments, i use that to take the wind out of his sails.... when he is right and i think he is right as well, i say 'tis so annoying' pause and look at him in the eye 'when you are correct'

then watch him flounder around. takes the heat of his next comeback. HAHA!

My boy on FM... i will dream feed him every night around 12midnight before i go slp... and he can last until next morning around 7am....

but now quite hard to dream feed him liao... coz i feel like slping at 10pm... haha but also muz dream feed else he would wake up n ask for milk in the middle of night... then more tired

thanks.. we didn't dream feed cos i'll sleep with her at 9plus then no point set alarm at midnight. thought just wake when she wakes at 2-3am to latch. guess willl try soon.

am super sian. cannot focus on anything. think really if i'm boss i won't hire a pregnant woman. 9 months never work properly then after that take ML then CCL and AL. wa lao.


no no no, cannot think like that. women need possibilities for lateral moves to tk time out for child bearing, and child rearing, before resuming the climb upwards in the career. as a boss, tis just part of operations. how to manage the staff's varying needs is an art.

i m always concerned that i turn into the stereotypical monster lady boss later on... bcz i hv good support at home, plus zero MS during pregnancy... but i trust that my dear frens will keep me honest and true to myself then.


after reading your post, i m now chewing on pao sheng. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] wanted to take kopi one, but pao sheng seems a better option.

bbdust, cellow, oh.. so when you mention "eat some pao sheng" it's really to eat it ah? Just go medical hall and buy?? How to know what kind of pao sheng is good? paisey ah... i duno anything abt it leh..

Hello Serena Tan, thank you for your offer but we oredi have a very nice and helpful mummy who is helping us on the purchases from iherb!! =D

gosh my iherb code is LIG130 hahaha! will also get US$5 off.

I keep asking pple to start their own account so that i can get 4% rebates of what you buy & you can get US$5 off 1st purchase kekeke! still i get alot of pm to help buy le ....

Hi mommies,

Since Maddie and Dawn have 'confessed', then so should i. Hee.... Me also in a family way liao and I am 15+ weeks along, EDD in 1st week Nov.

Went for oscars liao and did another scan 1 week ago, doc said he is 95% sure he saw a 'cockadoo', can trust him anot har?


woo woo woo congrats dearie [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i am truely happy for u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

if he see a bird then shld trust him lah cause pretty distinct de [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] like when i saw bbl also very distinct, and i get to know the gender at a very early stage leh which is very fast loh compared to the rest [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi BBdust,

Thanks for the congrats! I also don't know will so fast tio since I took 2 years with medical help to conceive my gal. I did asked my gynae is there is some truth to the belief that a woman is more fertile in her 1st year post-delivery, he said medical-terms wise, not really.

Anyway, I feel blessed. You should go home and rape ur hb just like piglet!


i think there is some truth loh hee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] u are blessed indeed this time round. I hope I can be as bless too for #2.


ok now.. somemore who.. huh.. who haven't confess.. quick. do it now ah. =P

aisey.. it's a happy happy day!!

piglet, mai tu liaoz.. tonite rape your hubby la! lolz.

Maddie, dawn and ruru

Congratulations! Such a blessing to all! Do take care now. Seems like it's a good gap between kids. My hubby is so envious. Haha. He needs to convince me first though.


GO FOR IT [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yeah yeah its a happy day hee.. quick all confess now if u are preggie [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] can sprinkle some bbdust on me pretty please heee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

*i pray to buddha and god to give my DH the wisdom and enlightenment so that he can see the benefits of having #2 soon before i am left with an even lesser chance of conceiving*

