(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

yeah.. i think that will work too...

but it muz be FREE.. hahaha or those bigger playschool.. if they willing to lend out their place for FREEE!


V_ni> i will talk to my hubby n see what he can get for us..

he even mentioned that we should do it on the 11th Jan 2011. A date that will be easily remember.. 11/01/11!


V_ni> my EDD should be on the 13th Jan but decided to bring him out earlier coz i wanna end my confinement before CNY mah..

went for to induce on the 8th Jan but it doesnt work.. so on the 9th Jan, Gynae broke my waterbag n get isaiah out.. hehe

Garden> oh yah.. i think m very lucky already.. i think alot of pple induce will end up with emergency c-section.. it happened to one of my gf too.. i have problem pushin him out too.. i push for 45mins n i have no strength liao as epidural too strong that both legs are numb and became so heavy that my hubby has to help me to hold on to my leg.. wahaha :p Isaiah was forcep out..coz i cant push anymore.. n went he is out.. my hubby got a shock.. his face was facing up n he opened his eye when only the head is out.. hahahha

Jessie: Transferred the money and donation over just now. Forgot to record the ref no, but look for my nick k?

That day when we went for the JWT trial, I walked past peekaboo playground. They close the whole place if you hold your kid's 1st birthday there. And also, kids who are 11 months old get free entrance with their parents. 12 months onwards must pay.

Thank you mummies for your suggestion. Z's cough and phlegm is clearing up,but will record all the suggestions down for future reference.

1YO kid may not hv much activity tat can be done... some may not even noe hw to walk yet? it'll b a challenge on wat activities can our LOs do thou...

Jessie: I've received the taobao items, all very well packed! Thank you for organising the spree. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good morning mommies! After a few crazy weeks of working super hard, baby n me taking turns to be unwell, i'm finally getting a break! So happy!

Spoke to hubby about the birthday bash, he's keen for the idea, so I'm adding my name in!

Interested Party:

1. Febie, Shayne 28 Jan

2. bbin2010, zx 28 jan

3. LSnTYL, Ayden 16 Jan

4. Luvbabe, Lucas 18 Dec

5. CY, Leticia 10 Jan

6. bigfoot, Bryan 13 Jan

7. Steph, Caleb 19 Jan

8. meglee, Hue Wen 22 Dec

9. pangpang, Fave 26 Dec

10. melody, Sharlyn 29 dec

11. Wendy, Lucas 22 Jan

12. Jessie, Arwen 31s Dec

13. mstan8888, Chloe 23 Dec

14. ET, Oliver 05 Jan

15. xin, mattias 23 Jan

16. Melgan(momo32) Zoe,1stJan

17. Brainkuku, Willem 13 Jan

18. AG, Caryn 3 jan

19. Wei, Esther 6 jan

20. Yuki, Chris 30 Dec

21. Mindy, Isaiah 9th Jan.

22. Shane, Chloe 4th Jan

23. Yem, Megan 5th Jan

24. C. Yang, Renee, 27 Dec

25. kOONIE, Joey 19 DEC

26. 2005, Yi Yi 12 Jan

27. Sweet, Tristan 12 Jan

28. Gardenia, Isaac 09 Jan

29. Afann , Ashton 19 Jan

30. qx13, Benjamin Seth 21 Jan

31. firipy, Ayden Chan 20 Dec

32. Josie, Bryan 20 Jan

33. cocomama, Yongxian 22 Dec

34. ecookie, yongrui 18 jan

35. v_ni, joseph 7 jan

36. cheerieheart, Kenan 17 Jan (same as mommy!)

Bigfoot>> Willem at mt. Alvernia. He is suppose to only come out on 21 Jan. Keep asking doc to induce but my doc dun want cos there r risks involved. But lucky lor he came out and celebrate cny lor. Mine was quite fast.

Tummy ache at 6pluz in the morning, then took shower before waking my dh up to bring me to the hospital. Had my fingernails cut b4 i go hospital cos i scare i scratch my dh when pushing. Also drive thru mac to hv my bfast in car. Reach hospital only at 8plus bcos my dh didnt realise cannot u-turn at thw thomson florist there during peak period. Then when i was at the hospital, cannot walk myself le. Must wheel in. When they prepare the suite and chk, i am already 6cm dilated. Hahaa. By the time my gynae came in and within 10mins, Willem is out. Chop chop.

bbin2010: yalor, he decided to come out early to share same birthday as mommy.

Brainkuku: your experience sounds abit like mine. I also delivered very quickly. I reached hospital 8+pm (waterbag burst abt 1 hr before that) and delivered abt 2 hours later. Was already 4cm dilated when i got to hospital but didn't feel any contractions before that! Dr warned me for the next pregnancy, my baby may come out even faster, so must be very alert to all signs :p Feel anything unwell muz quickly go hospital, if not may end up one of those cases where moms delivered at home! So scary!

Hi Jessie,

Received my taobao loots already..thks for ur hard work...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/talker.gif]

Hi Mummies,

Those who have the totseat..can share with me what is the individual velcro strip for?? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/kao_sticktongue.gif]...n the buttons is it for additional fastening to the chair or??..Cos i saw the pic like just put over the chair n buckle the bb..is it correct?...TIA...

By the way, was watching last nite's news and saw there's a mid autumn fest at Singapore river. Includes a taiwanese food street and apparently all the food is very authentic. It's at the river promenade near Central Mall. I wanna go try the food! Take the chance to bring my boy see lanterns also, since he enjoys colourful lights [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



my boy supposed to be Feb baby but he came out 2 weeks earlier haha.. my contractions started at 12.30am then water bag leaked, checked into hospital at 2.30am.. when checked in was 3cm dilated le.. thought contractions pain still can tahan then 2 hours later ask for epidural, super shiok! haha even fell asleep.. woke up at 6 plus and ask for more cos the pain getting intense..then went back to sleep till 9 plus then started pushing for 40mins and baby out at 10.21am

Pang: The extra strip is for chairs that have a big gap behind them, you can strap the strap over the chair for additional support . Extra buttons to to adjust the size to the baby. So if you baby is still quite small size, you first adjust the buttons to make the seat part smaller before putting him in.

I hope i make sense!

Jessie u are fast... hahaha...

when i got it, i was thinking what's that for...

the go BP thread and print out the instruction... hehhee...

Mindy : Isaiah really got your eyes hor, he very cool looking siah. Show us a photo of him with hair leh,his hair alot one right!!!

Sueann and Afann: Got your TT, thanks!


I've transferred the excess. Sorry for the delay!


Fwah. Well done! You survived the trip! Was YX co-operative? He's sooo adorable. You're lucky that the indo customs let you thru. Sometimes they might find fault & make you really nervous. Hope yr torn skin has healed. That really must've hurt.

Brainkuku, Cheerieheart

You ladies sure had very fast labours! So fortunate! Think you gals are really nice people with very kind hearts, so yr labour super fast..

Hi Hi

Me me ... DISAPPEARED from forum for SO SO LONG [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

*waver to mummies*

Interested Party:

1. Febie, Shayne 28 Jan

2. bbin2010, zx 28 jan

3. LSnTYL, Ayden 16 Jan

4. Luvbabe, Lucas 18 Dec

5. CY, Leticia 10 Jan

6. bigfoot, Bryan 13 Jan

7. Steph, Caleb 19 Jan

8. meglee, Hue Wen 22 Dec

9. pangpang, Fave 26 Dec

10. melody, Sharlyn 29 dec

11. Wendy, Lucas 22 Jan

12. Jessie, Arwen 31s Dec

13. mstan8888, Chloe 23 Dec

14. ET, Oliver 05 Jan

15. xin, mattias 23 Jan

16. Melgan(momo32) Zoe,1stJan

17. Brainkuku, Willem 13 Jan

18. AG, Caryn 3 jan

19. Wei, Esther 6 jan

20. Yuki, Chris 30 Dec

21. Mindy, Isaiah 9th Jan.

22. Shane, Chloe 4th Jan

23. Yem, Megan 5th Jan

24. C. Yang, Renee, 27 Dec

25. kOONIE, Joey 19 DEC

26. 2005, Yi Yi 12 Jan

27. Sweet, Tristan 12 Jan

28. Gardenia, Isaac 09 Jan

29. Afann , Ashton 19 Jan

30. qx13, Benjamin Seth 21 Jan

31. firipy, Ayden Chan 20 Dec

32. Josie, Bryan 20 Jan

33. cocomama, Yongxian 22 Dec

34. ecookie, yongrui 18 jan

35. v_ni, joseph 7 jan

36. cheerieheart, Kenan 17 Jan (same as mommy!)

37. dolphin, Tristan 7 Jan 2010


hahah oops, no that's not what I meant! But i think i prev shared my observation. I knew a few pple who are really the nicest people like, Evuh! And they really had a breezy labour. It's as if all they had to do was cough & the baby comes out! It's really amazing.

Interested Party:

1. Febie, Shayne 28 Jan

2. bbin2010, zx 28 jan

3. LSnTYL, Ayden 16 Jan

4. Luvbabe, Lucas 18 Dec

5. CY, Leticia 10 Jan

6. bigfoot, Bryan 13 Jan

7. Steph, Caleb 19 Jan

8. meglee, Hue Wen 22 Dec

9. pangpang, Fave 26 Dec

10. melody, Sharlyn 29 dec

11. Wendy, Lucas 22 Jan

12. Jessie, Arwen 31s Dec

13. mstan8888, Chloe 23 Dec

14. ET, Oliver 05 Jan

15. xin, mattias 23 Jan

16. Melgan(momo32) Zoe,1stJan

17. Brainkuku, Willem 13 Jan

18. AG, Caryn 3 jan

19. Wei, Esther 6 jan

20. Yuki, Chris 30 Dec

21. Mindy, Isaiah 9th Jan.

22. Shane, Chloe 4th Jan

23. Yem, Megan 5th Jan

24. C. Yang, Renee, 27 Dec

25. kOONIE, Joey 19 DEC

26. 2005, Yi Yi 12 Jan

27. Sweet, Tristan 12 Jan

28. Gardenia, Isaac 09 Jan

29. Afann , Ashton 19 Jan

30. qx13, Benjamin Seth 21 Jan

31. firipy, Ayden Chan 20 Dec

32. Josie, Bryan 20 Jan

33. cocomama, Yongxian 22 Dec

34. ecookie, yongrui 18 jan

35. v_ni, joseph 7 jan

36. cheerieheart, Kenan 17 Jan (same as mommy!)

37. dolphin, Tristan 7 Jan 2010

38. lyn78, Sergius 26 Dec 2009

thank you to the mummies who added me on FB!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cheeriehearts>> urs really power. Yeah. U need to b more aware next time. I hv a frd, first child 2hrs. Second child within an hr.

Smalldreams>> i dun think so lah. I heard it depends on your mum. If ur mum has an easy labour for the first child, yours will b more or less the same. Well, thats what i notice for my of my frds/ col.

Cheerieheart: Ur labour's pretty fast.. Mine also quite similar to urs.. But my waterbag didn't break.. I went for my regular check up at 39 weeks n my gynae checked n said that I was 4 cm dilated! I didn't feel anything different n she said my waterbag volume decreasing so next day admit to burst water bag in the morning.. After bursting the bag, contractions came, didn't go for any pain relief and 5 hrs later, Ryan appeared! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Quite 'uneventful' but am glad for a fast n smooth process..

Brainkuku: When my mum delivered me, she said it took 16 hrs or so.. but was smooth, no epidural.. for me, it took 5 hrs.. hee.. Maybe the smooth delivery part is true... If I ever have a 2nd child, I pray that it would be as smooth.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cocomama: What an eventful trip! But it was good that u had some good quality family time together.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] YX looks so handsome in the picture on the stairs.. What a big boy now!

1. Febie, Shayne 28 Jan

2. bbin2010, zx 28 jan

3. LSnTYL, Ayden 16 Jan

4. Luvbabe, Lucas 18 Dec

5. CY, Leticia 10 Jan

6. bigfoot, Bryan 13 Jan

7. Steph, Caleb 19 Jan

8. meglee, Hue Wen 22 Dec

9. pangpang, Fave 26 Dec

10. melody, Sharlyn 29 dec

11. Wendy, Lucas 22 Jan

12. Jessie, Arwen 31s Dec

13. mstan8888, Chloe 23 Dec

14. ET, Oliver 05 Jan

15. xin, mattias 23 Jan

16. Melgan(momo32) Zoe,1stJan

17. Brainkuku, Willem 13 Jan

18. AG, Caryn 3 jan

19. Wei, Esther 6 jan

20. Yuki, Chris 30 Dec

21. Mindy, Isaiah 9th Jan.

22. Shane, Chloe 4th Jan

23. Yem, Megan 5th Jan

24. C. Yang, Renee, 27 Dec

25. kOONIE, Joey 19 DEC

26. 2005, Yi Yi 12 Jan

27. Sweet, Tristan 12 Jan

28. Gardenia, Isaac 09 Jan

29. Afann , Ashton 19 Jan

30. qx13, Benjamin Seth 21 Jan

31. firipy, Ayden Chan 20 Dec

32. Josie, Bryan 20 Jan

33. cocomama, Yongxian 22 Dec

34. ecookie, yongrui 18 jan

35. v_ni, joseph 7 jan

36. cheerieheart, Kenan 17 Jan (same as mommy!)

37. dolphin, Tristan 7 Jan 2010

38. lyn78, Sergius 26 Dec 2009

39 Sherry79, Shernise 29 Jan 2010

aiyo, been so BZ at work that i dun have time to chat.. *sigh*

By the way, is any mummies experience alot of clear discharge ah?

Cheerieheart/Brainkuku/Tam L: I also have quick delivery. Charlotte was done in 45mins-12pushes and Caleb was in 15mins-5pushes! so too late to administer epidural. I think i walk a lot that's y.

CHeerieheart - My gynae was very worried that I deliver at home or in the car too...that's y she kept telling me to just go admit myself if i feel any uncomfortable and run through procedures if I were to deliver at home accidentally!

For mummies of 2 or more: Maybe it's myself. I find everything happened much faster for 2nd pregnancy like I know I was pregnant on the 14th day of conception. i got morning sickness right after and i was dealing with backaches during 2nd tri. so if ever I were to consider #3, will I just cough my baby out? *that's scary!

Afann: Ashton's bdae sama as my Caleb [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] U deliver in TMC too? hee

Sherry: I don't have a lot of clear discharge but i think i've hormonal disorder...for 2 months i have no menses...then accidentally for the last 3 weeks, i have menses every week! :S

Steph> My menses has not returned since i popped hahaha and this is my 7th mth liao wo... just that, there seems to be quite alot of discharge for the last 3 weeks

Hi Jessie,

O i c...keke..ok i got it..thks for ur prompt reply yah...hope i can put the totseat to gd use bah...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/kao_wink.gif]

Hi mummies,

Have a gd long wkend..yippeee...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/kao_clap.gif]

Cheerieheart, Brainkuku, Tam L, Steph > If only I had such quick delivery like you mummies cos my prankster refused to come out and was like playing tricks with me then. Made me go into hospital in middle of night, then go home, then return early in morning again before he popped in the afternoon. And best of all, he was planned for induced so I was not prepared at all though he came 2 days b4 the EDD. Needless to say, he is still my prankster till now. Hee!

Sherry > I had quite a fair bit of clear discharge some time ago before it turns darker, then my menses came.

Steph > Menses will not be regular till you stop bf. Gynae told me that rule of thumb is menses will return into normal cycle about 3 months after you completely stop bf altogether.

wah so gd some of u have such quick delivery. My overdue baby was induced whole night but never relaly dilate so end up emergency c-sect in morning.

sherry- actually i just had my first mense this mth after birth. And I also had discharge b4 that but only for a few days leh.

I juz tendered my resignation yday so super happy! Actually very busy but no mood so come into forum ... today abit quiet eh?

steph, apple gal > Won't be going for the spongebob pink pants event cos hubby said that 800 metres is way too short. Not fun and not shiok at all. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

vanillaberry>wah, you went which hospital? I induced on Thurs PM but bb only came out on Sat AM. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

*Envy* your labor mostly fast fast one! My was 15 hours of agony siah! You know how old wives tale keep saying not to keep playing with strings or rope or babies will be entangle? I heck care then cos my work involved like loads of ribbons and fabric tapes and throughout the whole pregnancy, I was always packing ribbons and tapes. Then during labor , we all wonder why A take so long to come out even though we know she tried so hard, cos her neck and one wrist had cord around them! Haiz.. next child, must listen to old wives tale liao....

just managed to scan thru the archives...

mindy/callalily> thanks for sharing the recipes. they sure sound yummylicious. i wanna try them out.

xin> mccormick has dried bay leaves. you can find it in most supermarkets like ntuc, cold storage and market place. it's selling at $4+.

ET/LSnTYL> nice scenery hoh.. it's the less known and less developed neighouring island to the east of Bali, known as Lombok. I didn't manage to take the pics on our way to the airport, but it was so so nice.. we were travelling on a hilly road and looking down, we could see the beach. This island is also home to the second highest volcano in Indonesia, the Mt. Rinjani. At the top of the volcano, there's a lake. There are actually people who climbed all de way up and then scaled down to the lake to swim.

lamb> yeah.. that runs in my family.

firipy> DH brought his working laptop along for the trip and spent some time working too. i guess i'm used to it already. just have to make the most out of whatever time he has.

lsntyl/febie> a sleeping baby always look so peaceful.

jessie> stout ar? DH said he inherited my elephant legs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

mindy> Isaiah looks so adorable. love his cheeks.

bbin/big_foot/tam> glad that we are all back in one piece.

smalldreams> Yongxian and Aifah can hold hands and be toothless buddies. He is quite a good traveller. We did not have much problem with him, except when he had difficulty sleeping on the flight so he fussed a little then.

You know, I've had much more pleasant encounters with the indos than with people from where i came from. It makes me sad to say that.

Oh.. the little toe is healing nicely. thanks for asking. and Selamat Hari Raya to you and your family.

on Yongxian being a big boy> that's what everybody tells me. some even told me that he looks like a 1yo. I wonder where that came from... those of you who had seen me would know that I am from the XS category and DH is at most an M.

BAOBEI DONATION CLOSED. Here is the list. Anyway who still want to add, just let me know [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I am sorry gals but I don't think I can go to the hospital tomorrow because Arwen just had her first meningitis jab and the jab is local product... so I am very nervous cos dun know if will have side effect or not. She seems very tired now after the jab ... I want to be with her tomorrow to observe. I will head to the hospital on Monday and report back. So sorry but I thought the jab would actually be this Wednesday but she got a bit of runny nose and cough so I postpone to today..

1) Jessie

2) ET

3) Adam & Aifah

4) Ashley & Kieran

5) bluey

6) Michelle (mwws)

7) Melissa (tulipz8)

8) Bryest

9) Blue7mist

10) Panda07

11) apple_gal

12) 2005

13) ayden

14) mel gan

15) AG

16) nana

17) Tam+Ter+Ryan

18) Furby

19) Brainkuku

20) Kacey

21) Freesia

22) Cloh

23) cheerieheart

24) Angster (Koonie+Hubby+Joey)

25) Macho Ashton boy

26) luvbabe (Luis & Lucas)

27) Yuki (Indiana Shaolin Chris)

28) Cy (Leticia)

29) Jmi (Jaime)

30) Rina (Raphael & Kristeva)

31) Yem

32) Melody (on behalf of Sharlyn)

33) Febie (Shayne)

34) Manunited (Matthias)

35) andie (Emma)

36) Bubbleluv

37) Yeocouple

38) C.Yang

39) cocomama

40) Hoon family (xin, xiang n mattias)

41) bbin2010

42) Poxchan

43) Sherry (baby Shernise)

44) bbwoofie

45) Firipy ( Ayden)

46) Wei (Esther)

47) VNI

48) Wendy(Lucas)

49) Mindy (Isaiah)

50) Lim family (Lim Zhi Ru)

51) Teo Family (RaeAnne & Raelynn Teo)

52) Vanillaberry

53) Sueann

TOTAL SGD 1509.60 Raised!!!! YAY!!!

hihi, so cute… everyone sharing birth stories now… I am chipping in too, since I am soooo bored at work. Waiting to knock off for the long weekend!!

Fateful day: 5 Jan 2010

6am: Spotting. Called the Hospital if I should go down, and kena scolding… cos 1. baby is overdue and 2. I gotta spotting. (Aiyo… how I know right? My 1st baby lehhh. Anyway, no pain/contractions mah)

630am: Showered

830am: Breakfast @ MacDonalds

930am: Checked into TMC

10am: Dr burst my water bag

1030am: Epidural

1130am: Went into delivery Suite

130pm: Baby Kaelen is out

Pretty uneventful hor? I still remember eating sausage mcmuffin… hmmm…..

I think it's matter of luck maybe...??? I hope my next one will be as UNeventful as the 1st....Errmmmm....better dun jinx it..... keke

>Steph, cough 3rd baby out..??!?!! U are sooooo funny!!!

My labor also nt fast at all, I somemore write long grandma story abt it last time lo ahahhaha!

Tdy's my 5th anniversary but hb can't afford to take leave, so we can only celebrate tmr. He ask me if I wan ipad as pressie, I said no...ald got iphone. He trying to pull a fast one , he wanted the ipad more for himself lo. I said I just wan a holiday n he said ok tdy, ask me go n plan. But I am so scared whole kampong follow again!

bigfoot> but mostly have no menses wor...Caleb coming to 8th mth but i already like gone thru 10-12 cycles?

Pink pants no prob I signed up - giving me an excuse to start cracking my bones :p

Vanillaberry> U gonna be SAHM? I so envy you.

Jessie, vanillaberry> no need to envy fast delivery...too fast can be heart-throbbing esp when u feel bb 'dropping'...


rer-rer (firipy) -> MUAHHAHAHHAHAHA PULL A FAST ONE! Men all the same eh. Congrats on your 5th Ani tho! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

