(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

Luvbabe> ur meeting 11am .. I guess i'll reach ard noon as i'm meeting Tyl to go in @ ard 12.30 .. cos i'm not a member too .. sms u if i'll to reach early so tt i can ask ur to 'bring' mi in too :>

Will pass u ur itouch stuffs :>


I just put lah, incase the dates meets [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hello Mummies,

Just gathering interest....

Will you be interested to do a MASS BABY 1st BIRTHDAY BASH for all our Jan babies?

If you are interested, please list down your name, baby's name & bday ok?

We shall decided further if this list pass thru...

Interested Party:

1. Febie, Shayne 28 Jan

2. bbin2010, zx 28 jan

3. LSnTYL, Ayden 16 Jan

4. Luvbabe, Lucas 18 Dec

5. CY, Leticia 10 Jan

6. bigfoot, Bryan 13 Jan

7. Steph, Caleb 19 Jan

8. meglee Hue Wen 22 Dec

9. pangpang Fave 26 Dec

10. melody, Sharlyn 29 dec

11. Wendy, Lucas 22 Jan

12. Jessie ,Arwen 31s Dec

btw, i've gone for gug trial b4 & finds that its too early for our bb to attend gug..

1st, e lesson is 1.5hr.. Aft 1hr, my girl lost her concentration & got cranky in e class..

2nd, there is this section where the kids are to crawl thru the cloth tunnel/ under the cloth.. My girl still cant really crawl @ 8mths..

3rd, the babies are supposed to use their lil hands to paint.. lucky my girl sort of outgrow putting her hands in her mouth.. else she wld b eating the paint..

The classes are useful but i guess i will only enrol my girl when she is older..

Maybe gym classes will be more effective at this age..

Ok, today I shipped the rest of the boxes liao cos I no time liao this week.

Sherry / Sueann/ Esterlla: I ship first, when you pay you let me know yah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

whoa, i read half way got new pg liaoz... :p

huggies event> sob sob... reg closed???? so sad... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]... shd haf just reg first... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]...

but maybe can meet up after the event at downtown east.. or will the mummies gg for e event be too tired?

SP> saw in your leek soup ingredient list tt u used bay leaves... they're v ex right? i see it alot in cookbooks... you know of other sub? or can just omit?

on new tastes> my boy tasted some sour plum and lime juice, fruit cocktail syrup and mooncake over the past few days... :p... and i gave him some amary dates... the big big ones... he likes it so much... after tt then hb told me its sweetened and got preservatives... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]...

yesterday i made some prune juice and he drank 30ml... this morn tried to give him some water and he rejected it... sighz... but i did dilute the prune juice leh... how dilute must it be huh? any recipe? i put 10 dried prunes in about 200ml of water... then i diluted it 1 part water to 5 part prune juice...

mindy> i'm also thinking of introducing peppers. same as capsicums right? i dont see them mentioned in baby cookbooks so not sure if can intro so soon... but is the red type spicy?

tofu> long ago, my doc advised me agst tofu coz of the substance tt's added to coagulate it... so i'm still holding off tofu first... scared indigestion...

bryest> hope estovan's rashes clear soon... little lamb mentioned tt red fruits are allergenic... i read bef tt can try to do patch test before feeding... u can try if you wish...

cratif> my boy's v clingy too... actually he was alot better alr... but yest i was rushing out and left him crying beside my sleeping hb... today he stuck to me agn... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

nowadays our kids getting more and more active hor... matttias cant stay still on the diaper changing mat anymore... so tiring to change him... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

just now the postman (actually woman) knocked on my door, and my first thought was: " whoa, the tb good come so fast???" but it was actually my babycubes... :p... then i thought the poor lady will have to carry the big box up... so poor thing... hope she comes when i hm, if not she'll have to lug it back to post office... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I addding myself in too in case can make it.

Hello Mummies,

Just gathering interest....

Will you be interested to do a MASS BABY 1st BIRTHDAY BASH for all our Jan babies?

If you are interested, please list down your name, baby's name & bday ok?

We shall decided further if this list pass thru...

Interested Party:

1. Febie, Shayne 28 Jan

2. bbin2010, zx 28 jan

3. LSnTYL, Ayden 16 Jan

4. Luvbabe, Lucas 18 Dec

5. CY, Leticia 10 Jan

6. bigfoot, Bryan 13 Jan

7. Steph, Caleb 19 Jan

8. meglee, Hue Wen 22 Dec

9. pangpang, Fave 26 Dec

10. melody, Sharlyn 29 dec

11. Wendy, Lucas 22 Jan

12. Jessie, Arwen 31s Dec

13. mstan8888, Chloe 23 Dec

I wouldn't wanna miss this again, missed the last mass gatherng already..

Hello Mummies,

Just gathering interest....

Will you be interested to do a MASS BABY 1st BIRTHDAY BASH for all our Jan babies?

If you are interested, please list down your name, baby's name & bday ok?

We shall decided further if this list pass thru...

Interested Party:

1. Febie, Shayne 28 Jan

2. bbin2010, zx 28 jan

3. LSnTYL, Ayden 16 Jan

4. Luvbabe, Lucas 18 Dec

5. CY, Leticia 10 Jan

6. bigfoot, Bryan 13 Jan

7. Steph, Caleb 19 Jan

8. meglee, Hue Wen 22 Dec

9. pangpang, Fave 26 Dec

10. melody, Sharlyn 29 dec

11. Wendy, Lucas 22 Jan

12. Jessie, Arwen 31s Dec

13. mstan8888, Chloe 23 Dec

14. ET, Oliver 05 Jan

thks for e replies on barley, think i'll get e pearl one... smaller, think can cook faster... :p...

cheerieheart> the yellow sweet potato u used is it e jap type? i jus made some yesterday... v v sticky... but i jus freeze first...

bigfoot> hope bryan didn't hurt himself too much... my son had been twisting and turning in the bumbo, think will get out in a matter of time... if tt happens, i only left with the walker to put him in...

CY> we cna definitely celebrate jan mummies birthday too... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

so exciting....

Hello Mummies,

Just gathering interest....

Will you be interested to do a MASS BABY 1st BIRTHDAY BASH for all our Jan babies?

If you are interested, please list down your name, baby's name & bday ok?

We shall decided further if this list pass thru...

Interested Party:

1. Febie, Shayne 28 Jan

2. bbin2010, zx 28 jan

3. LSnTYL, Ayden 16 Jan

4. Luvbabe, Lucas 18 Dec

5. CY, Leticia 10 Jan

6. bigfoot, Bryan 13 Jan

7. Steph, Caleb 19 Jan

8. meglee, Hue Wen 22 Dec

9. pangpang, Fave 26 Dec

10. melody, Sharlyn 29 dec

11. Wendy, Lucas 22 Jan

12. Jessie, Arwen 31s Dec

13. mstan8888, Chloe 23 Dec

14. ET, Oliver 05 Jan

15. xin, mattias 23 Jan

Hello Mummies,

Just gathering interest....

Will you be interested to do a MASS BABY 1st BIRTHDAY BASH for all our Jan babies?

If you are interested, please list down your name, baby's name & bday ok?

We shall decided further if this list pass thru...

Interested Party:

1. Febie, Shayne 28 Jan

2. bbin2010, zx 28 jan

3. LSnTYL, Ayden 16 Jan

4. Luvbabe, Lucas 18 Dec

5. CY, Leticia 10 Jan

6. bigfoot, Bryan 13 Jan

7. Steph, Caleb 19 Jan

8. meglee, Hue Wen 22 Dec

9. pangpang, Fave 26 Dec

10. melody, Sharlyn 29 dec

11. Wendy, Lucas 22 Jan

12. Jessie, Arwen 31s Dec

13. mstan8888, Chloe 23 Dec

14. ET, Oliver 05 Jan

15. Melgan(momo32) Zoe,1stJan


bigfoot, Bryan and Willem born on the same day!!! Which hospital??

Just gathering interest....

Will you be interested to do a MASS BABY 1st BIRTHDAY BASH for all our Jan babies?

If you are interested, please list down your name, baby's name & bday ok?

We shall decided further if this list pass thru...

Interested Party:

1. Febie, Shayne 28 Jan

2. bbin2010, zx 28 jan

3. LSnTYL, Ayden 16 Jan

4. Luvbabe, Lucas 18 Dec

5. CY, Leticia 10 Jan

6. bigfoot, Bryan 13 Jan

7. Steph, Caleb 19 Jan

8. meglee, Hue Wen 22 Dec

9. pangpang, Fave 26 Dec

10. melody, Sharlyn 29 dec

11. Wendy, Lucas 22 Jan

12. Jessie, Arwen 31s Dec

13. mstan8888, Chloe 23 Dec

14. ET, Oliver 05 Jan

15. xin, mattias 23 Jan

16. Melgan(momo32) Zoe,1stJan

17. Brainkuku, Willem 13 Jan

luvbabe>> Can i PM my no. and you PM me yours so that I can contact you guys??

Adding on to list

Isetan Sales - List of who is going...Mummies, please feel free to add on...

1) Luvbabe

2) Koonie


4) Febie

5) Wendy

6) Cy & Leticia

7) Mindy (tbc)

8) Nana (dropping by)

9) Bryest & baby estovan

10) Yuki

11) Brainkuku (dropping by)

Maybe we meet 11am outside Isetan Scotts? Suggest go dim sum lunch at East Ocean Restaurant located in the same building as Isetan Scotts?

Yang put in Renee's name first...

They all supposed to pop Jan but they can't wait wanna lead the group mah....

I'm looking at 30th Jan if possible....

That will be very near to CNY, thus we can only do lunch...

Re: isetan sale, u gals have fun I m down with flu n sore throat. Let mil look after bb quarantine fr him cos sun got photoshoot

Just gathering interest....

Will you be interested to do a MASS BABY 1st BIRTHDAY BASH for all our Jan babies?

If you are interested, please list down your name, baby's name & bday ok?

We shall decided further if this list pass thru...

Interested Party:

1. Febie, Shayne 28 Jan

2. bbin2010, zx 28 jan

3. LSnTYL, Ayden 16 Jan

4. Luvbabe, Lucas 18 Dec

5. CY, Leticia 10 Jan

6. bigfoot, Bryan 13 Jan

7. Steph, Caleb 19 Jan

8. meglee, Hue Wen 22 Dec

9. pangpang, Fave 26 Dec

10. melody, Sharlyn 29 dec

11. Wendy, Lucas 22 Jan

12. Jessie, Arwen 31s Dec

13. mstan8888, Chloe 23 Dec

14. ET, Oliver 05 Jan

15. xin, mattias 23 Jan

16. Melgan(momo32) Zoe,1stJan

17. Brainkuku, Willem 13 Jan

18. xin, mattias 23 Jan

brainkuku> thks... sorry, was talking to my friend and reading... :p... opps... how now? i cant delete the post too... can the next person pls remove the double entry??? sorry...

Just gathering interest....

Will you be interested to do a MASS BABY 1st BIRTHDAY BASH for all our Jan babies?

If you are interested, please list down your name, baby's name & bday ok?

We shall decided further if this list pass thru...

Interested Party:

1. Febie, Shayne 28 Jan

2. bbin2010, zx 28 jan

3. LSnTYL, Ayden 16 Jan

4. Luvbabe, Lucas 18 Dec

5. CY, Leticia 10 Jan

6. bigfoot, Bryan 13 Jan

7. Steph, Caleb 19 Jan

8. meglee, Hue Wen 22 Dec

9. pangpang, Fave 26 Dec

10. melody, Sharlyn 29 dec

11. Wendy, Lucas 22 Jan

12. Jessie, Arwen 31s Dec

13. mstan8888, Chloe 23 Dec

14. ET, Oliver 05 Jan

15. xin, mattias 23 Jan

16. Melgan(momo32) Zoe,1stJan

17. Brainkuku, Willem 13 Jan

18. AG, Caryn 3 jan

allo all, feel like quite long nv post. so busy trying to settle infant care stuff etc. just skim thru so reply to those i can remember. =)

vanillaberry> i started my girl on 3 meals a day since i was SAHM for a while so now what i'm doing is i give my infantcare cereal and fruit puree to feed for breakfast, lunch will be the centre's porridge, hightea/dinner will be veg/fruit puree if she's still there. i only bring 1 towel for her but I tell them not to bath her unless i instruct them to do so in the morning cos my hb and i want to bath her ourselves as much as we can.

jan bday bash> think for now, i won't put my name yet cos i think if i plan to do my girl's 1 yr old party, i should be busy and tired preparing it or after the party. so better don't make myself too busy first.

breastfeeding> wah! i tell u,,,, it's sooooooo difficult to increase and maintain supply but so easy to drop lor! i told hubby with infantcare etc and work and my supply that drop so much, i've decided after thinking that i shall reduce to 2 pumps a day and let it slowly drop BUT just after 1 DAY of 2 pumps, today i only manage to pump out 100ml of milk in total. 70ml in the afternoon. 30 ml just now. bf-ing is really hard work man. i think i'm the tian sheng little milk kind. haha.


I use dried bay leaves. Not ex at all. 1 packet abt $5 to $6?Can use for a very long time! We use quite a fair bit of bay leaves in our adult cooking. I think can omit but does give extra taste & fragrance.

Wow! u feed sour plum & lime juice? Isn't it too acidic? Better to intro citrous after 1 yo. Cocktail juice is so sweet!!! Many kids wont drink water after they have tasted such sweet stuff!Oh yes, not forgetting mooncakes...equally sweet!!!

Just gathering interest....

Will you be interested to do a MASS BABY 1st BIRTHDAY BASH for all our Jan babies?

If you are interested, please list down your name, baby's name & bday ok?

We shall decided further if this list pass thru...

Interested Party:

1. Febie, Shayne 28 Jan

2. bbin2010, zx 28 jan

3. LSnTYL, Ayden 16 Jan

4. Luvbabe, Lucas 18 Dec

5. CY, Leticia 10 Jan

6. bigfoot, Bryan 13 Jan

7. Steph, Caleb 19 Jan

8. meglee, Hue Wen 22 Dec

9. pangpang, Fave 26 Dec

10. melody, Sharlyn 29 dec

11. Wendy, Lucas 22 Jan

12. Jessie, Arwen 31s Dec

13. mstan8888, Chloe 23 Dec

14. ET, Oliver 05 Jan

15. xin, mattias 23 Jan

16. Melgan(momo32) Zoe,1stJan

17. Brainkuku, Willem 13 Jan

18. AG, Caryn 3 jan

19. Wei, Esther 6 jan

Cool to celebrate Jan mummies birthday too! What abt Jan daddies hah? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Just gathering interest....

Will you be interested to do a MASS BABY 1st BIRTHDAY BASH for all our Jan babies?

If you are interested, please list down your name, baby's name & bday ok?

We shall decided further if this list pass thru...

Interested Party:

1. Febie, Shayne 28 Jan

2. bbin2010, zx 28 jan

3. LSnTYL, Ayden 16 Jan

4. Luvbabe, Lucas 18 Dec

5. CY, Leticia 10 Jan

6. bigfoot, Bryan 13 Jan

7. Steph, Caleb 19 Jan

8. meglee, Hue Wen 22 Dec

9. pangpang, Fave 26 Dec

10. melody, Sharlyn 29 dec

11. Wendy, Lucas 22 Jan

12. Jessie, Arwen 31s Dec

13. mstan8888, Chloe 23 Dec

14. ET, Oliver 05 Jan

15. xin, mattias 23 Jan

16. Melgan(momo32) Zoe,1stJan

17. Brainkuku, Willem 13 Jan

18. AG, Caryn 3 jan

19. Yuki, Chris 30 Dec

Just gathering interest....

Will you be interested to do a MASS BABY 1st BIRTHDAY BASH for all our Jan babies?

If you are interested, please list down your name, baby's name & bday ok?

We shall decided further if this list pass thru...

Interested Party:

1. Febie, Shayne 28 Jan

2. bbin2010, zx 28 jan

3. LSnTYL, Ayden 16 Jan

4. Luvbabe, Lucas 18 Dec

5. CY, Leticia 10 Jan

6. bigfoot, Bryan 13 Jan

7. Steph, Caleb 19 Jan

8. meglee, Hue Wen 22 Dec

9. pangpang, Fave 26 Dec

10. melody, Sharlyn 29 dec

11. Wendy, Lucas 22 Jan

12. Jessie, Arwen 31s Dec

13. mstan8888, Chloe 23 Dec

14. ET, Oliver 05 Jan

15. xin, mattias 23 Jan

16. Melgan(momo32) Zoe,1stJan

17. Brainkuku, Willem 13 Jan

18. AG, Caryn 3 jan

19. Wei, Esther 6 jan

20. Yuki, Chris 30 Dec

Just gathering interest....

Will you be interested to do a MASS BABY 1st BIRTHDAY BASH for all our Jan babies?

If you are interested, please list down your name, baby's name & bday ok?

We shall decided further if this list pass thru...

Interested Party:

1. Febie, Shayne 28 Jan

2. bbin2010, zx 28 jan

3. LSnTYL, Ayden 16 Jan

4. Luvbabe, Lucas 18 Dec

5. CY, Leticia 10 Jan

6. bigfoot, Bryan 13 Jan

7. Steph, Caleb 19 Jan

8. meglee, Hue Wen 22 Dec

9. pangpang, Fave 26 Dec

10. melody, Sharlyn 29 dec

11. Wendy, Lucas 22 Jan

12. Jessie, Arwen 31s Dec

13. mstan8888, Chloe 23 Dec

14. ET, Oliver 05 Jan

15. xin, mattias 23 Jan

16. Melgan(momo32) Zoe,1stJan

17. Brainkuku, Willem 13 Jan

18. AG, Caryn 3 jan

19. Wei, Esther 6 jan

20. Yuki, Chris 30 Dec

21. Mindy, Isaiah 9th Jan.

I think this is a extremely good idea !

Is time for us to get all sponsors again like our last gathering but i guess this time we shd be able to get more if we can gather 50mummies!!

Must get bigger players for sponsor..

pple like nestle cereale? ABBOT, Huggies, Pigeon..

also professional photographer.. haha

Really look forward to this big birthday Bash!

AG> thks... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

SP> where you buy the bay leaves? got any chinese name? we actually reserached and wanted to use them to keep cockroaches away... but hb found them ex...

those stuff were fed by friends and hb... :p...

melissa> i also v little milk... but i realise tt if i pump regularly will have milk one... have been pumping once a day at nite... my target is 50ml... last 2 nights, mattias good boy slept through so i also pump in the morn... if pump before i latch him can get quite alot, hee hee...

jia you ba... gg bk work next wk hor... dont stressed... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I also very keen to go for the bash lei but my boy kiasu ald bday over ahhaha.

sueann, paiseh, the GUG trial seems too young for our babies n coordinator wants us to go last weekend which is very rush n some babies nt even 8 mths old, can't postpone too long so nvr proceed. Kindermusik one havnt confirm a date yet cos that time all of us just went for the JWT gym trial. I will liase with the person again after this weekend okie, got alot of activities this week cos my hb is on leave.

Melissa, jia you on BF and pumping. I think it's probably because you are too tired from work and rushing to fetch Enxi from infantcare so too tired bah. So the night pump will be less. Try drinking nursing tea or warm drink 15 mins before you pump?

Xin, did you try using pandan leaves to keep cockroaches away? Lots of taxi driver use them so I think maybe it works. :p

xin> for the red pepper/capsicums, it was written in the Anna "Karamel" Book.. n it wasnt spicy at all.. not too much or as main puree lar.. i used it as "side dish" n taste good!

i mixed with frozen peas n sweet potatoe.. haha

Dont know if is the right thing to too.. but i always mix alot of vege together n cook.. hehe


if u're considered little milk mummy, i dono wat i am liao... i stopped bf juz when my gal turns 3mths old... it was a struggle then...

Adding on to list

Isetan Sales - List of who is going...Mummies, please feel free to add on...

1) Luvbabe

2) Koonie


4) Febie

5) Wendy

6) Cy & Leticia

7) Mindy (tbc)

8) Nana (dropping by)

9) Bryest & baby estovan

10) Yuki

11) Brainkuku (dropping by)

12) kitsune_sg (hehe, I should be dropping by too, will reach around 12+pm. Any mummy needs the Tiger jar coupon? Can pass to you cos I don't need [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif].)

Pauline (kitsune_sg) > Can i have it??

i pm u my no...

but u only be there around 12++??

oh no.. i only take half day morning.

Have to be back in office at around 1pm leh..

call me tml lar.. okay!

sueann> Sorry to hear that Z is not well...When my elder boy was younger and is coughing badly with phelgms, I actually bought "Hou Ning" from Eu Yan Sang. Each small bottle costs over $60 now but very effective. The other alternative is to seek TCM's help. Call/SMS me if you need me to refer a good TCM at Tiong Bahru Plaza. Luis sees that chinese physician very often...

sueann> Hope Z gets well soon...

Mummies> Actually Sep is my birthday month and I super duper lots of promotion. Would like to share this great deal with you all. Do let me know if you want to purchase anything.

a) Eu Yan Sang - 20% storewide with special purchases (one time)

b) G2000 member - 50% off storewide off regular items (one-time)

c) Espirit - 20% off storewide too...

Mindy, did not receive your PM yet. Yes, I won't be there early cos got something else in the morning. But if you can't wait, maybe can get from another mummy who does not need the coupon. I think TYL bought her Tiger jar already but not sure if she still needs the coupon. :p

Just gathering interest....

Will you be interested to do a MASS BABY 1st BIRTHDAY BASH for all our Jan babies?

If you are interested, please list down your name, baby's name & bday ok?

We shall decided further if this list pass thru...

Interested Party:

1. Febie, Shayne 28 Jan

2. bbin2010, zx 28 jan

3. LSnTYL, Ayden 16 Jan

4. Luvbabe, Lucas 18 Dec

5. CY, Leticia 10 Jan

6. bigfoot, Bryan 13 Jan

7. Steph, Caleb 19 Jan

8. meglee, Hue Wen 22 Dec

9. pangpang, Fave 26 Dec

10. melody, Sharlyn 29 dec

11. Wendy, Lucas 22 Jan

12. Jessie, Arwen 31s Dec

13. mstan8888, Chloe 23 Dec

14. ET, Oliver 05 Jan

15. xin, mattias 23 Jan

16. Melgan(momo32) Zoe,1stJan

17. Brainkuku, Willem 13 Jan

18. AG, Caryn 3 jan

19. Wei, Esther 6 jan

20. Yuki, Chris 30 Dec

21. Mindy, Isaiah 9th Jan.

22. Shane, Chloe 4th Jan

23. Yem, Megan 5th Jan


I'll meeting michelle 1st. Will meet you gals outside isetan scotts at around 11am. I'll call you when we reach.

I've extra entry coupons. Let me know if you gals need. Can pm me in case I miss out the posts here.

Ok lah, Febie, count us in first! ;)

Just gathering interest....

Will you be interested to do a MASS BABY 1st BIRTHDAY BASH for all our Jan babies?

If you are interested, please list down your name, baby's name & bday ok?

We shall decided further if this list pass thru...

Interested Party:

1. Febie, Shayne 28 Jan

2. bbin2010, zx 28 jan

3. LSnTYL, Ayden 16 Jan

4. Luvbabe, Lucas 18 Dec

5. CY, Leticia 10 Jan

6. bigfoot, Bryan 13 Jan

7. Steph, Caleb 19 Jan

8. meglee, Hue Wen 22 Dec

9. pangpang, Fave 26 Dec

10. melody, Sharlyn 29 dec

11. Wendy, Lucas 22 Jan

12. Jessie, Arwen 31s Dec

13. mstan8888, Chloe 23 Dec

14. ET, Oliver 05 Jan

15. xin, mattias 23 Jan

16. Melgan(momo32) Zoe,1stJan

17. Brainkuku, Willem 13 Jan

18. AG, Caryn 3 jan

19. Wei, Esther 6 jan

20. Yuki, Chris 30 Dec

21. Mindy, Isaiah 9th Jan.

22. Shane, Chloe 4th Jan

23. Yem, Megan 5th Jan

24. C. Yang, Renee, 27 Dec

I'm also interested in the gathering only =)

Will you be interested to do a MASS BABY 1st BIRTHDAY BASH for all our Jan babies?

If you are interested, please list down your name, baby's name & bday ok?

We shall decided further if this list pass thru...

Interested Party:

1. Febie, Shayne 28 Jan

2. bbin2010, zx 28 jan

3. LSnTYL, Ayden 16 Jan

4. Luvbabe, Lucas 18 Dec

5. CY, Leticia 10 Jan

6. bigfoot, Bryan 13 Jan

7. Steph, Caleb 19 Jan

8. meglee, Hue Wen 22 Dec

9. pangpang, Fave 26 Dec

10. melody, Sharlyn 29 dec

11. Wendy, Lucas 22 Jan

12. Jessie, Arwen 31s Dec

13. mstan8888, Chloe 23 Dec

14. ET, Oliver 05 Jan

15. xin, mattias 23 Jan

16. Melgan(momo32) Zoe,1stJan

17. Brainkuku, Willem 13 Jan

18. AG, Caryn 3 jan

19. Wei, Esther 6 jan

20. Yuki, Chris 30 Dec

21. Mindy, Isaiah 9th Jan.

22. Shane, Chloe 4th Jan

23. Yem, Megan 5th Jan

24. C. Yang, Renee, 27 Dec

25. kOONIE, Joey 19 DEC

Will you be interested to do a MASS BABY 1st BIRTHDAY BASH for all our Jan babies?

If you are interested, please list down your name, baby's name & bday ok?

We shall decided further if this list pass thru...

Interested Party:

1. Febie, Shayne 28 Jan

2. bbin2010, zx 28 jan

3. LSnTYL, Ayden 16 Jan

4. Luvbabe, Lucas 18 Dec

5. CY, Leticia 10 Jan

6. bigfoot, Bryan 13 Jan

7. Steph, Caleb 19 Jan

8. meglee, Hue Wen 22 Dec

9. pangpang, Fave 26 Dec

10. melody, Sharlyn 29 dec

11. Wendy, Lucas 22 Jan

12. Jessie, Arwen 31s Dec

13. mstan8888, Chloe 23 Dec

14. ET, Oliver 05 Jan

15. xin, mattias 23 Jan

16. Melgan(momo32) Zoe,1stJan

17. Brainkuku, Willem 13 Jan

18. AG, Caryn 3 jan

19. Wei, Esther 6 jan

20. Yuki, Chris 30 Dec

21. Mindy, Isaiah 9th Jan.

22. Shane, Chloe 4th Jan

23. Yem, Megan 5th Jan

24. C. Yang, Renee, 27 Dec

25. kOONIE, Joey 19 DEC

26. 2005, Yi Yi 12 Jan

would like to join the gathering with all the birthday babies. Pls count me in.

HI mummies, would like to share this info. Both my hubby & myself request for Huggies sample w/o knowing the other party has done so, end up we received 2 packs in total. May be u can try your luck?

morning mummies!

oh can try requesting for huggies!! tat time they sent the size too small for my gal.. if really can den i'll definitely try again! was disappointed tat only 1 request per address...

mindy>pigeon was our sponsor for the last bash wor. If get 50 mommies, will need a really big place to host everyone. Anyone got lobang for such a place? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my isetan tiger coupon chope by wendy le

xin>wah, if friends and hubby anyhow feed ayden, I will scold them wor.

melissa>try taking fenugreek. I find it helps me increase and maintain milk supply, esp at work.

sueann>hope your boy is better now.

2005>the huggies 10 sample pack no more le rite?

i wanna join the bb bash too! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Interested Party:

1. Febie, Shayne 28 Jan

2. bbin2010, zx 28 jan

3. LSnTYL, Ayden 16 Jan

4. Luvbabe, Lucas 18 Dec

5. CY, Leticia 10 Jan

6. bigfoot, Bryan 13 Jan

7. Steph, Caleb 19 Jan

8. meglee, Hue Wen 22 Dec

9. pangpang, Fave 26 Dec

10. melody, Sharlyn 29 dec

11. Wendy, Lucas 22 Jan

12. Jessie, Arwen 31s Dec

13. mstan8888, Chloe 23 Dec

14. ET, Oliver 05 Jan

15. xin, mattias 23 Jan

16. Melgan(momo32) Zoe,1stJan

17. Brainkuku, Willem 13 Jan

18. AG, Caryn 3 jan

19. Wei, Esther 6 jan

20. Yuki, Chris 30 Dec

21. Mindy, Isaiah 9th Jan.

22. Shane, Chloe 4th Jan

23. Yem, Megan 5th Jan

24. C. Yang, Renee, 27 Dec

25. kOONIE, Joey 19 DEC

26. 2005, Yi Yi 12 Jan

27. Sweet, Tristan 12 Jan

re : huggies samples. i actually register online since 3 - 4 weeks back.. no response at all leh!

re : angel wet wipes. anyone ordered from steven recently? coz i sms and emailed him, no response at all..


pls count me in

Interested Party:

1. Febie, Shayne 28 Jan

2. bbin2010, zx 28 jan

3. LSnTYL, Ayden 16 Jan

4. Luvbabe, Lucas 18 Dec

5. CY, Leticia 10 Jan

6. bigfoot, Bryan 13 Jan

7. Steph, Caleb 19 Jan

8. meglee, Hue Wen 22 Dec

9. pangpang, Fave 26 Dec

10. melody, Sharlyn 29 dec

11. Wendy, Lucas 22 Jan

12. Jessie, Arwen 31s Dec

13. mstan8888, Chloe 23 Dec

14. ET, Oliver 05 Jan

15. xin, mattias 23 Jan

16. Melgan(momo32) Zoe,1stJan

17. Brainkuku, Willem 13 Jan

18. AG, Caryn 3 jan

19. Wei, Esther 6 jan

20. Yuki, Chris 30 Dec

21. Mindy, Isaiah 9th Jan.

22. Shane, Chloe 4th Jan

23. Yem, Megan 5th Jan

24. C. Yang, Renee, 27 Dec

25. kOONIE, Joey 19 DEC

26. 2005, Yi Yi 12 Jan

27. Sweet, Tristan 12 Jan

28. Gardenia, Isaac 09 Jan

