(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

Dazz: Yep, very strange to pro-rate I thought. Am going to discuss further with my boss - not that it will change the figures but more to register my unhappiness. Then again, I will need a plan B to register my unhappiness more convincingly [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



maybe you can check mom website to see if there is any info. but if they pro rate you due to ML its really unfair loh.


but but... there is nothing to buy from mothercare.... maybe shoes for C2. since poor boy doesnt have any shoes. he outgrew all of C1's previous shoes. the foot length is already 16cm, so I hv to buy 17/18cm. big foot!


no pro rating of bonus due to maternity leave on my end... bring it up to your boss. you also need to think back if this was brought up during the interview process (guess not). go fight for your money back.

psst. i find this tip v useful to harness my energies to stand up for myself. if this situation were happening to bbE, what would you do? betcha you would use your mummy's tiger will to fight for her, tooth and nail. now... do the same for yourself too!

bbdust, that time told you the app, dedotv can watch taiwanese variety shows ya.. now got another app call TwTV, can watch drama de.. good leh! lolz.. the only problem i face is that, the phone's screen small la.. sometimes watch till my eyes crossed liaoz. lolz.


plan B. hehe. another job offer?

remember: boss overrides HR if boss really really wants to retain and motivate you. tell boss you are really unmotivated now as you did not expect pro ration at all.... then see how your boss takes the conversation from that starting point.


i also see phone screen until my eyes are crossed. LOL


all these posts abt eggs. reminds me how sensitive C2 is to egg. i ate one bowl of ramen over lunch some time ago (maybe mid mar? or early apr...), then pumped out my milk for that afternoon and froze separately.... this week, I ran out of FBM so asked maid to warm up on Mon and give that bottle of egg-tainted milk for C2 to drink. that night, his ear lobe started to blister, and poor boy scratched at his ear continuously. quickly put fucicort. Mr C and aunt scolded me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

and THAT is how allergic C2 is. i refuse to touch any tong shui outside, and any fried noodles w egg. i would rather suffer and eat mian xian or bee hoon or bee ta mak....


havent thought abt it yet... i will speak to her sometime abt MMR. later la... not due yet. after C2 is 2yo. i only had C1 vaccinated after 2yo anyway.

but i might want to vaccinate C2 sooner as 1. C1 brings back all sorts of germs fm school and 2. C2 is definitely not autistic. kaypor him can even talk (= eh eh eh) to strangers in the lift. very plugged-in socially.


So the thomas worth buying? My friend told me wooden ones are more ex than the plastic ones? But singsale price ard the same as plastic one?


Think MOM only for those salary $2k n below. All this should be as per employment contract & employee handbook. if not then need to go thru legal means.^-^ y this world got this kind of ppl?


cannot comment cos don't know the price for wooden one. ex or not depends on how you see it bah. if i just buy the train alone, it cost me about $30 but its much longer and bigger loh, easily about 30 cm long. hahahaha.....

the price looks like more ex then the take along series. to me, they are the same as take along series. maybe dazz can comment on what is the difference between take along series and this wooden ones.


Quite good deal. Take some photos of the cabin n show me. they say Royal Carribean quite nice but i book liao then saw this kids cruise for free. i have not been to cruise. hope its going to be fun.


Cos the tin put up to 12mths so thought can't use liao. hee hee.

Thanks for the support! Apparently it's a HR policy (which doesn't appear anywhere in our contracts). I have registered my displeasure with my boss but that's really how far it goes I think. In my line, we have to keep time sheets every day as we bill our clients for every minute we spend on their matters. This means that my bonus has been computed on the basis of the time I returned from maternity leave to the cut-off date for appraisal. As a result, one third of my bonus has been pro-rated away [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Orangey, sorry ah.. i don't really keep track of the prices for the wooden series corx we dun collect. As for difference between the take-along series and the wooden series, size wise, almost the same.. wooden series slightly bigger. Take-along series made of metal. Take-along series have their own track which is grey in color. Wooden series' track are made of wood (that of course rite! lolz)

As for the series that both celyn and i have, it's the blue track series (aka tomy). The trains are plastic and run by battery.

i like the lock-lock bargain you got leh.. knew abt it too late liaoz (just only saw ur FB photos) haha.. next time got lobang.. remember to share share k!! hee. thanks !!

Ming, wow.. your company's HR really "calculative" huh.. so to them, the time used to "generate income" then can be "rewarded". Hhhmm.. then they are not really answering to government's call of encouraging for more child birth ah. Having a kid is already a big expense and yet, still have to take bonus cut. =(


thanks dear. but dun need to feel too sorry for me la. after all, tis my choice. feel sorry for C2, enough already.


then i think i have just one take along series.

enough is enough. already occupy one daybed in the living room.


that makes sense economically to the company but still seems unjust to you. HR policy? is that an industry practice? perhaps you could check with ur former firm and find out. just for knowledge. so that you know better when it comes to bbE2.


Go and join: Foxysales and singgales!

I join both of them cause their offers more attractive. Singsales has more offers though.

Just bought Havianas for bbO, myself and hub for our bali trip and per pair about $21 nia.. outside selling at least $28-35!!


Make DH drunk? Hahaha Then I think I have to find one good day and let YH to stay with my mum before i can drunk & r*p* him! LOLz.

RE: Didi walking.

Didi is just so cute lor! Really a garang boy. Just like YH! They may made it off as a good pair! When YH fell when she try to walk right, she wun cry, instead she will stood down and 'beat' the floor and say'Da Da' (in chinese)! *FAINTZ!


When we had YH we weren't prepare but he said he got signs. He could not eat well (usually his appetite very gd but he can't even finich a pack of rice or mee & he fell sick and want to vomit! LOLz.

Guess Its Time For Me To Take Action Liao!!! Muahaha!

piglet, u pregnant but he showed signs? lolz!!! bbZ and YH ah.. both garang leh.. you sure can make a good pair anot.. wait both fight how?!!? lolz.. but it's our honour if YH dun mind BbZ wor.. hahahahaha... ya ya... tell your mum "if you want 2nd grandchild soon.. pls help me take care of YH this 2 weekends.. i'm gonna rape my hubby!" oppsie! lolz.. probably you can leave out the last sentence la.. ahahha... go for a short trip la!! =)

hello zz!! long time no see o... how r u and ur thumb?

sorry for multiple postings.


no reason why they should pro-rate your bonus cos it's all paid maternity leave. I don't ever get pro-rate bonus .

RE eggs.

Tristan have eaten till I also can't rem.. countless times! He eats those in Macdonald's.. the eggs and the hotcakes and stuff.. greedy boy..


thumb is better!

If you ladies have been reading the newspaper or watched the new lately.. there is one on the ST2 Satellite Launch. Those who have mio-tv can watch the launch on CH0 I think.

zz, great! must take care, dun sprain it again o.. otherwise very jialad.

you have been busy with the ST2 satellite launch huh.. that's y disappear for so long? =)

went to kpo and googled for cath kidston bag.. nice.. but not suitable for me.. wahahha.. too flowery liaoz.. me chor lor kind. hee!


Dun put it this way! It's YH's honour too! I wonder what will happen if we put the both of them together! Muahaha! I like BBZ's mesmerising eyes..............


yalor.. bz with this launch lah. U saw the new too?

cath kidston is sort of a typical English girl kinda of bag I guess

Cellow: Will first ascertain if another colleague who went on maternity leave suffered the same fate before contemplating next move. May then whine to ex boss about the situation but then very paiseh if I am offered a new job when I don't have a real intention to take it up. Mustn't burn my bridges right?

hi all,

today i see improvement in my girl's food n milk intake.. she actually finished all her food and milk.. so happy.. hope it will continue..

xiang: nice meeting u just now.. envy envy u.. u so skinny.. i'm short n plump.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Morning mummies!!!!!!


Cath Kidston!! Yes, like what ZZ has mentioned buy Cath Kidston cause they're so girly and cottage!!!

Love their bags and stuffs for the home! I'm a very cottage person (not village girl I mean) but I like my home to be as cottage style as can be so I always try to find things to DIY like painting the 紅字牛奶 can with white paint and drew flowers on it but end up, kapo by my cousin =.= Cath Kidston is my dream lah but then their stuffs not veyr cheap :S Grab their Picnic basket!!!



Mommies still got withdrawal symptoms from Vesak PH lol..


hahha yes i suppose all got withdrawal symptoms hee.

dazz morning [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


eh taste like wine leh. my CL cooked everything with it loh but little bit lah cause i am bf-ing mah

Hi mummies,

I'm here too. Reading posts most of the time bcoz it's a chore trying to type n post using the phone quite a few days nvr access laptop liao. No time n energy recently. Plus gal will whine if I sit at the com. Sigh.

Morning Mummies!


Yeah! It was DH who first got the MS symptons. But after gynae confirmed my pregnancy, all the MS symptons came back to look for me! LOLz.

Ystd I tested DH on having #2.

Me: Dear, the storeroom is full. I m lookind at selling off or give away the walker, bumbo seat, playpen, extra stroller, infant car seat cheaply.

DH: Why sell or give away? Keep it first lah! Still can be used mah.

Me: YH outgrown them and she is so active, she would not want to stay in playpen, bumbo seat & walker anymore. Keep for WHO??

DH: Ahhhh... Just keep first lah.

Me: Hmmp!@#%^&

That's the end!

