(2010/04) April 2010 mtb


i'm here to tempt you. hahhahaha..... see this thread.


i got to know about this when i was in japan. come back then realise here also have. su ku hoh.

thanks for checking for me. i got 4 adults, 2 children and 1 baby going to malacca. we are arranging with the hotel to pick us up at the train station and send us to hotel but still cannot confirm can or not.

if cannot, we would need someone to pick us up from train station to hotel. then next day, bring us round malacca.



yah yah.but its very nice leh. i got quite a number too and yu ze loves playing with them. its not too fragile lah. so far, my set is still ok leh with the rough treatment by yu xi and yu ze.

yoohoo gals. i cont on the curr topic of travel [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

off topic - besides harrods and selfridges, where to hit the London streets for shopping? maybe i shd do some bag price comparisons 1st in SG b4 going to London la. are harrods and selfridges even on the same street? suaku me.

and what kiddy things are cheaper in UK compared to SG? I know organix is cheaper but bulky la... I dun see myself lugging a lot of snacks back.

celyn, the train together with bash and dash on misty island is FERDINAND~!!! lolz..

wow.. how to follow so so many series?!?! i will faint lo! no way.. i know at home got Rusty, Harold and the helipad landing. And because it's so small, TodZ is not taking good care of them and it's all over the house. At least for the take-along series, i can see him taking more good care of it. Toy'r'us got 1 for 1 sale.. bought quite a few and keeping it aside. Give it to him slowly. wahhaah


you know yesterday, we are at vivo. we go turn somemore cos i saw the misty island series of capsule. we got the mountain with sheep, whiff, and that one like cranky in misty island. its so nice loh. hahahha.... sometimes i wonder if yu ze is playing or me loh.

yah, cos they are small. i keep them all in a box. origianlly was a small lego box. then expand to pamper box but find that its not so good. now transfer them to one small drawer of the ikea cupboard i have for toys.

actually, we only got the blue track series. its after japan trip then we know about capsule and thought that's it, sg don't have. only later then i realise sg also have. and so started both loh. the capsule series is too cute to resist. hahahaah....

after watching misty island, hubby ask me to find the dvd and also bash, dash, ferdinand and whiff loh. yet he keep complaining that i buy so many thomas.

Good afternoon mummies, it's me again which means my boy is sick again.. On avg, he is feverish once a month since he started infant care.. But this time round should not blame the IFC cos it was long weekend! Think he started feeling unwell after we brought him to imm to play with the water.. Probably caught a cold there.. Sigh, think my boss must be wondering when I will used up my annual leave.. Already taken all my child care leave for this year..

Remembered some mummies recommended sambucol, it is good?


I am going for Royal Carribean - Kids travel free promo.. Not Star Cruise.

Hope both of us will get to enjoy ourselves besides taking care of the kids!!


can u share why do you choose blue track series instead of wooden?

my boy likes thomas and we had yet to start him on any track series.

besides the cost, wooden is more expensive and it's not commonly available, what are the other factors?

How do u all prepare egg white for bb? We boil egg n cut egg white into small pieces in separate bowl for him to Eat together with porridge bowl. Seems egg white too hard for him to swallow. How to boil until egg white not so hard?


eh we just fry it loh then let him eat haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] if not its hard boil, mashed up then i put in bread and let him eat.

Celyn, hahaha.. i think it's you who enjoys collecting it than YZ leh. lolz. Just like my hubby.. he's the one enjoying putting the tracks together. Got once, didi sat on the bridge, it broke. So i told hubby to buy korkor one new bridge.. end up, he bought tracks and the yellow blocks (to form slope or bridge) and a few more items lo! i was like, -_-|||

As for the capsule series, we got it after we watch Misty Island, was at the foodcourt and TodZ saw the machine and insisted he wants it. So gave him $6 to try twice, that's how we got Rusty and the helipad. As for Harold, think long time ago have already, also from machine but not sure what series it belonged to. lolz. I just told my hubby that there's mummies collecting this series and he's like, "please dun start". lolz..

Re eggs

I started giving egg yolk in gal's porridge 2 days ago and her poo was super sticky and smelly after that :p dunno if it's related to the egg yolk intake.


I intend to beat the whole egg into the porridge when I wanna intro egg white to my gal... Or steam egg..


I know we should give egg yolk first and try for abt 4 days to look for allergy then thereafter give egg white.

I think i read one of the thread last week from Vicma saying that we have to give egg white for 1 month first before letting our kiddos have their MMR jab. Is it true? Give 1 whole month meaning everyday also must give?

Hi piglet,

I read vicma's posting re eggs intro and I thought she meant we should have introduced egg white to our babies 1mth b4 their MMR jab... Not necessary to take egg white on daily basis for a mth prior to jab. Vicma, pls correct me if I'm wrong [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


of course you can continue to finish your 10 tins before you change to the next step. i don't see any reason for not continuing.


no particular reason why the blue track series cos we got a set as his birthday present. so we just expand from there. the wooden tracks one are not so easily available. though the blur tracks one are plastic but i do find that they are very durable loh. you can't expect a 2 year old kid to love and look after their toys loh. its battery operated but yu ze prefer to play without letting it run on battery. we put battery in for him and we forget to change the battery after its being flat for a long run. somehow the connection of the battery becomes rusty. after changing new battery, it doesn't run. but hoh, if you do clean the rusty part a bit it will start running again loh.

yu xi also loves playing with it. she will try to follow gor gor and push it on the tracks. sometimes she will take the bus and push on the tracks. then gor gor will start screaming and say bus cannot go there. thomas go there. hahahah....


err i started him on yolk think before he is 1 year old then started him on whites when he is 1 year old. i didnt test for one whole mth leh, just on and off give him the whole egg. anyway his MMR is schduled for 15 mths so from 12-15 mths its the whole 3 mths to test. but so far so good so i guess he shld have no allergy to eggs.

i think vic ma only recommends to test for 1 mth if they falls under the allergy catergory or parents who have allergies.


LOL on yz screaming at mei mei on the bus going on the tracks awwww so cute [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my boy sits on the tracks leh to stop the train from moving if not he pushed thomas off the track and let him run on the floor. think he is still a bit too young to appreciate thomas haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yah yah. its like that one. even yu ze do that too. this week, i didn't post any new formation cos he wants a very simple one. while fixing up the tracks for him, he took will let thomas goes on the track and eventually coming off to the ground. then he will say uh oh.... thomas off the track. looking at him play thomas is very cute loh. he will sometimes make both train lang gar then one of them go off the tracks. he will say. oh no, what happen spencer? are you alright spencer? oh, come come, hug hug. ok ok. then start scolding the other being naughty.

yu xi also will sit on the track and push the train. then of course by doing so, she is blocking yu ze's train. then again yu ze complain loh. he is the complain king when comes to yu xi. hahaha... yu xi likes to let them run and she chase after them from behind.

Pnut & BBdust,

okie. Thanks for the info with regards to egg white. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


the way u describe YZ plays his toys and how the siblings YZ & YX play make me envy u much much! It's siblings' love!!! (^^)


LOL hahahaha yz so cuteeee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] can imagine him zi bian zi dao zi yan [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hee no worries [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yah yah. he always do that, not just with thomas, with the kitchen set and doll house (i bought for yu xi) too. maybe cos now yu xi is still too young to really play with him. hopefully, later on will be much better.


don't envy. go for a 2nd one if you 2 really wish to have more than 1 kid. yu ze is the one who make me decide to give him another siblings which i don't regret. sometimes, i even thought of having #3 but can only think.


i would seriously want to have #2 and also like what we used to chat before so that our kiddos will have sibling/s to play with or confide in in the future when we are no longer around.

But i feel Dh not really ready for it now & if I were to wait, it means to wait for another 1-1.5yrs later and by then i would have reach the age of 35 which no guarantee what I wish will come true too.

That time I saw the video u posted on YZ & YX playing, they were so cute! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hahahhaha really really cute [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my nephews does the same thing too. i remember there was this time me and DH wanted to take a cab home and shun bian drop my SIL and nephews home since its along the way, but elder nephew dont want to take cab he wants to take train home so younger one follow suit.

so my DH told him at this time of the day (nite time) there will be monsters in the train (okie that time he still young so he bluff him a bit lah not correct to do it but he just want to get them in the cab). so older one buy the story that there will be monsters in the train so must take cab to be safe, then the younger one refused to take cab so in a very serious tone, elder one told younger one : di di, u must take the cab with ma ma, xiao gu and gu zhang cause there are monsters in the train now and its very dangerous. if anything happen, kor kor cannot protect you u know so u must be a good boy and follow us.

we were all laughing our heads off but eventually the younger one relent cause he is afraid of monsters and we all took the cab home. so so so naive and cute [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


what i feel is don't wait loh. there is no such things as being ready. go and r*p* him lah. ahhahaha.....

i always tell people, don't wait and think that when you are 'ready' and want to have baby you can have it there and then you want.

my cousin who is married for i think 7/8 years liao, still don't have kids. they want to have yet not bless with it. now, she is already 36 loh.


They will be as loving too. ;) Give them a bit of time to learn. Boys will be boys.

Btw, didi so cute! Started running before walking!!! (^^)


agree hahaha. if i can i will also try for another one now cause not young le, 1st one already so difficult dont know what i need to do for #2. so i rather have it now than to think abt it. but then it takes 2 hands to clap so till now still no news sigh.


they will be loving too. boys loh, sure fight one lah but they will soon be buddy with each other.

everyone tells me, yu ze should be a girl and yu xi be a boy cos he is more soft compare to mei mei loh. hhahaha.....


I also dun feel like waiting. Cos like wat u said, my cousin also married for 7/8 liao and she is now 35yrs and wanted to have kids for very long but not blessed with it.

LOLz. Elmoo also asked me to r*p* DH!!! How I wish I can r*p* him! DH very smart one. He will know my purpose of that and if he dun feel like it then i r*p* also no use or. LOLz.


I agree. It takes 2 hands to clap. I am waiting also lor...


Agree! In terms of looks YX look more gungho whereas YZ looks more docile. Can imagine YZ been bullied by YX. LOlz.

piglet, drug him!! lolz.. but then, totally concussed out oso cannot hor.. hhmm.. make him drunk/high!! lolz.. wrt to didi walking, hahaha.. he hor.. seriously more garang than korkor. He not scared to fall de! you see he's laughing away when he "walk"/run and when he fall, he also dun cry. hahahaha.. It's a much earlier start compared to korkor. Korkor only started walking when he's 18mths+. Didi now only coming 13mths+ nia. Wait till the day he really walk more stable and really able to run without falling, then i really headache liaoz lo!! Especially if he runs off with korkor, or each decide to run off in different directions, i chase who huh!?!?!?! lolz.


its already happening. my chor lor girl already start to bully gor gor. must teach her to be more girl girl.

you ask him, is he ready to be papa before you got preggy with bb? if not, its the same as now loh. hahaha.....

when i first knew i was preggy with yu xi, i was also lost and shock though i wanted to have #2. so i guess no one will be prepare no matter how prepared. :p


hahhaha..... chase one each loh. a friend who had 3 told me this. when #3 is still small, she 'tie' him to her with a carrier. so that in case 2 older one runs in different direction, they can each chase after 1.

maybe when they are older, 2 will run in same direction and 1 in another direction. if all 3 runs in different direction, also siao leh. hahhaha......

whahahah... i'm thinking in the event if i'm alone with the boys and each run one direction then i how? probably scream and stamp my foot and cry la.. then the boys see liaoz, shocked, all run back to me. WAHAHAHAHAHHA

Upset: Got my bonus letter today and they pro-rated my bonus to take into account my maternity leave! Did this happen to anyone else? And my boss even said that the team has done well, I have done well etc! Only good thing is that increment wasn't affected. But still am feeling quite miffed.

Hi Cellow,

If I am not wrong, mothercare is from UK? So the items should be cheaper? Not too sure as when I visited London 2 years back, I was still a very free married 'singleton'. Hee....


Ming, huh! pro-rated bonus due to maternity leave? can like that ah.. not too fair ah. I've never heard of things like that, then again, don't really discuss about bonus issues with current colleagues corz all deemed it as "sensitive issue". But so far, never heard any complains so should be don't have ba.

I am waiting for increment to be announced next month. hope it's good. =S

