(2010/04) April 2010 mtb


My Bb is drinking Friso 3. What is the expiry date? We are going for a 3 night cruise this fri and hubby wants to bring a tin. Omg, I dun want to bring a tin!



i intend to bring the different sachet i have. hopefully, its enough. if not, then i will bring 1/2 tin cos i got 2 person drinking.


wahhahahha. you v funny, yes yes switch back to normal mode pls. PD-induced kan cheong mode is not good for YOU.

educational dvd is only educational when an adult pauses to explain to the child wat is going on. watching TV unsupervised... well... good for the adult, bad for the child.

otherwise... like you say, end up in TV mind = "everything flashes very quickly in front of them when the teachers teach but nothing goes in"


LOL! Mr Xiang wants to bring a tin for 3n cruise and you dowan... Mr C also likes to pack everything and anything under the sun, but he is the one carrying the bags while I mind the babies, so I dun care what he brings.

on the practical side, scoop into a smaller container?


I have 2 pple drinking too. I have a 400g of gain iq at home and hb thinks it's not too much. Gain iq is 240ml with 4 scoops so per scoop requires 60ml of water. But Bb drinks nax 180ml, so I think I will mix 3 scoops with 180ml. Any problem with this feeding?

Xiang, i think that's perfectly normal and i would do that too. why make 240ml when we know baby only finish 180ml? lang fei la..

Xiang, no issue as long as you keep to the right proportion loh. I don't have any 400g tin. I'm going for 3 days 2 nights only.

I ordered from 7-11, free delivery for 2 boxes, each box got 20 packs. Think I only used 3-4 packs. So should have ard 36 packs left. Think the expiry date end of the year. I need to check again on that, will let u all know later.

My girl don't drink so much, so what I did is to bring those small container and scoop out what I need. The rest keep for next feed.

Xiang: I will do that so. Waste leh if bb not drinking so much. That's why I opened up the sachets n put in small containers.

Yup yup.

Dazz, so are u going to persuade ur colleague to stay?

Cellow, cos I dun want to end up carrying a tin with some milk powder home. Want to come home light and milk tin cannot be compressed! Even though he's the one carrying it, it's really silly to carry 'air' in the luggage. hee hee

I am doing the maths now.

Kor kor drinks 2 feeds of milk daily. Total 6 scoops x 3 days = 18 scoops

Di di drinks 5 feeds per day (assuming worse case scenario). Total 3 x 5 x 3 days = 45 scoops

So 18 + 45 = 63 scoops x 10.6g per scoop = 667.8g

Wow, maybe 400g is really enough.


*think think thinking*

milk tin cannot be compressed. but ziplock bags can be compressed! pour the reminder into ziplock bags to bring back home when you need to pack and go. double bag to prevent powder leakage. how how? idea bor?

but if juye can sell/give you her sachets... that would be ideal la. then dun have to think so hard. headache ley!


if the expiry date is around yr end, can i order 5 packs from you? will pay for it.

your sachets will be my backup feeding.

Dreamic: We are not advocates of DVDs either. But we are fortunate that there are many people at home to talk to Baby E so she is quite a chatterbox. Face your child when speaking so he/she can see how your lips form the words. Use shorter and simpler sentence structures when speaking to the child (but still proper English). Kids thrive on repetition so keep repeating something and it will catch on. Like Cellow, we chatter away to Baby E about anything and everything. Try it and things should improve [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Xiang: When ever we travel, we pack the formula into ziploc bags and put all the ziploc bags into a lock and lock box. Saves us the hassle of lugging the whole tin of formula.

Dazz: Just saw your msg. No difference in prices if your HK friend buys for you. When are you going? Will you coincide with the summer sales?

Hi Dreamic,

I let my gal watch My baby can Read dvd while she eats her porridge and now she can mimic some of the actions/words in the dvd.

Hi Dazz,

I have decided to use Indonesian maid (experienced) or Myanmar maid as I had only a so-so impression of the 2 phinoy maids I interviewed and it is quite a hassle to hire 1 due to the OPEA agreement issues (like pay and off-days issue).

Thanks for remembering me.

Hi Mrsm,

Remember the Myanmar graduate that I was telling you abt? Wah, the english is the worst among the 4 I had interviewed!! Faint lor!!!

Dazz: I don't think so. I went to a few 7-11 but cannot find, cos I also don't want to buy so much.. so in the end, got to order from the hotline. The delivery very fast.

Xiang: np. Pm me ur address can? Not need money lar.


i should also do my maths hoh. eheheh....

yu ze

1st noon - 4 (option)

1st night - 8

2nd morning - 6

2nd noon - 4 (option)

2nd night - 8

3rd morning - 6

3rd noon - 4 (option)

total = 28 + 12 (option)

yu xi

1st noon - 4 X 2

1st night - 6

1st midnight - 4 (option)

2nd morning - 4

2nd noon - 4 x 2

2nd night - 6

2nd midnight - 4 (option)

3rd morning - 4

3rd noon - 4 x 2

total = 44 + 8 (option)

so i need 72 scoop + 20 scoop (option)

i need more fm compare to you though my trip is shorter.

your #1 only drink 180ml fm a day or 1 feed?


Wow. Yu ze drinks more feeds than my #1. #1 can drink up to 3 feed/day. Morning, b4 afternoon nap and b4 bedtime. I only factored in 2 feeds /day during cruise as I think we can give him fresh milk /Milo in the afternoon. If he is full, he will say no to milk b4 sleep.

My 400g is a sample from abbott. I think ntuc do sell small tins. So based on my calculations, I would probably finish the whole tin.

Afternoon mummies, baby Nat having fever and I have to study exam. My mum is helping me to take care of him but still very worried. Can't concentrate. Should I bring him to see doc?? But they always give the sane med..

afternoon all,

today 25% at guardian today 4-10pm, selected stores. ( big stores like IMM, jurong point, vivo )

tomorrow 18th may, watson also got sales for members and citibank cardholder, gigantic super sales from 12noon-10pm at selected mega stores too...

nowadays my boy can walk more stable, he start to throw his diapers in bin after changed..heee so insteresting


fang xin,ur mum experienced enough to handle, u concentrate on ur study n cal up to ask for his condition.

morning mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

what a tiring long weekend.


hee i was on leave the past Monday that is why u didnt see me here hee


heee been going out everyday since sat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hehehe that is one good thing about having helper, i dont need to clean the house and I thank god for that cause i dont think i can clean the house and watch over bbl at the same time. he is getting more and more dangerous.


bbO at mum's plc thats why i can do my housechores. Usually weekends, hub will play with bbO while I do my housechores if not like you lor, I cant do anything cause bbO loves to do stunts too (e.g climbing up window grilles/holding on to the portable fan/pulling my string curtains)

I've been to 2 民宿 in 花蓮:

1.) 迴音谷: http://echovilla.com

I stayed in 觀星閣. Love it so much esp if you want romantic times with your hub [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Every morning you can see butterflies (coloful kinds) flew pass your windows and occasionally can spot rainbow too!! The owner is very nice and transportation provided to/fro from Train station. Thus, if you are not going to rent a car, it's still quite easy cause owner will pick you up and send you to train station upon checking out [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Home-made breakfast and high tea provided!

2.) 境外漂流: http://www.wanderlust.com.tw

This is a Spain-inspired 民宿 but it looks more Greece to me because of the blue and white theme. Very cottage-style homestay and I also love it except that the distance is too far from 花蓮 Station so I suggest you stay here if you are renting a car to travel around 花蓮. This homestay's breakfast and high tea very nice (included in the room charge) but I love this place because its just next to the Pacific ocean!! Can spot whales if you go in Aug-Sept period!

Orangey~! you got me tempted on the thomas sale!! i will sign up! lolz.

bbdust, although i didn't do much yesterday.. but very sleepy leh. heehee

Orangey: Do you have any contacts for someone who can arrange a private tour for us in Taiwan? We are looking to travel in a group of about 10 people and would like to customise our own itinerary. Let me know if you have any lobang [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Thanks!

Orangey, aiyah...! it's the wood series.. we have the track and the take-along series. Cannot start another series liaoz.. My house quite flooded oredi.

Just received a call from a telemarketeer.. from The Buffet Club. Pay S$398 to get 23 buffets free plus a 3D2N (or is it 4D3N) stay overseas. Sound too good to be true? I wasn't paying much attention as i was busy replying email just now. HHmm... anybody heard of this or tried before?


hahahaha... yah me too. cannot start another series at home. mine is already flooded with the blue track series and the capsule series.

have you seen the capsule one? very nice leh. hahahah.....


this series cannot lah. mine is the tomy ones. blue colour plastic tracks one. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

anyone got mini bus/van contact in malaysia? want to get one for our malacca trip for 1 day to bring us around.

my friend found 1 but cost us SG$320 for 1 day leh. more ex then my hotel.

Ming, this is my contact. We engaged him for airport transfer and also half day tour in Taipei. Not sure if he goes to other parts of Taiwan but you can check with him. Nice guy.

mr lee mobile:+886988732787


i think he's on MSN. that's how my fren liaised with him for our last trip. haha

Celyn, capcule series? duno leh.. later i go google. haha..

Celyn, i think my colleague got contact. You need the van for one day at Malacca to go around is it? i help you ask.


celyn... oooooo.. the capsule series you mentioned, is it those that we turn turn turn from the machine then the "egg" drop out that kind? lolz... if so, we got a few at home. hahaha.. but one egg cost S$2/3 leh.. and plastic de.. so fragile. haha

