(2010/01) January 2010 mtb


Haha.. For my first hor.. I didn even finish one tube of clarin cream ah.. I m jus too lazy ba.. But lucky i dun have stretch mark still [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


smalldreams, quite a # of items on sale.

10% on OIOI, 20% on BabyBjorn, 20% on Tommee Tippee. Also other items oso on sale.

If you have dbs credit cards, 30% off on regular prices from 1 to 30 June for items like kids and baby fashion, hanging pyjamas etc.

cladi, i din use any cream at all, i bought bioderm one but end up din use cos i was allergy to the cream, it make me itchy. lucky boh stretch marks, but dono #2 will have or nt.


Me too.. Duno wana buy n use for #2 or not.. Some told me from 2nd mths onward.. Will feel the itch on tummy le.. So sld start using liao..


wow mothercare got sale? i must check it out, would like to get my boy some clothes if there is 30% discount! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


oh dear, yr poor boy. I'm actually opposite of you, i'm a super kiasu mum. Whenever my boy is abit sick I will always rush him to see doctor. As there was a few times, he detoriated quite fast and doctor was worried so I don't dare to wait it out anymore. But if yr boy is active and eating,playing well, i think he shld be ok [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i'm a 1st time preggie, went for a scan ytd ,for 5wks + will the bb have heartbeat bcos my gynea told me so ...=p my hubby laughing all e way in doubt ..how can a small thing have heartbeat =(

cladi, i thin i don want to waste $$ first wait till and see how, ahhaa!

lilgisele, ya from 29 May onwards, if u want to use dbs credit card for the 30% off, it start from 1 june.

morning ladies!

jas, my friend who also had 4 kids via C-sect was also told her 4th had to be last kid. True hor, how many kids will be dependent on how you want your lifestyle to be.

LC, salute your diligence!

megan, eating apple will take away bitter taste in mouth? hmmm...shall try that then. I realise my water intake has reduced greatly. I can't even finished my morning cup of tea. And I hardly drink water as well.

cladi, take a walk once in a while. Just to let blood circulate. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Congrats [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ya.. At 6wks.. Most heartbeat can b seen le.. Ur hubby must b very excited.. Going to b daddy liao.. I rmb my hubby first know i was preg with #1, we went gp to check, he was stand outside the clinic with my dog.. Signal me whether m i preg.. After i nob my head.. He was like ah siao.. Standing outside smiling all the way.. Til i go out.. He keep askin me.. Say he goin to b pa pa le hor.. Real crazy lo..


Thk i will oso wait n c.. Mayb i wont even feel any itch hor


Yes mdm [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hubby oso keep naggin.. Alway sms me to remind me take break.. Hehe..

hi cladi,

my hubby is not wif me wheni went for the checkup ytd cos busy wif wrk =( bo bian... just shown him the dupicate scan pic & told him wat the DR said...then he's like fainting * so some got heart beat ("_")


[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] try to arrange time tat suit u both.. Then go gyne together ah.. For the whole of my #1 gyne visit.. My hubby only miss once.. Which was the last visit b4 i deliver.. Is like hubby will get to feel of bb grow each time we visit gyne together.. N wat gyne say.. They tend to believes more.. Lots to chat abt after each visit de [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i also like hubby to go gynae with me

hee hee.. i'm a v dependent woman

and i want him to be involved [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


you are v goot lat leh

i bought tons of creams, never finish

in the end got to give away, lucky my gf and sil got preg

each of them got tubes / bottles from me

i did apply lah, but still got stretch marks. angry!

koonie i agree with cladi, try to go with your hubby. its a very amazing experience that fathers should not miss out on.

i went with my hubby on all my visits and will do the same for this pregnancy. it helps the fathers bond with the baby and also like what cladi said lots to chat abt after each visit!!

yap ! i agree wif u ladies here, but my hubby's schdule is very tight so had to be understanding...tis bb is a surprise gift (*_^) to us, i didn't expect to be a mum so soon..I'm very happy & excited bcos today is my bd =p 3person celebrating


Its ur bday tdy? Happy birthday [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My #1 was oso a suprise.. One mth after marry n i m tested positive.. Hence we were quite shock.. Hehe.. But happy oso ah..


Errr... Wont u feel disappointed when hubby refuse to go gyne with u due to long waiting.. U r oso waiting there for ur turn ma.. I alway like to see how thoughtful some hubby is at the clinic.. Help wife here n there..

On tat last visit which my hubby miss.. I was waiting at the shopping centre for abt 1hr le.. Clinic call twice to info was my turn liao.. But hubby was trap in messy jam.. So no choice.. I got to go myself.. Only one time oso feel so disappointed lo.. Some more is last visit ah.. Was ask next day admin to hospital to induce le... Hai..

cladi, sweet of your hubby to sms you to remind you to rest.

I'm another who prefers hubby to be around for gynae visits. Must let him experience the process mah. So even now that I'm SAHM, I will make weekend appointments so that he can come along. :p

Happy birthday koonie! Nice present hor?


Hehe.. He very nagging one..

I oso chose dr woody due to his visitin time can b in evening.. Hence we both can go together after work.. No need take leave..

i duno y i still got bit reddish discharge leh.. On n off.. I m taking 2tab duphaston for 3time per day le.. Did rest le.. But how come still got leh..

Is spotting = red or brown discharge ah? Any ladies still has spotting here?


I know my hb too well liao...expectation on him not too high. or prob I'm also too independent liao...do everything on my own. I even took a flight back to Msia on my own when I was 5 mths pregnant.

Hi, Cladi

I guess I heard too much liao lar, and saw the ugly stretchmark that my brother has (yup, he has it cos he was very fat before go NS, then kanna training and shred the fats, but came the stretchmark.. ) so scare ba so buy the oil to apply. But I guess the saying that if our mother dun has it, likelihood we wun have it too is high.. You have cramp so early stage? tot it will come later and not now.. do some leg lift since now you are still quite light.. can tone your leg at the same time too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi, Gisele

Guess I am more or the relaxed mummy. I dun really like to feed med to my baby. think of their small organs etc.. so if it is not too big matter, I will just leave it for awhile and monitor. I believe they will build up their own body resistance somehow.. My MIL dun buy it and keep asking me to bring my boy to the doctor and blame us for not knowing how to be parents.. sighnz!!


Reali ah.. At 5th preg.. Since take fly alone ah.. Mayb i too dependent ba...


Thk my mother got bit stretch mark.. By the side only..

Can do leg raise meh.. Tot tat would stress my lower tummy.. Which is no good now rite .. Somemore i still got reddish discharge now.. Hai..

My mother comment tat my last confinement didn do well.. Didn pui enough.. Hence now weak.. Got all this problem..

Hi, Cladi

for leg raise, I mean put a pillow to support your leg ... and if can raise up a bit, but dun exert.. guess now, you just put a pillow underneath your leg to allow blood circulation..I think my mum will also comment the same things as your mother..

SINGAPORE: Singapore has confirmed its first case of Influenza A (H1N1).

The patient is currently being treated at the Communicable Disease Centre at Tan Tock Seng Hospital (TTSH) and is in stable condition.

The patient is a 22-year-old Singaporean woman who was in New York from May 14-24.

She arrived back in Singapore from New York on SQ25 on 26 May at 6.30am.

She began to develop a cough while onboard.

She passed the thermal scanner uneventfully as she did not have fever then.

Later in the morning, she consulted a GP who decided to send her to TTSH via a 993 ambulance, given her travel history.

She was immediately admitted for testing. Laboratory confirmation of her infection was made by midnight of 26 May.

The patient has been vigilant in monitoring her own condition and had sought immediate medical attention once she realized that she was unwell.

Her attending GP, through his quick response in activating the 993 ambulance for the patient, had also helped to minimize the spread of infection from this case.

The Health Ministry says it has initiated contact tracing of her close contacts. They will be quarantined and provided with antiviral prophylaxis.

Passengers who had travelled in the same flight and were seated in rows 52 to 58 are urged to call the hotline at 1800-333 9999 to enable the MOH to check on their health condition.

The MOH adds that all medical practitioners and healthcare institutions should continue to be vigilant to suspect cases.

Singapore will continue with temperature screening for passengers entering Singapore at all checkpoints (land, sea and air).

All passengers passing through or entering Singapore are given Health Alert Notices on board their flights, advising them to monitor their own health if they have been to affected areas and to seek medical attention immediately if they are not well.

- CNA/ir


Haha.. Tot u ask me do leg raise exercise.. I try put pillow under leg last nite.. But i cant stand lying flat leh.. Must slp on side or on stomach..

Thk most mother will blame it on last confinement hor.. She even volunter to do confinement for me this round.. Haha..

my mum and ah ma dun have stretchmarks

but i ganna big time

can't believe how suay i am


did you call clinic? maybe the residual leftover ones?


Didn call up to check la.. Mayb i m jus too kan cheong ba.. Wait til next tue visit then c wat gyne say.. Mayb tat jab cant b avoid ba.. Hai


I shy ma.. Hehehe..

I jus call up the childcare centre near my place.. Check whether if i wan to send my shawn there in oct.. When sld i visit the centre n reserve a place.. Was told must do it now liao.. Ppl reserve til next yr lo.. I so kan cheong.. Make appointment to visit this sat liao.

Experience mummies.. Can tell me wat sld i take note at the visit? Must i quickly place deposit n reserve place like wat they say so pack? Really can b so pack til must reserve so soon meh?

dumbger, he did prewarn me la. but i thought i will still go ahead. in the end double pain.

jes, can do 5 c-sec ah.

now my c-sec wound still itch as and when and now sometimes there's slight stinging pain. dont know if it's coz i carry my girl too much.

my recently visit to gynae he says im having blood clots and prescribed hormone pills. I just hope everything is alright.


yah, depends on the cc, some are very popular so hard to secure a spot for yr child. Good to see the different activity areas for yr child, get to know the cirriculum and teachers. I think u can check the MCYS website,they list down the things you shld look out for when visiting childcare centres.

off the top of my head, the key things for me was the programme, the attention (teacher student ratio) my boy will receive, whether they have chinese classes, that the school has enough space for the kids. Have good outdoor/indoor programmes etc.

for my boy's school, it was very pack also. i almost did not get a slot but luckily one space available after one overseas family was leaving singapore. So very heng ah..

U better bed rest some more and maybe ask clinic if this is normal? must be abit kiasu lah, after all this is first trimester, so still quite dangerous.


i'm also the independent type, ok to go gynea without hubby. But my hubby insist on going, so ok lah, haha i bring him along. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Wat kind of ratio sld we b expecting ah? 1 teacher to how many child?

I got lots of ??? In mind to ask when visit leh.. Example.. Shawn still slps in yao lan in the day.. How to make him slp on mattress there? Do they bath the child? Must the child b able to feed himself by then? Etc etc.. I write down a list le.. Will go there n ask this sat..


shawn how many months now? if i'm not wrong the teacher student ratio is also listed on the MCYS website.

i also had the same concerns as you. you can ask all the questions u want, they are obliged to share how to cope and help yr boy adjust. My boy only goes half day, so they dont bathe him but do wash him up if they have water play during the day. My boy does not feed himself yet but they are teaching him now. For sleeping, they have mats for him to lie on. Previously he also refuse to lie on them but after he settle down, he just follow what the other kids do and sleep on the mat. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yah, the only downside of visiting on saturday is that usually got little or no kids there. U will need to go down again to observe during a school day, that way you can see how the kids interact with the teachers etc.

for those mummies who want cheap cheap maternity wear, can find time to shop at City Plaza. They are wholesaler, so it's cheaper...but have to slowly see hor...i bot a few fm there during my 1st pregnancy, some only cost $10 for a top


Ya.. She mention sat i wont get to see the child routine lo.. But i intend to find another day next wk to drop in to visit again.. Since i m still on leave then..

The cc charge $450 after subsidy.. Then got one mth deposit of $750 (fee b4 subsidy), registration fee $75.. Mattress n cover, uniforms for mornin n afternoon.. All the charges are similar to other cc ? Do other place oso charge on mattress n cover?


cladi, the cc will sure ask you to place deposit asap. u shld go and observe first - most impt, see if the kids are happy, smiling, cheerful. once i visited a playschool with 1 kid crying, another kid with drippy nose and teacher scolding another kid. so it was no way, altho it is just downstairs

