(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

piglet n dawn

LOL dont think so heng again to strike with twins. if only that time the twin survived then no need to headache now haha.

dazz and maddie

haha slowly bah, i shall not pressurise him [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] when the time comes, it will all fall in place [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hi Maddie,

Your experience with your Phil maid reminded me of my recent interview experience with one. I asked the maid if she can cut her hair as short as mine (mine is bob style about 2 inches below ear lob, not like boy-style leh). She said she don't want. Then my brother's ex-maid when she came, she said sure, can cut short hair and after my SIL brought her to hairstylist, she came back and cried. Haiz....

i took 3 months to get the maid fresh from philippines. cos after you pick one, then they gotta go apply passport, health check and get letter etc. one halfway don't want to come, one failed the health check. so end up wait 3 months, and i had my transfer maid in the meantime. good also cos that one really cause me high blood pressure and teach me how to manage maid. from there i learnt cannot be too lenient from the start, need to set rules from the beginning and stick to it. dunno how chips do it. her maid like very good like that.


oh dear, u see doctor already?


can slowly find loh cause not easy to find one leh then must pass english test also, wait fail got to refind leh very ma fan.

ruru: think pinoy like to keep hair long long. mine one now look like broom but still she don't want to cut. i feel she has a right to keep however long hair she wants but i also can ask her to keep it neat. i pay for the shampoo but baby oil all that she ownself buy.

dazz: can slowly start finding from 3-5 months before lo... if new one can come earlier then kick this one back earlier? tho now dunno how long they take to come. check with yr agent?

Hi Gbh,

I also want a boy since my 1st one is a gal. I am under alot of pressure also as my hb is the only male even though his grandfather has 3 sons, but all girl cousins!!! So when gynae said he saw a 'cockadoo', i was like really????!!!!


Based on my past 2 weeks of searching for maid, you better start earlier as you cannot be sure if the maid agency has someone that fits your expectation. I called BBdust, your MIL's, Mrsm, Ming, Cellow and my auntie and my own agency before finding a maid that I have 'eye fate' with, quite tough lor. Give urself ample time to look, and don't be like my brother, left 1 month to find, so anyhow choose 1 out of the 2 that the maid agency offered. In the end whether the maid is good anot still depends on your luck and matching of job expectation but at least you have chosen someone you see like "shun4 yan3". My brother's maid just got sent back and she is siamese twin with her beloved hp, use it day and night!!!

maddie, bbdust, ok.. thanks.. shall make a trip to the agent to look see look see. =)

Maddie, ya.. i agree they like to keep hair long long!! I see mine ah.. wash hair liaoz, sit in front of fan blow dry. I buy her a hair dryer to use, she say dun want, will damage her hair. Then i say, ok, then cut lo! she refuse again. wow.. but that i can tahan and i dun want to bug her abt it la.. she keeps it neat. when she's doing housechores, it's tied up, only at night more eng liaoz she let down. Then again, she's the "super clean" type. One day bathe 3 times and wash hair everyday de so i'm not worried abt "ba wu". whahahaha

oh ya... those preggy liao.... ur #1 behave differnet??? mine behave like normal leh... my MIL say if i have one in stomach, the #1 will jealous.... so far haven't yet.. how come ar?


Ah oh, Charlotte has this sesame street bento bag that I bought for her in 2008. It was only NT100 about $5 when I bought it but in sg, they're selling at $10 which is like double the price! But then not everything in tw is cheap, i realised that their kids apparels quite ex.. some more ex than sg..

伍角船板's website:


If you ask me about hotels in Taipei, I cannot help much cause I nv stay in hotels in taipei before hahaha.. no need to explain lah hor? My relatives who went to taipei usually go to Rainbow at 西門町 cause its cheap but for me, if I'm those that goes for visual effects = I like the hotels to be pretty in interior etc thus even if its motel I also will go. The motels in tw are actually very posh.. There's one that I saw everytime I visit Miramar. Very nice!

ISIS Taipei


aiyo talking abt #1 jealous. yesterday the IFC teacher ask me if i'm pregnant. i said no. why u ask. in my mind i think my tummy so big meh. then she say bbM so sticky to me and behave like another kid whose mom also end up found to be pregnant. its true that she has been sticky to me since end april. we thought it was just another phase she's going thru. who knows.

wendees, have you booked your hotel stay and airport transfer?

You can consider going to "jiu fen" for a half day tour. Along Ximending, you can eat 'ah zhong mian xian" and "chua bing". Behind the "rainbow hotel" that orangey mentioned, there's this restaurant where you can eat buffet steamboat at NT398++ only and the tomato soupbase is yummilicious...!!

For Taipei, very easy to get around via train. What my friends and i did for one day, we went round visiting those restaurants/shops opened by artists. Haahha.. we went to Jay Chou's french restaurant and also Tuo Zhong Kang's pub. haha

yoohoo. fellow price watchers of diapers!

mamy poko.... NTUC now having sale for the super jumbo pack L56/XL50 at $20.65. This is just a leetle bit more expensive than the RM45 (super special offer) / RM 48 (normal special offer) price that I get from JB. Quick quick go and grab.

I went out w Mr C at midnight last night to grab 4 packs from the nearest 24h NTUC near our place. Heh. Our dates are midnight supermkt diaper runs! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

When i got pregnant with BbZ, TodZ became super sticky and clingy to me. Even before we told him about the baby. My father, whom i visit weekly, din have to wait for me to tell him the good news. He observed TodZ's behaviour and he asked if i'm preggy. lolz.. cannot dun believe de hor.. it's quite accurate. The kids can "detect" better than the ultrasound machine. hahahah.. He was like superglue throughout my pregnancy k..~~! only until didi is borned, we gave him the present that "didi gave him".. and his attitude kinda "relac" abit.. 1-2 months after didi's arrival then he's back to "normal". haha

cellow, sorry ah... i misplaced the agent's contact you gave me previously. ok to sms me again pls? dui bu qi.. hee.

bbdust: u kidding right?? wa lao! low blow!

dazz: so is thruout the preg? was thinking to wean then she will be even more upset. not to mention getting other ppl to start to put her to sleep, feed her etc. sigh.

bbdust: wa u very observant. i didnt even realise myself til my hb ask me then only say oh ya maybe check. else wait until IFC teacher ask only think ok maybe check. actually i dunno why is so big lei, last time i can wear my normal clothes til 4 months preg. today wear maternity pants liao. jialat.

maddie, ya.. mine is throughout.. but i think not all the same ba. Just like MS.. not all will suffer the same fate. haha.. dun think about upsetting BbM lo.. it's for the good of all of you. She learns to be independant, you learn to "let go" and rest well.. i think it's a win-win situation... IMO

maddie u how many mths preggy liao?? my normal clothes getting a bit tight... i was like.. wow so fast meh.. then if i wear maternity wear then all ppl know liao... i tot i sot liao... so now i know its normal...

Hi Dawn, XLH, Dazz and Maddie,

Hmm... my gal is always sticky to me, so not much difference i guess. In the family hierachy, papa is No1, me No2 and maid No3.

Hi Dazz,

No, did not choose a phinoy maid as I only had a so-so impression of the 2 that I interviewed and I am also quite worried abt this OPEA agreement issue. According to a few maid agencies that I have spoken to, this is what i gathered - Nowsadays it is next to impossible to get a maid out of phil via tourist visa as the Govt is very strict on that. Thus the only way to hire a maid is to sign this OPEA agreement then the maid can come to Singapore.

This agreement states very clearly that we must give US$400 monthly salary and also day off (no monetary compensation allowed). This agreement is recognized by MOM and the Phil embassy and no other 'local' contract can supercede it. Thus in the event that a Phil maid cry mother and father and seek help from embassy or MOM due to some grievance, the employer will be fined $2000 and have to compensate the shortfall in the salary (as most maid agency tells u you need to pay $450 for monthly salary).

In the end I chosen a Indon transfer maid (worked 10 months in Indian family)from the current maid agency that I am using. The Indon maid spoke ok english when I interviewed her, which is enough for me (as the main reason why i even considered a phil maid is their ability to speak english).

Think carefully what you want 1st as Phil maid in general are smarter and faster, so don't have to train until vomit blood but on the other hand, can you handle their 'attitude'?

Dazz: yup I agree I am the one that need to let go. Sigh. Twins?? Don't think I can take it.

Dawn: I haven't confirm preg yet. Maybe a huge tumor growing inside instead of baby also dunno yet. Dunno how far along either. Haha.

Talking about maids: I think we may be too relaxed with ours then. They help themselves to hard boiled eggs, cheese, milk powder etc. They did ask about the milk powder but not about the eggs and cheese - but when I wonder whether to raise an issue, my hubby will say "It's ok, just let them eat". So in the end, I buy cheaper brands for them - like Nespray milk powder instead of the Nestle Omega 3 one that the rest of the family takes. My conclusion - Sirs are always the "good guys" and madams are the "bad guys". Shakes head.

Ming u hv no choice. It's not small $ feeding them n they are not as simple as blangladash fw males- curry gravy veg n rice will do. Maids- bread, Milo, coffee, rice, our fish n veg, sometimes if my mil makes a special dish there is Bo left over for the maid either. Maid is used to it.

Ming, hahaha... i totally agree on the part where you say, Sirs are always the "good guys" and madams are the "bad guys".


help themselves, oh I think they r not suppose to do tat unless employers ( u, ur hubby or any seniors ) give green light to access or eat whatever they allow.


tis best to set some clear guidelines right fm the beginning. since your HB is ok, and if the maids' attitude is ok, then leave the current situation as is.

tis not so much that we the employers cannot afford. tis a signal who is boss, who is employee, lest like dazz shares, they climb over our head.

realise their thinking is not like ours.... if boss appreciates me, i appreciate boss' efforts and work as hard, if not harder; for them hor, i realise fm my own experience and talking to others (especially my maid agent), if boss appreciates them by giving more food or more $ or more days off etc, they think their work is good enough then start to slack, and all sorts of troubles then start. not that we employers intentionally set out to treat them differently.... but i realise *cannot* treat as family member, and *cannot* tell them treat as family. must start off by telling them, this is your job, this is my household, you do wat i say, then relax the rules from there.

this is a generalisation. you may be a really lucky employer whose maids think differently. if yes, good for you!

bb dust

the brand is reliable essentially. i tot i wanted to give something purer for now & wait till 18 or 24 months then change to the cheapo scotts white one.

our babes need about 2-3ml/day you can give like alternate days 60ml is for around 1 mth supply so alternate days 1.5-2 mth supply lor.

its for

* Brain and visual development

* Healthy immunity

* Healthy nervous system development

sg selling i cannot remmeber le i think it was $31.90 or 39.90 - memory fails me.

since i buy the colestrum, sambucoal, bfing dha for myself & children toothpaste from there i tot i just sun bian bbuy lor.


i'm back. Got dragged to meeting. Another meeting after lunch.

Dazz, yup booked flight already. But not hotel. Thanks. Got any more ideas can share with me okie [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Orangey, thanks, tell me more if got any others. BbZ is not going. It's going to b couple time. Haha, if can get #2 there, make it a "Made in Taiwan"!!! hahaha...

My idea of taiwan is only from TV. Food, food and more food. My bro recommended me to go to the toilet bowl restaurant. Think my only setback will be to read so much Chinese.

