(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

tyl> thks... u went to LSH to choose tiles too? hope ur reno goes well... starting soon?

btw, few days ago saw some discussion on window grilles. we thinking of getting specialised grilles pple to do for us...


xin> eh no leh. as long as u take npl, they will prorate all your holidays too. my dad had to take leave to take care with my mum for a few days and my hubby took childcare. anyway, there was some screw up if not i shld be back only for 2 days and not 7 days.

tyl> for hospitalisation and accident, i took aia healthshield+bundle of joy+star shield. for life, i took prudential. yah really a major hole in pocket mthly!


hmm my baby can flip both ways already but doesn't know how to link it up as in "roll". also only can flip one way at a time, dunno how to flip back the other way right after.

tyl> oic, but they have e same tiles lah... my place alr got grilles, initially we thot no budget so don't replace... but now got abit spare cash so can do... :p...

melissa> i see, now they getting more and more strict... last time more lax... heard tt now must work for 2 terms bef can get ML... thought e norm only 90 days... sighz...

Hi Steph, ET & Febie, so nice to meet you all yesterday at Sabrina's programme [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I'm Kenan's mommy, the boy with the standing hair.. LOL.

Febie: so envious of Shayne's thick, black hair! What did you eat when you were pregnant har?

ET: Oliver is so cute and chubby.. i wish i can fatten Kenan up. I think amongst the boys yday, he was the smallest!

Steph: I'm so happy to find another sengkang mommy! It's so cute that our boys were holding hands. Since we stay so near, next time our boys can play together liow!

hehe.. i mixed up cheerieheart and steph.. haha.. now i noe who is who..

cheerieheart, he got mummy's chubby genes ba.. dun drink milk also getting more n more chubby..

Hello mummies,

so tired today back at work n system down so very busy. Lucky managed to pump twice as boobs hard like rocks!! Also feel abit pai sey to pump in the conference room when everyone busy w work. sigh... Target to pump 3times a day inorder to meet supply.

cheerieheart n steph> i am also a sengkang mummy for time being. Me stayin @ rivervale st... :p

cy,cheerieheart n steph, I also sengkang mummy, but at compassvale, buangkok mrt there.

I gonna be on childcare leave wed to fri, so happy bring Ayden back tmr. He sleeps at his cot for once or twice a week, tink he like dun really recognise his rm le.....

My Ayden is getting chubbier, nw the weight is 50th percentile but height n head circumference is 25th percentile.....like humpty dumpty...my mum said the PD asked them if Ayden made any papa or mama sound....mum n mil said dun have yet, only shouting Ahh!!mum asked me y doc ask this, nowadays so competitive ah? so fast baby suppose to know how to say mama papa?

Cy: Great! I think there's another SK mom.. if dun remember wrongly, it's yeocouple. But think she doesn't come here often. So you stay in SK till when? Waiting for keys to new house or currently renovating?

ET: Babies chubby then cute! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Is Oliver not drinking much these days?

firipy: yeah! Then maybe we can have a SK/Punggol mommies gathering [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Steph lives very near you.. who knows, maybe you both are living in the same blk?

Is your PD trying to identify a baby einstein? :p Dun tink any babies can call mama/papa at this young age right? If so, the baby must be a genius!

cheerieheart, tink she is jus checking for any baby genius in the making....but tink with half of genes fr daddy, very hard lo hahhha! My mum tinks kids nowadays very cham so competitive, n we always kanna compare with the cousin baby....even their shit oso kanna compare...but Ayden's 2 weeks older la, so he sure learn things faster. Dunno y always compare......

Need to ask a really silly qn, what shld I let my baby wear for swimming, I dowan to let him wear swimsuit cos he gonna outgrow it very fast. Can I just let him wear tee n shorts with swim diaper? Going to bring him for a swim at uncle's condo. I just got my neck float n the swan float fr this blogspot yourbabycanswim. I passed by the hwa xi swimming plc at haborfront during lunch last week n they selling same float for double the price! Got the neckfloat for $15 only lo


just wanna hear your opinion whether you will choose a job that enable to leave office on the dot at 6pm or another job that you can leave abt 7plus but higher salary?


I will chosse job that can leave on the dot, salary not so impt for me now.


Polyclinic - not sure until what age, but saw kids as old as 2-3yo there, so i reckon as long as it is to do with child development, will get express queue.

actually i was quite impressed with the 2 visits so far. First time i went, I was served immediatly. Second time, only wait 5 mins. Compared to PD, i had to wait 1-2 hrs, and with screaming children and coughing all over the place, i am better off at polyclinic.

Only thing is, I think the doc is a GP, not specialist, and may not get to see the same one? also, need to make appt, unlike GP/PD just drop by anytime.

As for price, i am not sure as i never compare, but should be reasonable.

bryest: if cfm can leave ard 7+ and the pay increment is quite ok , i will take this job. but if normally already need to leave at 7+ , does it mean peak period need to leave later?

firipy: u can buy a bigger swimsuit for A so can have longer millage? just wear swim diapers like abit cold for him... he may be scared of swimming after that bcos of the cold.

took yr for his 4m jab yesterday and the boy weighs 8kg and 69cm tall! he's a taller n bigger boy compared to his gor gor at same age. i've decided to increase his milk feed (yet again) cos he has been waking up 2-3 times now instead of the usual 1-2 times !! @_@

now his daily intake is ard 1 litre. hope can tahan him longer in the night.

every baby really different.yr continues to torture hb and me by not sleeping thru the night when his gor gor did so by now already. sigh. just have to continue "tong-ing".

polyclinics>priority is only for first 2 weeks of bb's birth. but if you make an appt, they will put you on the priority list. otherwise, need to q with the adults. When you make appt, can request for specific doctor, if he/she is around.

morning ladies! Have been so busy cos bb gotta fever after his jab on fri. Sigh.. his fever this time lasted on and off till yday! Hopefully today it doesnt come back. I feel so bad that he is sick but i have to go work... sobzz...


Lemme noe when u gotta SK/PG outing! I will bring my botak boy to meet your pretty hair Kenan again. hehe! I din noe so many SK people. Hello fellow ulu dwellers, CY and Flirpy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Me oso thinking abt the same! To take a job that is flexible and can leave and work from home or to take another job that is higher pay but need OT and travel... Last time it would be a no brainer to decide, esp where 1 offers more career progression.. Now, i am stuck! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


i say i would choose one that can leave on the dot, coming from the point that I have 3 kids, plus I already past the career chiong age.

But if younger, might go for higher pay. Really depends on your situation.

Hello mummies,

CheerieHeart: yes! our boys' friendship started since the hand-held! and they are 2 days apart! We can always meet up at the kopitiam for kopi!

ET:I'm the one sitting on your right. The one with an elder gal too.

firipy:I stayed literally stone throw from Buangkok NEL, blk 275D. U?

I rem that yeocouple stays somewhere at anchorvale the last time we chat at compassheights.

I think the PD is asking if bb can verbalise some vowels like 'aa'..'oo'..I would wish if my bb can call mama or papa though! *dreaming* of raising a prodigy lol.


so excited cos now i rem who u are! i am soooo bad at nicks and names but now that u say, i can recall... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] yup, i am at anchorvale. wow... u are very good with memory leh.... i lost my brain cells at the delivery ward. haha

Cheerieheart, I like Kenan...

He has so many facial expression...

Nice standing hair too... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I eat anything except plain rice during my pregnancy... So could that be the reason? hahaha... Think both his papa and me have thick black hair when we were young, thus, he got both our gene...

Cy, dun be guilty lah...

Your colleagues will understand one...

I only pump once at work in the toilet...

poor environment thus, dun even think of pumping twice...

bryest: It really depends on your priority in life right now despite rare opportunity like that doesn't come often.

Either choice you made, should not deprive your quality time with LO.

When I was at my previous job, I had a lot of family time and my gal was very close to me. After she turned 1, I left for a higher salaried job but ripping off my time with her due to traveling and working late. Now, with #2, I barely have time for myself; everything is back-2-back until bedtime.

Like furby says, I also passed my career chiong age too thus don't mind being 'stagnant'.


you can prepare a little of the puree etc to try if Sharlyn can accept...

If she can't then you gotta try away maybe every 2 weeks?

I intend to start avocado puree on Shayne in June. by then, he should be 4 mth & a week old... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morning mommies!


maybe u can start with the brown rice powder mixed w BM or FM first?

today's my first day back @ work.. feel so lost. miss BB too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

yeocouple:You r the last I met that day. Sorry I wasn't active too cos everyone seems to know everyone else already! and I have a cranky gal with me rushing hm for nap[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I rem you were apprehensive that your bb is slow in growth. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Should be start a small SK/Punggol meetup? I gaga over babies galore! haha

Steph, I stay at 273c! We can meet at kopi or kopitiam lo. Tink I saw someone familiar ytd, is it u? I remember I chat with someone at compass heights b4, forgot name.....was it u who sat beside me during photo taking?

Ya steph, i know now.. Cos i mixed u and cheeriehearts previously.. hehe..

cheeriehearts, oliver don't finish his milk when he is in IFC, he will wait for me to come home to feed most of the time.. Except for some days maybe he too hungry, then he will finish at IFC..

Melody, I gave my boy some rice cereals mixed with formula on sunday and this time, he finished all..

Febie, can start fruits at 4 months? I thought 4-6 months is rice cereals?

Morning mummies!

Have not been posting for awhile keke

littlelamb & smalldreams> high 5* my girl has been waking up at 3-4am for the past 2 weeks for her feed *yawn*

bryest> I will choose to leave on the dot haha. But then again, it depends on how much higher. Nothing more than 7pm if possible.

Tyl> I bought the hospitalisation plan from prudential. Top up with healthshield extra and it's fully covered for hospitalisation bills. For life policy, I bought from TM Asia. For abt $100+, it's a coverage of $300k.

Mstan> some of my friends kiddo only flip when they are 6 mths so it's ok de la. Dun worry

sherry/melissa>thanks for sharing about the insurance for your bbs. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] tempted to just get from GE as both hubby and my insurance are from there. then don't have to go around n compare oso deal with less insurance agents :p

Bryest, if it’s just about one hour-ish difference, will try the job with higher salary.

Melody, unless your girl shows signs of wanting to eat, no need to intro so early. Else will have sensitive stomach in the long run. I suspect my mom let me try solids too early, I get diarrhea very easily one.

Sherry, what is TM asia? Is it a standard life policy or ilp?


hmm i think like what steph say, depends on your priority. how much pay difference is it?

for me, baby comes first so if pay difference is just $300 and less, will pick #1.

if pay difference is more than $500 net not gross and the family really needs the extra income, then #2. if family no need the extra, probably still #1. hahah


your baby is of a very good weight. Estovan is only 6.57kg when we brought him for his jab. He's 3mths 3 weeks then. We realised he only put on about 0.4kg in 1mth. His weight is 6.2kg when he's 2mth 3weeks.

We are worried about his weight gain. He drinks a lot and poo plus pee a lot. But his weight gain is so minimal. Sigh


the pay difference is quite substantial. That's why I'm in a dilemma. If it's few hundreds only, i'll definitely choose leaving on the dot without even thinking. I even wanted to take no pay leave or quit my job and look for another one later. Just wanna stay at home and look after baby. But the new job offer is really attractive.

bryest, hmm.. if u r keen to continue working in the long run, this helps your career, right? i duno.. while i love my baby v v much, my life doesn't stop at just looking after the baby. besides, i think it's not tt demanding of the job to leave at 7plus.

Hee....at this moment will prefer to leave on the dot....but maybe later when bb more stablised, maybe wld prefer to go for higher pay....;p

Re : insurance for bb

For H & S plan, I choose NTUC incomeshield with rider (pay by cash). Was told that no need to get life plan for bb now but endowment plan will be gd as can save for her education so likely will choose TM Asia endowment plan....;p

Heee....if anyone wat some advise on wat to get for yr bb/yrself but not limited to juz 1 company plans (e.g. only prudential plans / great eastern plans), can let me know ? I can introduce my financial adviser. He dun push to sell wan...no wories & obligation...;p

Oh, my bb yest nite wake up at abt 2-3am as usually to make noise & kick althou dreamfeed her at 12-12.30am (but she only take 60ml)...then feed her at 4.30am but she only drink 60ml & dun wat & wat to talk & play & until abt 6am then sleep...yawn...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

These 2 days finds that she likes to 'talk'....;p

TYL, I also got insurance for Shayne under GE...

It's easier for me and hubby cos under the same agent.

Think our lil ones enjoy waking us up for milk in the middle of the night huh?

Firipy, I bought a lil swim trunk for Shayne on prettymums.com ... but that has to be in warm water lah... Vain mum huh... :p

firipy: sorry I can't rem many faces and names that day. Yeah we can have kopi someday [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mummies:Is that really in a hurry to start bb on semi-solid so soon? or when bb starts showing signs?

For my #1, she only starts ard 5.5 mths on dilute rice cereals.

Regarding bf, my bb also not into latching nowadays, after a few minutes, she will look look, suck, look look, suck. So I tell her, we will stop now, come back when you hungry again.

She also not as hardworking as last time in her latching, suspect my sore nips due to her shallow latch nowadays.

hehe, today's topic is on insurance... I bought OCBC School plan for bb. Think it's under GE too. I guess cos i am super paranoid these days. Afraid to trust big insurance companies cos i think there will be more economic downturns. Then again, who knows, maybe banks will kena too? *touch wood*

Looks like a lot of you bringing LOs to swimming. Me thinking of bringing him next wkend, cos SIL booked chalet. He gotta his swim gear, neck float and clearance from PD that its ok for him to start swmming. VERY excited...


Yah! i rem we left at almost the same time dat day. Yah, my boy is still small lil baby, now only 6.5kg at 4.5 mths, doesnt flip and his neck wobbles from side to side still.. but he is happy baby and loves to "chit chat" so i am hoping he is just more "linguistic" than "physically active" LOL

swimming is fun.. but take note of the depth of children's pool.. cos if the bb wears neckfloat and kick, they can reach the floor and can cut themselves if they kick too hard.

bryest> hmm is there a minimum service period? cos if it's really substantial, u can always take first then see how it goes, and if it's really taking too much time away then quit? but not sure if that's good for resume or with the company.

i think life doesnt stop when we become parents but it's also true that the first 5 years of the kid's life is the most impt. if we neglect them now and regret when they give problems when they are in later primary or secondary sch, it'll be very difficult or even too late to intervene.


My LO can flip from both side already. Got to keep my eyes on him more often already if not he will roll down from the bed.

Insurance >> Did any mummies here bought the POSB junior care personal accident plan or not?

GE insurance plans(Junior Protection)or(JLAR) which is better?

