(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

Jessie - my donation is late :p

Here's my ref 3509

Feb I can pass u my new bottles to donate .. Nt heavy don't worry

thanks !!!


Interested Party:

1. Febie, Shayne 28 Jan

2. bbin2010, zx 28 jan

3. LSnTYL, Ayden 16 Jan

4. Luvbabe, Lucas 18 Dec

5. CY, Leticia 10 Jan

6. bigfoot, Bryan 13 Jan

7. Steph, Caleb 19 Jan

8. meglee, Hue Wen 22 Dec

9. pangpang, Fave 26 Dec

10. melody, Sharlyn 29 dec

11. Wendy, Lucas 22 Jan

12. Jessie, Arwen 31s Dec

13. mstan8888, Chloe 23 Dec

14. ET, Oliver 05 Jan

15. xin, mattias 23 Jan

16. Melgan(momo32) Zoe,1stJan

17. Brainkuku, Willem 13 Jan

18. AG, Caryn 3 jan

19. Wei, Esther 6 jan

20. Yuki, Chris 30 Dec

21. Mindy, Isaiah 9th Jan.

22. Shane, Chloe 4th Jan

23. Yem, Megan 5th Jan

24. C. Yang, Renee, 27 Dec

25. kOONIE, Joey 19 DEC

26. 2005, Yi Yi 12 Jan

27. Sweet, Tristan 12 Jan

28. Gardenia, Isaac 09 Jan

29. Afann , Ashton 19 Jan

I also never receive the sample huggies pack at all. How they send it? Through mail or courier?

Hope today the mummies going Isetan enjoy their shopping...

lsntyl: I think if 50 mummies, it would better to have chalet.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bbin2010, they sent it to the same address! i din check the size, just leave it aside only :p

LSnTYL, i'm not sure if we still can request.

Melissa- So fast Enxi on 3 solids already thats gd! Think I shld start making porridge so my boy can eat porridge at IFC soon but purees are much more easier to mk and store! I let IFC bathe my boy twice a day and we only bathe him wkends coz by the time he come home too late to bathe liao.

on bfing- I officially stop pumping at work this wk. But I still latch in morn and nite dunno can last how long since my supply is not much all along! My mum was like why dun continue bfing- if i got a lot of milk I def will ma! So jia you all bfing mummies!!

Jan bash- I also want since missed the last huge gathering! But my boy sup come out in end Jan only came out 2 Feb! I see all the babies is Dec and Jan de...

Oh I added some mummies on FB those that left ur email addresses [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I bought my bay leaves in Melbourne but i think Cold Storage/Market Place likely to have...basically it's angmoh ingredient. Anyway, can let you know tmw after i have checked out where got sell. Err...i have no idea what it is called in Chinese. As for cockroaches, just use pandan leaves or roach traps.

I would have given friends a piece of my mind if i catch them anyhow feeding food to my gal. And if it's my hb who does that, he would b dead! I think it really pays to b extra careful...for Mattias esp...since he's prone to allergies right?

2005>based on the website, registration has closed le. :p anyway, I got my samples so not intending to ask for more bah.

ET/bbin>The postman delivered it to my mom's place. Maybe he find it too squeezy to put in the mailbox cos the box is bulky.

bash location>anyone got lobang? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

its raining v heavily here. hope will stop soon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Febie, i check everyday leh.. I ask my neighbour, she also, only receive at her mum's place but not at her place (which is opposite me).. lol.. Her boy also jan 10 bb...

Interested Party:

1. Febie, Shayne 28 Jan

2. bbin2010, zx 28 jan

3. LSnTYL, Ayden 16 Jan

4. Luvbabe, Lucas 18 Dec

5. CY, Leticia 10 Jan

6. bigfoot, Bryan 13 Jan

7. Steph, Caleb 19 Jan

8. meglee, Hue Wen 22 Dec

9. pangpang, Fave 26 Dec

10. melody, Sharlyn 29 dec

11. Wendy, Lucas 22 Jan

12. Jessie, Arwen 31s Dec

13. mstan8888, Chloe 23 Dec

14. ET, Oliver 05 Jan

15. xin, mattias 23 Jan

16. Melgan(momo32) Zoe,1stJan

17. Brainkuku, Willem 13 Jan

18. AG, Caryn 3 jan

19. Wei, Esther 6 jan

20. Yuki, Chris 30 Dec

21. Mindy, Isaiah 9th Jan.

22. Shane, Chloe 4th Jan

23. Yem, Megan 5th Jan

24. C. Yang, Renee, 27 Dec

25. kOONIE, Joey 19 DEC

26. 2005, Yi Yi 12 Jan

27. Sweet, Tristan 12 Jan

28. Gardenia, Isaac 09 Jan

29. Afann , Ashton 19 Jan

30. lyn78, Sergius 26 Dec

Jessie: i hav tt to ur ac. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Interested Party:

1. Febie, Shayne 28 Jan

2. bbin2010, zx 28 jan

3. LSnTYL, Ayden 16 Jan

4. Luvbabe, Lucas 18 Dec

5. CY, Leticia 10 Jan

6. bigfoot, Bryan 13 Jan

7. Steph, Caleb 19 Jan

8. meglee, Hue Wen 22 Dec

9. pangpang, Fave 26 Dec

10. melody, Sharlyn 29 dec

11. Wendy, Lucas 22 Jan

12. Jessie, Arwen 31s Dec

13. mstan8888, Chloe 23 Dec

14. ET, Oliver 05 Jan

15. xin, mattias 23 Jan

16. Melgan(momo32) Zoe,1stJan

17. Brainkuku, Willem 13 Jan

18. AG, Caryn 3 jan

19. Wei, Esther 6 jan

20. Yuki, Chris 30 Dec

21. Mindy, Isaiah 9th Jan.

22. Shane, Chloe 4th Jan

23. Yem, Megan 5th Jan

24. C. Yang, Renee, 27 Dec

25. kOONIE, Joey 19 DEC

26. 2005, Yi Yi 12 Jan

27. Sweet, Tristan 12 Jan

28. Gardenia, Isaac 09 Jan

29. Afann , Ashton 19 Jan

30. qx13, Benjamin Seth 21 Jan

hi mummies, i am interested too!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re porridge:

so far i added basil to my son's potatoe porridge and it smells delicious! and i'm running out of ideas to cook for him le. so far, ive cooked brocoli with tofu, potato with carrot, potatoe and carrot alone porridge haha.. i wanna try something else for him leh. he's currently on 2 meals a day, lunch and dinner..

now he's crawling quite abit and can sit from crawling position le. and also attemtping to stand on his own while holding onto something. he's growing too fast! and his 3rd tooth has erupted, the upper tooth.. and the way he sleeps is like machiam more like toddler liao, anyhow turn and flipped, no longer like the newborn days, sleeping with his hands surrender kind...

ET, I request for the sampl at my plc n use my mum's name to request at her plc. My mum's got like 2 weeks ago, I just got mine 2 days ago in my mailbox. Think they probably go by area. Mine was in mailox cos its big enuff, mum's too small, they deliver to doorstep.

qx13, agree they grow super fast lo. My boy got 3.5 teeth le, 3 grown out n 1 upper one cut thru. They seems to be able to sort of understand wat we say, cos when I scold him,he angry with me, turn to find grandparents....Always wan us to let him down to walk/crawl!!! I go add u later

mindy> thks for the sharing... i find annabel karmel's book too many things... i get quite overwhemled... using another book now with more simple dishes... hee hee... i not so adventurous to mix stuff yet... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bbin> initially i also struggled alot... but i realise tt it gets better as the days go by... jus latch and latch... think easier to continue coz i'm a SAHM... ur next one u can try again... hee hee...

next jan most prob gg bk to work... so now trying to maintain ss and store... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tyl/SP> i paiseh to scold my friends leh... they were helping me feed him apple... then doono y got extra dessert come in... :p... they help me while i eating dinner... how to scold??? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]... but i just say "what?? u all feed him tt???"

SP> ya lor, think i better watch my son closely the next time we have gethering...

maybe the bay leaves cheaper in melbourne... my hb say here cost abt $10!

pauline/SP> i alr put pandan leaves leh... still got cockroach... now got lizards also... but read tt if got lizard wont have cockroach... but lizard droppings are quite irritating too... sighz...

qx13> my son also just erupt the upper tooth... his 3rd one too... and also just learnt to sit from crawling... today, he sit from lying down... scary scary... cant leave him alone on changing mat anymore... waiting for long weekend to re-org... hope nothing happens before then...

gathering> think teachers can rent aloha chalet right? got the big big 12 room types at changi i think... now i at hm no intranet cant check... maybe working teachers can help to check next week?

Interested Party:

1. Febie, Shayne 28 Jan

2. bbin2010, zx 28 jan

3. LSnTYL, Ayden 16 Jan

4. Luvbabe, Lucas 18 Dec

5. CY, Leticia 10 Jan

6. bigfoot, Bryan 13 Jan

7. Steph, Caleb 19 Jan

8. meglee, Hue Wen 22 Dec

9. pangpang, Fave 26 Dec

10. melody, Sharlyn 29 dec

11. Wendy, Lucas 22 Jan

12. Jessie, Arwen 31s Dec

13. mstan8888, Chloe 23 Dec

14. ET, Oliver 05 Jan

15. xin, mattias 23 Jan

16. Melgan(momo32) Zoe,1stJan

17. Brainkuku, Willem 13 Jan

18. AG, Caryn 3 jan

19. Wei, Esther 6 jan

20. Yuki, Chris 30 Dec

21. Mindy, Isaiah 9th Jan.

22. Shane, Chloe 4th Jan

23. Yem, Megan 5th Jan

24. C. Yang, Renee, 27 Dec

25. kOONIE, Joey 19 DEC

26. 2005, Yi Yi 12 Jan

27. Sweet, Tristan 12 Jan

28. Gardenia, Isaac 09 Jan

29. Afann , Ashton 19 Jan

30. qx13, Benjamin Seth 21 Jan

31. firipy, Ayden Chan 20 Dec

I added myself too altho my boy wld be more than 1 yr old le, hehe!

febie, if end of Jan most of us wld be busy with cny, wat do u tink if its on mid of the mth of jan ah?

i added CF Wendy on FB le.. eh but what is your nick here ah? haha

xin> i'm also gng back to work next year, a civil servant haha but still not sure if i wanna stay or tender when go back to work next jan.

my son these few days just wanna be carried.. my arms are aching lor! actually, can we discipline them now? like when he touch the socket or pull open the drawers, i will slapped his hand and tell him a stern NO, but he just look at me do a few more times and i keep doing it too, after a while he like bo hiu me and zoom off in his walker

qx13> haha... my hb will sat now they dont know.. but i saw a few mummies share that they can 'discipline' their child successfully... :p

my cil was sharing with me that her son at 18 mths just learn what's right and wrong... :p...

u want to tender and stay hm? can u extend your leave... if yes, then dont tender yet lor... unless u have other plans... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

xin> till now i'm still not sure, plus the infant care below my hse area is quite ex even after subsidy still have to pay $800 wor.. so hopefully by then my hubby and i can work something out, till then i just take it each day as it comes and pray for wisdom haha.. saw your son's photo and he is very cute!

qx13, you can use the CDA funds first, which means will be only $400 a month as gov match dollar to dollar up to $6k (total = 12k).. Once they go childcare, it will be slightly cheaper already.

Interested Party:

1. Febie, Shayne 28 Jan

2. bbin2010, zx 28 jan

3. LSnTYL, Ayden 16 Jan

4. Luvbabe, Lucas 18 Dec

5. CY, Leticia 10 Jan

6. bigfoot, Bryan 13 Jan

7. Steph, Caleb 19 Jan

8. meglee, Hue Wen 22 Dec

9. pangpang, Fave 26 Dec

10. melody, Sharlyn 29 dec

11. Wendy, Lucas 22 Jan

12. Jessie, Arwen 31s Dec

13. mstan8888, Chloe 23 Dec

14. ET, Oliver 05 Jan

15. xin, mattias 23 Jan

16. Melgan(momo32) Zoe,1stJan

17. Brainkuku, Willem 13 Jan

18. AG, Caryn 3 jan

19. Wei, Esther 6 jan

20. Yuki, Chris 30 Dec

21. Mindy, Isaiah 9th Jan.

22. Shane, Chloe 4th Jan

23. Yem, Megan 5th Jan

24. C. Yang, Renee, 27 Dec

25. kOONIE, Joey 19 DEC

26. 2005, Yi Yi 12 Jan

27. Sweet, Tristan 12 Jan

28. Gardenia, Isaac 09 Jan

29. Afann , Ashton 19 Jan

30. qx13, Benjamin Seth 21 Jan

31. firipy, Ayden Chan 20 Dec

32. Josie, Bryan 20 Jan

qx13> thks. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] will go and see ur son too... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]... u added me to FB is it? sorry, i seldom go and quite lazy to add pple... :p...

ET> hmmm... think tt way is good hor... then wont feel so ex... i also thinking want put baby in infant care next yr anot... will be infant care for half a yr then childcare liaoz...

i'm trying to work out a part-time work schedule with my bosses... if ok then i just put him in flexi care... but tt means less subsidy also... anyone knows how flexi-care works?


its me ah... tot i oredi 'identified' myself when i added u?


i tried... but still don increase.. plus my gal not cooperative.. doesn wanto latch... i tot SAHM even worst for me coz i tend not to eat much... n one most impt thing is muz eat more n drink more fluid which i couldn n didn do so during the 1st 3 mths.. so i really admire those who are SAHM without any help n somemore can BF...

wah alot of teachers here ah...?

bbin> if you girl dont latch then abit more difficult... hope ur next child will b more co-operative... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]...

actually many times i want to stop BF and stop pumping... but my hb is v encouraging... coz it's FREE! :p... and really v convenient when we go out...

bbin2010> oops i din see any messages haha.. i also same as you but worse! i was very stressed out during the 1st week of my confinement cos firstly i was anxious why no milk came in, secondly my hubby fell sick, real sick and we had no nanny to look after baby and me. then baby didn't want to drink from my breast so we supplement with formula. from then he as been drinking formula. even when i pump at tha time, the amt was so miserable like literally few drops kind. only got 1 day hit 30ml haha.. i was very depressed too and cry everday. the slightest thing ppl say, i will cry. just the other day i was telling my hubby i bu fu qi din not get to breastfeed at all, so next kid i MUST 'live-live'breastfeed lor haha

qx13, same as me, i got no confinement nanny, my boy also refused to suckle, i also cry and anything and everything for the 1st 2 weeks.. But i managed to pump from 15ml and gradually to like 120ml per pump over 3+ mths, but ruin everything after i went to Taipei for a short trip. But still managed to supplement him with BM till he 6 mths la..

Next kid, i will also make sure the baby suckle and also will get a day care confinement lady.. lol..

Hello Mommies!!

I'm back from a very eventful vacation. I thought string of events only happen in movies until it happened to me. The day before I left, my big auntie decided to reappear. Turned out this is only the beginning of my adventure. When we were checking in for our flights, we were notified that my passport has only 4 months of validity left. Gosh! We had already paid for accommodation and booked airport transfers. I really thought I was going to ruin the vacation for DH. We were flying on Silkair and luckily, they allowed me to board at my own cost/risk (in case I get deported). We had checked with the hotel and they had assured us that for leisure, 3 months of validity is sufficient. Still I was jittery when we arrived at the Indonesian Immigration and they took some time to clear us. I was so so relived when I saw them stamping my passport. At the resort, I found my breast pump indicating critical battery although I had fully-charged it before we left the house and I did not bring the charger along. And my little boy refused to latch, unless he's half asleep or groggy. Luckily I still managed to pump a bit during the critical times when my hands couldn't do the work. If that's not enough, the day we left, I accidentally hit a curb and it sliced off half my mid toe nail. Ouchhh... Now that I'm back, I'm dealing with super duper low supply.

On a positive note, we did spend some quality time together as a family. And Yongxian achieved many of his first. First time on the plane, first time on the speedboat, first time catching ants, etc...

Tapping water in the pool


By the stairs


My personal favourite....


Interested Party:

1. Febie, Shayne 28 Jan

2. bbin2010, zx 28 jan

3. LSnTYL, Ayden 16 Jan

4. Luvbabe, Lucas 18 Dec

5. CY, Leticia 10 Jan

6. bigfoot, Bryan 13 Jan

7. Steph, Caleb 19 Jan

8. meglee, Hue Wen 22 Dec

9. pangpang, Fave 26 Dec

10. melody, Sharlyn 29 dec

11. Wendy, Lucas 22 Jan

12. Jessie, Arwen 31s Dec

13. mstan8888, Chloe 23 Dec

14. ET, Oliver 05 Jan

15. xin, mattias 23 Jan

16. Melgan(momo32) Zoe,1stJan

17. Brainkuku, Willem 13 Jan

18. AG, Caryn 3 jan

19. Wei, Esther 6 jan

20. Yuki, Chris 30 Dec

21. Mindy, Isaiah 9th Jan.

22. Shane, Chloe 4th Jan

23. Yem, Megan 5th Jan

24. C. Yang, Renee, 27 Dec

25. kOONIE, Joey 19 DEC

26. 2005, Yi Yi 12 Jan

27. Sweet, Tristan 12 Jan

28. Gardenia, Isaac 09 Jan

29. Afann , Ashton 19 Jan

30. qx13, Benjamin Seth 21 Jan

31. firipy, Ayden Chan 20 Dec

32. Josie, Bryan 20 Jan

33. cocomama, Yongxian 22 Dec

cocomama - YX has lovely lashes! What an eventful trip. Heheh. But more imptly, you managed to capture beautiful moments like this!

lsntyl - Oh, have yet to have time to thank you. Managed to sell half partial of my overstocked Similac. Hhehee.

mommies who will be travelling with LOs soon> I brought in a small flask with hot water and 2 milk bottles also filled with water and did not encounter any problem. In any case, there is water and hot water dispenser at the boarding gate. Both times, we were given Heinz jars but I did not feed during the flight as it coincides with his milk feed. It was also a short flight of 2.5 hours so most of the time he was busy exploring around and then slept a little bit. Yongxian fit just nicely into the bassinet. I think for our next trip, we most likely won't need a bassinet.

Interested Party:

1. Febie, Shayne 28 Jan

2. bbin2010, zx 28 jan

3. LSnTYL, Ayden 16 Jan

4. Luvbabe, Lucas 18 Dec

5. CY, Leticia 10 Jan

6. bigfoot, Bryan 13 Jan

7. Steph, Caleb 19 Jan

8. meglee, Hue Wen 22 Dec

9. pangpang, Fave 26 Dec

10. melody, Sharlyn 29 dec

11. Wendy, Lucas 22 Jan

12. Jessie, Arwen 31s Dec

13. mstan8888, Chloe 23 Dec

14. ET, Oliver 05 Jan

15. xin, mattias 23 Jan

16. Melgan(momo32) Zoe,1stJan

17. Brainkuku, Willem 13 Jan

18. AG, Caryn 3 jan

19. Wei, Esther 6 jan

20. Yuki, Chris 30 Dec

21. Mindy, Isaiah 9th Jan.

22. Shane, Chloe 4th Jan

23. Yem, Megan 5th Jan

24. C. Yang, Renee, 27 Dec

25. kOONIE, Joey 19 DEC

26. 2005, Yi Yi 12 Jan

27. Sweet, Tristan 12 Jan

28. Gardenia, Isaac 09 Jan

29. Afann , Ashton 19 Jan

30. qx13, Benjamin Seth 21 Jan

31. firipy, Ayden Chan 20 Dec

32. Josie, Bryan 20 Jan

33. cocomama, Yongxian 22 Dec

34. ecookie, yongrui 18 jan

lamb>hee, no probs lah. hope you sell them all soon!

cocomama>wah, where did you go? it looks v nice. YX looks so sweet in the last photo

cocomama, yongxian looks so happy, u really got alot of adventures lei. Its gd to have some family time. My hb can't even afford a weekend to JB, his work is so unpredictable....sad, I want a holiday!

WAH YX growing up to be a very stout boy eh! Can sit so well! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] His lashes are very long eh!

Lynn/ Afann : Received you TT liao.

Sueann / Esterlla / ShaDing : Please let me know when you will pay for the loot. Thanks!


wow, wat an eventful holiday... i'll b damn stressed if i were u... haha...

but its really an envy to b able to go for trips... ur boy luks like a big boy oredi!

brainkuku > Yeah! Seems like only 2 babies are born on 13 Jan. Bryan is at KKH. How about Willem?

cocomama > Saw your holiday mis-adventures! Ai yo, so heng with the immigration thingy cos my gal friend was being denied boarding of flight the last time. Well, most impt of all, you have enjoyed a nice holiday with your family and that's what matters most! :D


I'm online now... Looks like we can start sharing ideas forth bash... For those expat mums, let us know how long u all will be in sin ok?

Try to accommodate u all since u all dun get to attend mass gathering.

Yes! Yongxian is so adorable and look like a big boy already.. so cute.. The one by the stairs.. he look so steady siah.. haha

Wah the big birthday bash really getting alot of pple.. i talk to my husband abd he is excited abt it.. He has the bigbirthdayrewards.com website that provides all information on birthday rewards..

He is willing to help us to do this birthday bash n get in SPONSORS for us.. woohooohoo..

Hope we really can get this pull thru..

so i can get him to work on it soon if all mummies agreed to it..

We have so many mummies here..

Location is a problem too.. i dun think a condo function room can house all of us..

So once confirm and all mummies agree and i will ask my hubby to go ahead n help us to plan bah..

Let me know if you all have any ideas...

We have to get it planned soon.. Coz now is already Sept!!


Finally found someone who has the same bday as Isaiah!! <gardenia,>

Isaiah n Isaac.. hahaha similar names some more.. hehe

Gardenia, which hospital u from?

