(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

pauline : ha....me caculated...went TMC parentcraft for breast problem (lump/blocked etc) for 6X now which is less than 5mths.....if I continue bf till 1 yr like u then maybe able to break yr record of 13X....;p


Hi mommies,

So many threads, read until eyes blur. Today, i went to rent a bumbo seat for my boy (just to try him in it before deciding whether we wanna buy). Put him into it and he looked quite funny in the seat. So me, my mom and helper started laughing. Not sure if our laughters frightened him or he's unhappy that we laughed at him or he's just not used to the bumbo, he immediately burst out crying!!! I quickly tried to take him out but his thighs got stuck.. wahahaha.. I really had a good laugh!

But he loves the fisher price peek-a-boo piano we rented! Kept hitting the keyboard with his feet but i was worried if he will hurt his ankles, so only let him played a while. Later, I put him back into the bumbo seat. This time, didn't laugh at him and he also didn't cry. But overall, he seems uncomfortable in it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Woah so many posts! This few days busy busy busy ! Now finally can rest abit.

LSnTYL (lsntyl)/ lamb: My bd is this coming Tues~ When is your?

LSnTYL ? 34 years old *SOB. But honestly I don't feel very much about it. Just another day for me.

Lamb: Hope your girl's fever ok liao. Yah , Arwen's PD also omit Rotarix.

A&A&A (2as): Your girl so chubby and so much expression!!! I like the one where she is sticking her touch out~

Arwen is definitely having all the pre-teething signs. She has drool rash over her chin and side of face, also loves to suck my cheeks , fingers and shoulder. Poor girl. I think must give her the teeth ring liao.

cheerieheart (cheerieheart): Hehehe I can imagine chubby babies being stuck in Bumbo. I din not even think about buying one for my girl, sure also stuck. I am looking for small u shape thick cushion tho.

littlelamb> my son managed to clear e blk for me after trying a few times... hope urs is better now...

hope ur daughter's fever will get better soon... mine had slight fever when he went for his last jab too... but not too high...

pauline/mstan> sighz... guess some pple are just more prone to being blocked... :p

cherieheart> the peek-a-boo piano sounds fun... where did u rent it? i thinking of renting the jumperoo for mattias... hee...

Cherieheart, Shayne likes the peek-a-boo piano too.

Tot of renting another bumbo seat to put at my mum's pl for Shayne.

wah so many LO went for vaccination this week...i brought LO for his 2nd dose of 6in1 on Fri too, he's having fever now... :<

but i didnt go for 2nd dose of rotarix..

the doc say she needs to confirm if whether can administer the 2nd dose of rotarix or not and ask me if i mind waiting till next mth for her to check and confirm okay before giving to LO...

i didnt follow up with the rotarix news after it was stopped previously, any mummies know what's the situation like now?

bryest> your doc say can go ahead with 2nd dose liao?

any other mummies encounter the residue problem I have with Enfalac A+? tried Xin's method but didnt work...

and LO used to poo once every 2-3 days when on Mamex, now on Enfalac poo twice a day, mummies using Enfalac, is it the same for your LO?

Hi Xin, Febie and mommies:

Would like to share with you info on some toy rental companies.

1. My Growing Toys (http://mygrowingtoys.com)

2. Rent-A-Toy (http://rent-a-toy.com)

3. Rent That Toy! (http://rent-that-toy.com)

4. The Toy Rental Club http://toyrentalclub.com) 5. Toys 4 Rent (http://toys4rent.sg)

6. Toy Rental World (http://toyrentalworld.com)

I got the bumbo from Toy Rental Club. H/e, they don't offer any free delivery, unlike many of the other companies (just spend a certain amount to get free delivery). But because the rest either don't have bumbo seat or only has 1 and is pertually rented out, so I went to the Toy Rental Club. This company even has car seats, strollers etc. but when I took a look today, they seem quite old.

Any mommies rented toys from other companies? Any feedback to share? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Curious, how much to rent a bumbo ?? I brought 2nd hand at only 30 bucks... Tink will sell it once Leticia outgrow it!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

So not looking forward to Monday as I be starting work..


estovan took his 1st dose of rotarix yesterday. His pd says they just ok the rotarix so can take. Taking the 2nd dose with his 5-in-1 2nd dose next mth. I'm now worried whether it is a mistake for me to give estovan the rotarix.


how do you check whether your baby has fever after the vaccinations? Do you use the thermometer via the ear or armpit?

I check my boy's temperature and it's 37.5 via the ear and only 36.6 via the armpit. When should I give him the fever medicine?

Thanks everyone! Ayden is ok le. Although he still needs to take his antibiotic for a few more days.

bryest>we checked ayden's temp via his armpit. The PD said no need to make any adjustments to the temp reading from there.

jessie>my birthday is tomorrow, 1 day b4 yours. :0

Double sobs lah. I'm 1 year older than u. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Cheerieheart, i got the peekaboo piano, i bought at the sale last yr b4 Ayden is born, but he dun really like it leh.... Tink i shall let him try again.

Jessie, tyl, happy bday in advance! Dun tink so much abt how old, actually i also nvr celebrate much since last yr when i hit the Big 3...... Its also a day to remember the pain my mummy go thru!

hi bryest, thanks for the info on rotarix. I think since they have okay-ed it, should be fine to take bah, the news was published on 14May which is the day I went to the clinic, so maybe my dr not sure yet at that time, so just wanted to double confirm.

With your info, think i will let LO take the 2nd dose next mth when he goes for his 2nd pneumococcal jab..

Cheerieheart - The peekaboo piano toy sounds interesting.... feel like getting it for the twins... but they already have so many toys! And I still have yet to fix up the jumperoo for them to try.

LSnTYL & Jessie -- Happy bday in advance!

LSnTYL -- Seriously, I thought you were much much younger! You look young!


what's pneumococcal jab? My boy just took the 5-in-1 jab and rotarix. Is the pneumococcal jab a compulsory or optional jab?

My boy is down with slight fever. His temp is 37.2 but his forehead and face quite hot. Just gave him a dose of his feve medicine. He's very cranky now, wanna sleep but refuse to sleep and keeps crying. He wanna feed but when I latch him, he didn't wanna drink. See already so heartpain. Sigh

hi bryest, pneumococcal is a compulsory jab.. i think it's the latest to be made compulsory by MOE. All in, my LO gotta take 3 doses, separatedly on 3rd, 5th and 7th month.

bryest - For my gal, we checked the temps via the ear. According to the nurses here, as long as her temps are above 38 degrees, we shud administer fever meds. My gal's temps hit to 38.5 which was quite high. So we decided to give her the meds. If it's below 38 degrees and estovan's active and there's no loss of appetite, there's no need to administer paracetamol.

jessietan - Thanks, her temp went down already, thank goodness. But out of precaution, we had to skip lunch outside today. Planned to celebrate belated Mother's Day with my mom but mom just wanted to be cautious. My birthday? September ... so still far to go. Hhehehe. You're the 2nd person I know whose birthday is on 18th May. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

xin - Yeah, my gal managed to clear my duct this morning. I put her on football clutch position. Thank goodness. I dunno why this blocked lump keeps surfacing. Maybe I never massage my breasts enough. *sigh*

jessietan - What is Arwen's schedule for pneumococcal jab like huh? My gal took her first one in Singapore at 2 mths, then now at 4 mths. So next one should be 6 mths?

LSnTYL (lsntyl) -》 HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!

Thanks girls for your wishes. Keke. So nice to have people wishing me! I mean I stay overseas for like 6 years liao and I dun have a proper celebration with my friends or family since then.

I do have to say I am blessed cos last Friday, some local friend actually bought me a cake with candle and all! Wah, I think I 10 years neber cut cake liao.

As for my wish, as I grow older, it is more like "please keep everyone I know and love healthy and safe". Think that is the most important things in life.

Lamb: Same lah, next will be her 6th months. Hate to bring her to the clinic. She is always very smiley and trusting and she gets that very astonished "why are you doing this to me???" look and wails everytime there is a jab. I felt like I am betraying her trust. Still, bo pian, need to do. I really pray there is a research going on that in the future, no more jabs for babies!!

LSnTYL & Jessie: Happy Birthday!!

So sad, baby Zac woke up with mucus running down in his nose and a cough. (Heartache) Had to rush to find a PD that's still open on a Sunday 12.30... Luckily he's still active and still drinking milk..

Jessie, TYL,

Happy Birthday!!! you girls r taureans too!!??? hahaha headstrong bunch???...


me tot you late twenties niah le...

Cy: rented the bumbo for $16.50 for 1 mth. Another plc was renting for $10 for 21 days if I din remember wrongly. But they only have 1 piece and it’s perpetually rented out!

Firipy: let Ayden try the piano again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] sometimes babies are like that, don’t like something at first but later wil change their minds. Like the playgym we got for Kenan. He didn’t like it at first but I continued to put him on it and he starts to enjoy it when he learnt how to play some of the toys hanging on it.

Chameleon: can rent the piano and let them try [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] that’s the beauty of renting - you can test if your babies like a certain toy or not. Furthermore, renting means don’t have to worry about not having storage space later and the babies can always try out new things. If they like a toy, you can extend the rental or go buy it.

LSnTYL & Jessie: Happy Birthday!!

Hey mummies : anyone hv huggies dry comfort L ?

Can sell me a few pcs ?

Was thinking to try a few pcs to see suitable for bb ? Dunno size small or big for my bb thighs as find Fitti M size cause redness & Fitti L a bit long.....;p

thanks everyone. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jessie>happy birthday in advance too

babe/chameleon>hee, thanks lah. wish I still late 20s. If still so young, definitely have no 2. but old le, so need to think twice. :p

Mummies who keeps frozen bm,

i tried tasting the defrost bm that was I pumped and froze in Mar, and realised it has a funny taste. Is it normal? It tastes very differently from the bm I just pumped and those I kept in the fridge for less than 48 hours.

just wondering whether the frozen bm are spoilt and should throw away.


can la...fast fast haf #2 lor...next year la...then at least 1 shot got 2..& you still haf energy...if not ayden will be v lonely le....dun wait too long to decide...


no la..FBM not spoilt...its juz the metallic taste abit stronger...but as long as bb dun reject..its fine...


yeah huggies abit long..if fitti long..then huggies will be worse for her...so dun think you need to try liao....i would suggest you try mammy poko M...its fatter in cutting...& good for fat tighs. think she probably can still fit size M...since now NTUC got promo...you shd go buy 1 jumbo pack....66 pieces for $20.90

tytus is on fitti premium size L liao...fits juz nice..but the problem of the velcro tearing off is v high..luckily not whole piece come off..if not need to use masking tape...

fatbabe : me was thinking of using cheaper diapers (velro) during the day as now using pampers active at nite....;p...Mmmm....yes, maybe will get a pack of mamy poko M but for the nite use only....;p

Btw is huggies dry comfort cutting small ?

I know huggies cutting rather small as I use b4 huggies S & find cutting rather small....;p

Btw, anyone tried pampers comfort ? Gd ? Thin ? How's the cutting compared to fitti M/L or other diapers ?

mstan, i bought the fairprice diapers cos of the velcro tape. I actually like the quality of it better than drypers. for L size, each piece is abt 21 cents vs 25 cents for drypers/huggies. my boy uses drypers / fairprice L size, but Mamypoko M size cos of the cutting. hope this helps.

sueann : thks ! so fairprice diapers cutting smaller ? As compared to fitti leh ? My hb dun like drypers & those sticker diapers & is skeptical abt hse brands wan.....;p

btw, how old yr bb now ?

Ms tan, I have never used fitti. But the cutting is like drypers. My hubby hates drypers also. He got the sticker on my boy's thighs and just pull, din realize that he's pulling the thigh along! Was skeptical abt store brand also, but was pleasantly surprised. The only drawback is around the thigh area, dun have double elastic. But for day time use is still okay. My Zac is abt 7.8 kg.

I'm back at work today. Had to get up at 5 to pump and feed bb. Then get ready for work. Super low morale. He's still coughing and sneezing. He woke up at 3 in the morning and wailed his head off! Think he knows I'm going back to work today. Back to being a daytime nanny.

sueann : do u mind selling me a few pcs of fairprice L size diapers to try ? I can pay for postage.

Oh, I also wake up ard 5+am to feed bb & to pump....;p....she also start making noise & kick ard 3am....;p

Btw, where u worked ?

Looks like a few of us are slowly returning to work with a heavy heart! Hang in there! We can do it!

Ms tan, I'm a teacher lah. Glorified nanny/babysitter/ counsellor/ agony aunt / nurse / police etc all rolled into one. Pm me? I'll send some over.

Good morning to all..

Happy Birthday to TYL and Jessie..

Update for Happy Bellies, the Singpost will send the cereals to me this coming Sat 22-May-10 as I can't receive them on weekdays.

Good morning mummies...

Happy Birthday TYL & Jessie...

Have a great time yeah... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cheerieheart, nice seeing you yesterday. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thanks for sharing...

TYL, Jessie: Happy Birthday!

Seems like alot of mummies are back to work today. Me too. Was super low morale yesterday. Now still settling down and waiting for my colleagues to brief me on the updates for the last 4 months before I can find a direction to work.

Meanwhile, let's all jia you together and look forward to 5.30pm so that we can all go back and see our LOs!

Morning mummies

Took 1/2 day lv today to bring a cake & goodie bags to my #1's playgroup. He's a bit feverish again...sighs... but happy to see him and the kids enjoy the cake during break time.


Wow, Titus on L size already?? How many kgs is he? I just bot a 66-pc pack of Huggies dry comfort ($16.90) and got 1 more pack of Huggies ultra. I hope she won't outgrow so soon...

SH, Sueann

I can feel you...i returned to work last thurs but fri already take 1/2 day leave, today another 1/2 day leave...hahaha "model staff".

lil lamb

my girl got fever on sat night ...i wondered why. maybe too tired from swimming earlier. but i'm so thankful she's not whiny... just gave paracetamol. she was super whiny when we went over to MIL's place. Think she recognised pple. Felt quite bad she cried when she saw MIL & SIL. She was fine just a week earlier...


poxchan, thanks for sharing the article. my fb all flooded with teacher-friends sharing the same article. We spend more time taking care of other people's kids than our own.

smalldreams, think my boy also starting to recognize people already. whenever someone else is carrying him, his eyes will follow me around the room. He loves it when my parents carry him! Can talk to my dad somemore... the two of them can have long long conversations. So funny.

Now that I'm back at work, I actually have time to get on the computer.

