(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

mommies.. are ur babies teething?? remember i was saying esther seems to be drinking lesser milk? i did a check in the internet.. n dun know if it's due to teething.. I realise Esther has almost all the listed systoms.. any mommy has any solution to lessen the pain?

Teething is commonly referred to as the eruption of the baby’s teeth through its gums. Although the baby’s first teeth generally appear between 4 to 7 months, in some cases, it can start as early as 3 months and continue all the way until 3 years of age.

The signs and symptoms of teething may start occurring about 4 days before your baby’s tooth eruption. These usually last until the third day after the tooth has appeared.

Some of these signs and symptoms include:

•A decrease in appetite due to pain in the gums

•Excessive drooling

•Constant urge to bite their fingers or toys to relieve the pain in the gums

•Grouchy, irritable and restless due to the discomfort

•Disrupted sleep pattern

•Swollen and red gums

•Flushed cheeks due to a slight rise in temperature


pauline> i really salute u leh... 13 bouts of blocked ducts? i 3 times alr very sian liaoz and it's like happening once every mth... u shall be my inspiration... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

to all mummies with blocked ducts... jia you... quite a sense of satisfaction after the ducts are cleared... for mi, i usu will have a white bleb too... and i get my hb to suck for mi... much more efficient than baby... :p...

mstan> hope tt u'll feel better soon...

wei> i also suspect my baby mayb teething... but like abit early leh... he's been crying more these few days... let's see if any tooth erupts...

tyl> hope ayden gets well soon...

all the babies are so cute... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]...

abt longer ML, i heard tt in italy, they implemented 9mths ML and end up e birth rate dropped more coz coys will sack e preg women... :p... and women dun dare to get preg... :p... must look to the scandinavian countries' policy... just a few days ago got a write-up on straits times...


is ayden feeling better?


pd says the uneven double chin is uneven distribution of fats. could be caused by the way he sleeps or maybe the way i carry him. will disappear when he grows up. but we will be bringing him for review tomolo and take his 5-in-1 jab. hopefully he won't have any fever. i'm going back work next wed. so sian. sigh

may> not sure leh... but think the swedish one quite good... 480days flexi... shared between mum and dad...

but actually it really cost alot to e coy when someone goes on ML... i heard of a case a woman resign on her own accord coz e coy not willing to give ML... :p...

oh ya, muz comment tt ur ss really gd... remind mi of my fren who can pump til milk overflows frm e bottle... :p...


i bought it at this stall call small small world at the recent baby fair at expo. I put it in my master bedroom. It's very comfortable.


i didn't shave his hair cos i'm worried that his hair won't grow after we shave. but he recently drops a lot of hair.

Wah ... seems like today's topic is on expressing BM and blocked ducts. Looks like I'm not alone in low ss and blocked ducts. A big pat on the back for all BF-ing mommies here. I am surprised that a lot of companies still dun have proper nursing rooms in their offices. I mean, how much effort does it require to dedicate a room right? To express in the toilet ... isn't it errrrrm, unhygenic?

Maybe I am a clean freak. But I guess when you don't have a choice, you just have to use eh? What about expressing in your cubicle and just place a nursing cover over? Not feasible?

Cyang..Haha..Tats true! My other boob will surely leak some milk!

Smalldreams..My LOs are much better..thank u. Eli still loathes the pacifier..when she gets it, she give it a frustrating bite and will spit it out!

She's much better today..no more crying during bedtime. Im using a lil' of Gina Ford, but I dont like the controlled crying method..heartpain! So I dont really use it religiously..I do let my kids cry sometimes, but I will stay by the bed. But my boy, if he cry at bedtime, I will usually jus ignore him..kekeke..in fact my hubby has been "spoiling" him..always "overstay" at bedtime.

I usually just read to him book etc, off lights say gd nite n walk out.

Wei..Teething- last time I gave cooled teething rings and my boy bite bite like very shiok!

Can teething really cause fever?

Rgd Maternity benefits etc- Did u all read the article on yahoo net about which countries are the best places to be a mother? S'pore is definitely not in the top few.

Among the best places are Australia, Sweden, Switzerland..in fact, US ranks lower than some developing countries!

Little lamb, I also express in the toilet.

Our HR did not plan & forsee that many younger colleagues now. So u can roughly guess all my colleagues' age hor?

I'm so glad to have taken half day today.

Lil Shayne seems to understand that I'm hm early and refuse to nap longer. Each nap only last him ard 40min.

But when I'm at work, he will nap a few hours.

I'm so happy. Really spent a good afternoon w him.

Really need to scream, my hb almost let Ayden roll off the bed! I ask him to watch Ayden, plc him in a way if he turn the other way he won't fall off. He happily said Ayden dunno hw to roll yet, then 5 mins later halfway thru playing Ayden flip n continu flip again! He rolled on the bed lo, luckily we were watching n I had turned Ayden on the longer side of the bed. If nt Ayden wld roll down the bed! Pissed with the daddy,


don't worry about giving antibiotics. Estovan took antibiotics when he was abt 3 mths old. PD suspect his flu is caused by bacteria so gave him antibiotics. He told us the dosage is very smallfor infant so don't have to worry.

Wei - my girl is teething at 3mths. YOu go get teething gel, rub and apply on her gum. Massage her gum often, teething cause itchiness on their gum. Hence, they will feel very comfortable when we massage their gum. Check her gum and see whether there is white little spots.

MY PD sae, its good enough that they are willing to drink milk. IF they dun drink milk, we gotta use spoon to feed them.

you can get teether or pacifer for them to bite n suck. My girl is so addicted to pacifier nowadays. Sigh.

Teething may dev fever and diaherro. must monitor. Its a challenging period when bb teeth. Jia you har. I had a heard time with my girl too. She refuse to drink milk for 12hrs. Even till now still has to 'pian' her to drink milk.

Apply teething gel before she drink milk (maybe15mins or half an hr before), so that it numb her gum.

Bryest, your master bedroom so big to accomodate the mat? I tot the playmat was quite lenghty.

morning mommies... back at work again!! really driving me nuts being sooo busy..

sharon, yup esther's on enfalac A+. whole of yesterday she only took 650ml.. gonna faint.. luckily fed her this morning before going to work n she finishs the whole of 160ml.. will monitor a few more days..

she doent like pacifier.. will spit out.. lovesss her fingers n hands... i've teethers at home.. trying to give her that.. she'll bit for a while then throw it.. haiz... drooling and sucking her fingers like mad... that's why suspected teething..

u put teether in fridge to cool it before giving ur lo??

Xin, it was more than 13 times in 1 year cos 13 times was when I ask Kk for a record of my LC visits. My LC teased me n said why next time u want to 'claim' the $$$ back from your daughter ah? my average is also once every month. Sigh, even when I was in shanghai for holiday, I had to make trunk call to my LC lor. Never enjoy myself in sh at all, sigh. :p

bryest i also looking for a studio that takes nice bb pics wor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hahahah ya but where u buy that playmat ?

me too wkg [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] hates it ... esp on a sat ... very tired [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Wei - ya i think she is teething. My girl drool alot too. When i carry her upright she will lick my shoulder. ;(.

I didn fridge the teether leh. I just wash it n let her bite n suck like her ice-cream. haha. My girl will also split n threw away her pacificer. I just put into her mouth after 3 mins she auto suck it n non-stop. Everyday same espoide. Siansh.

May, teeth may not been seen so early. It takes time for the teeth to come out from the gum.

I could see 3 little white spots on my girl lower gum. haha. She started to drool when she was 2mths. And getting fussy to drink milk. Now i can relate back was she was already teething then but we didn realise.

may, sharon> think esther has been sucking the fingers n drooling for a month already.. but the drinking lesser milk part is only since last weekend.. didnt manage to see any white spot on her gums.. she doesnt like it when i put my finger into her mouth. by the way, how do u wash her mouth and gums? we bought the NUK oral wipes.. but very expensive around $16 for 25 pcs only.. any cheaper method? also will ur lo's gum turn red now that he/she's teething?

i thought drooling is common among babies ? Tristan has been drooling and sucking his fist for like since he is 2months old ... sometimes i latch him he will use my teat to rub against his gums, so pain ...

wei, my confinement lady juz used a small clean towel, pour cool boiled water and wash my boy's mouth, tongue and gums. seem to work as well as the wipes. my zac's been drooling like mad for the last 2-3 weeks and biting people's shoulders as well. must go check his gums.

Wei- i just use a smooth surface cloth and dip into warm lukewater and wash her mouth, tougue esp. She has abit of thrush.

Hehe i didn really see her gum previously untill she teething, its abit swollen n red. So you gotta massage her gum and apply teething gel.

Dun worry wei, it will only last for afew days. But during this few days (teethin), my girl was esp cranky. At least esther didn reject milk. My girl reject milk for a good 12hrs.

For those eldery, my mum get her the chinese dunnoe what powder to apply on her gum as well. I go hm n check whats call. Can get it from Eu Yan Seng.

Btw Wei, try talking to esther what you gonna do, going to wash n clean her mouth. Keep talking to distract her while you are cleaning her mouth. Then you can clean with peace. hehe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi all Mummies,

I am from Dec09 MTB Forum. I have the following items for sale!

1. BNIB Little Giant Milk bags (made in korea)

1 for $18, 2 for $16 each, 4 for $14 each

2. Preloved My best friend Breast Pillow

Lightly used for only 4months

condition: 8/10

Price: $49

3. Pigeon disposable Breast Pads

30pcs $5

4. Brand new Thomson Baby diaper sling black bag $10

5. BNIB Carters 6-9mths 5pcs rompers for boy $20

10% discount off all prices if you buy all!!

Free 1 preloved 125ml Avent bottle and 1 cooler bag! Free Preloved assorted newborn baby boy clothes!!

Self Collect near Parkway Parade or Raffles Place or Bt Batok or via postage!

PM for more details/ questions!!

Drinking lesser milk >>

Lucas is drinking ard 800-840ml compared to 900-1000ml last time when he have not slept through e nitex .. Since 1 month plus ago, he dun wake up for milk in e middle of e nitex ..

9am-150ml, 12noon-180ml, 4pm-180ml, 8pm-180ml , 10.30pm - top up 100-150ml to let him zZz throught e nitex ..

Wei> Thanx for ur clinic contact yest ..

Brought him to a Yishun baby clinic instead .. Fever @ 38.4degrees .. In e end gonna go KKH for urine & blood test .. Was so relieved hearing tt e results was ok & do not need to be admitted to hosp ..

Lucas woke up @ 1am & 5am due to cough & flu .. but after i patted him awhile, he went back to his dreamland *heartache* Hope he'll recover soon !!

wendy> hope lucas recover soon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

talking abt patting... i juz realised yest tt my boy can actually be patted to slp... :p... this mummy so silly hor... had been carrying him, pushing in the pram when actually i just need to pat for 5 mins... :p...

til no i have not cleaned my son's mouth yet... maybe i should start soon...

abt the playmat... think small small world has a thread on the forum too... saw mummies buying through the forum before...

birth rate of aust and sweden think around 1.97... ours only 1.23... sighz...

btw, is the robinsons sale gg to last til end of GSS?

my hb borrowed a book on baby sign language and i'm quite interested in teaching mattias... any mummy using baby sign lang?

Dolphin, Sharon, May..I think its common for babies to drool for months before the 1st tooth appears. That was the case with my #1, his tooth didnt appear til 6months old.

Cheerieheart, Febie & the rest who r cmg fr the trial class at Kovan..Please check yr FB inbox or emails for some information regarding the class tomorrow! Thanks!

Anyone else interested, do PM me..thanks!

wendy> it's good to hear that lucas's fine... u had me worried yesterday when u sms me.. hope that lucas recover very soon...

realised our january babies are all drinking quite alot... people n friends were always amazed at the amount that esther was usually drinking (during the non-cranky days).. always asking if i was over-feeding her.. but at least in this forum, our lo are consuming around the same amount.. just hope that esther's appetite come back real fast...

halo mummies, disappear from the thread since i started work last week... starting to get bz already..

wanna ask mums who are feeding LO Enfalac A+, is the milk powder very difficult to dissolve? Always find a small chunk residing in the bottle after LO finished his milk, anyone encounter the same and knows how any other way to make the milk so that all the powder dissolves? Thanks if any mum can advise me. :>

all the talk abt blocked ducts... not my left side is blocked with e white bleb agn!!! shall not talk abt blocked ducts anymore... rem last time i replied xiaofu's post on blked ducts and mine blked e next day... :p...

pauline> more than 13 times will mean more than once a month right?

think mine v frequent coz most of my milk come out frm 1 duct on the nipple... maybe traffic jam... :p...

e LC @ mtA suggests tt mayb it's e slpg position... hmmm...

cindy> not sure if everyone is alr doing it... but after so many yrs, i just realised tt make milk powder must first dissolve in cold water first... :p... confirm no lumps... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

xin> thanks, I'll try doing it the next feed... stupid me still kept thinking maybe the water is not hot enuff, that's why the formula is not dissolving well... do you mean pour cold water into the bottle first, add the FM, swirl then add hot water?

cindy> i tried it when i make my own mummy's milk... juz add enough water to dissolve the powder then add the hot water... my mil taught mi when i was doing confinement... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Xin, yup my left side also congested when I replied mstan yesterday. Actually, 13 visits but got 2 times is because cannot resolve after seeing LC, got blocked again, so went back 1 week later.

*sigh* My gal developed fever from her vaccination yesterday. Gave her paracetamol twice already. Hopefully the fever will go down soon.

xin - Sometimes, it's really trial and error, dun blame yourself for it. It took me a while to realize that my gal didn't like to be cradled to sleep and wanted to just be placed on the bed and pacified to sleep. They change sleeping patterns and behaviours constantly, just gotta watch out for cues. As for baby signs, I probably won't start so soon till she's maybe 9 months or so? Will observe to see how she responds to my body language.

pauline & xin - *sigh* I kenah a bit of hard lump on my left breast too. But gal a bit too tired to latch. I pray that the situation doesn't get worse for me. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I just brought estovan for his 5-in-1 jab and rotarix in rhe afternoon. He just cried for a few seconds when the pd jab him, partly cos he's very tired and wanna sleep. After the jab and the rotarix, he seems very drowsy and fell asleep. We just came home, bathe him and he's sleeping now. Hoping that he will not have fever today and tomolo.


bryest - My gal just had her jabs yesterday and developed fever about 18 hours later. So do observe. How come Singapore still administers rotarix? Over in SH, they've totally removed rotarix from the shelves. Only rotaTeq is available.

