(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

littlelamb> glad to hear tt... i also always get e same place blked... :p...

cindy> it didn't work ar... how abt u try to dissovle in a cup first... easier to use a spoon to help to dissovle... but then have to sterilise e cup n spoon too?

really many teachers here... i can b considered one too... melissa also a teacher... if include pre-sch teacher will have more... :p

abt teachers overworking... guess the lower the level e more overworked... think pri sch teachers have it worst... not to mention pre-sch ones... low pay n nd to do so much...

my baby is up and making noise liaoz...

enjoy e new week...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


oh ya, if not for my npl, i'll b bk @ work today too... :p...

sueann> u're right, will have more time @ comp if @ work... at home realli little me time, n i'll feel quite guilty if i leave bb alone n use comp... :p...

btw, anyone joining e superdad contest? i thinkg of nominatg my hb but dunno got time to do so anot... ltr gg robinsons with fren... :p...

Hi, I'm selling off my HAENIM Playyard at a discount price $100 (bought 6 months ago $180+).

Item in good condition.

Product Code: 6 panels HNP-734 (Japan)

consists of 1 Activity + 2 Door + 3 Plain.

Any interested mothers please PM me.

Xin, you're making all the working mummies jealous... can go robinsons...

Any 2nd time mummies here? Is runny nose common? My boy got cough and runny nose. Anything I can do to help relief the congestion? The PD only gave medicine to administer.

I'm a teacher too, and yeah... at work actually more time to use the comp, coz not at the beak and call of the babies hehe. I took May off after my ML ended early May to have a longer time with my girls. However, went back the other day and came home with materials to set exam papers. ;P Recently got some rumours from my HOD that I would be called back in June, when all the other teachers are on leave, to do work coz I MIA for so long... keeping my fingers crossed...

Sh, that must b v heartbreaking to hear. I cried for days when my baby went IFC. He went IFC before I started work; more for me to adjust .. Sigh.


Ya...plus he is sick now...first time on medicine. hate it that i can't be around to latch him direct coz by drinking less (since he hates bottle) and EBM not as fresh and good as latching in terms of antibody

Good day.. I'm also back at work. So tired n busy liao....

Missed Leticia so much now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Happy Birthday to TYL n Jessie [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Sueann, I'm a 2nd time mummy and in fact there are many 2nd time mummies in this thread [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] not to mention 3rd time mummy as well. :p

Happy Birthday mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] to TYL and Jessie!

Charis:Thanks for the fruitful session ytd! Looking forward to your lesson plans.

Happy seeing many other mummies too! Maybe we should introduce our nicks too...now i rem Cheerieheart as our son were happily holding hands making friends!

:p... i v long din go shopping alr... actually working got more freedom leh... now i quite looking forward to gg bk to work next yr... guess e grass is always greener on e oth side...

SH> hope ur bb gets well soon... v easy to get sick in IFC...

xiaofu> whoa, ur HOD want to make sure tt u work ar...

i love to set exams questions... hee hee... quite miss teaching actually but also abit scared...

for those who use sling/pouch, my bb's neck still abit wobbly. can use e kangaroo carry?

steph, my boy is Oliver.. your boy's hair super stylo lor..

my boy KO the whole day lor.. Good exercise for him.. ya, if the timing n location ok, we dun mind to join for a few more sessions.. :p

So many teachers mummies in our forum.. I always wanted to be a teacher when I was young but my grades sucks..

Yes Steph, nice seeing you yesterday...

My boy, Shayne was the one with stripes...

Only one who appeared with my sister...

And yes thanks to Charis...

Hope the location will be better as it's too far to travel on public with my lil one...

ET, my lil one din knock out leh...

but he really enjoyed the session yday...

ET, the same goes for me...

I only taught tuition for coming to ten yrs then I stopped... cos family planning for the lil one... so lesser income now... plus a lil one comes along, am goin broke...

jessietan - I totally agree with you about the feeling on bringing her for her jab lor. Some more the very next day, when she developed fever, we had to make her take her paracetamol. Seeing her face tortured, we also very heartache. Before her vaccination, DH pre-warned her a few times that it's gonna be painful. But she was a brave little gal. Cried like less than a minute and it was okay already. So next 5-in-1 is at 5th month eh?

mstan8888 - Have you tried encouraging her? ie. Roll her to her side and see if she can flip? My gal can only do tt if we assist her. I think gotta give them some time.

smalldreams - I think our LOs have kinda reached the age whereby they start recognising peeps already. But I heard from my mom some are okay with strangers and some aren't. The other day, my gf came to visit us and my gal started crying when my gf tried to carry her, not sure if it was because she saw her for the first time. But when my mom was around, she was ok ... despite not seeing her for more than a month already. Think maybe coz' my mom and I look alike? :p

xin - Yah, my blocked duct always at the same location too ... damn xien whenever it comes back.

Febie, i also used to be a tutor.. But 2 years only, cos my workload got so heavy, i can't managed both..

mstan, my boy also can't flip over yet, can only flip is buttocks over, but body cannot.. Maybe he is too fat..

ET, I got no choice...

If dun teach, I can't study in Poly...

so no matter how tough, I gotta earn my sch fees... my boy also can't flipped yet.. but can turn side way...

Hi hi Joanne and Elin..

only knew ur nicks thru Megan (thanks!)

ET: My boy was so cranky ytd and impatient. The hair? sigh...only that few strands on the crown for the longest time! look like tweety bird!

Your boy is the best lor, great lifting his head up on tummy like a breeze.

Febie: I like Shayne's grunts when we were yanking the babies with the cross lateral exercise! He's like putting in a lot of effort when doing each tug! 1...grr...2..grr...haha...so macho!

Should have more mummies (esp with gals) to join next time! Yesterday's was too much of a competition! hahaha 4 boys + 1 girl.

Steph, He's one lazy fella...

Think he's not grunting...

He's complaining... hahaha...

ya tough competition yday...

Your elder one so well behave and sweet looking... mind a younger bf?? hahaha...

any mummies have brought their kids travelling? what are some of the must-bring necessities on board? and what things to look out for?

Ok, heard some of the babies can flip liao & seems younger than my bb....;p

Hee....my mum came over yest & said how come my bb still cant flip as she said me & my brother can flip after 2.5mths liao....told us to 'train' her but every nite when I reach hm after work like no time to train her...;p...the 1st thing on my mind was to feed her then make her to sleep so that hv time to do my stuff....;p

little lamb : heee....my blocked ducts also always ard the same area - my right breast more prone to blockage too...;p

sueann : if yr bb more prone to blocked nose/running nose, maybe can try this method taught by my gf - after u/yr hb finished bathing, bring bb into the toilet with door closed to 'breathe' in the hot air inside for a few mins...;p


Logging in from work now... I agree, more me-time at work than at home. This morning my mom was annoyed with me coz I used the PC (to post my post above) for about 10 mins. She said I was addicted to the comp. Ooops.


How was the session yesterday? Any photos?


Is this yr 2nd baby? Think it's quite common for them to get runny nose esp if got #1 who goes to sch. As long as the runny nose doesn't interfer with breathing, drinking milk, it shud be OK. Just decongestant drops would do.

Xin, Xiaofu, Pox

Salute you all who are teachers. I think I'll go mad being one. By 7 am must be in school, can only leave in the evening. Plus the smell of perpiration from students. can faint...hhehe...


So funny one yr principal. If you're on leave, you're on leave lah. NPL some more. Dont think it's fair for them to call you back earlier. Put it this way, if let's say a colleague is on NPL for something personal, that person also shouldn't be coming back for work. The least they can offer is some peace and quiet for you.

Lil Lamb

I sure hope my girl eases a bit with my in-laws. But good thing they all took it easy and laughed at her. All so amused, coz she was checking them out from afar while I was carrying her.

Ms Tan

Don't worry lah. My baby also still can't flip yet. No hurry...haha but her head is steady, and also she loves to turn on her sides, and is happy to swipe at things already. They'll turn eventually.

Most of us back at work already uh...now the QN to ask is, Who's still not back at work :p

mstan8888 - My paed told me to give my gal up to 6 months to learn to flip. My mom said I took like about 5 months to flip. She told me that I must encourage her by assisting her. But honestly, once they learn to flip, you have to keep watching them liao. Also can be quite a headache. Give your gal time, maybe take weekends to train her? Or who's helping you take care of her during the day can train her?

smalldreams - Yah, good that they took it easy. I felt a bit pai seh in front of my fren coz' my gal never behaved like this before ... that evening in particular, she was quite cranky, even didn't wanna latch properly, kept squirming and crying, dunno what happened to her also.

little lamb : my MIL help to look after bb during the day & she always said nevermind lar, let bb learn slowly lor, think she also dun wat my bb to flip so early if not she hv to watch over her very closely everytime....;p

During the last doc checkup & jab, she failed 2 items on her book...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]...maybe my bb slow learner...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]....really hope she can pass her 'tests' for her next checkup....;p

The doc didnt said anything much leh...but feel not 'suan' that she failed becos those items in her healthbook are stuffs abt 90% of bb can do...;p

small dream yes...

my sis did a few video...

Will upload on FB when I'm free ok?

busy at work and no access to FB...

ms tan

cheer up. i think in sg, everything is results-based. tho we can say we want to take it easy, deep down inside i'm sure we want our kids to be the "norm".

my PD even more relaxed. for my #1, she'd tick every single box. now with #2, she never leh! But I don't mind. Her clinic can be so crowded at times. As long as she answers my qns, I don't mind. So I did a mental "ticking" myself. haha.


Ok no problem!

Lil Lamb

Ya lor, we all want our LOs to behave rite? but our babies have other agendas most of the time...lol

Gd Day Mummies

have the following to let go off

MUSTELA Physiobebe-No rinse Cleaning Fluid (50ml), comes with a Mustela Vitamin Barrier Cream (10ml)- letting go at $15/- (include postage)

& Medela Purelan 100 (used once)- (39.3ml)-smoothes sensitive or dry nipples, dry bb skin & dry skin-bought at metro at $19.30, letting go at $18/- (include postage)

Pls PM if interested, once again, apologise to disturb, tks n nice day[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mstan8888 - Okay, guess the only way you can do is to train your gal or get your MIL to train her. That's what parenting is about eh? I mean, they're at a stage whereby they're helpless and can only rely on their instincts. So if their instincts dun tell them so, we gotta guide them.

smalldreams - Yah ... always have their own private agendas. I simply give up!


aiyoh....take it easy abit la...ahha..my kids were slow in 1 or 2 items too....they juz win everybody in size...

#1 started crawling v late..like 8 months..

#2 was not responding to people's tokking, his name..till about 15 months (i tot he autistic)

#3 last check..failed because he dunno how to put his hands together..hahaha...


yah tytus on size L...he flabby flabby one...v hilarious...

i oso haf alot of L size huggies..but i think he should not outgrow so soon la...he's not even 8kg...juz dat the cutting maybe unsuitable...me should haf stock up more mamy poko.

my LO during the 3mth check also cannot put hands together. Better still, nurse ask me to tick the boxes myself.

Also, #1 go PD for check up/jabs

#2 go GP

#3 go polyclinic/GP

this mummy getting cheapo, but all the same still grow up. LOL!

hey mummies, just asking. My girl is still wearing Size S mamy poko. There is still allowance to it but there is still some red marking at the side of her tighs. Is it time to change a bigger size diaper?

I scare diaper too big the poo will leak out. hehe


eh you can log in during off hrs? coz usually see you posting @nite these days.

Don't worry abt not stocking up lah. They always have diaper sales. Let ntuc keep the diapers and not make our house the storage for them, haha...

I guess having more than 1 kid, we're more relaxed. I wud be worried too...it's just typical of a mother lor...worries never end.


You can try M lah. It would be more roomy and possibly more comfy for yr girl.


Steady lah... haha I agree! I want to go poly too but hubby insist PD. Since got baby bonus, OK lah. Also, the priority Q for babies in poly is till babies are how old uh?

Today I only work 1/2 day, so never bring my pump.

smalldreams - My gal woke up at 3am this morning ... dunno for what?! And then just chit chat to herself ... and refused to go back to sleep. I was thinking to myself ... cham ... I hope it doesn't repeat like every nite! I wonder if it's signs of teething. Then I made DH give her a bottle of FM, just 60ml, she gobbled it readily. Thing is ... prior to drinking, she didn't fuss or anything, but she just didn't wanna go back to bed. Very hard to guess if this gal was hungry or not.

small dream - so gd Half day nia. I am counting down the time every weekdays. Siansh. Working mum not easy. Feel abit pai seh to pump at work leh. But hubby just brought another 2 packets of milkbag for me. *Faint* told him i wanna stop soon liao.

Ya maybe i go get Size M bah. So wasted. very siong hor the monthly expenses on them plus insurance n etcs. SIONG HAR!!!

Hi gals, sorry sneaking a reply at wk so i dunno who gone bk to wk or going bk to wk. Hang on k, i also cry when i go bk to work......

Ya. Gotta hang on that. I cried too when i gotta leave her at home with my mum. it seems like i have not clean her poo for quite sometimes. i only have the chance to bath her on weekends. but in law keep 'snatching' away from me.

Think i gotta stand on my ground and be firm le. If not, my time with my girl is really getting lesser and lesser when in law keep snatching her away from me and my husband. fud up.

lil lamb

my girl also awake at 3 am. we were awake at the same time, just different countries...hahha...


ya lor, working mom not easy at all..must pump... your hubby so nice, buy for you bf-related stuff. my hubby leaves all to me, just help me collect my spree stuff :p

And yes, insurance really drains my finances, and i've yet to buy any for my #2!


hahah yah the insurance v exp...i haven committed for tytus, but intend to buy 100k for him...but for my #1 & #2, bought & shrink payment over 10 years...dats why abit more "siong"....

yah pumping in office is tough...if there's lotsa mummies not dat bad...my boss had kids like 15 yrs ago..so she wasn't part of the pumping mums...my another boss not married....the other 5 are all guys...they shy at the fact dat i haf to go pump...probably sees it as weird...


i can log on..and i still read as & when...but i cannot respond freely coz boss oredi "aim" my extreme netsurfing...so unless my area is "clear" then i can post..hahaha

wah everybody's talking about going back to work. i'm also back to work til tml, thankfully it's exam period so can leave early like 1pm. I didn't bring my pump to school and now ss dropping plus baby drinking more now so got to keep taking fenugreek to up my supply. after this experience, i think to continue to bf while working is really no mean feat, so those working, kambate! do carry on til it's really too low and not worth all the effort.


i'm also taking npl cos don't want to put my baby at infantcare so early and i agree that it really depends on what kind of P and HOD you have, to see how u will be treated when u go back.


Actually i agreed that working life more freedom...but flip side is will miss bb lor


my boy 4 mth plus liao oso still cannot flip lei

I jus started ayden on m 2 weeks Ago lei, i got a carton of fitti premium m havnt use lo! On way hm nw, Ayden is at hm with mil tdy, cos he went for jab. So happy to kiss hug him in morn

went robinsons to buy bb stuff n came bk... wanted to try clothes but he dun wan my friend carry him... sighz... like littlelamb said, really can reg pple liaoz...

n e trip disrupted his nap... so now he cant slp n cant b put down too... i better think twice abt gg out agn... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

my bb also gg to b 4 mths but cant flip yet... can only turn to his side... which is fine to me, then dont have to worry too much... :p... my hb dont believe in helping him to turn... say better for him to just learn himself... so i just leave it lor... sometimes i think we so ks put so many pillows ard, he want to turn also no space... :p....

melissa> u clever leh, u go back so can earn jun hols is it? too bad i not in schools if not might do tt too... so who taking care of bb for u when u work?

babe>you got your insurance with which company ar? starting to look for insurance for ayden le. going to blow another hole in our pocket

tyl> i got mine from prudential... coz my fren thr... but heard frm my oth frens tt ntuc is gd... n think safra had a promo tt's only $750 a year... not sure still have anot...

u had a great time today? i waiting for hb to come hm to cele his bday...


xin>hee, ok lah. we went for nice sushi buffet then went to choose tiles for our place. going to start reno next week. We might get the same red tiles you got for your common toilet if stocks are available.

Please help me to wish your hubby happy birthday. Have fun! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

